• EU Panel Votes to Import Genetically Engineered Material in Animal Feed

    Updated: 2011-02-28 05:13:56
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 28, 2010) The European Union (EU) standing committee on Tuesday decided to allow a 0.1 percent contamination threshold for unauthorized Genetically Engineered (GE) products in animal feed imports that would change the bloc’s zero-tolerance attitude toward biotech food. The EU Commission and Parliament are expected to accept the rule by this summer. [...]

  • Wind Turbines Present Health Concerns

    Updated: 2011-02-27 17:33:37
    A group of residents living close to wind farms in Canada have joined forces to form an anti-wind power movement. According to CNN, the group is concerned with complaints that turbines may cause health problems. Wind power is growing quicker in Ontario than in all other parts of the country, and government officials are relying [...]

  • EPA Report Shows Modest Decrease in U.S. Pesticide Use

    Updated: 2011-02-25 06:35:00
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 25, 2011) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released a new report detailing sales and usage of pesticides in the U.S. for the years 2006 and 2007 and showing a modest decrease in pesticide use. The report compiles data from EPA, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and other sources in [...]

  • Moquito Biology and Control

    Updated: 2011-02-24 23:02:39
    Mosquito Biology and Control Mosquitoes are different from other insects and are part of the family Diptera.  All adult mosquitoes have three characteristics:  Long many segmented antennae, a piercing and sucking mouth part, and scales on the wing veins and margins.  There are over 2,500 species of mosquitoes in the worked and ...

  • Put Your Youtube Time to Good Use

    Updated: 2011-02-24 14:58:07
    Some of us use YouTube to kill time at work, some of us use it to watch specific videos (which leads to other videos), and some of us use it to post our own content, but while we’re all for checking out the Sneezing Panda and the Evolution of Dance, there’s a better use for [...]

  • Alarming World-Wide Rise of Genetically Engineered Crops

    Updated: 2011-02-24 13:54:43
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 24, 2011) After 15 years of commercialization, accumulated Genetically Engineered (GE) crops in the world exceeded 1 billion hectares in 2010. For comparison, 1 billion hectares is roughly equivalent to the vast land area of China, or of the United States. The figures are in this year’s International Service for the Acquisition [...]

  • Rep. John Barrow (D-GA) hears farming concerns, other issues on rural tour

    Updated: 2011-02-23 22:08:03

  • Old World and New World Monkeys

    Updated: 2011-02-23 11:26:47
    Feel insecure? You’re not alone. Monkeys too are inflected with uncertainty and self-doubt. Professor Michael Beran and John David Smith trained macaques, the Old World group (native to Asia, Africa, and Europe), to play a computer game: if they answered correctly on a test question, they got a treat. Wrong answer, no treat. And third [...]

  • EPA Rejects Immediate Action On Pesticide Toxic To Bees

    Updated: 2011-02-23 05:38:40
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 23, 2011) In response to a request by beekeepers and environmentalists to remove a pesticide linked to Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in a letter, defended the pesticide clothianidin and the scientific study in question which was identified by beekeepers as a critically flawed study. EPA states [...]

  • How to Apply Gentrol Aerosol Insect Growth Regulator

    Updated: 2011-02-22 21:29:48
       How to Apply Gentrol Aerosol Insect Growth Regulator   Gentrol is an Insect Growth Regulator used for a large list of insects   Gentrol Aerosol   DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.   GENERAL INFORMATION G E N T R O L® A E R O ...

  • Alpine Aerosol Insecticide EPA has granted reduced-risk status for public health use.

    Updated: 2011-02-22 21:29:46
    Alpine pressurized insecticide is the only Reduced Risk* nonrepellent aerosol labeled for use against crawling and flying insects. There’s simply no better aerosol you can choose for your residential GPC customers than Alpine pressurized insecticide. Introducing a Reduced Risk* nonrepellent aeorosol for ants, roaches, bed bugs and more.   12 cans \ case General ...

  • Bob Dinneen – Renewable Fuels Association on- Yesterday’s AgriTalk with Mike Adams

    Updated: 2011-02-22 19:07:42

  • Antibacterial Soap Suspected of Making Patients Sick

    Updated: 2011-02-22 04:01:32
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 22, 2011) After witnessing a patient’s condition improve upon discontinuing the use of antibacterial products containing the active ingredient triclosan, Gerard Guillory, M.D. of Denver, Colorado believes that several of his patients are experiencing health problems caused by daily exposure to the chemical. Dr. Guillory told local ABC 7 News: Denver [...]

  • The Latest on Humacyte

    Updated: 2011-02-20 11:06:39
    The artificial vessels made by Humacyte do not totally mimic nature, that is to say, they are missing an important ingredient of natural vessels. That is, the protein elastin. Bioengineers at the University of Pittsburgh coaxed engineered vessels to create elastin. This rubber-band material facilitates arteries and veins to snap into shape after each and [...]

  • Danish Government Agrees to Reduce Pesticides on Golf Courses

    Updated: 2011-02-18 05:39:02
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 18, 2011) The Danish government has announced that it has reached an agreement that aims to phase out pesticide use on golf courses throughout the country. The agreement, which was made between the Danish Government, the Danish People’s Party, the Social Democrats, the Socialist People’s Party and the Danish Social-Liberal Party, seeks [...]

  • H&M Gets a Little More Conscious

    Updated: 2011-02-17 12:54:40
    Just about every major retailer is taking a stab at eco-friendliness (even Wal-Mart is trying to green up their reputation), but it’s tricky territory. For every environmentally-kind material you incorporate, you have to deal with the effects of mass production on the planet. The difficulties haven’t stopped clothing giant H&M from wading into the waters, though, [...]

  • Solar Energy in Seville

    Updated: 2011-02-17 11:54:56
    Seville, Spain is hosting the first commercial operation of solar tower technology, which features more than 1,000 freestanding heliostat mirrors, following the arc of the sun. In a process referred to as Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), the mirrors reflect solar rays to the tower, where water is boiled, and steam generated in order to drive [...]

  • Report Shows Government-Industry Conflict in Pesticide Research

    Updated: 2011-02-17 04:01:57
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 17, 2011) According to a recent investigative report, a company known for conducting scientific research for the pesticide industry has, in an attempt to refute research linking pesticides to Parkinson’s disease, paid a U.S. government agency, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), to prove that certain pesticides are safe. [...]

  • How to Apply Your Carpenter Ant Killer Bait

    Updated: 2011-02-16 12:51:21
    How to Apply Your Carpenter Ant Killer Bait Ant Season is coming upon is quickly and it is always better to have to much information than not enough! So this is a short guide on apply you Carpenter Ant Bait Killer Gel, but truth be told it will a apply to ...

  • How to Apply Ant Bait to Control Ants

    Updated: 2011-02-16 12:51:20
    We get asked quite often on application for ant bait, where to place it and also how to apply the ant bait.  I thought the blog is the most effective method to get this informatio out to our customers.  Please do not hesitate to email or call us if you ...

  • Celebrities Gone Green: Miranda Kerr is All About Koalas and KORA

    Updated: 2011-02-16 12:51:15
    Miranda Kerr has had a busy year, what with getting married to Orlando Bloom and having a child (the not-even-two month old Flynn), but that hasn’t stopped her from making time for the environment—and launching a new skincare line. The Australian-born supermodel first showed up on the eco-scene for her work with the Australian Koala Foundation [...]

  • Pheromone increases foraging honey bees

    Updated: 2011-02-16 12:51:12
    The application of a naturally occurring pheromone to honey bee test colonies increases colony growth resulting in stronger hives overall, as per a newly released study conducted by researchers at Oregon State University and Texas AandM University. The study, which appeared this week in the journal, PLoS ONE, comes amid national concern over the existence of honey bee Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) - a combination of events that result in the death of a bee colony. The causes behind CCD remain unknown, but scientists are focusing on four possible contributing factors: disease, pests, environmental conditions and nutrition........

  • New Studies Reveal Many Pesticides Block Male Hormones, Others Linked To Parkinson’s Disease

    Updated: 2011-02-16 04:01:27
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 16, 2011) Many agricultural pesticides –including some previously untested and commonly found in food– disrupt male hormones, according to new tests conducted by British scientists. Meanwhile, U.S. researchers at the National Institutes of Health have found that people who used two specific varieties of pesticide were 2.5 times as likely to develop [...]

  • Eco Contraceptives

    Updated: 2011-02-15 11:37:47
    There are a plethora of environmental concerns pertaining to a number of contraceptives, especially ones containing hormones. For instance, with sex hormones being detected in the drinking water of nearly 41 million Americans, prescription drug pollution is becoming a pressing problem. Synthetic estrogens in wastewater even feminize male fish; our own hormonal systems might also [...]

  • More Speakers Announced - Sustainable Community Conference, April 8-9 in Denver

    Updated: 2011-02-15 04:01:49
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 15, 2011) What do an organic CEO, the lawyer leading the fight to ban GE alfalfa, a scientist who linked pesticide exposure to ADHD, and a beekeeper who exposed leaked EPA documents have in common? They will all be speaking at Sustainable Community: Practical solutions for health and the environment, the 29th [...]

  • Stricter Revisions for Water Quality Standards Proposed in Oregon

    Updated: 2011-02-14 04:00:36
    (Beyond Pesticides, February 14, 2011) The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) hosted a public hearing on February 10 on a proposal to give Oregon the nation’s strictest water quality standards. The proposal filed by the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) is currently tied in great measure to human consumption of fish. [...]

  • Introducing: The BamBike

    Updated: 2011-02-13 10:32:20
    Bryan McClelland has made the “Green form of transportation even greener…” with his new invention, the BamBike! The BamBike is a bicycle that is made out of bamboo. Built in Manila, Phillipines, which is among the most polluted capitals in the world, these bikes, costing around five hundred dollars, are built by local skilled laborers, [...]

  • Postharvest technology for developing countries: challenges and opportunities in research, outreach and advocacy

    Updated: 2011-02-10 12:55:20
    : . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4 Postharvest technology for developing countries : challenges and opportunities in research , outreach and advocacy Authors : Kitinoja , Lisa Saran , Sunil Roy , Susanta K Kader , Adel A : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4, 15 March 2011 pp . 597-603(7 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase The publisher only permits individual articles to be downloaded by . subscribers : Abstract This

  • Volatile compounds and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oils of the needles of Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii

    Updated: 2011-02-10 12:54:26
    . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4 Volatile compounds and antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of the essential oils of the needles of Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii Authors : Park , Ju-Sung Lee , Gyu-Hee : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4, 15 March 2011 pp . 703-709(7 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase The publisher only permits individual articles to be downloaded by . subscribers : Abstract :

  • Effects of organic and conventional growth systems on the content of carotenoids in carrot roots, and on intake and plasma status of carotenoids in humans

    Updated: 2011-02-10 12:54:00
    . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4 Effects of organic and conventional growth systems on the content of carotenoids in carrot roots , and on intake and plasma status of carotenoids in humans Authors : Søltoft , Malene Bysted , Anette Madsen , Katja H Mark , Alicja Budek Bügel , Susanne G Nielsen , John Knuthsen , Pia : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 4, 15 March 2011 pp . 767-775(9 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase

  • Smoking Marijuana Linked to Early Onset Psychosis

    Updated: 2011-02-10 00:02:08
    Recent studies have linked the use of marijuana with the onset of psychosis. The meta-analysis found that those who smoked marijuana developed psychotic disorders an average 2.7 years earlier than those who did not use the drug. The review, however, found that people who use any illicit and mind-altering chemicals experienced psychosis two years earlier [...]

  • David Geary’s Shrinking Brain

    Updated: 2011-02-09 00:34:37
    New research shows that over the past 30,000 years, human brains have shrunk. This is not a sign, however, humans are growing dumber but that evolution is causing the key motor to be leaner and more proficient. The average size has decreased roughly 10 percent during this period from 1,500 to 1,359 cubic centimeters. The [...]

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