• Baby Birdorable: California Condor

    Updated: 2011-08-30 21:16:19
    Blog readers, please note: an error in the Vulture Name Tiles Game from yesterday’s post was discovered on Tuesday, August 30th. The error was corrected at approximately 3:30PM EDT. Please re-download the puzzle if your version was downloaded prior to that time. Sorry for the inconvenience. International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD) is coming up this [...]

  • Fun Vulture Downloads

    Updated: 2011-08-29 19:41:38
    International Vulture Awareness Day (IVAD) is coming up this Saturday, September 3rd. To celebrate vultures and learn about vulture ecology and spread awareness for endangered vulture species, zoos, museums and other groups across the world are hosting special Vulture Awareness Programs. You can find a list of such programs on the IVAD website. We’ve created [...]

  • Spot the Birdorable 92

    Updated: 2011-08-17 18:17:55
    Can you guess what Birdorable bird this is? This striking bird uses its enormous beak to pluck fruit from trees. Check the Meet the Birds page to see if you can find it! The answer to the last ‘Spot the Birdorable’ was American Avocet which was first guessed correctly by Cathi on the blog.

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