Updated: 2025-01-19 14:02:38
Most of us only have a vague notion of what is REALLY causing us to feel stressed. For example, when you say "my job is stressful," what does that mean? There could be any number of reasons why you feel that your job is stressful. One of the best ways to pinpoint exactly what is going on is to keep a journal or a log of anything and everything that stresses you for at least a week, preferably two.
Updated: 2025-01-19 14:02:38
Everyone has a different take on why the holidays are so stressful. For some it's too commercial, for others it's a lot of money and credit card debt, and for still others it's a painful reminder of a loved one who is no longer there to share it with you.
Updated: 2025-01-19 14:02:38
My first day in India was so remarkable it's hard know where to begin. It started in a little three wheeled green and yellow taxi with open sides, careening through dirty streets crowded with people some of whom were burning little piles of garbage on the sidewalks. During the course of this day I saw "sacred" cows and stray dogs wandering in the streets and Monkey's playing with their babies overhead in the trees. I literally had to play chicken with the cars and the busses and the motorcycles in order to cross ANY street. I was hugged by Indian school children, who wanted to pose with me in pictures because I was a "foreigner."
Updated: 2025-01-19 14:02:38
I went to yoga class on Thanksgiving morning, and when it was over a woman next to me announced with a smile: "Now I can go home and face my in-laws." There's always a bit of a release at the end of a good yoga class where you just kind of let go of whatever it is you are holding on to. The same thing happened to me in a yoga class I took the day before hurricane Sandy rolled through Connecticut. I remember walking into that class feeling anxious and tense and walking out feeling much more at peace and at ease.
Updated: 2025-01-19 14:02:38
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