• Question the Common Practice of Equating Christian With Moral Goodness

    Updated: 2023-04-23 12:28:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 4.23.2023 Question the Common Practice of Equating Christian With Moral Goodness I've written quite a bit about how it is a mistake to equate Christian with moral goodness This is still common practice in the United States , and it is a practice not limited to Christians . In fact , I hear it from other atheists more than I hear it from Christians . They are trying to call attention to hypocrisy but end up helping to perpetuate a . myth When I encounter this assumption from Christians , it is usually quite blatant . I challenge it , pointing it out and explaining that I reject it . The version I hear from atheists is often more subtle . I try to make it more explicit

  • Attitudes Toward Atheists Are Becoming Slightly Less Negative in the United States

    Updated: 2023-04-17 10:57:00
    Atheist Revolution Breaking free from irrational belief and opposing Christian extremism Pages About Subscribe Blogroll FAQ 4.17.2023 Attitudes Toward Atheists Are Becoming Slightly Less Negative in the United States Toward the middle of March , the Pew Research Center released a study in which they reported evidence that the acceptance of atheists is growing in the United States . I enjoyed how the Freedom From Religion Foundation FFRF put it When you’re at the bottom , you can only go up . It isn't that attitudes toward atheists are positive it is that they are somewhat less . negative Americans continue to rate atheists more negatively than positively but atheists have edged up slightly above Muslims and Mormons in terms of favorability ratings . Only 20 percent of Americans have

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