• Feb 28, I cant retire

    Updated: 2011-02-28 18:25:11
    I cant retire... Oh yes you can retire, by spending less

  • Feb 28, I can't retire

    Updated: 2011-02-28 18:19:24
    I can't retire... Oh yes you can retire, by spending less

  • It was me …

    Updated: 2011-02-28 05:22:55
    I started leaving some magazines (Businessweek, Outside, Bon Appetit), in the laundry room and lo and behold, at least one other person picked up on the idea and started leaving magazines as well, so now I have access to National Geographic. Next, I’ll try leaving some CDs and see what happens. If you decide to [...]

  • Feb 27, How to Retire in Mexico, What do you Want?

    Updated: 2011-02-27 22:47:19
    How to retire in Mexico, do it well, do it cheaply

  • How to Choose the Right Contribution Percentage to Your 401k Retirement Plan

    Updated: 2011-02-26 21:06:00
    How to Choose the Right Contribution Percentage to Your 401k Retirement Plan by America Saves 26. February 2011 11:06 By David Bakke David Bakke writes about money topics like saving money , planning for retirement , smart shopping , and building wealth on the Money Crashers personal finance . blog If your employer offers an individual 401k retirement plan you should be contributing to it unless you fall into a very small exception . category The only time I would advise against participating in a company-sponsored 401k plan is if these contributions would interfere with your ability to pay monthly bills or get out of debt Don't invest in your future at the expense of your current situation . But if you can afford to make even a small contribution to the plan , go for . it Now that you're

  • A salary veils economic reality

    Updated: 2011-02-26 05:02:24
    I just sent my first invoice as a freelancer. It turns out that I have covered all my cost-of-living expenses (and then some) for March by working just a few hours every other day. What an amazing proof of concept. Being paid an hourly rate and being able to work whenever (when there is work [...]

  • How to Save at Tax Time – with Savings Bonds

    Updated: 2011-02-25 16:56:00
    How to Save at Tax Time with Savings Bonds by America Saves 25. February 2011 06:56 ALL taxpayers receiving refunds can make an impulsive decision to save by splitting their refund in U.S . Savings Bonds using their tax form . nbsp With as little as 50, tax filers can save for themselves or in the name of a loved one in a safe , guaranteed , accessible , and competitive savings instrument . nbsp Moreover , taxpayers can receive the remainder of their refund the part not saved in a Savings Bond through a paper check or direct deposit . nbsp This means unbanked filers can also save Generally , there are three big barriers to saving having money to save , having access to a good product at the right time , and being motivated and encouraged to save . nbsp With this opportunity , two of those

  • The Early Retirement Path

    Updated: 2011-02-25 08:48:02
    In this guest post Tim from Canadian Dream: Free at 45 shares his path to early retirement at 45. If you like to read more about the road to early retirement you can subscribe to his RSS Feed here. I like to think of myself as fairly ordinary. To outsiders I seem to fit into [...]

  • Bonds for Retirement Income

    Updated: 2011-02-24 22:47:43
    The Arguments for an All Bond Portfolio in Tough Times As a retiree of modest means in a tough market, you worry about how best to invest your money. If you really can’t afford to risk any of your money to market downturns, then perhaps an all-bond approach is the way to go. By an [...]

  • 7 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score

    Updated: 2011-02-24 20:56:00
    7 Ways to Boost Your Credit Score by America Saves 24. February 2011 10:56 This post is by Silicon Valley Blogger , who writes for The Digerati Life a personal finance site that covers a wide range of topics in the areas of money management , finance and . business From getting a mortgage to securing a good job , your credit score matters . nbsp You want to boost your credit score to qualify for low interest loans and topnotch jobs , so consider these tips to help you raise your credit . score 1 Know What Your Credit Score Is Start out by knowing what your credit score actually is by verifying it through the three major credit bureaus : Transunion , Equifax and Experian . nbsp Perform these regular checks as an old credit score might be inaccurate . nbsp Besides checking your FICO credit

  • Information, knowledge, and wisdom

    Updated: 2011-02-24 06:22:40
    We definitely live in an information society, yes! We might live in a knowledge based society. Emphasis on might! But can we claim that our society is wise? Definitely not! Today there are more people than ever before working on generating information. Information is in a sense any piece of non-random data that you can [...]

  • Meetup in Seattle Sun Feb 27th @ 2pm

    Updated: 2011-02-23 23:22:15
    See here for details. This is your chance to meet like-minded individuals without getting hassled with well-intentioned advice that making your own coffee instead of buying a $3 cup or saving more than 30% of your income might be a bit too extreme for “normal people”. It would be nice to have an idea of [...]

  • Feb 23, Living overseas

    Updated: 2011-02-23 19:48:37
    living overseas... The benefits are many with the right attitude

  • Savings Mistakes You’ll Make in Your 20’s – and How to Avoid Them

    Updated: 2011-02-23 19:09:00
    Savings Mistakes You’ll Make in Your 20’s and How to Avoid Them by America Saves 23. February 2011 09:09 By Dave Clarke Dave Clarke is the Communications Strategist at Churnless , a company that helps entrepreneurs . nbsp He originally wrote this article for EndangeredSavers.com Follow Dave on Twitter : thedaveclarke Let's face it 20-somethings are pretty lousy when it comes to saving money . They simply don't do it all that much . According to the Pew Research Center , less than 3 out of 10 people age 18-29 call themselves savers . The reasons are obvious : debt student loan , credit card , or otherwise rents , car payments , food , internet , cable , cell , insurance , fun the list goes on . The typical , in-the-now 20-something lifestyle just doesn't seem conducive to saving . But that

  • Stock returns in the long run

    Updated: 2011-02-23 08:40:58
    Every now and then, well all the #@$@#$ time, we hear that stocks are a good long term investment. Apparently, so the reasoning goes, stocks have historically provided good returns when averaged over periods of several decades(*), and therefore stocks will provide good returns in the long run in the future as well. (*) Several [...]

  • Economic oversimplication

    Updated: 2011-02-22 04:52:41
    A major problem of economic thought is that economics is not recognized as a complex non-linear system. Non-linearity generally means that the system can not be described as the sum of independent non-interacting components. Of course humans are inherently predisposed to exactly that kind of thinking. Humans are always looking for causes to explain effects. [...]

  • “DIY” Return address labels

    Updated: 2011-02-21 20:43:48
    I just wanted to share a tip on how to “make” your own return address labels instead of writing your address in the upper left corner. I cut mine out of junk direct-mail. This way I don’t need to shred my junk mail to guard against personal information. I avoid needing a shredder and I [...]

  • Be Prepared: Have a Graduation Emergency Fund

    Updated: 2011-02-21 18:09:00
    : Be Prepared : Have a Graduation Emergency Fund by America Saves 21. February 2011 07:27 This article is by guest blogger Ashley Jacobs the author of the College Cents column on Wise Bread Wise Bread is a community of bloggers that aims to help you live large on a small . budget The transition from college to the real world is a big adjustment . nbsp Gone are the days of studying for tests , writing papers , and registering for classes . nbsp After graduation , it's about getting a job and keeping yourself financially . afloat The problem is that for many graduates , the job market isn't looking so hot . nbsp Many college grads can go for months without getting a job offer , and most of them don't have a backup plan to pay their bills while they are waiting to land . jobs So how can

  • Money for nothing and the shirts for free

    Updated: 2011-02-19 03:51:24
    I have noticed that there is a limited number of dominant freecyclers in my group (find your local group by going to freecycle.org) so I have started to pick up cues on who wants what. If someone offers something, then rather than just picking it up for free, I will usually make an offer to [...]

  • On liabilities

    Updated: 2011-02-18 08:19:33
    Anything that requires regular expenditures is a liability. Think cars, housing, cigarettes, eating and staying alive (for that matter)… To get on a fast track to financial independency, it is helpful to route expenditures through capital assets. The idea is that you work to pay for assets such as savings, CDs, stocks, and bonds, and [...]

  • Senior Citizens Financial Squeeze Starts Now

    Updated: 2011-02-16 19:02:21
    Here’s the headline on CNBC today “US Must Look at Revenues to Cut Deficit: Geithner.” Senior Citizens will supply much of the revenue that the US needs as you will see. Americans are polyannish. We have it so good that no one wants to be the first to say that the emperor has no clothes. [...]

  • No need to save millions – here’s a quicker way to financial independence

    Updated: 2011-02-16 08:12:21
    With a name like early retirement (extreme) I get a lot of inquires about how many millions one needs to become financially independent. A brief search in the personal finance blogging world reveals several bloggers that are aiming for the millions. Not this guy. The idea that you need to be a millionaire is predicated [...]

  • Guest post: Fulfillment

    Updated: 2011-02-15 21:14:38
    This is a guest post from Peter Lawrence author of The Happy Minimalist. He was born and raised in Singapore and lives in Santa Clara, California. He has been able to retire well before the normal retirement age not because he won a lottery, inherited wealth, or joined a start-up. Peter attributes his early retirement [...]

  • Retirement Calculator

    Updated: 2011-02-13 22:34:00
    Click to immediately use our retirement calculator. However, to better understand what  a retirement calculator will tell you, read on. The purpose of every retirement calculator is to tell you one or both of these two pieces of information: 1. how much you need to save (usually per month) to be able to retire or [...]

  • If I retire with a million dollars how well can I live?

    Updated: 2011-02-13 11:58:40
    Financial planners universally use a rule of thumb that you can deduct about 4% of your retirement account annually without compromising your principal(*). With a retirement account of $1,000,000 you can therefore spend $40,000 a year. As for how well you can live on $40,000 a year that is another question entirely. If you live [...]

  • Which morals are most useful for personal finance?

    Updated: 2011-02-12 03:20:37
    There are, as far as I know, two sets of morals which have dominated thought for the past century. Postmodernistic interpersonal value acceptance. Basically, the widely spread “I’m okay, you’re okay” approach to interpersonal acceptance. Followers believe that it is impossible to establish an optimal best set of ethics. Moral behavior then becomes a question [...]

  • Retirement Investing Myths

    Updated: 2011-02-12 00:27:59
    Retirement Investing Myth 1- Get out of equities and put your money in the bank Unless you’re rich, this retirement investing strategy won’t work.  It’s the rich guy that can afford to be super-conservative.  With $5 million, he can put his cash in the bank and earn two percent and have $100,000 yearly income.  But [...]

  • Reverse Mortgage Update for 2011

    Updated: 2011-02-11 22:14:04
    Reverse mortgages just became a lot better for seniors. The reverse mortgage is available for seniors who are cash-poor and have home equity. This special type of loan allows the borrower to tap the equity in their home and get cash without the need to make mortgage payments.  the senior can use the loan for [...]

  • Retirement Income Options

    Updated: 2011-02-09 03:01:25
    Know Your Income Options in Retirement Many retirees want a steady income relatively immune to market turn downs but also to not outlive their income. At age 65, you have some 17 years of life expectancy and with 50% living longer.  Inflation has historically averaged 3% which cuts the value of a dollar by a [...]

  • Bond Funds – a Retirement Investing Sucker Deal

    Updated: 2011-02-02 21:04:22
    Bond funds are a poor investment–for anyone. A bond fund is a collection of bonds but as soon as bonds are placed in a fund, they lose their most attractive characteristics for retirees.  The features that make bonds attractive retirement investments are: 1. A known maturity date. You know exactly how long your funds will [...]

  • Retirement Investing – A Simple Program

    Updated: 2011-02-02 02:55:12
    Retirement investing can look daunting when you read too much and listen to CNBC too often. No matter what trouble we all have in life, it’s because we went ahead with action and no plan.  Of the 50% of marriages that end in divorce, how many participants had a checklist, went out with at least [...]

  • Feb 1, Retiring on the Cheap in Seattle

    Updated: 2011-02-01 18:08:07
    I wanted to retire in Seattle to be near family but wasn't sure I had the income to retire at all. So I set out to find a way - and I'm loving it. I

  • Locking Up Retirement Income for Life

    Updated: 2011-02-01 16:23:34
    What’s your biggest worry about retirement? The most common among retirees is outliving their money. This is called longevity risk and my topic today is how to avoid this risk in retirement. If you’ve had money in the market these past several years, chances are you know that your money is at risk. I know you’ve [...]

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