Updated: 2023-06-22 05:00:00
Alana leads a class to help safely rebuild core strength after pregnancy and childbirth. We stay low on the floor as we explore gentle dynamic movements like twists, leg lifts, modified planks, and supine core work challenging coordination as well as strength. You will feel stronger and more stable.
Updated: 2023-06-15 05:01:00
This subtle and gentle breathing practice is designed to help reduce anxiety, and promote relaxation, ease, and presence. We begin with some simple movement to create more breathing room. We explore sensing the breath in the belly, ribcage, and chest, followed by viloma pranayama. You will feel a quiet sense of ease and freedom.
Updated: 2023-06-03 05:03:00
To be touched by the divine we need to be as receptive as possible. Ravi leads a meditation to help us find the balance of remaining relaxed and receptive, and at the same time maintaining a good posture to create a container with our bodies that can receive the subtle energies of the divine. We carry our minds through different areas of the body with the breath, and find that placing our attention on them they feel more harmonized and integrated.
Updated: 2023-06-03 05:02:00
How can I be free of obstacles so I can be in a state of Samadhi, a state of complete direct perception. Ravi discusses the yogic concepts of purusha and prakriti, and then moves into Sutras 2.2 - 2.9. The manifested universe was created to serve the Divine. In our search to return to the Divine, there are many hindrances and obstacles. Our Yoga practice teaches us how to be free of these hindrances and of our selves, leading to Samadhi.
Updated: 2023-06-03 05:01:00
God is seeking me more than I am seeking God. In this final meditation, Ravi encourages us to sense inhaling subtle divine energies through the top of the skull, and how the whole body is refreshed and nourished by breathing these energies into it on the exhale.