• Why Haven't I Written More About Secular Spirituality?

    Updated: 2023-03-22 11:31:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 3.22.2023 Why Haven't I Written More About Secular Spirituality Spirituality is a topic I haven't written much about . This might seem odd because I do have some interest in secular spirituality I've thought of writing about it many times but always seem to pull back . Of all the posts I've started and abandoned before finishing , most relate to this . topic There are a few reasons for my reluctance , but I'm not sure any of them are good reasons . I'm also not sure I'm willing to let any of them hold me back much longer . In this post , I'll take a look at three of these reasons and see if I can set them . aside Spirituality Is Hard to Define The first reason I

  • Faith Allows Them to Maintain Belief by Suspending Critical Thinking

    Updated: 2023-03-14 20:58:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 3.14.2023 Faith Allows Them to Maintain Belief by Suspending Critical Thinking Faith , in a religious context , does not refer to an abstract sense of hope or confidence . It refers to a particular sort of belief , a belief in something not supported by evidence . That's not to say there can't be any evidence whatsoever , but there isn't enough to support the . belief If there was adequate evidence to support a belief , faith would be unnecessary . When asked to explain their belief , those who had it would resort to evidence . Faith is what one does when one wants to maintain a belief without enough . evidence Believing something without enough evidence to justify it

  • Atheists, Could Secular Spirituality Help Us Bridge Our Divides?

    Updated: 2023-03-08 12:29:00
    , Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 3.08.2023 Atheists , Could Secular Spirituality Help Us Bridge Our Divides The subject of spirituality has long been controversial among atheists . Some argue that no self-respecting atheist should talk about it . They insist that it implies supernatural entities . Do they forget that not all atheists are metaphysical naturalists Some atheists believe in ghosts after . all Other atheists are determined to convince us that spirituality is good for everyone and that atheists should embrace secular forms of spirituality . They may forget that their own needs or desires for what they call spirituality are not universal and that some atheists find little use for

  • The Role of Trauma as a Cause of Atheism Is Overstated

    Updated: 2023-03-04 13:07:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 3.04.2023 The Role of Trauma as a Cause of Atheism Is Overstated I have heard many misconceptions about atheists from Christians . The one I'll address here is one I've always found interesting . It is the idea that all atheists have had traumatic experiences with religion . That's why we are atheists . Our atheism is a negative reaction to religious . trauma This claim seems to appeal to many Christians because it means that atheism will pass . If we worked on recovering and gave religion another chance , we'd believe again . We'd see that we were responding to hurt and that our atheism was little more than a . tantrum This misconception strikes me as a twist on an

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