• We Need a Secular Community

    Updated: 2023-08-16 12:12:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 8.16.2023 We Need a Secular Community Most nonbelievers recognize the difficulty of bringing atheists , humanists , and freethinkers together . Protests about how we're not joiners are so common that they have become a psychological hurdle , if not an actual one . And yet , many questions remain unanswered . Is it desirable to strive for a united secular community What might such a community look like Is it even possible to bring people together under the banner of nonbelief in gods This post addresses whether a secular community is something we should . seek Terminology Some terminology may be helpful at the outset . I think of secular community as being an umbrella

  • Responding To Anti-Atheist Bigotry: Go on Offense or Play Defense?

    Updated: 2023-08-11 21:12:00
    : Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 8.11.2023 Responding To Anti-Atheist Bigotry : Go on Offense or Play Defense When I encounter bigotry , I often feel obliged to speak out . This reaction isn't limited to anti-atheist bigotry I also experience it in cases of racism , gay bashing , sexism , and the like . I find myself thinking that by remaining silent , I am condoning the behavior . My silence communicates that it is okay with me , and that pushes me to speak out . Still , I'm not always sure how best to respond in these situations . This started me thinking about how atheists should respond to the bigotry directed at . us When confronted with anti-atheist bigotry , what is the atheist to do Silence

  • Do Christians Have the Power to Believe Whatever They Want?

    Updated: 2023-08-09 12:46:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 8.09.2023 Do Christians Have the Power to Believe Whatever They Want I've long thought that Christians who tell atheists to just believe don't understand how belief works . I can't will myself into believing something I don't believe . But what if I've missed something obvious The fact that belief doesn't work this way for me doesn't have to mean it doesn't work this way for them . Might Christians be able to believe whatever they desire If so , this could have an upside . Aren't there things we'd be happier believing even if they weren't true Suppose I could believe that I am more attractive , intelligent , or capable than I am . Isn't it reasonable to think that

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