• Massachusetts political contributions from Nantucket wind farm developer scrutinized

    Updated: 2024-07-30 14:04:48
    As Nantucket continues to reel from the Vineyard Wind turbine blade failure, critics are raising concerns around how the project’s parent company, Avangrid, has donated thousands of dollars in campaign money to state elected officials. A Herald analysis found that employees who list Avangrid as their employer have made 217 donations totaling $57,677 to dozens of state and local campaigns since March 2018, two months before the Baker administration selected a Vineyard Wind bid for contract negotiation. Notable figures include . . .

  • Change of venue for meeting to discuss proposed area wind power project

    Updated: 2024-07-30 13:58:06
    Due to the number of people interested in attending, the venue has changed for a meeting being held next week for those interested in discussing concerns about a proposed wind power project in the R.M.s of Weyburn and Griffin. The meeting will now be held at McKenna Hall on July 31st at 7 p.m. In late June, the Saskatchewan Indigenous Investment Finance Corporation (SIIFC) pledged up to one hundred million dollars in loan guarantees for a new renewable wind energy . . .

  • Washington tribes seek to halt offshore wind development

    Updated: 2024-07-30 13:52:42
    More than a dozen tribes are asking the federal government to stop plans for offshore wind farms along Washington’s coast, saying the environmental impacts aren’t being studied well enough. Why it matters: Offshore wind turbines could provide a source of renewable electricity, aiding the fight against climate change. But tribes say the projects may also violate tribal treaty rights, harming shoreline habitat and tribal members’ way of life. Driving the news: The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission, which represents 20 Washington . . .

  • Discovery of potential wetland halts work at eastern P.E.I. wind farm

    Updated: 2024-07-30 13:31:13
    A resident in Eastern Kings is worried the P.E.I. government will continue with a wind farm expansion in the area, despite finding a possible wetland along an access route to the development. Don Humphrey is an Eastern Kings councillor, but emphasized that he is not speaking on behalf of the municipality. He initially presented his concerns at a P.E.I. Forestry Commission meeting in late May. Humphrey said the potential wetland was discovered this spring during tree clearing to create an . . .

  • Erie School Board votes to remove wind turbine after years of disrepair

    Updated: 2024-07-28 16:48:29
    “I don’t know that it ever worked completely properly.” The Erie School Board voted unanimously to remove its wind turbine at a special school board meeting July 10. The project will begin early next month and was awarded to DW Zinser Demolition of Walford, Iowa for $258,290 and will be paid out of the board’s Capital Projects fund. According to Erie CUSD 1 Superintendent Chuck Milem, the wind turbine was installed in 2005 by Johnson Controls but had problems from . . .

  • Energiewende in Gefahr? Immer mehr Windräder gehen in Deutschland vom Netz

    Updated: 2024-07-28 13:52:21
    [In the first half of 2024 in Germany, more wind turbines were shut down than newly built. New wind capacity was 19 percent less than during the same period last year.] Im Jahr 2024 wurden in Deutschland mehr Windräder vom Netz genommen als neu gebaut. Das geht aus neuesten Zahlen des Bundesverbands WindEnergie e. V. (BWE) hervor. Demnach wurden von Januar bis Juni insgesamt 250 neue Windräder gebaut, während 277 stillgelegt wurden. Die neu errichteten Windräder lieferten eine Gesamtleistung von rund . . .

  • Deutschlands Windkraft in der Krise: Mehr Anlagen stillgelegt als neu gebaut

    Updated: 2024-07-28 13:43:45
    [More wind turbines shut down than newly erected in Germany in 2024 – One obstacle is the end of subsidies after 20 years. Operators fear that continuing to operate them without state support will not be worthwhile.] Im ersten Halbjahr 2024 gingen in Deutschland mehr Windräder vom Netz, als neue gebaut wurden. Dies könnte das Ziel der Bundesregierung gefährden. Der Bundesverband WindEnergie e. V. (BWE) berichtet, dass zwischen Januar und Juni 250 neue Windräder errichtet und 277 stillgelegt wurden. Die neuen . . .

  • Kolonialer Wasserstoff

    Updated: 2024-07-27 14:01:00
    [In the name of climate protection, Germany is continuing colonial crimes in Namibia.] Jahrzehnte über Jahrhunderte vergehen, aber am Verhalten der Europäer ändert sich nichts. Früher kamen sie mit Flamme und Schwert und nahmen uns unser Land, unsere natürlichen Reichtümer und unsere Freiheit, denn Macht begründete das Recht. Heute wollen sie uns erneut ausbeuten, aber mit einem Lächeln im Gesicht, mit einer Rhetorik über die Umwelt und das Gemeinwohl auf den Lippen und unter dem Vorwand, uns für ihre vergangenen . . .

  • Six associations déposent un recours contre le parc éolien de Bretagne sud

    Updated: 2024-07-26 14:28:41
    L’Union française des pêcheurs artisans ainsi que plusieurs associations environnementales ont déposé un recours en annulation contre le projet de parc éolien flottant en Bretagne sud auprès du Conseil d’État, mettant en doute la santé économique du consortium porteur du projet Pennavel. Dans un communiqué daté du 24 juillet, un collectif d’associations a annoncé avoir déposé un recours en annulation auprès du Conseil d’État contre le projet de parc éolien flottant entre Groix et Belle-Île (AO5), attribué le 15 mai au consortium . . .

  • “Ça va saccager le paysage” : des riverains mobilisés contre la construction de quatre éoliennes

    Updated: 2024-07-26 14:19:10
    Des riverains se mobilisent à Banyuls-dels-Aspres, dans les Pyrénées-Orientales, pour protester contre le projet de construction de quatre éoliennes sur des parcelles communales. La mairie se justifie par la nécessité d’avancer vers des énergies renouvelables, et les retombées fiscales pour le village. Ils étaient une cinquantaine, rassemblés devant la mairie de Banyuls-dels-Aspres (Pyrénées-Orientales), mercredi 3 avril au soir, à manifester leur colère. “Les éoliennes n’apportent que des problèmes”, “On veut nous voler la beauté de nos paysages” … Riverains et . . .

  • Broken wind turbine blade ‘crisis’ fuels NJ beach disaster fears

    Updated: 2024-07-26 11:02:14
    A New Jersey anti-wind group is demanding the state stop giving the green light to new offshore wind projects as pieces of fiberglass continue to wash up on the beaches of Nantucket. The renewed calls for a moratorium on awards from the state Board of Public Utilities came from nonprofit Save Long Beach Island on Monday, several days after a wind turbine blade broke off the coast of Massachusetts. Bob Stern, president and co-founder of Save LBI, said a moratorium . . .

  • Cape Cod town to go to trial after residents sue over closed-door meetings on wind farm

    Updated: 2024-07-26 10:57:50
    A lawsuit seeking a temporary stoppage to a proposed wind farm in the Nantucket Sound is scheduled to head to trial in August, with a group of Cape Cod residents slamming a town council for conducting closed-door meetings relative to the project. Barnstable County Justice Michael Callan has set a bench trial for Aug. 27, as nine Centerville residents allege the Town Council, town manager and town attorneys violated an open meeting law by discussing and voting on the project . . .

  • BOEM hears mostly opposition at a meeting in Eastham

    Updated: 2024-07-25 21:36:11
    Local officials on the Outer Cape have for a month been calling for the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) to hold a public information session here about one of eight proposed wind energy areas in the Gulf of Maine – the one sited about 20 miles off Cape Cod’s back shore – before its size and shape are approved. BOEM, the agency of the Dept. of Interior that is charged with managing the development of offshore wind, finally did that on . . .

  • Lawmakers advocate against wind turbine installation in Lake Erie

    Updated: 2024-07-25 14:18:58
    Crashing waves, footprints in the sand, and oceanic-like views are just a few of the sights you can expect when you spend a day at Sunset Bay. But they’re also the sights that lawmakers fear may soon be tarnished. “This is the gem of Western New York, and we need to protect it,” said New York State Assemblymember David DiPietro. State and local lawmakers across Erie and Chautauqua counties gathered at Cabana Sam’s in Irving Wednesday afternoon to once again . . .

  • WorkSafe investigating after death at turbine project near Sussex

    Updated: 2024-07-25 14:08:50
    WorkSafeNB is investigating after a person died Thursday at a construction site for a turbine project east of Sussex. A subcontractor working on the Neweg Energy Project, 29 kilometres east of Sussex, died following an incident on July 18, according to Amy Pellerin of Natural Forces, a Halifax-based private power company. Construction work on the six-turbine project was halted immediately and reopened Monday following approval from WorkSafeNB, Pellerin said Monday. “Neweg Energy Limited Partnership was made aware of the terrible . . .

  • Worker dies at Sussex-area wind farm development

    Updated: 2024-07-25 14:07:04
    One person has died following a workplace incident at the site of a wind energy project under development near Sussex. First responders were called to the site of the Neweg Wind Energy Project in the Springdale area around 11 a.m. Thursday. A spokesperson for Natural Forces said the individual who died was working as a subcontractor on the project, adding that all work was stopped on the site immediately. “The police and [WorkSafeNB] were on site following the incident and . . .

  • US wind power falls to 33-month low, generators burn more natgas

    Updated: 2024-07-25 00:52:29
    It is not unusual for wind power to decline during the summer months, but this has been a particularly bad month for wind. July 24 (Reuters) – The amount of electricity produced by wind farms in the U.S. fell to a 33-month low on Monday, forcing power generators to crank up natural-gas fired plants to keep air conditioners humming during a hot summer day. Over the past few years, much of the money energy firms have invested in new generation . . .

  • Initial environmental assessment of Vineyard Wind turbine blade failure released

    Updated: 2024-07-24 13:27:16
    Not mentioned in the report is any assessment of the environmental impact on marine life. One week after fiberglass and styrofoam debris from Vineyard Wind’s destroyed turbine blade began washing up on Nantucket, the town has released an initial environmental assessment of the incident. The report states the primary risk from the turbine blade debris is physical injuries to those coming in contact with it on public beaches in shoreline areas. It claims the debris is “inert, non-soluble, stable, and . . .

  • AEP files lawsuit against GE Vernova over wind turbine failures in Oklahoma

    Updated: 2024-07-24 13:10:13
    American Electric Power (AEP) has initiated legal action against GE Vernova, alleging breach of contract and breach of warranty regarding the purchase of hundreds of wind turbines for projects in Oklahoma. According to court documents filed with the Supreme Court of the State of New York, AEP claims that GE Vernova’s wind turbine generators have exhibited significant defects and failures shortly after entering commercial operation. “Within only two to three years of commercial operation, the GE wind turbine generators have . . .

  • Blade mold damage at GE’s LM Wind Power factory in Cherbourg halts production

    Updated: 2024-07-24 13:06:29
    An operational incident at GE Vernova’s LM Wind Power facility in Cherbourg has caused significant disruption to production, halting the manufacture of blades for the Haliade-X offshore wind turbines and placing half the facility’s employees on partial unemployment. The company has confirmed that the incident damaged a mold used in the manufacturing process. While no injuries were reported, repairs are expected to take until at least June 23rd. Compounding this issue, a separate announcement from GE Vernova indicates that LM . . .

  • Senator George Borrello cites Comptroller’s audit of Climate Act planning and implementation failures

    Updated: 2024-07-23 19:07:11
    Senator George Borrello provided the following comments on Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli’s recent audit citing numerous failures of the Public Service Commission (PSC) and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) in the planning and implementation of the Climate Act. Among the criticisms contained in the audit were charges that the agencies failed to: develop viable plans for the transition, using accurate data and updated assessments as projects were delayed and cancelled. account for new energy laws and . . .

  • Broken blade parts from Vineyard Wind turbine reach Cape

    Updated: 2024-07-22 00:54:43
    Debris from the damaged GE Vernova wind turbine blade was found about 3.5 miles southeast of Monomoy Island in Chatham, according to Vineyard Wind. After the Chatham harbormaster’s office reported on Friday afternoon that debris was in that area, nine vessels were dispatched there, according to a press release from Vineyard Wind. Debris was recovered around 4:30 p.m. and smaller debris was later found nearby. Vessels continued to collect debris throughout Friday evening and during the day Saturday. Beginning at . . .

  • More debris from damaged wind turbine found off the coast of Nantucket

    Updated: 2024-07-22 00:51:23
    Additional debris from a damaged offshore wind turbine was found Sunday morning off the coast of Nantucket, three days after a large part of the turbine’s blade fell into the ocean and a week after fiberglass chunks began washing ashore, company officials said. The Nantucket Harbormaster reported Sunday morning that debris from the damaged wind turbine blade, part of the Vineyard Wind project and manufactured by GE Vernova, appeared offshore near Madequecham Valley Road just south of Nantucket Memorial Airport, . . .

  • Locals will have to ‘suck it up’ regarding wind and solar farms on farmland

    Updated: 2024-07-22 00:45:48
    Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves warns Britain would otherwise be ‘at the mercy of dictators’ like Putin for energy. Locals who object to solar and wind farms being built in the countryside under liberalised planning rules will just have to ‘suck it up’, Chancellor Rachel Reeves suggested today. Sir Keir Starmer’s finance chief warned that failing to make the UK more energy self-sufficiency would leave it ‘at the mercy of dictators’ like Vladimir Putin and keep bills high. In a TV . . .

  • Massachusetts residents sue Cape Cod town over nature of business in wind farm project

    Updated: 2024-07-21 14:11:42
    A proposed wind farm in the Nantucket Sound that would feature miles of transmission cables on the ocean floor and under the streets of a Barnstable village is at the center of a freshly filed lawsuit. Nine residents in Centerville, the village where the project is slated to run through, have filed an open meeting complaint against the Barnstable Town Council for reaffirming an agreement pivotal to construction in executive session. The civil suit, filed in Barnstable Superior Court on . . .

  • Huge backlash to plans to install thousands of pylons in unspoilt rural areas for “Net Zero”

    Updated: 2024-07-21 13:52:54
    The energy secretary, Ed Miliband, has been warned he faces battlegrounds across the country over plans to install thousands of pylons in unspoilt rural areas to deliver a “clean power” revolution. Council leaders and communities oppose proposals for a vast new network of pylons across large parts of several counties, including Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, Lincolnshire, Norfolk and Suffolk. There are calls for community compensation of “hundreds of millions of pounds” if the schemes are pushed through. The proposals are part of . . .

  • Quand des éoliennes tuent — When wind turbines kill

    Updated: 2024-07-20 14:10:02
    [A short-toed snake eagle (circaète Jean-le-Blanc; a protected species in France) was found dead at the foot of a wind generator in the Freycenet-la-Tour park on May 22. A herpetologist and photographer working nearby heard a big “Poc” and turned to see the bird falling. “The collision between the bird and the turbine blade was beyond doubt.” They took to bird to the League for the Protection of Birds. The autopsy found that the raptor was in good health before . . .

  • Broken Vineyard Wind turbine blade sinks to ocean floor

    Updated: 2024-07-20 13:48:25
    bostonglobe.com A massive section of a damaged 350-foot turbine blade from a wind farm off the coast of Nantucket that detached Thursday morning has sunk to the ocean floor, town officials said Friday. The large piece of fiberglass “will be recovered in due course,” they said. “Approximately half of the fiberglass shell of the blade remains attached, while most of the foam fill dislodged during the initial failure last Saturday,” Nantucket officials said in an update posted on the town’s . . .

  • Coast Guard warns about debris from damaged Vineyard Wind turbine off Nantucket

    Updated: 2024-07-19 13:32:39
    More debris fell from a turbine Thursday morning at the controversial Vineyard Wind farm off the coast of Cape Cod. This time, it was a chunk almost as big as a football field, apparently the remainder of the blade that broke days earlier and sent debris floating onto beaches. Coast Guard bulletin The U.S. Coast Guard put out a bulletin to mariners that there was “…a piece of debris, 300-feet in length…use extreme caution.” “There were probably between six and . . .

  • Mand mister livet i arbejdsulykke hos Vestas

    Updated: 2024-07-18 17:01:41
    [A Vestas employee has died in an accident at their facility in Nakskov] Mandlig ansat hos Vestas er død i en arbejdsulykke på vindmøllefabrikantens adresse i Nakskov, oplyser politi. Der er torsdag morgen sket en alvorlig arbejdsulykke på Vestas’ adresse i Nakskov. En mandlig ansat har mistet livet. Det oplyser vagtchef Heidi Grandt Andresen fra Sydsjællands og Lolland-Falsters Politi. – Vi er til stede på Vingevej i Nakskov i forbindelse med en alvorlig arbejdsulykke, siger hun. Politiet modtog anmeldelsen om . . .

  • Broken Vineyard Wind turbine blade could fall into ocean off Massachusetts “soon,” company says

    Updated: 2024-07-18 13:58:45
    More pieces of a broken wind turbine off the coast of Massachusetts are falling into the Atlantic Ocean. The CEO of Vineyard Wind was at Nantucket’s Select Board meeting Wednesday evening, apologizing and answering questions about the initial break when he suddenly had to leave because the situation is getting worse. The broken turbine blade could fall into the sea “soon,” the company said. Broken wind turbine The meeting was the first chance for residents of the island to speak . . .

  • Eolico, al porto di Oristano il presidio è a oltranza. Comitati all’attacco: «Dov’è la Regione?»

    Updated: 2024-07-17 16:01:15
    [Wind energy moratorium under fire: Clashes have put the spotlight on the assault in Sardinia.] Gli scontri hanno acceso i riflettori sull’assalto in Sardegna, moratoria sotto tiro. È il nuovo step della battaglia contro l’eolico. Gli scontri nel porto di Oristano tra forze dell’ordine e manifestanti e il presidio a oltranza hanno acceso definitivamente i riflettori sull’assalto alla Sardegna: «La politica non ci ha ascoltato e una questione urbanistica rischia di trasformarsi in un’emergenza sociale». Le parole a caldo di . . .

  • ‘Never seen a more dysfunctional process’: Local officials decried Biden’s top-down imposition of wind farms, internal docs show

    Updated: 2024-07-17 13:56:41
    As the Biden administration accelerated development plans for offshore wind farms, it received vigorous pushback from several local governments in Rhode Island that accused the administration of turning a blind eye to their concerns, according to internal documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon. “We have NEVER seen a more dysfunctional process,” local officials wrote in a November 2022 letter addressed to the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in which they lambasted federal officials for . . .

  • Federal regulators shut down Vineyard Wind after turbine failure, “sharp fiberglass shards” wash ashore, Nantucket beaches closed

    Updated: 2024-07-17 00:29:57
    The federal government has ordered the Vineyard Wind farm to shut down until further notice because of a turbine blade failure this weekend. Several beaches were closed on Tuesday while crews worked to clean up “large floating debris and fiberglass shards” from the broken wind turbine blade off the coast of Martha’s Vineyard. A total of six south shore Nantucket beaches were closed to swimming due to debris that washed ashore. “You can walk on the beaches, however we strongly . . .

  • New Jersey offshore wind ‘energy boondoggle’ faces fierce criticism from residents

    Updated: 2024-07-16 14:02:27
    The Biden administration earlier this month approved the construction of 195 wind turbines with the closest one just nine miles off the southern New Jersey coast line, causing uproar from residents in coastal towns. While the Biden administration and other environmental activist groups boast that the Atlantic Shores South project, nearly nine years in the making, is another milestone in the country’s harvesting of green energy, a former U.S. Department of Energy engineer raises alarm bells that not only is . . .

  • Broken Vineyard Wind turbine scatters debris along Nantucket’s south shore

    Updated: 2024-07-16 13:32:27
    Debris from a broken Vineyard Wind turbine washed up all over Nantucket’s south shore Tuesday morning, and the offshore energy company has announced a cleanup effort that includes sending a team to the island. Residents began reporting pieces of green and white foam, along with larger pieces of what appears to fiberglass, along southern Nantucket beaches at daybreak, stretching from Madaket out to Nobadeer. Vineyard Wind disclosed Monday that one of its turbine blades suffered damage Saturday during an “offshore . . .

  • Chris Bowen leaving Illawarra fishermen in the dark over ‘real risks’ surrounding Labor’s plan for 200 offshore wind turbines, industry leaders say

    Updated: 2024-07-14 17:55:20
    Commercial fishermen on the New South Wales South Coast fear a wind farm in waters off the Illawarra could “decimate” their business. Commercial fishermen in regional NSW fear a proposed offshore wind farm will harm their businesses and are pleading for more information. Mark Horne has been a commercial fisherman in the Illawarra region for almost 25 years. His business, Lobfish, farms and provides eastern rock lobsters to Sydney restaurants as well as local businesses. Mr Horne held back tears . . .

  • Labour paves way for new Norfolk onshore wind farms

    Updated: 2024-07-14 17:51:21
    Rachel Reeves, the incoming chancellor, introduced new measures to give the sites an easier ride through the planning system, as part of a range of reforms intended to boost economic growth. The change could have a significant impact in the region, which experts say contains huge areas which are suitable for such sites. At least half a dozen renewables companies have started to identify sites for full-scale windfarms across the country. Green campaigners and the energy sector have welcomed the . . .

  • Tod am Windrad: Seeadler stürzt zu Boden und stirbt

    Updated: 2024-07-14 13:50:16
    [Sea eagle killed by wind turbine] Karl-Heinz Seedorf kann den traurigen Anblick kaum noch ertragen. Nachdem er vor ein paar Wochen einen toten Rotmilan vom Feld weggetragen hatte, trug der Uckermärker in dieser Woche erneut einen stolzen Seeadler bei Seite. Der riesige Vogel starb in der Nähe seines Heimatortes Blankenburg auf einem großen Windfeld. “Gekillt von den Rotorblättern”, ist der Vorsitzende des Jagdverbandes überzeugt: Der Flügel ist zerschmettert.” Auch über diesen Fund hat er die zuständigen Behörden informiert. “Ein Mitarbeiter . . .

  • Espoon tuulivoimalalle täystyrmäys KHO:lta

    Updated: 2024-07-14 13:45:04
    [The wind turbine planned for Espoo’s Ämmässuo landfill was rejected in the Supreme Administrative Court. It could be life-threatening to seagulls living in the landfill, a significant habitat for them.] Espoon Ämmässuon kaatopaikalle kaavailema tuulivoimala sai kielteisen päätöksen Korkeimmalta hallinto-oikeudelta. Tuulivoimala voisi olla hengenvaarallinen kaatopaikalla eläville lokeille, oikeus toteaa. Lokkien törmäyksiä tuulivoimalan roottoriin ei voida nykyisten selvitysten perusteella sulkea pois. Lisäksi kaatopaikka ja siellä elävien lintujen lentokäyttäytyminen lisäävät itsessään törmäysriskiä. Oikeus arvioi ratkaisussaan, että asiaan liittyvät arviot eivät tältä osin . . .

  • Wind power expansion meets grassroots resistance in Brazil’s northeast

    Updated: 2024-07-13 14:21:32
    Cousins Nilson José dos Santos and Geremias da Cruz dos Anjos grew up together in neighboring rural communities in Brazil’s impoverished Northeast. The ruggedness of the land here and recurring drought make it unsuitable for the commercial farming that has transformed so much of the country. Yet energy companies have found something here to harvest: the wind. The changes to the land have been dramatic. Enel Green Power, an Italian energy company, has put up one of Latin America’s largest . . .

  • Wind turbine workers at Hull’s Siemens Gamesa blade plant balloted for strike action over pay

    Updated: 2024-07-13 13:06:16
    Around 300 Siemens Gamesa wind turbine workers in Hull are being balloted for strike action over pay, the Unite union said today (Friday, July 12). The workers, who construct 108m-long wind turbine blades by hand, are angry at a 4.5 per cent pay offer plus an opaque incentive scheme, according to Unite. Since 2018, wages at the factory on the banks of the Humber estuary have dropped by 11.9 per cent in real terms, it said. Unite general secretary Sharon . . .

  • Copper thieves target wind turbines near Saskatchewan border

    Updated: 2024-07-13 13:00:17
    RCMP are looking for thieves who stole copper from wind turbines in eastern Alberta. Provost RCMP reported three “incidents of mischief” in which thieves damaged the turbines while removing copper over the last three days from the structures north of Hayter, Alta., a hamlet close to the Saskatchewan border located 262 kilometres southeast of Edmonton. Anyone with information about the thefts is asked to call Provost RCMP at 780-753-2215, local police or Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-8477 (TIPS).

  • Idaho clean energy project tanked in US Congress

    Updated: 2024-07-11 14:35:06
    Idaho’s US Representative Mike Simpson (R) took home a political win Wednesday by blocking a clean energy project from moving forward in the Magic Valley. He joined Idaho Governor Brad Little (R) in spearheading legislative resistance to the Lava Ridge Windmill Project, a proposed wind farm that would generate an estimated 700 jobs and reduce the Gem State’s carbon emissions. Simpson added language to the Fiscal Year 2025 funding package that could bar the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM) . . .

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