Feed Distiller for Blog Readers
People read blogs in many ways. Maybe you just bookmark the blog your interested in, and visit there when you feel like. Maybe you end up at blog sites after being pointed there by item sharing website. There probably thousands of interesting blog feeds you missing out on. Try our Feed Finder tools to share for brand new blog feeds.
If your serious about reading blogs you've probably got hundreds all read by an Blog aggregator either on-line or on your desktop. And its when have that many, that you start to realise that, a lot of the content isn't really what you wanted. Wouldn't it be nice if you could someone pre-check all the items to see if they where interesting for you. That's what Feed Distiller is about all. You can upload of list of blog feeds and have them pre-screened to see if they match example pages. Alternatively you can teach Feed Distiller what you like, by quickly marking one set of items as like or don't like. Then Feed Distiller will make a brand new filtered feed, containing just the items interesting for you.