• New ClimbUp Eco-friendly Bed Bug Interceptors

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:42:37
    New ClimbUp Eco-friendly Bed Bug Interceptors Take control of your Bed Bug problem with the eco-friendly ClimbUp® The ClimbUp® insect interceptor forms a barrier between floor and bed. Bed bugs approaching bed from room will climb up exterior surface and fall into the outer pitfall ring. Bed bugs climbing down from bed will ...

  • Use New Mama Bottom Spray to Soothe Your Body After Giving Birth

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:42:30
    There are countless exciting things about having a baby, and many things you’ll want to talk about nonstop (that perfect little onesie that seems unbelievably tiny, for example), but there are also the less desirable aspects and some of those are mostly kept under wraps. One perfect example of something that moms-to-be would rather avoid (or [...]

  • Celebrities Gone Green: Under the Nile

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:42:30
    While it may not be possible for every mom to look as fit and fashionable as Heidi Klum, everyone can copy her eco-friendly buying habits (without picking up a single weight or purchasing a single piece of couture). The mom of four turns to Under the Nile for organic cotton kid’s products that are easy on [...]

  • Burt’s Bees Toothpaste Sloughs Off Stains Without SLS

    Updated: 2010-08-31 21:42:30
    Of all the natural brands, Burt’s Bees has become one of the most mainstream (that is to say that you can find it in nearly every type of store), and, in turn, you probably like you’ve seen everything the brand has to offer, from lip balms to sunscreens. What you may have missed, however, is [...]

  • Study Shows Atrazine Causes Prostate Inflammation and Delays Puberty

    Updated: 2010-08-31 05:01:08
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 31, 2010) As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) continues its review of the popular herbicide atrazine, a new study shows that male rats prenatally exposed to low doses of the gender-bending chemical are more likely to develop prostate inflammation and to go through puberty later than non-exposed animals. The research adds to [...]

  • Re-Introducing Animals to Their Natural Home: Friendly Gesture or Playing God?

    Updated: 2010-08-30 08:32:56
    What happens to animals which have been removed from their natural habitat because of their status as endangered species? Well, according to TheDailyGreen.com: “Limited attempts at predator reintroduction in the United States have for the most part proven very successful. The gray wolf, extirpated by hunters in the Yellowstone region some 90 years ago, is [...]

  • FDA Considers Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon

    Updated: 2010-08-30 06:51:44
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 30, 2010) AquaBounty Technologies Inc.. a small biotechnology firm based in Waltham, Massachusetts, is seeking FDA approval for a genetically engineered salmon, hoping to do for aquaculture what biotech giants such as Monsanto have done for agronomy. Currently, the vast majority of US soybeans, corn, and cotton are genetically engineered, but this [...]

  • Complex Biological Interactions Prevent Problems on Organic Farms

    Updated: 2010-08-27 06:32:23
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 26, 2010) While proponents of organic farming often speak of nature’s balance in ways that sound almost spiritual, a new study provides additional scientific evidence to back-up this world view. Ecologists from the University of Michigan and the University of Toledo have uncovered a web of intricate interactions that buffers the farm [...]

  • Ants use multiple antibiotics as weed killers

    Updated: 2010-08-27 06:16:09
    Research led by Dr Matt Hutchings and published recently in the journal BMC Biology shows that ants use the antibiotics to inhibit the growth of unwanted fungi and bacteria in their fungus cultures which they use to feed their larvae and queen. These antibiotics are produced by actinomycete bacteria that live on the ants in a mutual symbiosis........

  • Cheap Fix or Costly Folly?

    Updated: 2010-08-26 14:27:46
    Now famously featured on California’s ballot in November, Proposition 19 allows all persons older than 21 to grow small amounts of marijuana for strictly personal use. Were the law approved, cities would be able to regulate and tax the sales. California is not alone in their totally mellowed-out attitude about the psychoactive drug. Both Colorado [...]

  • Pesticides found in Bald Eagles in the Great Lakes Region

    Updated: 2010-08-26 01:36:01
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 26, 2010) Researchers from Indiana University have detected organochlorine pesticides and flame retardants in blood samples taken from bald eagle nestlings in the Great Lakes region. After DDT was banned, many scientists expected the bald eagle population to recover more quickly, so this study provides some evidence to explain their lackluster rebound. [...]

  • Pesticide Exposure in the Womb Increases ADHD Risk

    Updated: 2010-08-25 06:35:07
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 25, 2010) Exposure to pesticides while in the womb may increase the odds that a child will have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to researchers at the University of California-Berkeley School of Public Health. Maternal metabolites of organophosphate pesticides have previously been associated with neurobehavioral deficits in children. The California researchers are [...]

  • Attention Californians: Two Actions Involving Toxics and Schools

    Updated: 2010-08-24 01:39:08
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 24, 2010) Update: The Healthy Schools Act of 2010 (SB 1157) passed the State Assembly. A conference committee of state assembly members and senators will now negotiate a final bill and send it to Governor Schwarzenegger. You can contact the Governor’s office at 916-445-2841. Grassroots organizations in California predict that the Healthy Schools [...]

  • Dying to go Green

    Updated: 2010-08-23 10:54:35
    Is there a method of disposing of the remains of deceased humans which is a less carbon-intensive method than cremation? According to the good scientists in Belgium there is. Funeral directors there would like to give the green light to something called Resomation, a water and alkali-based process which turns bodies into a mix of [...]

  • Fully Organic Golf Course Set for Return of President

    Updated: 2010-08-23 07:09:37
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 23, 2010) While on vacation in Martha’s Vineyard, President Obama will be returning to the organically-managed Vineyard Golf Club, where he played while on vacation last year. While golf courses around the country have begun to incorporate organic techniques and reduce pesticide use, the exclusive club is believed to be the only [...]

  • Aldicarb Voluntarily Canceled by Bayer through Agreement with EPA

    Updated: 2010-08-20 05:01:51
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 20, 2010) Behind closed doors this past Monday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Bayer CropScience reached an agreement on a set of measures to gradually reduce and ultimately ban fully the use of the insecticde aldicarb in the U.S. This decision arrives on the heels of a revised risk assessment [...]

  • Studies Link Range of Major Diseases to Pesticides, New Database Launched

    Updated: 2010-08-19 05:38:26
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 19, 2010) Links to pesticide exposure are being found in a growing number of studies that evaluate the causes of preventable diseases –including asthma, autism and learning disabilities, birth defects and reproductive dysfunction, diabetes, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, and several types of cancer. A new database, released today, tracks published epidemiologic and [...]

  • New York Bans Phosphorus in Detergent, Lawn Fertilizer

    Updated: 2010-08-18 06:07:25
    (Beyond Pesticides, August 18, 2010) A new law to improve water quality makes it illegal for stores in New York to stock fresh supplies of household dishwasher detergents that contain phosphorus. Stores have 60 days to sell old inventories. Sales for commercial use are to end July 1, 2013. Starting in 2012, a similar ban [...]

  • Slow To Fall in Line: Oil Sand Extraction In Canada

    Updated: 2010-08-17 10:30:27
    One environmentally destructive practice, onto which a light has been shed due to the BP oil spill in the gulf is Oil Sands Development in Alberta, Canada. Oil Sands Extraction, according to a 2008 report, leaks approximately three million gallons of contaminated water into surrounding rivers and groundwater each day. Well, in addition to this, [...]

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