• Book review: Effective cycling

    Updated: 2011-01-30 21:07:40
    Disclaimer: I hate writing book reviews just a tad more than I hate reading them, but I figured it would be helpful if nothing else to at least mention a few a the typically 2-3 books I plow through during a week if I deem they could be helpful. I only expect to mention the [...]

  • Done in by consumption

    Updated: 2011-01-30 02:21:47
    Those with lower wealth will eventually get done in by consumption. They’re simply spending too much to be able to invest significant amounts overseas. — from the book Richistan by Robert Frank I’d make that “invest significant amounts” period. Wealth is defined as the ratio between investable assets (not consumer assets like the house you [...]

  • Governor Patrick’s Budget on Health Care: Playing Around the Edges

    Updated: 2011-01-28 23:41:14
    Medicaid (MassHealth) The Administration is feeling the heat with the increase in Medicaid (MassHealth) spending. Without a doubt something needs to be done—as spending now accounts for almost 40% of the overall budget. That’s less money for schools, for cops, and for roads. I, among others, think the Administration is being too ...

  • Retirement Investing Using Buckets

    Updated: 2011-01-28 22:39:36
    Retirement Investing-The Main Challenge The long time problem of retirement investing has been the need to have a significant amount of money in equities while avoiding a downturn in the equity markets from destroying your retirement nest egg.  Once retired, you cannot earn it back again if you lose it in the stock market. Why [...]

  • Retirement Planning Inadequacy Is Overstated

    Updated: 2011-01-28 01:20:55
    The Problem There isn’t a week that goes by without a story in USA Today or the New York Times about how unprepared people are for retirement.  While the charge is true, the retirement planning dearth is overstated. Note that journalists really don’t know anything about the topics they write about.  That is not a [...]

  • Your High 3 Salary for Federal Retirement Pensions

    Updated: 2011-01-27 21:12:34
    Learn how to calculate your High 3 Salary for your FERS or CSRS pension calculation.

  • The Non-Foreign AREA Act: COLA to Locality Pay

    Updated: 2011-01-27 21:08:08
    The Non-Foreign AREA Act outlines the change from COLA to Locality Pay for Federal Employees in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and other US Territories. Here is the full text of the legislation.

  • Jan 27, Is it possible to retire on just US$1 mil?

    Updated: 2011-01-27 16:43:01
    Is it possible to retire in places like Panama or a similar place with US$1 mil in financial assets for someone who is 50 years old, healthy with no debt?

  • Jan 26, Best retirement advice

    Updated: 2011-01-26 20:45:36
    Best retirement advice, be careful who you ask and who you listen to

  • I don’t need an emergency fund, I have a credit card

    Updated: 2011-01-25 10:37:22
    I don’t have a disaster fund or an emergency fund. For emergencies, I use a credit card. Why do I do that? The reason is that emergency funds must sit in a checking account to be liquid. While sitting there they earn less than a savings account (in general) typically only a few percent. If [...]

  • Do it yourself investing

    Updated: 2011-01-25 06:33:33
    Yesterday’s post described how it is possible to get superior returns by active value investing. Now, before anyone decides to become an active investor, there are some things to consider first. Value or any kind of active investing takes time. There are, therefore, opportunity costs to consider. Suppose you have $10,000 to invest and that [...]

  • Retirement Review: 2011 Social Security Update

    Updated: 2011-01-24 20:01:27
    One topic is front and center for most retirement-minded Americans: Social Security. Will it be there in the future? Will benefits be reduced? What changes will Congress make? When should benefits be started? I want to bring to your attention several aspects of Social Security that you’ve possibly not considered before. Things that could help you [...]

  • Vegan slow cooker chili

    Updated: 2011-01-23 02:09:47
    This recipe is grand because it can be cooked in the morning and eaten in the evening. Start in the evening by soaking some black eyed peas and some navy beans. These can be pressure cooked in the morning while DW takes a shower(*) and you cut up some green onions (I found a few [...]

  • Jan 22, Summer Gal living in Arizona

    Updated: 2011-01-22 17:08:36
    I lived in northern Arizona for 11 years, 2 years on the Navajo Nation and 9 in the Winslow area. I am from the Midwest originally and found I loved living

  • MBTI and societal behavioral patterns

    Updated: 2011-01-21 00:39:46
    I think the reason that many people have the need to spend so much money and save more than 1 million for retirement is that is that they feel that security is achieved through ownership of multi-bed/bathroom houses (castles) that are built around car garages that house full size cars or big SUVs sometimes in [...]

  • Jan 20, Loving life in Yosemite Grove

    Updated: 2011-01-20 17:11:42
    I hadn't considered living in a manufactured home before discovering a nice mobile home park just outside Yosemite. A place called the Grove, out of sight,

  • Can you wait, think, and fast?

    Updated: 2011-01-19 04:10:15
    A quote that is entirely relevant to financial independence: “His goal attracts him, because he doesn’t let anything enter his soul which might oppose the goal. This is what Siddhartha has learned among the Samanas. This is what fools call magic and of which they think it would be effected by means of the daemons. [...]

  • Using RSS to keep up with blogs is much faster!

    Updated: 2011-01-17 01:20:41
    If you use a browser and you are addicted to more than a handful of blogs, then you are probably familiar with the routine of continuously checking the websites to look for updates. I used to do that too until I discovered the beautiful efficiency of RSS readers.  You can read more about RSS here. [...]

  • Why Women Need to Save More for Retirement

    Updated: 2011-01-17 00:07:00
    Why Women Need to Save More for Retirement by America Saves 16. January 2011 14:07 This month's guest authort is Cindy Hounsell , President of WISER , the Women's Institute for a Secure Retirement , a nonprofit organization that seeks to improve opportunities for women to secure retirement income . Why do women need to save more The main factor is longevity simply that women live on average about three years longer than men , but many women live decades longer than the average . nbsp The thing about old age is that the longer you live . the longer you are expected to live . nbsp That means you will need more income for those extra years . nbsp Living longer means that woman should be saving more in order to pay for those years of increasing health care and prescription drug expenses .

  • Guest post: The Pareto Law of Budget Management

    Updated: 2011-01-12 02:45:28
    Below is a guest post from rePete arguing that optimal budget solution follows a Pareto law. This means focusing mainly on housing and transportation. Terhorst spent an entire book trying to convince us that if only we’re willing to reconsider our attitude towards these two items a great many of us could retire on what [...]

  • Alaska COLA and Alaska Locality Pay Rates

    Updated: 2011-01-07 16:02:51
    Current rates for Alaska COLA and Alaska Locality Pay. Find out how the transition from COLA to Locality Pay affects Federal Employees in the State of Alaska.

  • COLA Locality Pay & Non-Foreign Area Retirement Equity Assurance Act

    Updated: 2011-01-07 16:01:05
    COLA Locality Pay rates for Alaska, Hawaii & US Territories. See examples of how this transition affects you and your federal retirement plans.

  • Buy Back COLA as Locality Pay for Your Federal Retirement

    Updated: 2011-01-07 15:58:36
    Learn about special rules to buy back COLA as Locality Pay to increase your High 3 Salary for Federal Retirement

  • COLA to Locality Pay Change & Hidden Tax Increases

    Updated: 2011-01-07 15:57:42
    The change from COLA to Locality Pay for Federal Employees brings concerns about take home pay and comes with increased taxes. Learn more about the tax increases most Federal Employees miss.

  • Hawaii COLA and Locality Pay Rates

    Updated: 2011-01-07 15:56:06
    Current rates for Hawaii COLA and Locality Pay. Find out how the change from COLA to Locality Pay affect Federal Employees in Hawaii

  • Puerto Rico COLA and Locality Pay, also COLA for Guam, other U.S. Territories

    Updated: 2011-01-07 15:48:52
    Current rates for Puerto Rico COLA and Locality Pay. Also rates of Locality and COLA Guam, U.S. Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa

  • Jan 5, Home refinance tips...be careful who you deal with

    Updated: 2011-01-04 22:41:15
    Home refinance tips...be very careful who you deal with

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