• Lynnwood Adds a Common-Sense Bus Stop

    Updated: 2012-11-30 15:30:17
    Shortly after Seattle and Metro finally got together to make bus-rail transfers adequate at Mt. Baker, the City of Lynnwood has now relented to make transfers at their Transit Center a little less arduous: Route 196 began serving two new stops on 196th Street at 48th Avenue in Lynnwood [Tuesday]. The stops are near the Fred Meyer complex [...]

  • Renewed Post Sandy Interest in Carbon Tax

    Updated: 2012-11-30 14:33:16
    The issue of climate change has re-entered the public’s conscious in the wake of Superstorm Sandy.  In fact, there were accusations of a “climate silence” on the part of the presidential candidates until the megastorm hit the Northeast a week … Continue reading →

  • On Passenger Miles and Greenness

    Updated: 2012-11-29 15:10:35
    Matt Yglesias had a great short post on why passenger-miles-travelled is a poor metric for measuring the greenness of a mass transit system: The whole idea of trying to talk about which city’s mass transit system is greenest in terms of emissions per passenger-mile is terribly flawed. Just think of it in terms of cars. Driving [...]

  • Questionnaire Responses Now Complete

    Updated: 2012-11-27 18:45:01
    I’ve updated yesterday’s post to include Rod Dembowski, who got me his full responses last night. He of course had a chance to see everyone else’s answers, for whatever that’s worth.

  • Tomorrow: Open House for Greenwood Stop Improvements

    Updated: 2012-11-27 14:00:51
    Tomorrow, from 5 to 7 PM, at Greenwood Public Library, SDOT is hosting an open house to discuss a program of bus stop improvement and consolidation on Greenwood between 87th St and 105th St. Similar to the recent Ballard stop consolidation and improvements, this program arises from SDOT’s Bridging the Gap funding for small transit [...]

  • SPOTLIGHT: Car-Free Diet

    Updated: 2012-11-26 13:00:44
    It seems like there are hundreds of diets out there these days. Well, now there is even a diet for your car. The Car-Free Diet calculator shows you how much you spend on your commute, and how easy it can … Continue reading →

  • Sunday Open Thread: Sampled Vancouver

    Updated: 2012-11-25 15:48:01
    One of the more underappreciated outcomes of the election is the vacancy in Attorney General-Elect Bob Ferguson’s old seat on the King County Council. Of all the various levels of government, the County Council is probably the most important legislature for determining how transit actually operates, as it exercises tight control over King County Metro [...]

  • Slightly Subsidized Parking for Sounder North

    Updated: 2012-11-24 15:40:14
    I was all set to slay Sound Transit for leasing 103 parking spaces in Edmonds for $150 per month each, following a news cycle of recriminations over high operating costs. Park-and-rides are necessary evils, good money after bad, and all that. But when I sat down and worked out the numbers, I found that it [...]

  • Bellevue Launches Downtown Livability Initiative

    Updated: 2012-11-23 15:22:27
    Next Thursday, Bellevue will host an open house and scoping meeting on its newly-launched Downtown Livability initiative (.pdf), which is expected to address a range of topics, from building height limits to street-level pedestrian amenities.  While the City is still in the early stages of pre-scoping, there’s a fairly comprehensive list of analysis areas online (including [...]

  • News Roundup: Happy Thanksgiving

    Updated: 2012-11-22 15:52:58
    Metro asks riders to help speed up RapidRide. PubliCola rounds up last week’s zoning meetings, with more fireworks than usual. Pierce Transit measure seems to be dead. State rail planning workshops overflowing; new session Nov. 29th in Seattle. Please RSVP. Report from the Federal Way light rail open house. Mayor McGinn’s office considering ads around [...]

  • Alert: Sounder North Canceled Due to Mudslide

    Updated: 2012-11-19 22:02:53
    Sound Transit has announced that a mudslide between Seattle and Everett has occurred and Sounder North service will be canceled until Wednesday evening at the earliest. Amtrak service will also be canceled. Northline Sounder service between Seattle and Everett is canceled for the evening commute on Monday, 11/19 because of mudslides.  Sounder northline trains will not be available [...]

  • Sound Transit Funds Ballard Planning Partnership

    Updated: 2012-11-19 14:35:15
    As part of partnership more than a year in the making, on Thursday the Sound Transit board approved $2 million in funding to study rail transit connecting downtown to Ballard. This is joined by up to $800,000 from the City of Seattle. Sound Transit’s funding will go to study of modes in exclusive right of [...]

  • SPOTLIGHT: Drive Clean

    Updated: 2012-11-19 13:00:16
    Buying a new car? Before you go to a dealership, check out driveclean.ca.gov. This website has a guide to buying a car that can reduce your carbon footprint, have better fuel efficiency,  save money, and reduce emissions. You can compare … Continue reading →

  • Halloween Treats by Creative Super Glue Corp Team

    Updated: 2012-11-13 19:28:43
    Whenever I tell someone I work for Super Glue Corporation they almost always reply, “HOW FUN!” and I say, “YEP, IT IS” Super Glue products are fun; the people who use them are fun and even our employees are fun! … Super Glue Corporation employees enjoy being creative!  This was very evident at our “Spooky [...]

  • SPOTLIGHT: Fuel Doctor

    Updated: 2012-11-12 13:00:33
    Now there is a doctor for your car. Cars get less efficient as they age. The FD-47 Fuel Doctor is a device that conditions the electrical system of your vehicle to be more efficient. When the electrical system is working better, the … Continue reading →

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