Scientists uncover how fermented-food bacteria can guard against depression, anxiety
Updated: 2023-11-30 14:32:37
, Skip to content Menu Follow us on Threads Our Bloggers Google News Substack FaceBook Contribute Contact Search Scientists uncover how fermented-food bacteria can guard against depression , anxiety November 30, 2023 University of Virginia University of Virginia School of Medicine researchers have discovered how Lactobacillus a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt , helps the body manage stress and may help prevent depression and anxiety . The findings open the door to new therapies to treat anxiety , depression and other mental-health . conditions The new research from UVAâ s Alban Gaultier , Ph.D . and collaborators is notable because it pinpoints the role of Lactobacillus separating it out from all the other microorganisms that naturally live in and on our bodies .