• Name a Bellevue Street

    Updated: 2012-10-30 18:49:56
    One of the features of redeveloping the Bel-Red corridor will be the addition of a new street grid in place of what is now a broken network of backroads and lightly used collectors.  The City of Bellevue is planning to establish a new central thoroughfare, which by current grid orientation, is tentatively designated NE 15th/16th [...]

  • Uptown-Belltown Transit Project Update

    Updated: 2012-10-30 14:25:39
    About six months ago, I wrote about the Uptown-Belltown Transit Project, an SDOT project to improve the bus interface between Belltown and Uptown. As I discussed and diagrammed in that post, all buses to or from Queen Anne, Magnolia or Ballard (via Interbay) must, in the outbound direction, traverse an awkward and time-consuming jog between [...]

  • State Rail Plan Meeting Wednesday

    Updated: 2012-10-30 04:49:17
    Washington is updating its State Rail Plan, its investment plan for capital projects and operating arrangements with neighboring jurisdictions. On October 31st, there’s a public workshop for interested parties in Seattle, from 9am to noon. You can find out exactly where by RSVPing to Kerri Woehler at 360-705-6902 or Kerri.Woehler@wsdot.wa.gov.

  • GTC Implementation Strategies Workshop Tomorrow

    Updated: 2012-10-29 18:30:02
    Tomorrow the Growing Transit Communities (GTC) Partnership will be holding a workshop to bring together six GTC committees and citizens to start to lay out strategies to accomplish the aims of the project. Those that are interested in attending the meeting from 3-6PM at Seattle Center may RSVP here. More information below the jump. REGISTER NOW! Registration is now open for the [...]

  • Lynnwood Ridership

    Updated: 2012-10-29 14:05:18
    One frequent open-thread discussion is the merits of Lynnwood as a destination for rail. I certainly agree that it shouldn’t be the highest priority for rail in the region, although perhaps it should be the highest rail priority in Snohomish County. That’s where the money is coming from and by law must be spent. Although [...]

  • Performance Friction Announces Carbon Metallic® Copper-Free Brake Pads

    Updated: 2012-10-29 13:00:07
    Performance Friction Corporation, a leading aftermarket brake pad manufacturer says the time is now for consumers, parts distributors, installers and car manufacturers to switch to copper free brake pads. Major steps are being taken by environmentalists and state lawmakers to … Continue reading →

  • Neoteric Hovercraft in Russia

    Updated: 2012-10-29 00:29:00
    : 28 October , 2012 Neoteric Hovercraft in Russia Neoteric is proud to have dealers , distributors and referring agents in more than fifteen nations advocating the use of the Hovertrek for rescue , recreational , commercial and military purposes . Christy Hovercraft IVL Design our agent in the Russian Federation , has been especially active in promoting . Neoteric Recently , Christy Hovercraft participated in an international conference exhibition held in Russia by EMERCON , the Chief Department of the Russian Emergency Services Ministry . EMERCON manages all civil defense and search and rescue operations in Russia . A focus of the event was the study of Russian and international experience in search and rescue operations using high-performance hovercraft , with an emphasis on their

  • SPOTLIGHT: Tripledge Green Wiper Blades

    Updated: 2012-10-29 00:00:26
    You probably don’t pay your wiper blades much mind unless it is raining, however they can be a great place to start having a greener car. Tripledge uses silicone in their wiper blades instead of rubber. Silicone also lasts longer … Continue reading →

  • Sunday Open Thread: A Day on King County Metro

    Updated: 2012-10-28 13:55:36
    One frequent open-thread discussion is the merits of Lynnwood as a destination for rail. I certainly agree that it shouldn’t be the highest priority for rail in the region, although perhaps it should be the highest rail priority in Snohomish County. That’s where the money is coming from and by law must be spent. Although [...]

  • Population-Weighted Density: How Seattle Stacks Up

    Updated: 2012-10-27 16:08:40
    [UPDATE: To be clear, the Seattle MSA includes the entirety of Snohomish, Pierce, and King Counties. Below, I argue that the considerable hinterlands in that sample aren't of much relevance, but that's the scope.] The traditional measure of density isn’t very informative about whether a city can really support heavy transit use and gain the other [...]

  • Profiling Bellevue Transit Riders

    Updated: 2012-10-26 19:39:03
    Martin surreptitiously dropped in a link to last week’s roundup detailing the results of a survey (PDF) that Bellevue administered as part of its Transit Master Plan update.  The findings are worth digging into, because they reveal quite a bit about the current state of transit in the city from a riders perspective, and what strides [...]

  • September 2012 Link Ridership

    Updated: 2012-10-26 14:37:56
    by MATT JOHNSON Thanks to John Niles over at PITF for the numbers. As a transit advocate improving ridership is always great news.  What jumps out to me though is the extent to which Link’s current rate of ridership growth is exceeding prior estimates. The typical trajectory of transit projects of this kind is massive [...]

  • Sound Transit Proposes Improved Seattle-Everett Service

    Updated: 2012-10-25 19:00:07
    There’s been lots of coverage lately about Sounder North’s poor ridership, but not much attention paid to the transit alternative many riders are choosing instead, namely Sound Transit’s freeway-running I-5 express buses, 510, 511, 512 and 513. These routes, as the Sounder North Citizen Oversight Panel report notes, are currently overcrowded in the peaks, with [...]

  • Point Defiance Bypass Environmental Update

    Updated: 2012-10-23 22:00:58
    Roughly three weeks ago WSDOT completed the required Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Point Defiance Bypass (PDB).  You can wade through the full 1,500 pages if you dare, but to the casual reader I would suggest the concise Executive Summary. For those unfamiliar with the project, a small sampling of 4 years of STB coverage can be found here, here, here, and [...]

  • My Interview with Martin

    Updated: 2012-10-23 19:00:39
    For those of you who didn’t get enough Martin on the West Seattle transportation panel a couple of weeks ago, I recently interviewed him on my podcast.  I thought it was a really solid, broad-ranging conversation on the state of Seattle transportation issues, the impediments to development, and more. You can find it on iTunes, or [...]

  • Urban Area Size and GDP

    Updated: 2012-10-23 14:00:00
    Recently, the Economist published an article that highlights a relatively unexplored explanation for the difference in per-person GDP between the US and Western Europe nations. Differences in metropolitan populations may help explain gaps in productivity and incomes. Western Europe’s per-person GDP is 72% of America’s, on a purchasing-power-parity basis. A recent study by the McKinsey [...]

  • Wednesday: Help Take The Next Steps in Seattle Rail Planning

    Updated: 2012-10-22 21:54:01
    Right now, the Seattle city council is starting to debate the budget provided by the mayor. As we reported before, the mayor’s budget contains several million to keep working on planning in the core high capacity transit corridors identified in the Transit Master Plan. Sources in city hall tell us there is council opposition to [...]

  • Bellevue Looks to Adopt a Rail Overlay District

    Updated: 2012-10-22 19:15:24
    To some degree or another, Bellevue and Sound Transit have been making headway on their agreements to expedite East Link construction and fund a downtown rail tunnel. Though the surface alignment is still our preferred candidate, failure to uphold the Memorandum of Understanding (pdf) at this point could deal a major setback to the project. One [...]

  • SPOTLIGHT: 3D Waterless Car Wash

    Updated: 2012-10-22 01:00:49
    Love keeping your car spotless? Unfortunately, washing your car can waste hundreds of gallons of water. Luckily, there are alternative options available. 3D Waterless Car Wash allows you to keep you car looking clean without wasting the water. Just spray … Continue reading →

  • Award-winning scientist assists Neoteric Hovercraft

    Updated: 2012-10-21 22:56:00
    : 21 October , 2012 Award-winning scientist assists Neoteric Hovercraft Today , Neoteric Hovercraft was honored with a visit by Dr . Rajpal Sirohi , a world-famous physicist , and his son , Dr . Jayant Sirohi , an award-winning aerospace engineer . Dr . Jayant Sirohi has offered to assist Neoteric in conducting advanced computer modeling of the complex aerodynamics found in the Hovertrek’s integrated lift thrust . ducting Below , Dr . Jayant Sirohi left studies the thrust duct outlet flow of a Hovertrek at the Neoteric factory , and indicates the onset of turbulence to company President Chris Fitzgerald center and Dr . Rajpal Sirohi right Neoteric founder Chris Fitzgerald has enjoyed a long friendship with Dr . Rajpal Sirohi . In the 1980s , when Fitzgerald was Rose-Hulman Institute’s

  • The Passenger Car & SUV Diesel Engine Market 2013-2023

    Updated: 2012-10-18 21:34:18
    I’ve never owned one but I’m a big fan of diesels. Diesel engines are becoming an increasingly attractive solution to high oil prices and the resulting high running costs of passenger cars and SUVs. Diesel engines are 20-40% more efficient … Continue reading →

  • 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco Review

    Updated: 2012-10-16 23:02:29
    Gas-powered engines can indeed be eco-friendly, which is what Winding Road found out when it test drove a 2012 Chevrolet Cruze Eco. And that’s just one reason to dig the top-selling compact car for August. You may even be able … Continue reading →

  • Win a Pair of microGreen Oil Filters

    Updated: 2012-10-16 22:50:09
    Miles and the gang at microGreen are giving us 5 pair of oil filters to give away. That means you have 5 shots to win! The microGreen® oil filter is a game change. It looks and installs just like your … Continue reading →

  • SPOTLIGHT: Greasecar

    Updated: 2012-10-15 01:00:02
    One man’s trash is another man’s treasure… or fuel. Greasecar Vegetable Fuel System kits are a product that allows a diesel engine to use straight vegetable oil as fuel. The kits come with everything necessary to make the engine run on vegetable … Continue reading →

  • Paranorman and 77 Gallons of Super Glue!

    Updated: 2012-10-11 18:13:56
    [PHOTO CREDIT:  Lazcreative] According to this blog post written by Jeremy Lazanowski 77 gallons of super glue were used in the making of the unique, blockbuster, 3D animated feature film, Paranorman!  Wow, that’s a lot of super glue even to us — and we love the stuff! Apparently the super glue was used to strengthen [...]

  • SPOTLIGHT: BG 44K Power Enhancer

    Updated: 2012-10-08 01:00:21
    Need a quick and easy way to get your car running like new? BG 44K Power Enhancer is here to help. This product is a great way to get the most out of your car. It cleans the entire fuel system, … Continue reading →

  • Cheese Powered Dragster Breaks Speed Record

    Updated: 2012-10-05 14:37:37
    A team of Utah State University researchers have set a land speed record in their class with a dragster powered by cheese! The Aggie A-Salt Streamliner runs on yeast biodiesel derived from the industrial waste of cheese production. However despite … Continue reading →

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