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Believe-it-or-not | Business | Computers+IT | Entertainment | Health+Medicine |
Hobbies | Lifestyle | Music | Politics | Science |
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First Person Shooter, Computer Games
Barry Adams
Actors from America
Life Styler
Funny people from the loudest country
Barry Adams
blog articles about US Television
Mr Movie
Game for Android Phones and Tablets
Barry Adams
Television from Australia
Mr Movie
Video Fighting Games, one on one, and scrolling
arcaded action games.
Gamie Boy
Funny People from the Funniest Country
Barry Adams
Television in the UK
Mr Movie
Books items on books for Children
bookie reader
Classic and current comedy movies
Mr Movie
Wild West oldies
Mr Movie
book reviews for Crime Fiction, Detective etc.
bookie reader
Cult TV series
Mr Movie
Nursing Blog on nurses topics, nursing scrubs product info and more
Lisa Buben
Classic Movie of the genru
Mr Movie
Flash Games played on the web
Gamie Boy
All time scariest movies
Mr Movie
Blog items about Horror Stories (books)
bookie reader
Games using the HTML5 Canvas
Neal Pointer
People who tell jokes
Barry Adams
Humour and Jokes
Life Styler
news about interactive TV
Ard Wear
About Jane Austin
Barry Adams
The study of Journalism itself
Life Styler
The art of writing
Life Styler
Japanese Comics and Cartoons
Gamie Boy
Multi user dungeons. And Massively MultiPlayer Online Dungeons.
Gamie Boy
West end and Broadway Musicals
Mr Movie
Games for the Nintendo platform(s)
Gamie Boy
The new Playstation 4
Gamie Boy
Puzzles to solve
Life Styler
Older (especially 8-bit) games remade for modern computers.
Gamie Boy
Blog items about romance novels
bookie reader
Blogs items about science fiction books
Science Guy
Latest blog items on science fiction movies
Science Guy
Strategy and Simulation Computer Games
Gamie Boy
Films about any war
Mr Movie
Games for the X-box
Gamie Boy
The new XBox One
Gamie Boy