• Nuvan Prostrips for Controlling Bed Bugs

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:58:43
    Nuvan Prostrips are now labelled for the control of Bedbugs and Bedbug Eggs [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="250" caption="Nuvan Prostrips"][/caption] For Control of Bedbugs and Bedbug Eggs NUVAN PROSTRIP may be used to control crawling bedbug nymphs and adults exposed to product vapors for 48 hours. In difficult to treat areas, a minimum treatment time ...

  • Bora-Care When Do you Use It?

    Updated: 2010-09-30 18:58:43
    When do you use Bora-Care?   [caption id="" align="alignnone" width="200" caption="Bora-care"][/caption] New Construction Homeowners should request Bora-Care for the termite pretreatment of their new homes. Bora-Care replaces old-style soil termiticides which are pumped into the ground under and around the house. Liquid termiticides can break down in just a few years (Mulrooney et al, ...

  • Pollinator Decline Hits Indian Farmers

    Updated: 2010-09-30 05:01:53
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 30, 2010) A new study finds a clear link between a decline in wild pollinators and reduced vegetable yields in India, which researchers say will harm both the nation’s GDP as well as access to a nutritional diet. Parthiba Basu, PhD, one of the researchers from the University of Calcutta’s Ecology Research [...]

  • Raising Gas Taxes Will Speed-Up Electric Cars

    Updated: 2010-09-29 08:30:51
    In Thomas L. Friedman’s latest New York Times column he proposed that the United States of America is way behind China, laying out the infrastructure for a green globe future. Recalling the plans Shai Agassi has for Israel and Denmark next year he cites: “The auto industry was the foundation for America’s manufacturing middle class” [...]

  • Antibacterial Soap Hit with Class Action Suit for False Anti-Germ Claims

    Updated: 2010-09-29 05:01:05
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 29, 2010) A class action complaint claims Dial Corp. defrauds consumers about its Dial Complete soap by falsely claiming that it ‘kills 99.99% of germs,’ when in fact the product provides no benefit over washing with regular soap and water. The suit states that Dial Corp.’s claims are deceptive and misleading, designed [...]

  • Study Links Low Dose POPs Exposure to Type 2 Diabetes

    Updated: 2010-09-28 05:01:27
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 28, 2010) A study published in the September 2010 issue of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives links low dose exposure to some persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to type 2 diabetes. The authors report that some POPs, including highly chlorinated PCBs, PBB153 and the organochlorine insecticides trans-nonachlor, oxychlordane and mirex, were associated with [...]

  • Flying on the Wind: The Alternative Energy Race Is On

    Updated: 2010-09-27 10:06:27
    Set for construction in the Golan Heights – that is Israel’s Northern-most point and border with Syria – a 155-megawatt wind turbine farm. Finally given permission by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ministry of National Infrastructures, The Clean Wind Farm company has actually been pushing for construction since 2005 to erect the 80 large 2.5-megawatt [...]

  • Federal Funding Awarded to Group Pushing Pesticide Industry Agenda

    Updated: 2010-09-27 05:07:24
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2010) The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has awarded $180,000 in federal funds to a trade associated group that will “correct the misconception that some fresh produce items contain excessive amounts of pesticide residues.” The group, Alliance for Food and Farming, specifically says in its abstract on CDFA’s press [...]

  • Hidden insecticide resistance

    Updated: 2010-09-25 16:38:38
    A new technique pioneered at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) is improving the detection and monitoring of insecticide resistance in field populations of an important malaria-carrying mosquito. Scientists at LSTM, led by Dr Charles Wondji have developed a new technique which encourages the female Anopheles funestus mosquitoes to lay eggs which are then reared into adult mosquitoes to provide sufficient numbers to determine levels of insecticide resistance and to characterise the underlying mechanisms........

  • Send Your Comments to EPA as Scientists Examine the Fate of Silver Nanoparticle Waste

    Updated: 2010-09-24 05:31:56
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 24, 2010) Researchers from Virginia Tech discovered, for the first time, a way to detect nanosilver particles in the environment, finding that the particles leaching from consumer products can transform into silver sulfide in sewer sludge. Despite their widespread use, scientists still know very little about how nanomaterials move from consumer manufactured [...]

  • Triclosan Persists at Low-Levels in the Environment for Long Periods of Time

    Updated: 2010-09-23 05:01:29
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 23, 2010) A study by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists and cooperators provides new details about how fertilizing soils with biosolids also introduces triclosan, an antibacterial agent in soaps and other cleaning supplies, into the environment. Results show that triclosan in biosolids is only slowly degraded and persists at low levels [...]

  • Expanded- Eating with a Conscience: For You, Workers and Environment

    Updated: 2010-09-22 17:05:48
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 22, 2010) Consumer food buying decisions have a direct effect on the health of the environment and those who grow and harvest food. Beyond Pesticides released its expanded Eating with a Conscience guide –now updated to include the 43 of the most commonly eaten fruits and vegetables, which shows consumers why, according [...]

  • Health Gifts & Kabbalistic Healing: Taking a Holistic Approach

    Updated: 2010-09-22 09:09:03
    Holistic Healing and taking a holistic approach when seeking treatment for imbalances and deciding to live a more balanced lifestyle is a big step. The difference between holistic healing and alternative medicine, complementary medicine, and integrative medicine lays in the fact physical health is not necessarily the main focus. Still, often the experience of physical [...]

  • Take Action: Comments Needed to Help Shape Federal Government Efforts to Prevent Chemical Exposures

    Updated: 2010-09-22 05:05:54
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 22, 2010) The National Conversation on Public Health and Chemical Exposures, a collaborative initiative aimed at developing an action agenda for strengthening the nation’s approach to protecting the public’s health from harmful chemical exposures, has drafted six work group reports on cross-cutting public health and chemical exposure topics. Public comment is invited [...]

  • USDA Revokes Accreditation of Non-Compliant Organic Certifier

    Updated: 2010-09-21 05:36:30
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 21, 2010) Keeping its promise to maintain the integrity of the organic label made under the Obama Administration, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced that California Organic Farmers Association’s (COFA) accreditation as an organic certifying agent has been revoked because it failed to comply with the national organic regulations. As a [...]

  • Israel’s Hunt for Oil Alternatives

    Updated: 2010-09-20 09:40:54
    Largely brought on by obvious security incentives, the Jewish Country in the Middle East, Israel is uniquely poised to become a world leader in the field of alternatives to oil. Last year, around the time of the Climate Summit in Copenhagen, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu declared that Israel would find a substitute for oil [...]

  • Stores Fined for Selling Mislabeled and Unregistered Pesticides

    Updated: 2010-09-20 05:53:45
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 20, 2010) California-based discount retailer 99 Cents Only Stores Inc. has been fined over $400,000 for selling three household products containing unregistered or mislabeled pesticides. It is the largest contested penalty ever handed down by EPA. According to EPA, the retailer continued to sell the products even after being notified that they [...]

  • Compositions of phenolic compounds, amino acids and reducing sugars in commercial potato varieties and their effects on acrylamide formation

    Updated: 2010-09-19 02:10:11
    , . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 90, Number 13 Compositions of phenolic compounds , amino acids and reducing sugars in commercial potato varieties and their effects on acrylamide formation Authors : Zhu , Fan Cai , Yi-Zhong Ke , Jinxia Corke , Harold : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 90, Number 13, October 2010 pp . 2254-2262(9 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase The publisher only permits individual articles to be downloaded by .

  • Residue content of carbaryl applied on greenhouse cucumbers and its reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest household processing

    Updated: 2010-09-19 02:10:11
    . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 90, Number 13 Residue content of carbaryl applied on greenhouse cucumbers and its reduction by duration of a pre-harvest interval and post-harvest household processing Authors : Hassanzadeh , Nasrin Bahramifar , Nader Esmaili-Sari , Abbas : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 90, Number 13, October 2010 pp . 2249-2253(5 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase The publisher only permits individual articles to be

  • Everybody’s Got Something to Hide Except Me and My Monkey

    Updated: 2010-09-16 16:02:36
    Veteran Vegetarian Beatle Paul McCartney, always outspoken about animal rights has been making noise in defense of the innocent monkeys used by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in experiments to determine the effect of space travel on human beings. Paul wrote in a letter to NASA: “I believe NASA has the ingenuity to [...]

  • Insect Accessorizing

    Updated: 2010-09-16 00:50:08
    I was in Target looking for….you know, I don’t actually remember what I was looking for. But I found this!! No idea who is going to want this besides an entomologist, so I suggest checking the clearance isles for some mighty cool office gear Filed under: Entomology, Insects Tagged: boxes, schwag, stuff

  • Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray, Precor, Permethrin for Safe Flea Control

    Updated: 2010-09-15 20:15:39
      Precor 2000 Plus Premise Spray, Precor, Permethrin for Safe Flea Control Precor 2000 for flea control has always been on the top of our recommendation list.  Why you may ask?  It is easy to apply, safe, covers a large area for the cost and has all the necessary ingredients. Precor2000 flea spray ...

  • Bed Bugs Control Recommendations to Bomb or Not To Bomb

    Updated: 2010-09-14 20:10:56
    We are constantly asked the question can you use a bomb for bed bug control and our answer is NO.   Here is a little explanation as to why it will not work and it not an effective method of bed bug control.  Fogging does not get active ingredient, Pyrthum into those ...

  • Germans Push Nuke Plant Moratorium into the Distance

    Updated: 2010-09-14 11:36:54
    In an impromptu decision made last week, the government in Germany is augmenting the lifetimes’ of the country’s seventeen nuclear plants while the development of alternative energy sources gets underway. The move is happening in counterpoint with similar lines by Italy and Sweden –both reconsidering the thwarting of example-setting policies –not new – against nuclear [...]

  • Phantom Aerosol Brand Phantom Pressurized Insecticide

    Updated: 2010-09-10 03:36:54
    Prescription Treatment Brand Phantom Pressurized Insecticide.   Looking for a Great Aerosol that is Labeled for Bed Bugs, Look no Further!   Phantom Pressurized Insecticide Areosol: Active Ingredient: Chlorfenapyr 0.5% Phantom Aerosol cannot be shipped to Ct or Ny Target pests for Phantom Pressurized Aerosol : Ants (Argentine, Carpenter, Odorous House, Pavement, Pharaoh, Pyramid), Cockroaches (American, German, ...

  • New ClimbUp Eco-friendly Bed Bug Interceptors

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:23
    New ClimbUp Eco-friendly Bed Bug Interceptors Take control of your Bed Bug problem with the eco-friendly ClimbUp® The ClimbUp® insect interceptor forms a barrier between floor and bed. Bed bugs approaching bed from room will climb up exterior surface and fall into the outer pitfall ring. Bed bugs climbing down from bed will ...

  • How do you know if you have termites

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:22
    How do you know if you have termites? Termites, by their nature, are hard to find. Thriving in hard-to-reach, inaccessable areas, they eat your home from the inside out. Although there may be only a few indications of termite activity, take a closer look at these warning signs: • Watch for the ...

  • How to kill carpenter ants using professional pest control products

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:21
    Carpenter Ant control with Professional Pest Control Products You basically have only a few options and some will work better than others.  Exterior perimeter treatments will work well if you are using something like Premise or Termidor, there are both non repelling so ants will continue to move about the chemical ...

  • How to Kill Carpenter Ants

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:20
    How to Kill Carpenter Ant Carpenter ants can be difficult to control, the information provided is to help you get rid of and kill your carpenter ant problems.  Carpenter ants that enter the home are black and can vary in length from 1/4 to 3/4 inch. Unlike termites, all carpenter ants ...

  • Ants use multiple antibiotics as weed killers

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:07
    Research led by Dr Matt Hutchings and published recently in the journal BMC Biology shows that ants use the antibiotics to inhibit the growth of unwanted fungi and bacteria in their fungus cultures which they use to feed their larvae and queen. These antibiotics are produced by actinomycete bacteria that live on the ants in a mutual symbiosis........

  • Salmon in hot water

    Updated: 2010-09-09 03:32:04
    Rearing juvenile salmon at the relatively high temperature of 16C causes skeletal deformities in the fish. Scientists writing in the open access journal BMC Physiology investigated both the magnitude and mechanisms of this effect, which occurs when salmon farmers use warmed water to increase fish growth rates........

  • Team at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University Makes Waves in AIDS Fight

    Updated: 2010-09-05 15:55:16
    A team of researchers from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, now nearly a century old, has developed a treatment which wholly destroys HIV-infected cells in humans, in laboratory cultures that is. Scientists from the university’s Alexander Silberman Institute of Life Sciences and the Institute of Chemistry, according to an article in Israel’s Ha’aretz have devised [...]

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