• Music Aboard Transit

    Updated: 2012-06-30 15:45:11
    In our society today, music can be something that is both unifying and divisive, a medium of artistic expression subjectively absorbed by each one of us differently.  When it comes to listening to music, particularly aboard transit, general etiquette tells us that that it belongs in our own ears– hence, earphones are always a rule [...]

  • Reauthorization Passes: No Big Changes for Transit

    Updated: 2012-06-29 21:31:58
    After expiring over 1,000 days ago, Congress has finally passed a new surface transportation bill. The bill revises federal highway funding streams but does little to change the status qou for transit, maintaining current funding levels. At the beginning hopes were high that a new surface transportation bill would be a bold and progressive vision [...]

  • News Roundup: A New Home

    Updated: 2012-06-29 19:30:14
    Sounder extension to Lakewood already helping spur development. U-Link and North Link station names finalized. Efforts are underway to save the vintage waterfront streetcars from being carted off elsewhere. Mayor McGinn releases a bold rezone proposal for South Lake Union. What not to do when operating a streetcar. Eastside mayors talk future growth, transportation. New [...]

  • Conference Committee Finalizes Reauthorization Bill

    Updated: 2012-06-28 20:19:36
    Reports out of Washington from last night and this morning indicate that the conference committee, the group that works to reconcile differences between House and Senate bills, has agreed to a final bill that will almost certainly pass. Transportation Issues Daily reports: Senate and House negotiators and leadership reached a deal Wednesday.  The conference report [...]

  • A Solution for Northgate is Within Reach

    Updated: 2012-06-27 21:16:52
    A month ago, I wrote about options that would help make a parking garage at Northgate more acceptable – pricing the parking, funding a pedestrian bridge, and splitting up the parcel so that not all of the park and ride area was a single structure, helping bring needed variety to the station area. Most of [...]

  • Housing Affordability: Where Do Rents Come From?

    Updated: 2012-06-27 18:00:49
    I have been working with a team that just submitted an application for funding from the Housing Trust Fund this week, and two things came up. First, our market study confirmed pretty much what real estate people have been saying a lot lately, apartment vacancies are down and prices are going up. That’s a trend [...]

  • Help Earthgarage Vie for a $250,000 Grant

    Updated: 2012-06-27 17:01:02
    Hi everyone, we’re trying to get a grant for Earthgarage – please vote for us! Help us receive 250 votes on the Mission: Small Business page to get closer to qualifying for a $250,000 grant.  Go to to the site … Continue reading →

  • Reducing maximum speed to 60 MPH reduces fuel consumption by 10%, but only adds 2 minutes to trip

    Updated: 2012-06-27 14:44:29
    OK, I admit it, sometimes I have a lead foot.  But what am I gaining?  The chance to get to my destination early? Not really, according to our friends at DriveGain, based in the UK.  Here’s the release for their … Continue reading →

  • What Would You Do With the Old 520?

    Updated: 2012-06-27 01:30:12
    Imagine stumbling across 363,000 tons worth of concrete pontoons in the free section of Craig’s List.  Would you build a floating island? A massive version of Stonehenge?  Perhaps stack them on top of each other for a 33 story condo complex? Well this is your chance to show off your idea for what our state [...]

  • Restore Transit Now Kick Off Meeting Thursday

    Updated: 2012-06-26 19:30:23
    Now that Pierce Transit has voted to reduce its service area, transit advocates in Pierce County are kicking off the campaign to win that service back after last year’s defeat. The kickoff meeting is Thursday from 5-8pm at The Hub (203 Tacoma Ave. S., Tacoma). Details via the kick-off Facebook event page : Please Join Mayor Marilyn Strickland, Pierce County Council member [...]

  • Kids build super-efficient car

    Updated: 2012-06-26 15:10:18
    Although it’s decorated with flaming duct tape and its driver is equipped with a crash helmet, a harness-style seatbelt and a fire extinguisher, the main point is not how fast Edgerton High School’s super vehicle can go. It’s all about … Continue reading →

  • New Aurora BAT Lane Starting Today

    Updated: 2012-06-25 22:52:08
    Starting today, the curb lane between the Dexter off-ramp and Mercer on Aurora Avenue southbound will be converted to a BAT (business access and transit-only) lane.  Unlike some other BAT lanes in the city, the right-turn and transit-only designation applies all day and night, which means single-occupant drivers can get dinged for a citation if [...]

  • The Half the Oil Plan

    Updated: 2012-06-25 21:35:33
    The Union of Concerned Scientists has a practical plan to dramatically reduce U.S. oil consumption, save consumers billions of dollars, and position the United States as a global leader in transportation technology. The UCS Half the Oil plan offers a … Continue reading →

  • Reauthorization Bill Ready by July 1st?

    Updated: 2012-06-25 19:30:15
    Transportation Issues Daily is reporting this morning that it looks as if a reauthorization bill will be ready by the July 1st deadline. It sounds like nearly all transportation-related issues are resolved, but details are nearly impossible to come by.  There are rumors the mega-projects program (PNRS) and other freight provisions will be scrapped. There’s [...]

  • The Arena and the Gas Tax

    Updated: 2012-06-25 16:07:01
    TD Banknorth Garden, Boston (wikimedia) A hot local debate is about whether or not a basketball and hockey arena is a worthwhile project, and if the proposed site is the correct one. (My take: the public contribution here is below the going rate, and I’d like to see the NBA here; Sodo is the right [...]

  • Immediate Action Alert: Protect Ped and Bike Safety Funding

    Updated: 2012-06-22 23:05:46
    Over the last day or two it looks as if congress has finally started to make progress on a transportation re-authorization bill. However, it looks like Republicans are trying to strip dedicated safety funding from the bill. Please call and share immediately as this is rapidly unfolding. Information via TCC below: Because you live in [...]

  • Extensive Transit Disruptions in Seattle this Weekend

    Updated: 2012-06-22 19:05:47
    This weekend’s weather forecast is for rain, and the weekend transit and traffic forecast is for a giant mess in Seattle. Three big events — the Rock’n'Roll Marathon, Capitol Hill Pride Festival, and Seattle Pride Parade — will compound ongoing construction reroutes in the city. If the weather were better, this would be the perfect [...]

  • News Roundup: Bus Book

    Updated: 2012-06-22 14:00:59
    Bus rider book club. Awesome idea! Mercer West gets last $13 million in funding needed. SR-520 “Lake to Land” section may get federal loan to cover the bare bones. Montlake neighborhood rightly alarmed. Monorail inspired SIFF documentary. Publicola is back! That will take a bit of a load off our backs. RapidRide E and F lines nailed down. [...]

  • BMP Comment Deadline is July 3rd

    Updated: 2012-06-21 14:00:40
      If you’re like me and haven’t been able to attend one of the Bicycle Master Plan (BMP) public meetings or you’re just a procrastinator, July 3rd is your deadline to submit a comment for the initial round of public outreach. SDOT has built a very handy online mapping tool which allows you to show [...]

  • Metro Wants Feedback on Southend Transit Pathways

    Updated: 2012-06-20 19:00:54
    A few months ago, I wrote about the Southend Transit Pathways project, Metro’s effort to decide the alignment of the currently-Viaduct-running West Seattle and Burien routes, once the Alaskan Way Viaduct is shut down in 2015. That process has moved steadily along, and of the four options I discussed, Metro has eliminated one, modified another and [...]

  • Recreational Hovercraft Pilot Training: Michael Meissner

    Updated: 2012-06-04 19:34:00
    : : 04 June , 2012 Recreational Hovercraft Pilot Training : Michael Meissner Michael Meissner of Glendive , Montana USA recently earned his Class 3 Standard hovercraft pilot certification at Hovercraft Training Centers’ headquarters . After purchasing a used Neoteric hovercraft from a previous owner , he learned to operate it on his own but , once he began the training course , he says he quickly realized the necessity of proper training especially the classroom portion of the . course I’ve always been a technical person and could not go anywhere without the proper theoretical background training , 8221 he . says Michael Meissner right and instructor Chris Fitzgerald are ready for takeoff on the Wabash River as Michael's flight training begins . With a long career as an aviation

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