• How to Improve Our World: One Stone for Many Birds

    Updated: 2023-07-28 20:05:00
    : Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 7.28.2023 How to Improve Our World : One Stone for Many Birds We all realize that the world we inhabit is far from perfect , right Even on a good day , there are some things we'd like to improve . We won't necessarily agree on what they are , but each of us could come up with a list without too much difficulty . If we compared our lists , we'd find that they had some items in . common People who value the separation of church and state are still quite diverse . Some are religious believers , and others are atheists . Some favor liberal politics , while others are more conservative in their political views . Valuing secularism gives us something in common , and many

  • Belief in Gods and Other Religious Concepts Has Declined Since 2001

    Updated: 2023-07-22 13:38:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 7.22.2023 Belief in Gods and Other Religious Concepts Has Declined Since 2001 There's a bit of good news to report from a recent Gallup poll . Their strange title gives most of it away : Belief in Five Spiritual Entities Edges Down to New Lows But what are the five entities God I'm unsure which one this is supposed to refer to Angels Heaven how is this an entity Hell again , how is this an entity The Devil It should not surprise but may disappoint you that 74 of their respondents profess belief in some sort of god . Sadly , the United States continues to be an outlier here . Still , this number has dropped quite a bit since 2001. And while only 12 of those surveyed

  • A More Complete Response to the Question of Why I'm An Atheist

    Updated: 2023-07-13 12:35:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 7.13.2023 A More Complete Response to the Question of Why I'm An Atheist Why are you an atheist I've heard that question or some version of it more times than I can count . I don't blame the person asking it for asking it . Like me , they might live in a country where almost everyone believes in gods . Someone who doesn't is an outlier . Someone who uses the atheist label is even more of an outlier . Besides , asking questions about the world around us is a good thing . It is the kind of thing we should encourage My most common response is that religious believers haven't met their burden of proof . I'm an atheist because I have not encountered sufficient evidence to

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