• Spot the Birdorable 90

    Updated: 2011-06-25 18:03:58
    Can you guess what Birdorable bird this is? This little bird is part of a family of highly-sought-by-birders migratory birds during spring and fall migration. Check the Meet the Birds page to see if you can find it! The answer to the last ‘Spot the Birdorable’ was Painted Bunting which was first guessed correctly by [...]

  • New Coloring Page: Palm Cockatoo

    Updated: 2011-06-13 22:01:18
    Here is a new Birdorable coloring page for some cute coloring fun: the Palm Cockatoo. Go to Coloring Pages to download the new free PDF. You can visit the Birdorable Palm Cockatoo page to check the colors. This download will be available until 1 August 2011. Check here for more coloring pages. Subscribe to the [...]

  • Avian Extreme: Penguin Fasts

    Updated: 2011-06-09 17:54:05
    Did you know that all penguins practice fasting during the year? Prior to fasting, penguins build up a thick fat layer which will provide energy during the fast period. Penguins fast for two reasons. First, some species don’t leave their nesting grounds during the entire courtship, breeding and incubation period. Their food is found in [...]

  • Baby Birdorable: Black-winged Stilt

    Updated: 2011-06-06 17:19:06
    If you think our Birdorable birds are cute as adults, what about when they are babies? Below are some baby photos (shared via Flickr) of the Black-winged Stilt. Black-winged Stilts are shorebirds that live across much of Europe, Africa and Asia. Stilt nests are bare scrapes on the ground, close to water. Baby stilts are [...]

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