• Utility sues GE over turbine failures

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Utility giant AEP has filed suit over turbine failures at a sprawling wind power project in Oklahoma. Only a few years after a $2 billion Oklahoma wind project started producing power, hundreds of turbines are having mechanical failures, pitting the large utility against a major U.S. turbine maker. The owner of the the 1,484-megawatt wind project, utility giant American Electric Power, is suing General Electric Renewables North America over turbine generators at three wind farms collectively known as North Central . . .

  • Enbridge pauses wind farm application, wants local zoning changed to allow turbines closer to homes

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Enbridge has requested their application to the RM of Weyburn to be put on hold for the time being, as they seek to do more consultations with the local community. The company was seeking an amendment to the zoning bylaw in regard to their proposal to situate 46 wind turbines in the RMs of Weyburn and Griffin, as they are asking the RM to reduce the allowable distance for a turbine to 750 metres from a residence. Enbridge has indicated . . .

  • Wind turbine fire

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Fire control received 999 calls reporting a wind turbine on fire, near Chulmleigh, Devon. Two fire engines were sent and on arrival crews confirmed this turbine was well alight from the engine, at the top of the turbine, approx 30 metres high. Crews set up a cordon and waited for the owner to turn up. The owner was able to isolate the turbine, which was severely damaged by fire. The cause of the fire was accidental.

  • Stars back Orvieto’s opposition to wind turbines

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Environmentalists, actors and film directors are amongst those fighting to prevent 200-metre wind turbines from dwarfing the mediaeval town of Orvieto. German company RWE has obtained permission to place seven turbines on an idyllic stretch of countryside between Orvieto and Lake Bolsena famous for its vineyards and olive groves. Landmarks include extinct volcanoes and historic sites. The turbines will be four times as tall as Orvieto’s cathedral built in the 13th century, which is regarded as one of Italy’s finest . . .

  • NJ mayors call for deferral of offshore wind contracts amid soaring costs, health risks, and turbine supply failures

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    On Tuesday, the mayors of Sea Girt, Manasquan, Wall Township, and Howell, the towns targeted for offshore wind cable transmission lines, sent a letter to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (NJBPU) urging the board to indefinitely defer any award of offshore contracts related to these transmission lines. The letter specifically outlines, “We are aware that the NJBPU has petitioned the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to reduce the approved Return on Equity (ROE) on the initial phase of . . .

  • “I am glad this auction has been canceled”: City of Brookings responds to BOEM wind energy plan delay

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    BOEM officially announced that their plans for an auction for land for an offshore wind energy project has been delayed due to a lack of interest, with some local politicians and communities calling the postponement a “win”. The City of Brookings City Council previously wrote a letter of opposition to BOEM about the project citing a lack of dialogue with the city. In response to the auction being postponed Brookings mayor Isaac Hodges said, “I’m happy that even a pause . . .

  • Закарпатським судом відкрито провадження у справі щодо будівництва вітряків на полонині Руна

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    [The Transcarpathian Court has opened proceedings in the case regarding the construction of windmills on the Runa plain] Останні пів року в медіа та на місцях на Закарпатті тривають дебати щодо забудови полонини Руна поблизу селища Тур’є Ремети тридцятьма вітряками. І прихильники, і противники цього плану мали можливість взяти участь у громадських обговореннях та дебатах, що проходили під час розробки й затвердження Детального плану території розміщення ВЕС на полонині Руна, а також у соцмережах і медіа. Прихильники аргументували необхідність розвитку . . .

  • Turbine project near Fort Indiantown Gap grounded by ACUB

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Fort Indiantown Gap has won a five-year battle against a proposed wind turbine project in Hegins, Schuylkill County. Philadelphia-based project developer Doral Renewables LLC was collaborating with Schuylkill County–based Rausch Creek Land L.P., which owns the land, to construct an 88-turbine, 175-megawatt wind farm at the location, which is about 15 miles from the military installation. However, the land needed for the project was in proximity to where military personnel conduct helicopter training exercises. That led Fort Indiantown Gap officials . . .

  • State sues company accused of dumping wind-turbine blades

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    The state of Iowa is suing a Washington-state company and its executives for allegedly dumping tons of old wind-turbine blades around Iowa, in violation of the state’s solid-waste laws. The lawsuit alleges that over the past seven years, Global Fiberglass Solutions has failed to properly dispose of decommissioned wind-turbine blades and stockpiled them at multiple locations across Iowa. The lawsuit, filed in Iowa District Court for Jasper County, seeks payment of civil penalties and a court injunction to prevent any . . .

  • Italian town outraged over plan for wind turbines four times taller than famous cathedral

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Campaigners argue that machines will ruin an unspoilt rural area that spans Umbria and Lazio Campaigners are battling the planned construction of giant wind turbines among the olive groves, vineyards and woods of Umbria. They say that at 200 metres (656ft), the turbines will be four times the height of the 13th-century cathedral or duomo of Orvieto, a medieval hilltop town in the area of Italy where the turbines will be built. Considered one of the finest Gothic buildings in . . .

  • Moratorium on wind farm development in Floyd County extended

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    While a revised ordinance regulating the construction of wind turbines in Floyd County is not a done deal yet, the Board of Supervisors has extended the moratorium on accepting and/or approving any applications or permits for any development of wind farms. The moratorium was set to expire October 1st, which is eight days before Supervisors are scheduled to consider the third and final reading of the wind turbine ordinance that would reset the regulations for placement and construction. The County’s . . .

  • Labor’s bid to strip property rights for more wind farms must be stopped

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Nationals candidate for Calare, Sam Farraway, is demanding Labor immediately abandon plans to strip Central West families of their rights to protect their land and livelihoods against the forced imposition of wind farms. The NSW Labor Government is said to be considering new laws that would curtail the powers of landowners who want to fight to stop wind farm developments in their community and near farming land. Mr Farraway slammed the proposal as an outrageous attack on the hardworking families . . .

  • ‘Ugly and horrible’ – Wind farm proposal sharply divides opinion in Offaly

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    A proposed new wind farm in an Offaly bog has sharply divided opinion among locals. If built, the Lemanaghan Wind Farm would generate at a maximum rate of up to around 80 to 100 MW. But because it would depend on the wind, the output would average around 25 to 30 MW, and it would generate at or above that rate only 40% of the time. Many locals feel upset at the idea of towering turbines being built in their local area . . .

  • Proposed wind farms ‘devastating’ for fishers

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Proposals to expand planned wind farm sites off the Devon and Cornwall coast could devastate the fishing industry, fishermen have warned. It comes after the Crown Estate, which owns the sea bed, published its latest map of potential development zones. It includes thousands of square miles off Land’s End and the Isles of Scilly, currently prime fishing grounds, and an expanded zone off north Devon. The Crown Estate said it would be seeking views “from across industry and marine stakeholders” . . .

  • Wind turbine shed blade after lightning storm

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    A blade has sheared off one of the wind turbines in the Red Barn project between Fennimore & Montfort, Wisconsin. The exact location is on Annaton Road near Preston in Wingville Township. According to a neighbor, “Sounds like it was hit by lightning last night around 10:30 and blade fell this afternoon around 2 but not confirmed.”

  • Citing costs, Connecticut balks at multistate effort to boost offshore wind

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    It was supposed to be New England’s biggest and most innovative offshore wind initiative ever – a three-state solicitation by Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island designed to get the best prices and efficiencies for a lot of new offshore wind that would be key in creating carbon-free energy to help curb climate change. It was the first such effort in the U.S., and it would also reset the offshore wind process in the region, which has suffered setbacks in the last . . .

  • Service ship hits and damages wind turbine

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    One of the modern Service Operations Vessels designed specifically to service offshore wind farms was involved in an incident yesterday, September 19. There were no injuries to the crew and technicians aboard but the vessel struck one of the turbines resulting in damage to both the vessel and the base of the turbine. The SOV is the Wind of Hope, the second of two SOVs built for French company Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (LDA) by the Cemre Shipyard in Turkey. The . . .

  • Worcester commissioners ask Sussex County to reject wind farm substation

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    The Worcester County Commissioners have agreed to ask leaders in Sussex County, Delaware, to oppose a conditional use request to construct a substation at the Indian River power plant. The Worcester County Commissioners will ask its northerly neighbor to oppose a conditional use request to construct a substation at the Indian River power plant. The commissioners recently voted to send a letter to the Sussex County Council asking for its rejection of a conditional use request from a US Wind . . .

  • Nytt haveri: Vindkraftverkets jättevinge rasade till marken

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    [For the second time in three years, a rotor blade from a wind turbine in Svartnäsparken has fallen to the ground.] För andra gången på tre år har ett rotorblad från ett vindkraftverk i Svartnäsparken fallit till marken. Verket är nu avstängt och området avspärrat för undersökning. – Det är stora maskiner, det går snett ibland, säger Hans Carlsson, vice vd för vindkraftbolaget Arise och ansvarig för driftfrågor. Det skadade vindkraftverket står norr om Lumsheden och är ett av 32 . . .

  • ‘Exploited by a large multi-national, aided by a council that failed to take account of local concerns’

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    As the Viking Energy wind farm and interconnector are officially activated, retired teacher Frank Hay, the chair of Sustainable Shetland – the campaign group that has been opposing the wind farm project for more than 15 years – reflects on how this was achieved and at what cost. After more than 20 years of discussion and planning we now have the predicted industrialisation of a significant area of the Central Mainland of Shetland. Many in the community did not think . . .

  • 2.4 GW of new generation needed to replace 660-MW baseload coal plant

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    State-owned electricity firm PLN says it would need 2.4 gigawatts (GW) of renewable electricity to compensate for the early retirement of the Cirebon 1 coal-fired power plant. The figure is almost four times the 660-megawatt (MW) capacity of the plant that the government has chosen to phase out by December 2035, more than 15 years before the end of its potential operational life. The agreement was signed by ADB, PLN, independent power producer Cirebon Electric Power and the Indonesia Investment . . .

  • Offshore wind — A new way of whaling

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    Around 1690 when Nantucket Island’s English settlers first ventured out in pursuit of the right whale, they didn’t have to go very far. As author Nathaniel Philbrick describes, “Every autumn, hundreds of right whales converged to the south of the island and remained until the early spring. Right whales—so named because they were “the right whale to kill”—grazed the waters off Nantucket as if they were seagoing cattle, straining the nutrient-rich surface of the ocean through the bushy plates of . . .

  • Confederated Tribes file lawsuit to stop BOEM’s wind energy lease sale and require more extensive analysis of impacts

    Updated: 2024-10-15 19:30:10
    On Friday, the Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians (“Tribe”) filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (“BOEM”) in Oregon Federal District Court. The lawsuit challenges BOEM’s cursory environmental review for the development of private offshore wind energy facilities in two areas off the Oregon Coast near Coos Bay and Brookings. Earlier this month, BOEM authorized the sale of leases in approximately 195,012 acres for wind energy development, in areas that are within . . .

  • New coalition of municipalities opposes New Jersey’s offshore wind projects

    Updated: 2024-10-15 14:51:10
    A coalition of more than 40 municipalities and organizations across New Jersey has formed to oppose the state’s large-scale offshore wind energy projects, citing concerns over rising costs to ratepayers and potential environmental impacts. The newly-established Jersey Strong Coastal Coalition (JSCC) is calling on the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) to reject new contracts for two major wind energy projects being developed by Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind LLC, a joint venture between Shell Oil and Électricité de France. . . .

  • West Hants wants more space between wind turbines and private land. Developers aren’t happy.

    Updated: 2024-10-15 14:36:38
    One company says if the bylaw is approved, it ‘would nearly eliminate’ new wind farms in the municipality. A Nova Scotia municipal council has voted to increase the distance wind turbines must be from private property without the owner’s permission, but companies behind the renewable energy projects fear the change could set a new precedent that would stifle development across the province. The change, which has yet to be approved by the province, would require commercial turbines in the West . . .

  • ‘Absolute sacrilege!’ Spalding, Kirton and Bennington farmers fear windfarm could cause ‘massive catastrophic disturbance’ to ‘the most productive land in the country’

    Updated: 2024-10-15 13:55:44
    Farmers have warned of the ‘massive catastrophic disturbance’ a proposed windfarm could do to their businesses. Landowners fear the planned Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project could cause irreversible damage to ‘the most productive land in the country’. “I think it’s an absolute sacrilege to be using Grade-I land for these purposes,” Jenny Pennington, of Spalding Marsh’s H. Pennington & Sons, told an open floor hearing on Thursday (October 10). The Outer Dowsing Offshore Wind project wants to build a 1.5 . . .

  • Letter to Shell and EDF regarding offshore wind projects

    Updated: 2024-10-15 13:50:04
    Please find the enclosed letter and report sent to the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) today. The letter is signed by a growing coalition – currently more than 40 – of New Jersey towns and citizen groups opposing any BPU award of new or revised contracts to your U.S. partnership Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind LLC. The letter and report detail the economic and ratepayer impacts and potential violations of state law any such awards would present. As you . . .

  • Offshore wind’s bogus benefits bragged on

    Updated: 2024-10-14 14:12:05
    Resources for the Future (RFF) has produced a combined cost benefit analysis for 32 U.S. offshore wind projects now in development. They proudly point to the benefits outweighing the costs by a whopping 14 times. But these supposed benefits are not just exaggerated; they are fabricated. They simply do not exist. Their lengthy title is “Offshore Wind Power Examined: Effects, Benefits, and Costs of Offshore Wind Farms along the US Atlantic and Gulf Coasts”. See https://www.rff.org/news/press-releases/new-modeling-shows-offshore-winds-benefits-to-climate-health-and-energy-bills/. The analysis is fairly . . .

  • Parish council labels plans for 77 metre wind turbine ‘unacceptable’

    Updated: 2024-10-14 13:55:04
    Plans to replace an existing wind turbine in Furness with one 30 metres taller have been branded ‘unacceptable’ by a parish council. Solar Ventus Ltd has applied to Westmorland and Furness Council to replace the existing wind turbine on land off Askam Road near Dalton with a wind turbine which measures 77 metres from the ground to the tip of the blade. The existing wind turbine on the site was granted planning permission in 2013 and measures 44 metres in . . .

  • Residents attended Ossian wind farm project open day in Moulton Seas End to express concerns and find out more information about two new substations at Weston Marsh near Spalding and Alford near Skegness

    Updated: 2024-10-14 13:47:24
    Residents have shared their concerns with developers about the impact a wind farm project will have on their community. Ossian is developing a floating offshore wind farm off Scotland’s east coast to generate renewable energy which could be delivered to the National Grid at two new substations in Weston Marsh, near Spalding, and Alford near Skegness. An information session held in Moulton Seas End Village Hall by Ossian allowed residents to find out more about the project and how it . . .

  • How windfarms affect local communities

    Updated: 2024-10-14 13:37:58
    The Cambrian Mountain Society has teamed up with researchers to discover how wind farm developments impact local communities. With six massive wind farms proposed for the Cambrian Mountains, the society says ‘it’s clear that where sheer beauty has failed, the prospect of big profits has brought this remote and untouched area to international attention’. Developers from Switzerland, Norway and investors from Denmark and Australia are all seeking the opportunity to develop wind farms in mid Wales, with a mixed bag . . .

  • After four years, workers start clearing wind turbine junk from Minnesota community

    Updated: 2024-10-13 16:37:41
    An excavator this week took aim at a pile of wind turbine blades in a vacant lot, knocking one enormous segment to the earth, where it landed with a boom. Workers wrapped ropes around the thing, lifted it into the air and lowered it slowly onto the bed of a semi trailer truck. Then a trucker hauled it away, kicking up dust as the vehicle rumbled down a gravel road. It was a sight this small community south of Rochester . . .

  • IRHS students present research on impact of wind farms

    Updated: 2024-10-12 17:45:25
    “After the students started to research, the entire class – 100 percent – shifted toward the negative impacts far outweighing the positive impacts.” A group of Indian River High School students, charged with researching the potential impacts of wind farms off the coast of Maryland, recently presented their findings to Fenwick Island officials and residents. The students – juniors and seniors from Jordan O’Boyle’s Engineering Design & Development class – gave their presentation during a Fenwick Island Town Council meeting on Friday, Sept. 27. . . .

  • Perth residents shocked by size of ‘eyesore’ wind turbine as construction begins

    Updated: 2024-10-12 00:21:38
    The scale of the Aviva turbine’s tower has surprised locals. Perth residents have blasted an ‘eyesore’ wind turbine as construction on the project begins. The tower of the turbine, which is being built at Aviva’s Pitheavlis site, popped up in the past few days. Residents in the Oakbank area have been left shocked by the size and scale of the structure. Plans for the 70m-high turbine were approved by councillors in March 2022. Aviva is building the turbine as part . . .

  • Nantucket evaluates economic, environmental fallout from turbine blade failure

    Updated: 2024-10-11 00:46:10
    Three months after a blade from an offshore wind turbine near Martha’s Vineyard fell, Nantucket is addressing the failure’s economic and environmental impact. “While our community is committed to doing our part to address climate change, we have had to confront the very real and lasting adverse impacts of offshore wind development,” the Nantucket Select Board wrote in a letter to the Cape island’s residents on Wednesday. “The turbine blade failure contaminated our coastal waters, restricted access to our beaches, . . .

  • Renewables revolt in Sardinia

    Updated: 2024-10-11 00:43:29
    The bolts securing the towering wind turbine were unscrewed under cover of darkness, an act of sabotage symbolising a vehement pushback against renewable energy in Sardinia. Long summers and strong winds make the Italian island a prime location for wind and solar power, but intense investor interest has spooked locals who say Sardinia is being exploited. The loosened bolts were discovered before the turbine on the edge of the village of Mamoiada toppled over, but it was one of several . . .

  • Proposed wind farm project prompts massive turnout at Dickinson County meeting, most opposed

    Updated: 2024-10-11 00:10:47
    A proposed wind farm project prompted a massive turnout Thursday night at a planning commission meeting in Dickinson County. The majority of the crowd strongly opposes what’s planned. Commissioners met to consider allowing a 334-megawatt wind farm in multiple townships. The hours-long Dickinson County Planning Commission meeting convened in Herington Thursday night after covering one agenda item: consideration of a wind farm. The commission heard from Hope Ridge Wind Project representatives about the plans to erect a wind farm in . . .

  • Planning rules blow away key NSW wind farm

    Updated: 2024-10-09 20:31:38
    NSW’s planning regulations for renewable energy projects have been blamed for causing the demise of a major wind farm proposed in the Central Tablelands. The Australian arm of UK-headquartered RES Group has formally informed federal regulators that it had withdrawn its proposal to develop the Barneys Reef wind farm north of Gulgong. The wind farm was expected to include 63 turbines and generated 441 megawatts of energy each year; it had been classed as a development of state significance. It . . .

  • DUP MP fears Scottish wind farm could alter ‘cherished’ Giant’s Causeway views

    Updated: 2024-10-09 00:18:06
    DUP politicians have hit out at the Scottish Government over fears a new offshore wind farm could impact tourism at the Giant’s Causeway. Gregory Campbell, the MP for East Londonderry, said he is worried that the development could “severely affect the iconic views from the UNESCO World Heritage Site.” Irish state-owned utility ESB won the rights to develop a 100-MW floating offshore wind in last year’s Crown Estate leasing round. Malin Sea Wind will lie approximately 14 miles southeast of . . .

  • Kneehill: Activists encouraged by pause in major wind farm development process

    Updated: 2024-10-09 00:13:49
    When Toronto-based mega-corporation Capstone Infrastructure puts a multi-million dollar Kneehill County wind farm development on hold, the temptation is to think of David and Goliath. As a Goliath, Capstone’s website describes the company as a developer, owner, and operator of clean and renewable energy projects, with 885 MW capacity in 35 wind, solar, hydro, biomass, and natural gas power facilities across North America. The most vocal opposition to the 350 MW Lone Pine Wind Farm wind project and transmission line near Torrington . . .

  • Häädemeeste residents view planned offshore wind farm negatively

    Updated: 2024-10-08 14:36:59
    Residents and even the local government leader of Häädemeeste Municipality in southwestern Estonia view negatively a planned major offshore wind farm which once up and running could cover as much as half of Estonia’s electricity needs. The local residents say the project will harm fishing and tourism. The Ministry of Regional Affairs has proposed initial route corridor options for a power cable connection to the planned the Liivi lahe offshore wind farm. Wind farm developer Enefit Green has carried out . . .

  • Floating wind farms threaten to destroy Scotland’s fishing sector

    Updated: 2024-10-07 14:41:50
    Plans for giant floating wind farms in Scotland threaten to destroy the country’s fishing sector, the leader of an industry body has warned. The Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) said despite efforts to find a solution to the problem, mobile fishing, and floating offshore wind farms “are simply not able to co-exist”. Speaking at the SFF’s annual dinner in Edinburgh – which was attended by First Minister John Swinney – Elspeth Macdonald said the renewable projects are an existential threat to . . .

  • ‘He knows we’re here’: Wind power critics protest Murphy to keep cables out of Sea Girt

    Updated: 2024-10-07 14:16:26
    More than 100 protesters who oppose a plan to connect offshore wind power cables through this beachfront community descended on the area Sunday during a visit by Gov. Phil Murphy, urging him to stop the project and claiming it’s a health hazard. Murphy was in town attending the New Jersey National Guard’s annual military review at its training center located just blocks from the Sea Girt beach. Supporters of the group Stop The High-Risk Power Cables, which represents homeowners in . . .

  • Embattled Vineyard Wind project may face Supreme Court scrutiny over whale impact

    Updated: 2024-10-05 15:10:05
    An offshore wind farm that scattered debris into the Atlantic Ocean this summer is now at the center of a high-stakes legal battle that could be heading to the U.S. Supreme Court. A group of Nantucket residents with the organization ACK for Whales is challenging the federal government’s approval of the Vineyard Wind project, arguing it threatens the survival of the endangered North Atlantic right whale. “We are optimistic that the Supreme Court will grant review of the important issue . . .

  • PUC orders NextEra to remove pile of wind turbine blades

    Updated: 2024-10-05 14:32:34
    For the last four years, Grand Meadow watched a pile of wind turbine blades collect dust, but this will no longer be the case. The mountain of metal that has been a headache for Grand Meadow is finally being removed. The blades, originally, were part of a wind farm south of Grand Meadow before they were replaced in 2020. The blades were then placed in a lot in the city’s industrial park. However, what was supposed to take a few . . .

  • Invenergy threatens to sue Floyd County over proposed limits on wind projects

    Updated: 2024-10-03 14:07:07
    Amendments to the ordinance regulating the construction of wind energy systems, including one that would limit the number of wind turbines to 70 total in Floyd County, could lead to legal action against the County. The so-called “poison pill” amendment, proposed by Supervisor Jim Jorgensen, includes the 50 wind turbines already operated by MidAmerican Energy south of Charles City. It’s one of several amendments offered by Jorgensen and fellow Supervisor Dennis Keifer that would create an ordinance vastly different from . . .

  • Delaware watermen sue to delay US Wind turbine project off Ocean City coast

    Updated: 2024-10-02 00:43:35
    Two Delaware watermen filed a lawsuit to delay the U.S. Wind project off the coast of Ocean City, Maryland. The watermen said they worry about the impact that wind turbines could have on their livelihood. Advertisement “The windmills are going to create such echoes off the radars that we’re not even going to know where everything is,” waterman Paul Wes Townsend said. The Caesar Rodney Institute filed the lawsuit against the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control on . . .

  • Wind turbine fire safety fears spark urgent call for Allan govt to step in

    Updated: 2024-10-01 14:00:01
    The Allan government is facing calls for an urgent audit of Victoria’s 2500 wind turbines amid fears they lack critical fire safety equipment. Ahead of the upcoming bushfire season, concerns are mounting over the safety measures in place to protect both regional communities and key infrastructure from potential fire hazards. As the government rolls out another 900 turbines over the next decade and faces an ongoing fight over constructing powerlines through western Victoria to connect turbines to the Melbourne grid, . . .

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