Updated: 2023-04-24 05:00:00
Flow with a relaxed and steady tone as we explore movement reflective of the cycles of the moon, from expansion and doing to contracting and receiving. We move through grounding Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutes), "off-road" in a playful Marichyasana vinyasa variation, and explore a restorative back bend. You will feel nourished, soothed, and steady.
Updated: 2023-04-20 05:00:00
Melina welcomes us to the Green Yogi Challenge. Being of service to others and the environment begins with self-care. This 5 week challenge incorporates nurturing and invigorating movement practices with simple eco-friendly tips that you can integrate into your life right now. With conscious awareness, we nurture our own health while tending to the care of the community and the earth. You will feel grounded, connected, and inspired to take small steps for big change.
Updated: 2023-04-17 05:00:00
Burn through stagnant energy in this invigorating flow honoring the Sun. Generate heat in Surya Namaskar (Sun Salute) C, move in a mandala pattern though standing poses creating strength and opening in the body, and explore Revolved Half Moon and Wheel pose, before cooling in Plow and Shoulderstand. You will feel enthusiastic, focused, and inspired.
Updated: 2023-04-10 05:00:00
Open up to possibilities in this unique class that offers spaciousness in the joints, heart, and mind. Explore side-lying Royal Dancer before revisiting it standing, open the hips in Pigeon, loosen the legs over a bolster, and declutter the mind in long holds. This class is less about flow and transitions and more about purposefully lingering in each shape in order to get the most out of them. You will feel connected to the Universe around you, confident, relaxed, and expansive.
Updated: 2023-04-03 05:00:00
Move fluidly and steadily with the breeze of your breath in this practice focused on balance poses. We flow through Tree, Half Moon, Temple Dancer, and Standing Marichyasana to improve focus, open the leg muscles, and build low-back stability. Shelley also leads us through 3 foundational breathing techniques for mental clarity. You will feel clear, accomplished, and open to new ideas and intuitions.