• Admissions Requirements for Psychology Schools

    Updated: 2024-12-31 19:41:31
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  • Networks of connectivity are the battleground of the future.

    Updated: 2024-12-31 19:41:25
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Saturday , September 28, 2024 Networks of connectivity are the battleground of the future . From Nathan Gardels , editor of Noema Magazine : From Mass To Distributed Weapons Of Destruction The recent lethal attacks attributed to Israel that exploded pagers and walkie-talkies dispersed among thousands of Hezbollah militants announces a new capacity in the history of warfare for distributed destruction . Before the massive bombing raids that have since ensued , the terror-stricken population of Lebanon had been unplugging any device with batteries or a power source linked to a communication network

  • Tokens of sanity

    Updated: 2024-12-31 19:41:25
    -Being a calm space in which nothing can hurry -An animal body that pretends to be human -Dissociating from the word cloud and emotional reactivities of self and other selves. -A courteous guest in one’s own body and when with others, owning one’s own experience and letting others own theirs. -Favoring reflectivity over reactivity, caressing novelty -Clinging to nothing, the current self being a passing fantasy -Letting each moment be what it is, not what it should be -A blip in the flow of cosmic time

  • The Fear of Diverse Intelligences Like AI

    Updated: 2024-12-31 19:41:25
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Sunday , September 15, 2024 The Fear of Diverse Intelligences Like AI I want to suggest that you read the article by Michael Levin in the Sept . 3 issue of Noema Magazine on how our fear of AI’s potential is emblematic of humanity’s larger difficulty recognizing intelligence in unfamiliar guises . One needs to be clear however , that AI of the GTP engines is not intelligence' in the broader sense of the term . They are large language models , LLMs . Here are some clips from the later portions of his : essay Why would natural evolution have an eternal monopoly on producing systems with preferences ,

  • A caustic review of Yuval Harari's "Nexus"

    Updated: 2024-12-31 19:41:25
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Sunday , September 15, 2024 A caustic review of Yuval Harari's Nexus I pass on the very cogent opinions of Dominic Green , fellow of the Royal Historical Society , that appeared in the Sept . 13 issue of the Wall Street Journal . He offers several caustic comments on ideas offered in Yuval Harari's most recent book , Nexus Groucho Marx said there are two types of people in this world : those who think people can be divided up into two types , and those who don’t . 8221 In Nexus , 8221 the Israeli historian-philosopher Yuval Noah Harari divides us into a naive and populist type and another type that he

  • Awe as a Pathway to Mental and Physical Health

    Updated: 2024-12-30 06:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , December 30, 2024 Awe as a Pathway to Mental and Physical Health Reading this open source review from Maria Monroy and Dacher Keltner leaves me feeling substantially more mellow Their abstract , followed by a quote from Emerson , and then a summary graphic . How do experiences in nature or in spiritual contemplation or in being moved by music or with psychedelics promote mental and physical health Our proposal in this article is awe . To make this argument , we first review recent advances in the scientific study of awe , an emotion often considered ineffable and beyond measurement . Awe

  • Oliver Sacks - The Machine Stops

    Updated: 2024-12-26 15:12:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Thursday , December 26, 2024 Oliver Sacks The Machine Stops A slightly edited MindBlog post from 2019 worth another read : I want to point to a wonderful short essay written by Oliver Sacks before his death from cancer , in which he notes the parallels between the modern world he sees around him and E.M.Forster's prescient classic 1909 short story The Machine Stops , in which Forster imagined a future in which humans lived in separate cells , communicating only by audio and visual devices much like today the patrons of a bar at happy hour are more likely to looking at their cells phones than chatting

  • Steven Fry: "AI: A Means to an End or a Means to Our End?"

    Updated: 2024-12-23 14:59:00
    : : : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , December 23, 2024 Steven Fry : AI : A Means to an End or a Means to Our End I have to pass on to MindBlog readers and my future self this link to a brilliant lecture by Steven . Fry It is an engaging and entertaining analysis , steeped in relevant history and precedents , of ways we might be heading into the future . nbsp Here is just one clip from the : piece We cling on to the fierce hope that the one feature machines will never be able to match is our imagination , our ability to penetrate the minds and feelings of others . We feel immeasurably enriched by this as individuals and as

  • Sculpting new visual categories into the human brain.

    Updated: 2024-12-18 06:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , December 18, 2024 Sculpting new visual categories into the human brain . Fascinating work from Iordan et . al open source I pass on the abstract and the first paragraph of the article that makes more clear what they are . doing Abstract Learning requires changing the brain . This typically occurs through experience , study , or instruction . We report an alternate route for humans to acquire visual knowledge , through the direct sculpting of activity patterns in the human brain that mirror those expected to arise through learning . We used neurofeedback from closed-loop real-time

  • Analysis of the dumbing down of language on social media over time

    Updated: 2024-12-16 06:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , December 16, 2024 Analysis of the dumbing down of language on social media over time Di Marco et . al open source do a comparative analysis of 8 different social media platforms Facebook , Twitter , YouTube , Voat , Reddit , Usenet , Gab , and Telegram focusing on their complexity and temporal shifts in a dataset of 300 million English comments over 34 years.Their : abstract Understanding the impact of digital platforms on user behavior presents foundational challenges , including issues related to polarization , misinformation dynamics , and variation in news consumption . Comparative

  • Sustainability of Animal-Sourced Foods - how to deal with farting cows...

    Updated: 2024-12-12 06:00:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Thursday , December 12, 2024 Sustainability of Animal-Sourced Foods how to deal with farting cows . I've just read through a number of articles in a Special Feature section of the most recent issue of PNAS on the future of animal and plant sourced food . After a balanced lead article by Qaim et . al a following article that really caught my eye was Mitigating methane emissions in grazing beef cattle with a seaweed-based feed additive : Implications for climate-smart agriculture First line of it's abstract is This study suggests that the addition of pelleted bromoform-containing seaweed Asparagopsis

  • Neurons in the amygdala jointly encode the status of interacting individuals

    Updated: 2024-12-10 06:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Tuesday , December 10, 2024 Neurons in the amygdala jointly encode the status of interacting individuals From Lee et al . Highlights Monkeys infer the social status of conspecifics from videos of dyadic interactions During fixations , neural populations signal the social status of attended individuals Neurons in the amygdala jointly encode the status of interacting individuals Summary Successful integration into a hierarchical social group requires knowledge of the status of each individual and of the rules that govern social interactions within the group . In species that lack morphological

  • An AI framework for neural–behavioral modeling

    Updated: 2024-12-09 06:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , December 09, 2024 An AI framework for neural–behavioral modeling Work of Sani et . al open access is reported in the Oct . 2024 issue of Nature Neuroscience . From the editor's : summary Neural dynamics are complex and simultaneously relate to distinct behaviors . To address these challenges , Sani et al . have developed an AI framework termed DPAD that achieves nonlinear dynamical modeling of neural–behavioral data , dissociates behaviorally relevant neural dynamics , and localizes the source of nonlinearity in the dynamical model . What DPAD does is visualized as separating the overall

  • Battle of the Bots - AI gets creative with Brain Hacks

    Updated: 2024-12-07 15:09:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Saturday , December 07, 2024 Battle of the Bots AI gets creative with Brain Hacks This post is meant to archive my recent exercise of asking ChatGPT , 4o Perplexity Gemini+ advanced and Anthropic which does not offer links to its responses to expand my MindBlog's Brain Hacks post into a more complete essay that offers more background and context . nbsp They responded with slightly different styles and impressive results that required tweaking for only a few small errors . nbsp I thought my more concise text was more inviting , and didn't see anything really new , so my next prompt which I had asked

  • Magnetic soft microrobots for erectile dysfunction therapy!

    Updated: 2024-12-06 06:00:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , December 06, 2024 Magnetic soft microrobots for erectile dysfunction therapy I can't resist passing on these abstracts describing work reported by a large number of researchers at South China University of Technology , Guangzhou International Campus . I wonder if the results obtained with both both rat and beagle ED models will eventually prove relevant to 82 year old retired professors Significance Erectile dysfunction ED a prevalent form of sexual dysfunction , significantly affects fertility and quality of life . Mesenchymal stromal cell MSC therapies show promise for ED treatment , yet

  • The Future of Warfare

    Updated: 2024-12-05 14:54:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Thursday , December 05, 2024 The Future of Warfare Passing on an article from today's WSJ that I want to save , using MindBlog as my personal : archive OpenAI Forges Tie-Up To Defense Industry OpenAI the artificial-intelligence company behind Chat-GPT , is getting into the business of . war The world’s most valuable AI company has agreed to work with Anduril , Industries a leading defense-tech startup , to add its technology to systems the U.S . military uses to counter drone attacks . The partnership , which the companies announced Wednesday , marks OpenAI’s deepest involvement yet with the Defense

  • MindBlog's Brain Hacks

    Updated: 2024-11-29 17:10:00
    : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , November 29, 2024 MindBlog's Brain Hacks Introspective awareness and modulation of both ancient and more recently evolved aspects of our cognition : Brain Hack 1 The reptilian brain whose modern descendant is found in the mammalian hypothalamus generates affective states along axes of arousal and valence , whose states in higher primates can be assessed by introspective awareness . Brain Hack 2 The early mammalian emotional brain , whose ability to model a self correlating with the appearance of the agranular prefrontal cortex develops the ability to distinguish the difference between being

  • Half a century of quantitative cultural evolution

    Updated: 2024-11-27 13:07:00
    The latest PNAS issue has a fascinating open source section on quantitative studies of recent cultural evolution. 

  • Our looming civil unrest is predicted by Turchin's historical model.

    Updated: 2024-11-22 14:44:00
    : . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , November 22, 2024 Our looming civil unrest is predicted by Turchin's historical model . I recommend you have a look at Graeme Wood's article on the writing and thoughts of Peter Turchin , who has developed a model based on the past 10,000 years of human history that in 2010 predicted that an age of discord worse than most Americans have experienced would get serious around 2020. Here are some clips : The fundamental problems , he says , are a dark triad of social maladies : a bloated elite class , with too few elite jobs to go around declining living standards among the general population

  • Office Clip for Interpersonal Communications

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:40:33

  • Communicate with Confidence

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:40:33

  • The Office - Conflict Clip

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:40:33

  • My Essay is at the bottom of this page

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:40:31
    For some reason I can't post the essay to the top.

  • Approaches to Illustrations (Updated 27.9.23)

    Updated: 2024-11-10 01:40:21
    I’ve been exploring the use of generative AI for images which has taken me on a journey. With my primary interest being psychiatry and the images being secondary I have limited my approach. Firstly there are the more practical applications. Secondly there is the relationship with the theoretical underpinnings. I am writing about this second […]

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