• Planned $2bn South Australian offshore wind farm scrapped

    Updated: 2024-12-31 15:15:41
    Another proposed wind farm ­development has been shelved, with the partners behind a contentious plan in South Australia ­quietly pulling the project. An application with federal ­environmental regulators for the almost $2bn SA offshore wind farm project – also known as the Kingston project – was withdrawn without explanation this month. The project was originally proposed by British company Australis Energy. German group Skyborn Renew­ables – which is involved in ­operating or under-construction wind farms in Germany, Taiwan, France and . . .

  • Ilirska Bistrica locals submit signatures against wind farm

    Updated: 2024-12-31 14:34:16
    After the locals expressed in October strong opposition to the plans to build a wind farm near Ilirska Bistrica (SW), the Snežnik civil initiative has now submitted signatures of opposition to the project to the Natural Resources and Spatial Planning Ministry. They argue the planned location is within a Natura 2000 nature protection area. Civilna iniciativa proti vetrnim elektrarnam v Ilirski Bistrici predala podpise ministrstvu Predstavniki Civilne iniciative Snežnik so danes na ministrstvo za naravne vire in prostor dostavili zbrane . . .

  • ACK For Whales asks Supreme Court to hear appeal

    Updated: 2024-12-29 17:15:10
    First offshore wind case to go to Supreme Court since Loper Bright decision ended “Chevron deference.” Nantucket Residents Against Turbines (ACK For Whales), the grassroots Nantucket group fighting to prevent environmental ruin caused by offshore wind development (OSW), has asked the Supreme Court to hear its appeal of a lower court decision allowing federal agencies to disregard the Endangered Species Act in their rush to approve OSW projects. The petition asserts the U.S. 1st Circuit Court of Appeals wrongly allowed . . .

  • Opponents want to stop $500M Wyoming wind farm, say it will kill eagles and bats

    Updated: 2024-12-28 16:27:28
    Wyoming archaeology and conservation groups, an eagle expert and two Albany County residents are asking a judge to stop a federal energy bureau and the U.S. Energy Secretary from advancing a vital step in building up to 149 wind turbines in the southeastern Wyoming county. The critics say the devices will kill eagles and bats, harass wildlife, blast the locals with constant noise, and mar the landscape and the skyline of the Ames Monument National Historic Landmark. The $500 million . . .

  • More wind turbines could be coming to the Pennask Mountain area; K2 Project will be exempt from environmental assessment

    Updated: 2024-12-28 15:20:59
    More wind turbines could be coming to Pennask Mountain in the coming years, after BC Hydro signed a 30-year power purchase agreement for several proposed wind farm projects earlier this month. The BC government announced in early December that it had selected nine proposed wind energy projects following its earlier call for power-generation projects. One of the selected projects is the K2 Wind Power project which is proposed to be built on Westbank First Nation land on Pennask Mountain. Westbank . . .

  • Preservationists nationwide say that wind energy is harming America’s historic sites

    Updated: 2024-12-27 16:15:43
    A pyramid in Wyoming, lighthouses in New England, and the site where Japanese-Americans were incarcerated in World War II are some of the historic sites that are being threatened by wind development, preservationists say. The Bureau of Land Management earlier this month approved a 241-turbine wind farm near Twin Falls, Idaho, about a two-hour drive from Boise. From the time it was announced, the project was met with opposition from ranchers, environmentalists and Native American tribes. This managed to get . . .

  • Vineyard Offshore retreats from major wind project

    Updated: 2024-12-25 20:14:58
    Another proposed offshore wind project is off the table. Vineyard Offshore confirmed Friday afternoon that it is pulling the 800 megawatts that Massachusetts had selected from its 1,200 MW Vineyard Wind 2 project back from contract negotiations, saying the deal with Massachusetts was conditioned on Connecticut buying the remaining 400 MW. “We were proud to submit our Vineyard Wind 2 proposal in response to the New England three-state solicitation, and we are grateful to Massachusetts for its provisional award of 800 MW. With . . .

  • Assessment of WA Offshore Windfarm Project has been terminated

    Updated: 2024-12-24 16:50:35
    NOTICE OF DECISION TO TERMINATE THE ASSESSMENT PERSON TO WHOM THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN (a) WA Offshore Windfarm Pty Ltd (ABN:89647508512) Level 2, 570 St Kilda Road Melbourne VIC 3004 c/o j.vanrijmenant@skybornrenewables.com (b) Relevant Decision-Making Authorities, see Attachment 1 PROPOSAL TO WHICH THIS NOTICE RELATES: PRO-0021533 – Proposal – WA Offshore Windfarm Project – Assessment No. 2294 At the request of WA Offshore Windfarm Pty Ltd and pursuant to s. 40A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act), the . . .

  • Report recommends further research on impact of offshore wind farms on fish

    Updated: 2024-12-24 16:22:56
    The Scottish Government have published a report on the impact of off shore wind development on species of fish that undertake regular migrations between freshwater and marine environments. These include Atlantic salmon and sea trout. The report finds that the potential for negative impacts from sound and vibration on these fish associated with offshore wind farms are most likely during construction, with pile driving creating particularly loud sound pulses, which is relatively short term but intense. Potential impacts include behavioural . . .

  • Loud noises from wind turbine project have stopped for now but will continue in the new year

    Updated: 2024-12-24 16:17:59
    In Virginia Beach, some residents are concerned about a wind turbine project and the impact it is having on their neighborhood. One of those residents is Chase Rudolf, who lives in the Croatan neighborhood. “In my kitchen, you can hear it shaking, and you can feel it on the beach sometimes,” Rudolf said. Dominion Energy says the completed project, known as Coastal Virginia Offshore Wind, includes 176 offshore wind turbines about 27 miles off the coast of Virginia Beach. Currently, . . .

  • Are particle emissions from offshore wind farm blades harmful for blue mussels?

    Updated: 2024-12-18 20:11:53
    After several years of service under harsh weather conditions, the rotor blades of offshore wind parks are subjected to degradation and surface erosion, releasing sizeable quantities of particle emissions into the environment. A team of researchers led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has now investigated the effects of these particle on blue mussels – a species also being considered for the multi-use of wind parks for aquaculture. In the experiment, the mussels absorbed metals from the rotor blades’ coatings, as . . .

  • Worcester County to use eminent domain to save seafood properties from US Wind

    Updated: 2024-12-18 19:09:48
    Worcester County Commissioners have announced plans to use eminent domain to prevent US Wind from purchasing two seafood wholesale properties in West Ocean City’s commercial maritime harbor. The move comes as US Wind’s parent company, Renexia SpA, looked to demolish the harbor’s only commercial seafood wholesalers, Southern Connection Seafood and the Martin Fish Company, according to the Commission’s resolution. Commissioners cited several reasons for taking action, including the commercial fishing industry’s impact on the regional economy and federal fishery catch . . .

  • Moray Council’s objection to wind farm could spark costly public inquiry

    Updated: 2024-12-18 15:20:27
    An expensive public inquiry could be triggered after Moray Council today objected to an application to build a wind farm between Keith and Buckie. Members of the planning committee unanimously came out against a proposal for 16 turbines at Aultmore. Up to 650ft in height the turbines would be about eight times the size of the Ladyhill monument in Elgin. The council is objecting on the grounds the wind farm will have an “unacceptable and significant visual impact on the . . .

  • Découverte d’un cadavre décapité de vautour dans les Pyrénées-Orientales

    Updated: 2024-12-17 16:56:25
    [After the discovery of a decapitated vulture involving a wind turbine in Prugnanes, the League for the Protection of Birds in the Pyrénées-Orientales shares its emotion and concerns.] À la suite de l’accident survenu à cause d’une éolienne à Prugnanes, la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) dans les Pyrénées-Orientales partage son émotion et ses inquiétudes. Tout comme le Groupe ornithologique du Roussillon (GOR), l’antenne locale de la Ligue pour la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO) agit au quotidien pour . . .

  • Court rules that mobile phone messages are admissible as evidence in wind farm case

    Updated: 2024-12-17 14:38:02
    The anti-corruption office USKOK accuses Josipa Pleslic of having favoured an investor in the construction of wind farms in the Ervenik and Knin regions. She is suspected of numerous offences, including manipulating state audits, ordering subsidy allocations and manipulating conditions for the leasing of state land, including in the context of the wind farm scandal.

  • Developer dismisses community concerns

    Updated: 2024-12-17 14:32:45
    Contact Energy has hit back about comments on its planned wind farm in Southland, saying it vehemently disagrees the project is causing “insurmountable difficulties”, pointing to what it describes as a game-changing package of environmental measures, and boosting a community fund to nearly $4 million. The planned 55-turbine wind farm at Slopedown near Wyndham is part of the fast-track legislation process and a decision is due from the hearing panel this week. In a minute produced by the panel last . . .

  • ‘All those creatures are going to be decimated’ – anger over Lancashire’s controversial offshore wind farm plans

    Updated: 2024-12-17 14:16:23
    Fylde residents have expressed their anger over controversial plans for two proposed windfarms which they say will cause disruption to homes and businesses. The two windfarms, located in the Irish Sea, will be linked by miles of cables to a substation in Penwortham, dubbed the ‘Morgan and Morecambe’ project. As this cable corridor has been likened to being ‘wider than the M55’, many residents are concerned about the affects it will have on businesses and homes across towns and village . . .

  • Probe underway after another huge turbine blade snaps off at Scottish wind farm

    Updated: 2024-12-15 14:10:22
    A probe is underway after part of a huge turbine blade sheared off at one of Scotland’s newest wind farms, triggering safety fears. The incident happened at Sneddon Law Wind Farm in East Ayrshire – which operates 15 turbines and only opened earlier this year –when around a third of a 49 metre blade snapped off. Campaigners warned “peoples’ lives are at risk” and have called for the wind farm to be shut down to “allow a thorough review” of . . .

  • Why a wind project approval has southern Idaho feeling betrayed

    Updated: 2024-12-15 14:00:30
    The decision last week by the Bureau of Land Management to give a green light to the Lava Ridge Wind Project will leave a sour taste in its wake for thousands of Idahoans, as it should. That’s because the decision was a bad one, made in spite of strong opposition from lawmakers, businesses and residents in southern and eastern Idaho. The agency’s decision clears the way for the company LS Power to move ahead on a scaled down version of . . .

  • NJ offshore wind monopiles are being scrapped at port

    Updated: 2024-12-14 16:21:00
    Several massive offshore wind monopiles, manufactured at New Jersey’s cutting-edge Wind Port, are being scrapped instead of heading out to sea to become wind turbines. Monopiles are critical components for offshore wind farms, serving as the foundation for turbines. Manufactured from high-grade steel, these towering cylinders can weigh hundreds of tons and stand as tall as skyscrapers. New Jersey’s Wind Port, located in Lower Alloways Creek was designed to be a hub for offshore wind construction, supporting the state’s ambitious . . .

  • BOEM admits potentially irreversible harm to whales, fisheries, and seabirds

    Updated: 2024-12-14 14:09:42
    A government regulator recognizing offshore wind’s destructive environmental effects is as rare as a North Atlantic right whale. But a recent, 600-plus page report from the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) admits that the offshore wind development planned for the New York Bight—the triangular area bordered by the New Jersey and Long Island coastlines—may irreversibly harm whales, commercial and recreational fisheries, and seabirds. The BOEM report is the agency’s first to evaluate the cumulative impacts of offshore wind development. . . .

  • Wind farm construction continues despite pending permit review

    Updated: 2024-12-14 14:03:14
    Environmental organisations on Friday reported ongoing construction of a wind farm in the Kelli Natura 2000 area, despite the fact that key permits are still pending re-evaluation. Terra Cypria and BirdLife Cyprus filed yet another complaint on Thursday about the ongoing construction of the wind farm within the Kellia State Forest in Larnaca and the Special Protection Zone of the Kosi – Pallourokampos area, which is part of the Natura 2000 Network for the protection of birdlife. According to Terra . . .

  • Opposition continues as wind developers renew interest southwest Wisconsin

    Updated: 2024-12-13 15:36:59
    Interest in creating wind farms in southwest Wisconsin appears to be growing as developers submit proposals to government agencies or sign land-use agreements with area residents. Grant County land records indicate that several dozen properties around Patch Grove, Bloomington and Mount Hope have signed easements for wind energy projects with Hidden Valley Energy Project LLC since 2023, while properties in Cassville and Beetown townships have signed easements with Heartland Wind LLC. Neither company has submitted documents yet to Public Service . . .

  • ‘Two blades break off’ world’s most powerful wind turbine in China

    Updated: 2024-12-13 15:16:26
    The world’s most powerful wind turbine, a 20MW giant manufactured by Mingyang, has reportedly suffered multiple blade breaks just months after the prototype machine was installed in China. The blades on the MySE18.X-20MW prototype offshore model broke earlier this month, according to Chinese news reports. Videos posted on Chinese social media show pieces of the giant blades falling from the turbine as it still spins. Other videos and pictures posted show the turbine now static, missing two blades entirely. Local . . .

  • Government proposes new powers to approve onshore wind farms despite local opposition

    Updated: 2024-12-13 15:13:03
    The government has unveiled plans to give ministers the final say on approving large onshore wind farms rather than leaving decisions to local councils, where opposition has often been fierce. The plan is among proposals announced by Energy Secretary Ed Miliband on Friday as part of what the government is calling an “ambitious” action plan for reaching 95% clean energy in the UK by 2030. Miliband also wants to give powers to the energy regulator to prioritise projects in the . . .

  • Greece suspends three wind projects over biodiversity concerns

    Updated: 2024-12-11 23:54:27
    Greece’s Ministry of the Environment and Energy has revoked the environmental licenses for three wind power projects in region of Thrace following an appeal by three environmental organizations. The environmentalists are now calling on the ministry to suspend wind power projects in the areas affected by the 2023 wildfires, as well as neighboring areas, in order to preserve sensitive protected bird populations. In their appeal, the Hellenic Ornithological Society, the Society for the Protection of Biodiversity of Thrace, and WWF . . .

  • Washington County supervisors pass first reading of ordinance restricting wind turbines

    Updated: 2024-12-11 15:09:23
    It will be tougher to bring wind farms to rural Washington County if the board of supervisors continues to vote the way it did Tuesday on a new ordinance. The Washington County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the first reading of a wind energy ordinance this morning. The ordinance would restrict where wind turbines could be built and require a guarantee that new wind turbines would not impact the value of any property within two miles. It would also require . . .

  • B.C. exempts 9 new wind projects from environmental review

    Updated: 2024-12-10 22:06:00
    British Columbia has given the green light to nine wind energy projects that it says will boost the province’s hydroelectric grid by eight percent a year, potentially providing almost 5,000 gigawatt hours of energy annually, or enough to power 500,000 homes. That number is roughly equivalent to the power projected to be generated by the Site C dam, which recently started feeding power into B.C.’s electrical grid at a construction cost of $16 billion. B.C. Hydro, the province’s Crown utility, . . .

  • Iowa farmers share concerns about wind turbines as legislators continue wind energy push

    Updated: 2024-12-10 14:35:13
    All that’s left of Cedar County farmer Sally Freeman’s last wind turbine is fiberglass, wires and concrete after the company, Acciona, decided to take it down with explosives in November. Freeman said the turbine had been damaged after lightning strikes caused three fires. She said the operation to take it down left a big crater on her family’s farm. “Now it’s a matter of picking up the mess that’s here,” Freeman said. “And hopefully they actually clean up this mess, . . .

  • Bulgarian citizens demand referendum on construction of wind power plants on agricultural land

    Updated: 2024-12-09 20:39:53
    Residents from the regions of Dobrich, Silistra, Shumen and Varna gathered on Thursday in front of the Regional Environment and Water Inspectorate in Varna to demand a national referendum on whether wind farms and solar power plants should be constructed on agricultural land. Vladimir Kalchev, chair of the White Swallow National Civil Initiative, told the media that the concrete reason for the protest is the investment intentions in ​​the village of Slaveevo, Dobrich Region, where a meeting of an expert . . .

  • Is clean energy powered by dirty batteries?

    Updated: 2024-12-09 14:06:40
    Lithium-ion batteries are a linchpin of the clean energy transition. They power electric vehicles and allow us to harness wind and solar power even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. They are also used widely in electronics most of us use daily, from smart phones to earbuds. Demand is anticipated to grow exponentially over the next decade. Unfortunately, lithium-ion batteries themselves aren’t so clean. Even aside from much-discussed environmental issues with lithium and cobalt mining, these . . .

  • Robbins Island devils under threat after multinational discloses sleight-of-hand offsets for impacts

    Updated: 2024-12-09 14:02:32
    In a Tasmanian hearing of the Joint Select Committee on Energy Matters on Monday, Robbins Island proposed developer ACEN’s Michael Connarty revealed that the company has proposed to offset 1,000 hectares on Robbins Island against impacts on the last disease-free population of Tasmanian Devil. “Dr Connarty has distilled the lunacy of this project. To offset the impact of a massive influx of vehicles, the disruption of habitat and the building of a bridge that exposes every devil on the island . . .

  • Robbins Island wind farm ‘stuck in limbo’ as decision delayed to March 2025

    Updated: 2024-12-09 13:57:24
    The federal government has once again pushed back its decision on the proposed 100-turbine wind farm on Robbins Island in Tasmania’s north-west. The Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water has announced a further delay until March 7, 2025, extending a deadline initially set for December 9. It follows a request by Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek for more information from the project proponent, ACEN, regarding the impact on Tasmanian devil habitat. While the EPBC Act mandates a 30-day . . .

  • Highlanders ‘under siege’ as Scottish aristocrat opens up land for giant battery substation

    Updated: 2024-12-08 21:23:10
    A Highland community claims it is “under siege” after an aristocrat opened up hundreds of acres of land for a giant electrical substation. Simon Fraser, 16th Lord Lovat, has permitted SSEN and its contractors to explore a site near Beauly for the Fanellan substation, which would support multiple energy developments and upgrades across the Highlands. Tony Davidson, whose Kilmorack Gallery sits close to the Fanellan site, said the landscape was under threat from the development – and people were under . . .

  • Breeze or burden? Locals fear wind farm impact on wild forests

    Updated: 2024-12-08 13:57:59
    In the Mavri Petra (Black Stone) area of northern Evros, near Greece’s border with Bulgaria, two wind farms have been approved for construction. The local community, which has cultivated ecotourism with hiking trails and nature-based activities, fears the disruption these developments could bring. Local activist and biodiversity advocate Theodoros Manousidis explained that these areas have become key for alternative tourism, especially around the picturesque village of Petrota. However, with the construction of the wind farms, residents worry about the environmental . . .

  • Interior green-lights wind farm near WWII incarceration site

    Updated: 2024-12-07 14:38:00
    The Bureau of Land Management on Friday approved a huge wind project on public lands in southern Idaho that’s opposed by lawmakers and some historical preservation advocates. BLM published a record of decision for Lava Ridge, a wind farm of up to 231 turbines that’s been a priority for the agency’s renewable energy push under President Joe Biden. The president ordered the Interior Department to help deploy 25 gigawatts of electricity from wind, solar and geothermal energy public lands by . . .

  • Wisconsin wind projects face restrictions to protect rare cave bats

    Updated: 2024-12-07 14:20:16
    State environmental regulators are proposing permit changes to reduce or avoid killing rare cave bats that may be affected by wind energy projects. Around a decade ago, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources began requiring measures for certain projects to minimize impacts to cave bats under permits that allow harming or killing a protected species. The requirements were put in place for four bat species that had been listed as state threatened or federally endangered due to white-nose syndrome. The . . .

  • Windrad im Spreewald nach Defekt abgebrannt

    Updated: 2024-12-06 19:49:55
    [Due to a technical defect, a wind turbine burned down on Monday near Neu Zauche (Dahme-Spreewald).] Wegen eines technischen Defekts ist am Montag in der Nähe von Neu Zauche (Dahme-Spreewald) ein Windrad abgebrannt. Das sagte am Mittwoch die zuständige Polizeidirektion Süd in Cottbus auf rbb-Nachfrage. Über den Brand hatte zuerst die Lausitzer Rundschau berichtet. Hoher Schaden Das Feuer war am Montagvormittag entdeckt worden. Es brannte im Maschinenhaus. Die Feuerwehr rückte an, konnte aufgrund der Höhe aber nicht eingreifen. Die Einsatzkräfte . . .

  • La Sardegna ha limitato i parchi eolici e solari all’1 per cento del territorio

    Updated: 2024-12-05 22:23:26
    [Sardinia has limited wind and solar farms to 1 percent of its territory] Mercoledì il consiglio regionale della Sardegna ha approvato una legge per individuare le aree idonee alla costruzione di impianti per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili, principalmente eolici e solari. I criteri individuati dalla maggioranza di centrosinistra sono molto rigidi: gli impianti potranno essere costruiti solo sull’1 per cento del territorio. L’approvazione è arrivata al termine di un lungo dibattito che ha coinvolto la politica sarda . . .

  • Development of further wind farms in The Cabrach in Moray would breach human rights, campaigners claim

    Updated: 2024-12-05 22:17:13
    A group seeking to prevent the development of wind farms in a “fragile” community claim that building more would be in breach of their human rights. The Cabrach near Dufftown is currently home to 77 operational turbines. However, if all current windfarm applications are approved in the area, including those already built, The Cabrach will become Scotland’s largest onshore wind energy park, with 216 turbines across eight independent developments all within a 10km radius. The Saving The Cabrach group say . . .

  • Germany’s weak winds trigger record surge in gas-fired power

    Updated: 2024-12-04 14:45:28
    Gas-fired electricity production in Germany jumped by a record 79% in November from the month before as utilities scrambled to offset a second straight month of sharply below-normal output from wind farms. Wind power output has been 25% below year-prior levels in October and November due to slow wind speeds, depriving power firms of a key electricity source just as winter set in. Wind farms supplied 27% of German utility electricity in 2023. To plug the resulting generation gap, utilities . . .

  • Nantucket urges public action to determine outcome of wind project

    Updated: 2024-12-02 23:23:51
    The Town of Nantucket calls on you to help safeguard one of the nation’s most treasured National Historic Landmarks. We ask that you contact the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) and the Massachusetts State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to urge them to decline signing the Section 106 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for SouthCoast Wind. Section 106 requires federal agencies to consider the effects on historic properties of projects they carry out, assist, fund, permit, license, or approve throughout the . . .

  • Як Колесник і Ковальчук “обвели навколо пальця” громадськість і допомагають “Вітропаркам” Єфімова уникнути кримінальної відповідальності і не сплатити 2 млн збитків

    Updated: 2024-12-02 15:11:49
    [How Kolesnyk and Kovalchuk “deceived” the public and helped Yefimov’s “Wind Farms” avoid criminal liability and payment of 2 million in damages – A wind company that illegally destroyed trees to build a road n a nature reserve is being cleared of responsibility with prosecution of one worker: According to Ukrainian environmental activists, the destruction of the Carpathian Mountains for wind turbines is being directed by the state’s top leadership and covered up with the help of the Transcarpathian region’s chief . . .

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