Updated: 2023-07-31 05:00:00
In this more methodical practice Birgitte encourages us to find the truth, or Satya, within. We return to our intention throughout our flow, visiting Tree, Parsvottonasana, and Twisting Triangle, and closing in cooling seated poses. You will feel calm and aware.
Updated: 2023-07-24 05:02:00
Birgitte welcomes us to Season 3 of Wake Up with Yoga. This season, we focus our sequences around the Yoga philosophy concepts of the Yamas and Niyamas, allowing us to explore the practice in more depth and enrich our experience together. We move slowly and mindfully through 8 30-minute classes that target the entire body, generating strength, stability, flexibility, and mobility, and leaving you feeling stronger, calmer, focused, and more introspective.
Updated: 2023-07-24 05:01:00
Start your day off right with this energizing full-body flow practice connecting movement with breath, moving step-by-step through Sun Salutes and standing poses. You will feel grounded, focused, and clear.
Updated: 2023-07-24 05:00:00
In this strengthening class we move with a sense of Ahimsa, non-harming, tuning into and honoring our own bodies and needs, so that we may be able to practice for the rest of our lives. We start by stabilizing the core, outer hips, glutes, and back, then flow mindfully through Sun Salutes and standing poses. You will feel strong, stable, and connected to Self.