Updated: 2024-06-28 16:07:55
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Updated: 2024-06-24 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , June 24, 2024 The tyranny of words Cautionary note : The text of today’s post was voice dictated during mind wandering occurring during a brief wake period at 1:30 AM this morning , and reflects some interior experiences that may resonate with only a small number of readers . Some reflections during a wake period at 1:30 a.m . this morning . Mulling on the tyranny of thought as a ruminating mind calms down and refuge is found in a quiet space from which words rise like wisps or vapors , a space free of subjects and objects in which there can be no hurry . nbsp Grateful to be experiencing an
Updated: 2024-06-19 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , June 19, 2024 Managing the human herd This post is a dyspeptic random walk through thoughts triggered by the front page photograph of the Wall Street journal of June 17, 2024, showing Masses of pilgrims embarked on a symbolic stoning of the devil in Saudi Arabia under the soaring summer heat . Such enormous mobs of people are those most easily roused to strong emotions by charismatic speakers . How are the emotions and behaviors of such enormous clans of humans be regulated in a sane and humane way Can this be accomplished outside of authoritarian or oligarchical governance Might such
Updated: 2024-06-17 05:00:00
: : Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , June 17, 2024 Empty innovation : What are we even doing I came across an interesting commentary by Tante on innovation , invention , and progress or the lack thereof in the constant churning , and rise and fall , of new ideas and products in the absence of questions like Why are we doing this and Who is profiting In spite of the speaker's arrogance and annoying style , I think it is worth a viewing . Posted by Deric Bownds at 12:00 AM Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Blog Categories : AI crypto future futures technology No : comments Post a Comment
Updated: 2024-06-14 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , June 14, 2024 The future of life . I want to pass on this science magazine review of Jamie Metzl's new book Superconvergence : How the Genetics , Biotech , and AI Revolutions Will Transform Our Lives , Work , and World Metzel is founder of the One Shared World organization . Check out its website here On the night of 4 July 1776, the Irish immigrant and official printer to the Continental Congress John Dunlap entered his Philadelphia print-shop and began to typeset the first printed version of a document that was to become the enduring North Star of the American experiment . 8221 It
Updated: 2024-06-10 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , June 10, 2024 Protecting scientific integrity in an age of generative AI I want to pass on the full text of an editorial by Blau et al in PNAS the link points to the more complete open source online version containing acknowledgements and : references Revolutionary advances in AI have brought us to a transformative moment for science . AI is accelerating scientific discoveries and analyses . At the same time , its tools and processes challenge core norms and values in the conduct of science , including accountability , transparency , replicability , and human responsibility 1 3 These
Updated: 2024-06-07 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , June 07, 2024 Is it a fact The epistemic force of language in news headlines . From Chuey et al . in PNAS open source Significance Headlines are an influential source of information , especially because people often do not read beyond them . We investigated how subtle differences in epistemic language in headlines e.g . believe” vs . know“ affect readers’ inferences about whether claims are perceived as matters of fact or mere opinion . We found , for example , saying Scientists believe methane emissions soared to a record in 2021” led readers to view methane levels as more a matter of
Updated: 2024-06-05 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , June 05, 2024 Impact of our built environment on our microbiome and health Bosch et . al do a perspective in PNAS open source pointing out that : contemporary built environments are steadily reducing the microbial diversity essential for human health , well-being , and resilience while accelerating the symptoms of human chronic diseases including environmental allergies , and other more life-altering diseases . Here is their abstract : There is increasing evidence that interactions between microbes and their hosts not only play a role in determining health and disease but also in emotions
Updated: 2024-05-27 19:22:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , May 27, 2024 Ancient origins of aspects of instrumental and song melodies distinctive from those of language . A global collaboration from many cultures shows that songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech , suggesting evolutionary origins universal to all humans that cannot simply be explained by culture . The numerous samples of music collected could be arranged in a musi-linguistic continuum from instrumental music to spoken . language Both music and language are found in all known human societies , yet no studies have compared
Updated: 2024-05-22 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , May 22, 2024 The Happiness Gap Between Left and Right I want to pass on a few clips from a recent Thomas Edsall essay followed by a condensed version of the longer piece provided by Chat GPT 4 : Why is it that a substantial body of social science research finds that conservatives are happier than liberals psychologists and other social scientists have begun to dig deeper into the underpinnings of liberal discontent not only unhappiness but also depression and other measures of dissatisfaction . One of the findings emerging from this research is that the decline in happiness and in a sense
Updated: 2024-05-20 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , May 20, 2024 Age of Revolutions I've finished reading through Fareed Zakaria’s recent magisterial book : Age of Revolutions Progress and Backlash from 1600 to the Present . 8221 I was so impressed with the concluding pages of the book , titled The Infinite Abyss that I have re-read it several times , and was about to attempt a summary of its main points before checking and finding , sure enough , that Chat GPT4 and Anthropic Claude saved me at least an hour of work by performing their quite adequate responses to my prompt : Writing as professional historian please write an approximately 1000
Updated: 2024-05-17 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , May 17, 2024 Evolutionarily conserved neural responses to affective touch transcend consciousness and change with age Interesting work from Charbonneau et . al in macaque monkeys on the affective gentle , pleasant touch pathways that in humans use a different neural network than pathways of discriminative : touch Significance Affective touch is thought to be a critical substrate for the formation of the social relationships which exist as a foundation for primate societies . Although grooming behavior in monkeys appears to recapitulate features of affective touch behavior in humans , it is
Updated: 2024-05-15 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , May 15, 2024 Collective behavior from surprise minimization A fascinating model for collective behavior from Heins et al Significance We introduce a model of collective behavior , proposing that individual members within a group , such as a school of fish or a flock of birds , act to minimize surprise . This active inference approach naturally generates well-known collective phenomena such as cohesion and directed movement without explicit behavioral rules . Our model reveals intricate relationships between individual beliefs and group properties , demonstrating that beliefs about
Updated: 2024-05-13 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , May 13, 2024 How the US is destroying young people's future . When I wake up in the morning , I frequently remind myself to be grateful for the luck of having been born in 1942, and being able to ride the crest of a number of fortunate external circumstances that made my generation vastly better off than those who followed . I was in high school in the late 50s when Sputnik happened , fueling a huge increase in federal research funding that , powered my laboratory research career how our vision works . Both my parents and myself were clients of state governments or universities that offered
Updated: 2024-05-10 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , May 10, 2024 Blueprint Nicholas Christakis on the evolutionary origins of a good society This opinion piece by Frank Bruni in the NYTimes motivated me to download and read Nicholas Christakis' Magnum Opus Blueprint” very much in the everything you need to know about humans' spirit of Sapolsky's Behave and Harari's Sapiens , and Homo Deus and 21 Lessons all books that I have made the subject of previous posts . It echoes Pinker's emphasis on the more positive aspects of human nature and progress It is a very engaging read , and not amenable to a simple summary , but here is a bit from his
Updated: 2024-05-08 05:00:00
: , , , , Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , May 08, 2024 Another Big History why the West is WEIRD Western , educated , industrialized , rich , democratic Alas , I usually end up reading reviews of books rather than the books themselves . Here I want to pass on clips from Shulevitz's review in The Atlantic of Joseph Henrich's theory-of-everything type book The WEIRDest People in the World : How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Prosperous . Henrich directs Harvard’s Department of Human Evolutionary Biology . Consider this the latest addition to the Big History category , popularized by best sellers
Updated: 2024-05-06 05:00:00
: Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , May 06, 2024 Are we the cows of the future One of the questions posed by Yuval Harari in his writing on our possible futures is What are we to do with all these humans who are , except for a small technocratic elite , no longer required as the means of production Esther Leslie , a professor of political aesthetics at Birkbeck College , University of London , does an essay on this issue pointing out that our potential futures in the pastures of digital dictatorship crowded conditions , mass surveillance , virtual reality are already here . You should read her essay , and I passon just a few
Updated: 2024-05-01 05:00:00
: , , Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , May 01, 2024 How blue light regulates the body , brain , and immune system Here is the abstract from a PNAS perspectives article by Slominski et . al with the title Photo-neuro-immuno-endocrinology : How the ultraviolet radiation regulates the body , brain , and immune system . MindBlog readers can request a PDF of the article from me . nbsp Abstract Ultraviolet radiation UVR is primarily recognized for its detrimental effects such as cancerogenesis , skin aging , eye damage , and autoimmune disorders . With exception of ultraviolet B UVB requirement in the production of vitamin D3,
Updated: 2024-04-22 05:05:37
Updated: 2024-04-22 05:05:37
Updated: 2024-04-22 05:05:37
Updated: 2024-04-22 05:05:35
For some reason I can't post the essay to the top.
Updated: 2024-04-10 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Wednesday , April 10, 2024 The world of decentralized everything . Following up on my last post on the Summer of Protocols sessions I want to pass on again , to my future self , and possibly a few techie MindBlog readers a few links to the world of decentralized grass roots everything commerce , communications , finance , etc . nbsp trying to bypass the traditional powers and gate keepers in these areas by constructing distributed systems usually based on block chains and cryptocurrencies . nbsp I am trying to learn more about this , taking things in small steps to avoid overload headaches . One
Updated: 2024-04-08 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Monday , April 08, 2024 New protocols for uncertain times . I want to point to a project launched by Venkatest Rao and others last year : The Summer of Protocols . 8221 Some background for this project can be found in his essay In Search of Hardness Also , nbsp The Unreasonable Sufficiency of Protocols essay by Rao et al . is an excellent presentation of what protocols are about . nbsp I strongly recommend that you read it if nothing else . nbsp Here is a description of the project : nbsp Over 18 weeks in Summer 2023, 33 researchers from diverse fields including architecture , law , game design ,
Updated: 2024-04-05 05:00:00
: . Deric's MindBlog This blog reports new ideas and work on mind , brain , behavior , psychology , and politics as well as random curious stuff . Try the Dynamic Views at top of right column . Friday , April 05, 2024 Our seduction by AI’s believable human voice . I want to point to an excellent New Yorker article by Patrick House titled The Lifelike Illusion of . A.I The article strikes home for me , for when a Chat Bot responds to one of my prompts using the pronoun I” I unconsciously attribute personhood to the machine , forgetting that this is a cheap trick used by programmers of large language model to increase the plausibility of responses . House starts off his article by describing the attachments people formed with the Furby , an animatronic toy resembling a small owl , and Pleo ,