• Cute penguin clips

    Updated: 2011-11-01 18:47:17
    A few cute penguin videos made the rounds on the web last week. Here are a few, in case you missed them (we can’t resist sharing cute bird clips!). First, an Adelie Penguin seems to be playing with some kind of plastic box. The lightweight “toy” tries to get away, with cute results. One particular [...]

  • Are you Birding the Net?

    Updated: 2011-10-31 23:52:48
    Audubon has a fun competition going on right now, called “Birding the Net.” Participants collect birds which are found on various participating sites around the web. On a special Facebook app, contestants can tally their totals and trade for needed birds with their friends. You can even find some right here on Birdorable! (click to [...]

  • Spot the Birdorable 94

    Updated: 2011-10-28 14:01:22
    Can you guess what Birdorable bird this is? An early scientific name for this species was Parus capite nigro: vertice albo, dorso cinereo, pectore albo. Check the Meet the Birds page to see if you can find it! The answer to the last ‘Spot the Birdorable’ was Black-necked Stilt which was first guessed correctly by [...]

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