Poor Sleep May Increase Markers of Poor Brain Health
Updated: 2024-01-31 13:27:37
Skip to content Menu Follow Us On Substack Google News Twitter X FaceBook Threads Our Bloggers Search Poor Sleep May Increase Markers of Poor Brain Health January 31, 2024 Yale University Sleeping too much or too little is associated with changes in the brain that are known to precede and increase the risk of stroke and dementia later in life , a new study . suggests In one of the largest neuroimaging studies of its kind , researchers at Yale School of Medicine YSM examined the brain images of nearly 40,000 asymptomatic middle-aged adults to understand how their sleep habits may impact their brain . health These findings add to the mounting evidence that sleep is a prime pillar of brain . health Santiago Clocchiatti-Tuozzo , MD The researchers found that suboptimal sleep duration is