• ‘These turbines would change everything’: Caithness community rallies against wind farm plan

    Updated: 2024-04-28 16:46:23
    Four generations of the Sandison family have farmed land in Caithness they now fear could be overshadowed by wind turbines. They are members of a small community fighting plans for green energy projects they say would harm their way of life. Wind2 wants to install two 150m high turbines and a battery energy storage system at Bower. An application is expected in May for the project that will have a total installed capacity of around 20MW. Turbines are a ‘blight . . .

  • Worried about effect on “clean energy transition,” Mills vetoes bill requiring union workers on state land

    Updated: 2024-04-27 13:33:30
    Gov. Janet Mills vetoed a bill on Friday that would have required companies leasing state land for clean energy projects to work with unions hoping to represent their workers. The bill, L.D. 373, is aimed at the offshore wind power terminal and manufacturing facility the Mills administration aims to build in Searsport. Mills said she vetoed the bill because it contained ambiguous language and was too far-reaching in its scope. In her veto letter, she wrote that it was unclear . . .

  • Archer Co. Sheriff confirms identity of man in fatal wind turbine accident

    Updated: 2024-04-26 13:17:19
    The Archer County Sheriff’s Office identified the man who died after falling inside a wind turbine Wednesday evening. The man, 31-year-old Marco Anthony Portillo Jr. was a resident of Weslaco, according to Sheriff Jack Curd. Portillo was on the job of a windmill project entitled “Windthorst II Wind” on April 24 under supervision of EDF Renewables. When he began to climb into the turbine, he fell and was pronounced dead on the scene. The sheriff’s office, Air Evac, AMR and . . .

  • Cutting down trees for offshore wind project puts homes at risk, residents say

    Updated: 2024-04-25 13:40:07
    Dominion Energy is under fire from homeowners in one Virginia Beach neighborhood as residents say all the trees the company has taken down as part of its offshore wind project has put their homes in danger. Right behind John Rooney’s property line in the Pine Ridge neighborhood, Dominion Energy has cleared a 140-foot wide strip of trees to make way for power lines that will carry power from the offshore wind turbines to a substation in Chesapeake. Rooney said that . . .

  • Wind energy off Morro Bay faces fisher lawsuit and marine sanctuary issues

    Updated: 2024-04-23 16:02:07
    Three new wind farms in the waters north of Santa Barbara County have run into a few obstacles in their attempts to bring offshore wind to the Central Coast. On top of discussions with government agencies and the Northern Chumash tribe, the three developers face a lawsuit from two San Luis Obispo fisheries claiming that “best practices” are not being used in the process of approving and building off the coast of Morro Bay. The lawsuit was filed by the . . .

  • WInd turbine fire

    Updated: 2024-04-23 15:06:02
    At 4:41am today the Fire Department and Ambulance responded to a report of a windmill on fire located at 876 Rte. 189, Churubusco. Chateaugay responded with mutual aid. Trucks remained on scene.

  • Angry campaigners against plans for England’s biggest wind farm near Hebden Bridge join forces for public meeting

    Updated: 2024-04-21 13:36:25
    Three groups have united to host a public forum to explore concerns they have over a giant windfarm proposed for thousands of hectares of moorland near Hebden Bridge. The Pennine Heritage Trust, in partnership with Hebden Bridge Literary and Scientific Society and Stop Calderdale Wind Farm, have organised the forum, which will be held next month. It is in response to Calderdale Wind Farm Ltd’s proposals for a 65-turbine wind farm on more than 2,300 hectares of land at Walshaw . . .

  • Paradise saved: Ark Energy withdraws project

    Updated: 2024-04-20 14:21:41
    Victory can be declared in the battle to save Chalumbin Forest. Ark Energy, a subsidiary of Korean Zinc, was just a ministerial tick away from ripping into hundreds of acres of tropical forest in the Atherton Tablelands in Far North Queensland. Late yesterday, the company withdrew its application for the renamed Wooroora Station Wind Farm after receiving information from the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water that the proposal would not be approved. The war against the . . .

  • Ill winds generate little electricity

    Updated: 2024-04-20 14:11:12
    Sir, – Herbert Petrie (Letters, April 17) is wrong when he claims that Scotland “can generate electricity for 25 million homes every day”. Most of Scotland’s generating capacity is wind power and there are scores of days each year when the country is becalmed – often at night when there’s no solar energy. For example, on 24 Feb at 23.55, UK wind turbines across the land and sea with a capacity of 23,076 MW were generating a minuscule 160 MW and this . . .

  • 3 New York wind farms scrapped

    Updated: 2024-04-20 13:31:45
    New York pulled the plug Friday on three offshore wind projects that encountered pricing problems after GE canceled the development of a larger turbine that the developers had been counting on. The decision is a setback for the US offshore wind industry and may have some cost implications for Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, which are in the midst of a joint procurement for offshore wind power. The three wind farms proposed for the coast off New York were all . . .

  • New York says it is not moving forward with three offshore wind farms

    Updated: 2024-04-20 13:29:45
    New York State on Friday stalled three major offshore wind-energy projects after General Electric Vernova (GE.N) changed the turbine design, which the state said “materially altered” the plans. New York provisionally approved the projects in October 2023. They are Attentive Energy One being developed by TotalEnergies (TTEF.PA), Rise Light & Power and Corio Generation; Community Offshore Wind, which is backed by RWE (RWEG.DE), opens new tab and National Grid Ventures (NG.L); and Vineyard Offshore’s Excelsior Wind. But since then, GE . . .

  • Major offshore wind projects in New York canceled in latest blow to industry

    Updated: 2024-04-20 13:24:08
    New York’s signature offshore wind projects meant to boost confidence in the industry are being scrapped, a major hit to the industry in the state and the nation. The decision is another setback to New York’s aspirations to achieve 70 percent renewable energy by 2030 and be a hub for the nascent industry in the United States. It will also be another challenge for President Joe Biden’s already likely out-of-reach 30 gigawatt goal for offshore wind by 2030. NYSERDA, the . . .

  • Trees removed for offshore Coastal Virginia Wind project

    Updated: 2024-04-18 13:53:30
    Construction and tree clearing near Naval Air Station Oceana is catching the attention of drivers and neighbors. Dominion Energy says work along Oceana Boulevard and Harper’s Road is part of the 176-turbine Coastal Virginia Wind project. Carrie Rose Pace, a senior communications specialist with Dominion Energy’s electric transmission department, explained that the tree clearing along Oceana Boulevard, across from the base, is related to this project. She described it as duct bank work to install cables for the power that . . .

  • RAF fears fighter jets flying as low as 250ft could hit 650ft wind turbines

    Updated: 2024-04-18 13:45:55
    Military chiefs have objected to plans to extend a Scots windfarm amid fears RAF jets could crash into its huge turbines. Energy firm Boralex wants to build 22 turbines up to 650ft high to extend the Cabrach wind farm in Clashindarroch, Aberdeenshire. The new blades would reach far higher than the 18 existing 360ft turbines at the site and another 14 turbines measuring 590ft that are due to come online. But the Ministry of Defence has objected due to concerns . . .

  • Kay County family frustrated by wind turbine leak

    Updated: 2024-04-18 13:43:10
    A Kay County family told News 4 a leaking wind turbine near their property has now prompted an investigation. The turbine in question is owned and operated by Deriva Energy. Stephanie Mayer said she hadn’t noticed any problems with it until last month. “We had little specks of brown stuff showing up on our windows of our vehicles, out of nowhere,” said Mayer. “When we went to wash it off, like it just smears, it doesn’t like to wash off. . . .

  • BLM extends comment period on proposed Sweetwater County windpower facility

    Updated: 2024-04-18 13:36:18
    The Bureau of Land Management announced on Monday that it is extending the public scoping period for the Jackalope Wind Energy project in Sweetwater County to May 2nd. The proposed 213-wind generator project is planned on 293,000 acres of private, state and public lands in a checkerboard section of lands south of the Table Rock townsite west of Wamsutter. Less than half of the land, 146-thousand acres, is federal and administered by the BLM. At full capacity, the project could . . .

  • Judge rules against tribes in lawsuit with ‘largest clean energy project U.S. history’

    Updated: 2024-04-18 13:32:36
    A federal judge yesterday ruled against The Tohono O’odham Nation, the San Carlos Apache Tribe and environmentalists in a lawsuit to halt work on a $10 billion transmission line being built through an area of cultural significance to the tribes. The SunZia Southwest Transmission Project will carry wind-generated electricity from New Mexico to California. The 520-mile-long powerline is the biggest U.S. electricity infrastructure undertaking since the Hoover Dam and is being lauded as “the largest clean energy project in U.S. . . .

  • ‘Uncertain’ environmental impact of wind farm prompts call for revision

    Updated: 2024-04-16 13:14:46
    The developer of a proposed wind farm near Mortlake is being urged back to the drawing board in a “win for environmentalists”. It comes as Planning Panels Victoria released its report on the Mount Fyans wind farm which would see a 400-megawatt, 81 turbine wind energy facility about five kilometres north of Mortlake. The panel found the level of uncertainty in terms of possible material impacts on the environment, particularly on the endangered Brolga and critically endangered Southern Bent Wing . . .

  • ‘We’d never have moved here if we knew more turbines were coming’

    Updated: 2024-04-15 13:36:08
    When Trevor Smith and his wife Dawn moved to the Cabrach, they thought they had found the home of their dreams. After falling in love with the tranquillity during four holidays in the north-east, they decided to make the massive move from the increasingly busy Isle of Wight. In summer last year they moved into their perfect home, a converted former church, and began settling into their new community. Just four months later they learned of the large wind farm . . .

  • Battle lines set on Lewis over Spiorad na Mara

    Updated: 2024-04-13 13:46:07
    The decision to refuse the request from Northland Power for a strip of common grazing close to the shoreline for siting a 120 metre mast was taken unanimously by an unusually well attended meeting of shareholders in New and North Shawbost grazings. Northland hope to develop the “Spiorad na Mara” windpower facility just off the coast of Lewis. One of those who attended told the Gazette: “We were all given an opportunity to say what we felt. Everyone was wholeheartedly . . .

  • Council secures court order prohibiting further development at wind farm where bog slide occurred

    Updated: 2024-04-12 17:23:22
    Donegal County Council has secured a High Court order prohibiting further development of a wind farm at a site that was the subject of a large bog slide that had “significant environmental consequences”. Mr Justice David Holland’s order restrains Planree Limited and Mid-Cork Electrical from finishing their “largely complete” 19-turbine project on primarily blanket bog in Cashelnavean, Co Donegal, until further court order. The development entities can apply to vary or discharge the order, which came in enforcement proceedings issued . . .

  • As Japan makes major investments in wind power, some residents are pushing back

    Updated: 2024-04-11 18:22:35
    About a 40-minute drive to the north from central Sapporo lies the Sea of Japan port of Ishikari, a city rich in biodiversity that now finds itself at the heart of a fierce debate over wind power as Japan scrambles to decarbonize its energy sector. In a sense, Ishikari represents the idealized version of Hokkaido for many Japanese as well as for foreign tourists: Its coastal waters are famous for their seafood, while the city’s nature trails and parks are . . .

  • Øyfjellet: 150 meter bred rotor falt ned fra ødelagt vindturbin [Rotor assembly detaches from wind turbine]

    Updated: 2024-04-11 16:30:35
    Like over byen Mosjøen i Nordland ruver Øyfjellet. I 2021 åpnet Norges største vindkraftanlegg her. På det værharde fjellet står 72 vindturbiner. Men 27. januar i år ble tallet 71. Årsaken? Under ekstremværet Ingunn løsnet en 150 meter bred rotor og falt ned. Ingen dyr eller mennesker kom til skade da rotoren falt over 100 meter og ble knust. Hvordan kunne dette skje? Fikk problemer allerede i juni Det er Øyfjellet Wind AS som har konsesjonen på vindkraftanlegget på fjellet. . . .

  • Her er 15 av 34 vindturbiner ute av drift [15 of 34 wind turbines out of operation]

    Updated: 2024-04-11 15:03:48
    Over én tredjedel av vindturbinene i Nord-Odal står stille på grunn av feil. Hittil har kommunen gått glipp av flere millioner kroner på stillstanden. – For Nord-Odal kommunes del er det jo litt tragisk, sier nyvalgt ordfører i kommunen, Odd Kjetil Østvand-Sløtte (Ap). Odal vindkraftverk som ligger i Nord-Odal har totalt 34 vindturbiner, men nå er 15 av turbinene ute av drift. Hittil har kommunen gått glipp av 3 millioner kroner på grunn av stansen. Det merkes i en kommune . . .

  • Vindturbinblad knakk og falt av [Wind turbine blade snapped off]

    Updated: 2024-04-11 14:42:23
    Et 71 meter langt vindturbinblad knakk og falt av en turbin på Engerfjellet i Innlandet onsdag. Ingen ble skadet. – Vi fikk beskjed av en grunneier at en vinge hadde falt av, sier daglig leder i Odal vindkraftverk, Lars Tallhaug. Han sier videre at heldigvis var ingen personer i nærheten da det skjedde, og at deres hovedfokus er sikkerheten til de som jobber og oppholder seg i vindkraftverket. Ifølge Tallhaug skjedde hendelsen rundt klokka 19.30 onsdag kveld. Turbinbladet veier rundt . . .

  • Maine House, protecting sand dunes, rejects plan to build offshore wind terminal on Sears Island

    Updated: 2024-04-10 14:03:46
    The Maine House of Representatives voted Tuesday to protect sand dunes on Sears Island where the Mills administration has proposed to build an offshore wind terminal. In an 80-65 vote, the House rejected legislation that would have authorized the Department of Environmental Protection to grant a permit to build the terminal on an area of Sears Island that includes a coastal sand dune system. If the legislation fails, it is unclear how severely the decision would delay the buildout of . . .

  • Neilston wind turbine plan rejected over ‘significant’ detrimental visual impact

    Updated: 2024-04-09 15:54:35
    A bid to build an almost 67 metre high wind turbine near Neilston has been rejected after planners warned it would have a “significant” detrimental impact on the landscape. Officials at East Renfrewshire Council recommended the application was turned down as the “scale and design of the proposed turbine” were considered “well beyond what the local area can accommodate”. Andy Brand, of Nether Carswell III Ltd, had applied for permission to erect the turbine on a site to the south . . .

  • ‘Terrible’: Federal MP lambasts state government planning changes

    Updated: 2024-04-08 13:07:25
    Independent federal MP Helen Haines has condemned Victorian government planning changes she says will “silence” and “punish” rural and regional communities. The state government announced new rules in March to fast-track renewable energy projects across Victoria by channelling them into an approval program that has already rammed dozens of infrastructure projects through, over the heads of local communities. The changes will also prevent many neighbouring landholders from appealing renewable planning decisions to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). The . . .

  • Federal government proposes wind farm in the middle of a whale migration route

    Updated: 2024-04-07 22:26:56
    In what is believed to be a world first, the federal government has proposed developing an offshore wind farm in the middle of a whale super highway off Western Australia’s southwest coast. Each year, tens of thousands of whales use the water in and around Geographe Bay on their annual migration to Antarctica. The bay is described as a pristine marine ecosystem off Bunbury, about 168km south of Perth, and stretches 98km along the coastline to Cape Naturaliste, between Dunsborough . . .

  • Residents raise concerns about Pontotoc County wind farm

    Updated: 2024-04-07 15:59:44
    Pontotoc County Commissioners held a meeting in Ada on Friday morning, allowing county taxpayers to voice their concerns with a wind farm that is set to begin construction near Roff this summer. “This will become the county where metal buildings have more rights than the people.” The plans from energy company Avangrid will bring 33, 600-foot tall wind turbines to the Roff, Oklahoma area. Most residents in the area do not want to see these turbines installed. “When I moved . . .

  • Potential impact of wind farms on monarch butterflies understudied, experts say

    Updated: 2024-04-07 15:55:05
    The prospect of thousands of offshore wind turbines spinning in the waters between New York and New Jersey may have unintended consequences for threatened monarch butterflies that migrate from Long Island beaches each fall, scientists and conservationists say. A recent draft environmental impact study of the impact of offshore wind turbines in the New York Bight – the ocean waters off New York and New Jersey – made only brief and passing mention of the Monarchs, which congregate on South Shore beaches . . .

  • Mannar wind farm project: another folly like Sinharaja logging project on the horizon?

    Updated: 2024-04-07 15:53:50
    Background A wind farm consisting of 30 towers generating 100MW (Phase 1 – Thambapawani) was established on the southern coast of Mannar Island in 2020, with financial assistance from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The widespread criticism of this project due to its positioning within one of the main bird migratory corridors in the Asian region (detailed elsewhere in the article) was largely overlooked or ignored due to the economic priorities that prevailed at the time, as it happened with . . .

  • ‘Undermines our sovereignty’: Custodians speak out against wind farm zone

    Updated: 2024-04-07 15:38:05
    The custodians of an area of sea country marked as an offshore wind farm zone off the south-west coast say the decision has shown “disregard for our voices”. It comes as both the Gunditj Mirring and Eastern Maar Aboriginal corporations expressed their disappointment at the announcement made by Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen on March 6. In a statement, Gunditj Mirring said there’d been a “complete lack of appropriate and meaningful consultation between the commonwealth government and . . .

  • La Provincia dice no al parco eolico a Saliceto: “Impatto devastante sul paesaggio”

    Updated: 2024-04-06 15:05:48
    [Provincial Council of Cuneo says no to windpower facility in Saliceto: “Devastating impact on the landscape”] “Impatto devastante sul paesaggio”. Per questo il consiglio provinciale convocato d’urgenza il 2 aprile ha dato il suo parere negativo al progetto del parco eolico “Monte Cerchio” che la ditta Windtek di Torino vuole realizzare tra le province di Savona e Cuneo con l’installazione di sette pale eoliche alte oltre 200 metri sulle colline dell’alta Langa. Lo riporta l’ufficio stampa della Provincia che spiega . . .

  • La cour d’appel de Rennes condamne une société éolienne pour dommages causés aux riverains

    Updated: 2024-04-06 14:50:49
    [The Rennes Court of Appeal ordered the company Fp Lux Wind to compensate thirteen residents for the loss of value of their homes. Following an expert evaluation ordered by the court, the court of appeal “considers that the loss in the market value of the property [of the residents closest to the construction] amounts to 40% of the local real estate market price”. The nuisances recognized by the court are multiple: “recurring noise depending on the direction of the wind, . . .

  • Meet the expert on turbine eagle deaths the wind energy industry turned on

    Updated: 2024-04-06 14:33:28
    Back in the late 1990s, ecologist Shawn Smallwood didn’t think much about connecting avian and bat deaths with the whooshing blades of wind turbines. It was a concept foreign to him. But then a long-distance jogging partner he worked with at the University of California-Davis asked him to tag along in a “fatality search” with dogs to sniff out dead bird and bat carcasses caused by the thousands of turbines that dot the picturesque Altamont Pass, a low-lying mountainous region . . .

  • Oregon seafood industry calls on Gov. Tina Kotek to halt offshore wind energy development

    Updated: 2024-04-06 14:26:39
    Some of the most powerful and consistent winds in the world are located off the southwest Oregon coast, according to the Oregon Department of Energy. A coalition of independent fishing boat operators, seafood companies and industry groups is calling on Gov. Tina Kotek to ask the federal government to stop a planned auction for floating wind energy projects off the Oregon Coast. In a letter to Kotek on Tuesday, the more than 100 signatories said she should stop the U.S. . . .

  • Resolution might halt commercial wind energy

    Updated: 2024-04-06 14:01:14
    Last week the Henry County Board of Supervisors held two courtesy readings of a resolution establishing a temporary moratorium on rezoning land to an Alternative Overlay District for commercial wind energy use. The resolution, which supervisors stated was written by the county attorney, would establish a temporary moratorium on the rezoning of any land to the Alternative Overlay District through March 2, 2025, unless extended or shortened by the Board of Supervisors. According to the resolution this is to allow . . .

  • Widerstand gegen Windkraft auf Bergen in Salzburg

    Updated: 2024-04-06 13:37:37
    In Bezirken und Gemeinden, die von Windkraftprojekten betroffen sind oder sein könnten, gibt es – trotz allgemein etwas steigender Akzeptanz – zum Teil nach wie vor Vorbehalte und Widerstände. So ist zum Beispiel die überregionale Bürgerbewegung “Keine Windindustrieanlagen in alpiner Bergwelt” aktiv, für die sich der Lungauer Matthias Prodinger aus St. Michael engagiert. Er warnt vor massiven Eingriffen in die Natur, wie sie unter anderem auf dem Windsfeld bei Flachau drohen würden. Das betreffe etwa die Tierwelt, im Besonderen Greifvögel, . . .

  • En suspenso otro eólico de Monte do Gato por el riesgo para hábitats y especies protegidas

    Updated: 2024-04-06 13:15:48
    [Another Monte do Gato wind farm on hold due to the risk to protected habitats and species] La Justicia ha dejado en suspenso cautelarmente la autorización para otro de los parques eólicos proyectados en Monte do Gato, el denominado Gato, promovido por Greenalia Wind Power y que prevé cuatro aerogeneradores en terrenos de Aranga y Oza-Cesuras. La decisión del Tribunal Superior de Xustiza de Galicia de paralizar las obras de este parque hasta que se dicte sentencia sobre la legalidad . . .

  • Assalto eolico, il Tar salva la “Stonehenge sarda”

    Updated: 2024-04-06 13:08:37
    Bocciato il ricorso della Green Sardegna 2 che voleva conficcare le pale eoliche a Goni, tra Menhir e necropoli. [The appeal of Green Sardegna 2, who wanted to stick the wind turbines in Goni, between the menhir and the necropolis, was rejected: Renewable energies cannot in any way prevail or, worse, be all-encompassing over other constitutional values, such as the landscape, the environment, the culture, and the identity of a people.] Volevano assaltare a colpi di pale eoliche il proscenio . . .

  • «Un referendum per dire NO alle pale eoliche in Calabria: Occhiuto tuteli i Calabresi»

    Updated: 2024-04-06 00:52:05
    Un referendum per dire NO a nuovi impianti eolici in Calabria. Per dire basta al proliferare della pale che stanno devastando il territorio calabrese senza portare nulla all’economia calabrese. E gli impianti realizzati dovranno essere smontati e smaltiti in tempi brevi (massimo 20 anni). Questa la nostra proposta contro una situazione che, in tutta Italia, sta creando un movimento di pensiero contrario a questo scempio ambientale in atto. A tal proposito chiediamo al Governatore Occhiuto di tutelare il territorio calabrese . . .

  • Secco “no” della Provincia di Cuneo all’impianto eolico sul Monte Cerchio

    Updated: 2024-04-06 00:29:02
    «Seven wind turbines over 200 meters high positioned on the hills of the Alta Langa (which reach just 600 meters above sea level) would have devastating effects on the landscape, the main driver of local tourism».

  • Sardegna: no degli ambientalisti alla centrale eolica fra Ogliastra, Barbagia e Sarcidano

    Updated: 2024-04-06 00:22:21
    Gli ambientalisti del Gruppo d’Intervento Giuridico (GrIG) hanno inoltrato un atto di intervento nell’ambito del procedimento di valutazione d’impatto ambientale (V.I.A.) relativo al progetto di realizzazione della centrale eolica “Serra Joni” da parte della società multinazionale Acciona Energia Global Italia s.r.l. in località varie fra Ogliastra, Barbagia e Sarcidano, nei territori comunali di Ussassai, Esterzili, Escalaplano e Seui (SU-NU). Il progetto “Serra Joni” prevede 7 aerogeneratori con un’altezza massima complessiva di circa 240 metri, per una potenza nominale massima pari . . .

  • Developers pitch new offshore wind projects off Vineyard coast

    Updated: 2024-04-01 13:59:43
    Four offshore wind energy developers eyeing the water south of the Vineyard submitted new proposals to Massachusetts and other neighboring states last week in an effort to get new wind farms in the ocean within the next several years. The new wave of projects could come as early as 2029, though the developers also had timelines running into 2031 and beyond. None of the companies plan to have any operations on Martha’s Vineyard, leaving Vineyard Wind as the only project . . .

  • Pale d’une éolienne pliée en deux à Feluy

    Updated: 2024-03-31 21:42:46
    [In Feluy, Hainaut, a blade from a wind turbine was bent in two this Thursday. The device continued to operate for a while before being stopped. Debris fell in the field.] Scène insolite à Feluy, dans le Hainaut. Une pale d’une éolienne s’est retrouvée pliée en deux ce jeudi. Des débris sont également tombés dans le champ. L’exploitant Elawan Energy indique qu’il s’agit d’un “incident rare”. Selon la société Elawan Energy, citée par la RTBF, la pale s’est pliée vers . . .

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