• The Push

    Updated: 2010-09-30 00:00:36
    This guest post was written by Robert Wringham, the editor of New Escapologist magazine. New Escapologist is a magazine for white-collar functionaries with escape on the brain. The last time I wrote a guest post for ERE was to tell the story of my escape from employment through the various frugal and entrepreneurial habits I [...]

  • Quo vadis?

    Updated: 2010-09-29 00:19:47
    Note: I wrote this post in 2008, but I think it is equally valid in 2010. Back then I was yet to retire. Now having retired, I have solved some of the problems I discuss below such as what to do and who to do it with. In many ways I consider the problem of [...]

  • Risk of ruin and tolerance of variance

    Updated: 2010-09-28 21:07:04
    In investing, variance—the fluctuation of price—and risk of ruin—I like to think of this as “unknowns”—are often confused with each other, that is risk is considered to be equivalent to the variance (standard deviation squared). More details here. This is done because it’s the easy thing to do mathematically and write academic papers about it. [...]

  • Most people …

    Updated: 2010-09-28 05:11:20
    Most people have been told what to think and what to think about, Most people have been rewarded by focusing on what they have been told to focus on. Most people, therefore, are not curious. Most people are told what to do and get rewarded accordingly Most people follow procedures and tradition. Most people, therefore, [...]

  • Sep 27, Best Country to Retire, Check out these Four

    Updated: 2010-09-27 17:11:02
    The best Country to Retire, from a Frugal View, it may Surprise you

  • The definition of retirement

    Updated: 2010-09-27 17:10:53
    …perhaps, being inspired by Bill Clinton, depends on what the definition of definition is The name of this blog is Early Retirement Extreme, but the question comes up again and again—at least often enough—whether I (or we) are really genuinely retired? According to the dictionary, being retired means having withdrawn from one’s professional occupation, which [...]

  • What is your number?

    Updated: 2010-09-26 07:02:37
    Financial planners generally agree that a 4 percent retirement withdrawal rate (a study has been done!) is safe for the long-term as it takes into account inflation, economic growth, and so on. This means that you need 25 times (1.00/0.04 = 25) your annual expenditures invested in income generating assets such as stocks, bonds, CDs, [...]

  • Think Big, Basically and Simply.

    Updated: 2010-09-25 06:54:10
    I’m currently reading Thoughts of a Philosophical Fighter Pilot by Jim Stockdale (again). I’m not quite finished yet, but the book is chocked full of wisdom that is applicable to [my] life once the translation between military life and civilian life is made. In his essay on “climbing the pyramids of naval aviation” he emphasizes [...]

  • Sep 24, A self sufficient garden

    Updated: 2010-09-24 20:56:06
    Hey ya'll, Got the news letter and you are pretty much running in the same mode we are here. Still putting the whole place together,right now we are

  • CSRS Voluntary Contributions

    Updated: 2010-09-24 16:49:06
    Find out why the CSRS Voluntary Contributions plan is the best kept secret in CSRS!

  • Civil Service Disability Retirement

    Updated: 2010-09-24 16:19:16
    If you became disabled while performing your Federal job, you may be eligible for a Civil Service Disability Retirement.

  • A list of people pursuing extreme early retirement

    Updated: 2010-09-23 20:18:21
    Here’s a long list of introductions from ERE readers all around the world. The complete list given in the link. Canada, Arizona, Finland, California, Portugal, Canada, Belgium, Minneapolis, California, California, California, California, North Dakota, Kansas, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Canada, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Denmark, Massachusetts, Canada, Belgium, Australia, Japan, Iowa, Canada, New York, [...]

  • The Drake equation of personal finance

    Updated: 2010-09-22 08:27:37
    In trying to change people’s behavior when it comes to personal finance, I have come to believe that it is not so much for the lack of “great posts” or wonderful insights as much as it is a question about the right person reading the right post at the right moment in time. In exobiology [...]

  • How to downsize your kitchen

    Updated: 2010-09-22 05:39:16
    Step one: Figure out what you need When I was single, I eventually figured out exactly what I needed (see my minimalist kitchen post for details) to cook my food). Since getting married it is clear that those needs have changed. Without an inventory analysis (*) it is impossible to know what needed and what [...]

  • September 2010 in review

    Updated: 2010-09-21 17:35:42
    September has been a really busy month. We have been proofing the book for the final time; the cover has been updated; and I just ordered another proof copy about 5 minutes ago. Hopefully, the publishing process will be over soon. It’s hard for me to concentrate creatively on multiple similar projects simultaneously. This is [...]

  • Sep 20, Frugal Living in Retirement, it isn't cheap living

    Updated: 2010-09-20 17:16:26
    By practicing frugal living we have been retired for 16 years, with no skimping, we can show you how

  • Small cap value investing

    Updated: 2010-09-20 01:39:11
    Today Early Retirement Extreme presents a guest post by Saj Karsan from Barel Karsan that introduces the concept of hands-on value investing in the small cap universe. I use similar strategies and Barel Karsan is one of the few blogs I read daily. If you want to watch value investing in action, you should subscribe [...]

  • How I’m now getting books, CDs, and DVDs without paying for them

    Updated: 2010-09-19 01:38:07
    One measure of financial independence is not to have to worry about having money to pay for goods. This is usually accomplished by having lots of money, but with the internet a second method is emerging. I’m talking about swap sites, freebie sites, etc. where computers match up people who then trade their stuff for [...]

  • Municipal Bonds for Retirement Income — Little Known Aspects

    Updated: 2010-09-18 00:04:14
    Municipal bonds can be a great source of retirement income and this post will keep you from getting ripped off.  The interest is high and tax free but the way municipal bonds are sold lacks regulation and disclosure and you’re about to learn what your broker will never tell you. Municipal  bonds are not for everyone [...]

  • Retirement Advisor May Not Hold Your Best Interest

    Updated: 2010-09-17 02:00:32
    Many people are stupidly trusting and you may be so with your retirement advisor.  It’s essential to have trust for an economy to work, but it does not mean that trust must be blind and rely on your retirement advisor’s spoken word. Yet everyday we see results of this type of blind trust in the [...]

  • Wealth is not about the money

    Updated: 2010-09-16 23:28:27
    In the past few weeks I have written a lot about about wealth and how I became financially independent (part I, part II, part III, part IV). One of my posts, Stranger in a Strange Land, elicited a response from Lily over at The Honest Dollar. Of course I had to write my own response [...]

  • Pilaf: To really slash your grocery budget

    Updated: 2010-09-16 18:37:11
    I read once in Luxury Fever that it’s quite possible to get used to eating the same meal three times a day, day in and day out. As long as a diet is well-balanced, there’s no harm in repetition. I bet the reason that people are told to eat a varied diet is similar to [...]

  • Net worth calculations are useless

    Updated: 2010-09-16 06:22:07
    Got your attention there, didn’t I? I want to challenge the notion that net worth calculations are a good measure for where a person stands economically. It is my posit that net worth only reflects a fairly one-dimensional image of a person. Insofar that a person really is one-dimensional, and maybe this holds in a [...]

  • The Forgotten Safe Money Option

    Updated: 2010-09-15 17:00:32
    We live in very interesting economic times. It appears we barely avoided the second great depression, but the jury is still out. We now have the lowest interest rates in a generation and market uncertainty is keeping investors awake at night. What to do? I’d like to tell you about a Forgotten Safe [...]

  • Survey about Online Federal Retirement Planning Guide

    Updated: 2010-09-15 16:07:15
    Are you interested in a Step-by-Step guide to planning your federal retirement? Tell us what you think!

  • Most popular posts

    Updated: 2010-09-15 11:18:08
    For a long time I have had a list of the “most popular posts” in one of my sidebars. For a long time I have not updated this list. Truth to be told, these posts may not be the most popular. Rather they have been chosen as a mix of posts which have resulted in [...]

  • Can You Earn Higher Interest Rates Without Risk?

    Updated: 2010-09-10 22:15:23
    Interest rates are currently at historical lows and expected to stay there for the foreseeable future. If you had $500,000 in a 5-year bank CD paying 6% your annual interest was $30,000. Currently the national average rate for 5-year CDs is 1.84% to yield $9,200 a year – 70% lower than before. Lower interest rates [...]

  • Sep 10, A Great Day In Dallas

    Updated: 2010-09-10 18:41:56
    Dallas is in my opinion one of America's greatest cities. The train rides are a perfect way to get into the city. They are comfortable and the people

  • Sep 10, Winter Haven best spot for retirement

    Updated: 2010-09-10 18:39:15
    We moved to Florida in 1999 from western New York state, bought a condominium and now have a condominium in Winter Haven FL. Winter Haven with 35,000

  • Sep 10, New life

    Updated: 2010-09-10 18:31:14
    Aloha, First of all, congratulations!!! You did it! It makes me so happy to hear stories like yours and believe that we don't need a boring life! I am

  • Sep 10, Getting ready to do the same!

    Updated: 2010-09-10 18:29:36
    Thanks for sharing your experiences! This site makes me feel even more sure that my husband and I can do this. We have been motor boaters for several

  • Sep 18, Understanding Medicare Options

    Updated: 2010-09-09 02:42:07
    Understanding Medicare options...making sense of your options when you turn 65

  • TSP Retirement Choices

    Updated: 2010-09-09 02:41:30
    What can you do with your Thrift Savings Plan account at retirement? Learn about your TSP Retirement options.

  • Sep 8, How I built this site

    Updated: 2010-09-08 21:14:30
    How a computer illiterate 64 year old built a website

  • Retirement Income Needed- an overlooked source

    Updated: 2010-09-05 12:27:30
    Retirement Income Needed - an overlooked source of supplemental retirement income

  • Sep 4, Cruise Tips -- Choosing A Cruise

    Updated: 2010-09-05 00:13:17
    Is a cruise in your future? Looking for cruise tips? Travel writer, Tess Bridgwater, offers her top ten tips for choosing a cruise. Investigate before you book.

  • Sep 4, Arizona retirement communities...What do you want from Arizona retirement communities?

    Updated: 2010-09-04 17:53:13
    Arizona retirement communities offer a wide range of communities all with the fine Arizona weather included

  • CSRS Retirement Class - Federal Retirement Planning

    Updated: 2010-09-02 18:53:07
    Want to learn about your Federal Retirement benefits? Sign up for our CSRS Retirement Class.

  • FERS Retirement Seminar - Federal Retirement Planning

    Updated: 2010-09-02 18:49:53
    Want to learn about your Federal Retirement benefits? Sign up for our FERS Retirement Seminar.

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