• Will Beer and Big Ideas Lead to ‘Big Development’?

    Updated: 2012-04-30 14:36:27
    Tomorrow evening is the second installation of the City Builder Happy Hour. Like at the first event, the hosts want to hear about people’s “audacious ideas” to support more growth and sustainable development in Seattle. Last time it was the idea of a gondola from Capitol Hill to Seattle Center. This time you are invited [...]

  • Sunday Open Thread: The Tube Weekend

    Updated: 2012-04-29 16:12:18
    Documentary series from the BBC.

  • The Tragedy of the Infrequent Route

    Updated: 2012-04-28 15:30:42
    Harbor Island, Google Maps Among Metro’s routes that head downtown, we’re about to lose the worst performing bus, the #35.  This will cut off Harbor Island, leaving an over 1 mile walk for the dock workers on the north end.  If you care about system efficiency, it’s hard to argue that keeping a service with 1.4 [...]

  • Trend – Consumers Keep Their Cars Longer

    Updated: 2012-04-28 01:22:05
    Despite an increase in new car sales, the post-recession trend of consumers keeping their cars longer continues, a trend that bodes well for the automotive aftermarket and repair industry, according to The NPD Group, a leading market research company. NPD’s … Continue reading →

  • ST Covering Old PT Route

    Updated: 2012-04-27 15:58:14
    Now that a large of chunk of Pierce County is no longer in the Pierce Transit district, where they paid taxes, received service, and voted down a ballot measure to maintain PT’s service level, a large area in Eastern Pierce County is solely served by Sound Transit. Yesterday, the Sound Transit Board followed the proposal [...]

  • Update Your Email Contacts

    Updated: 2012-04-26 22:39:12
    We’ve listed our email address as contact@seattletransitblog.com for quite some time now. If you’re still sending email to seattletransitblog@gmail.com, it’s not getting to us. Please update your records accordingly.

  • Delridge Open House Report

    Updated: 2012-04-25 16:00:10
    Last night, I dropped by Metro’s open house for the proposed Route 120 speed and reliability improvements, and chatted to Metro staff and neighbors. Much of the public feedback consisted of fairly predictable requests by neighbors to save their favorite stops, but I noted a couple of items of information or concern: Whether the northbound [...]

  • Route 120 Improvements Open House Tonight

    Updated: 2012-04-24 21:30:56
    Tonight, King County Metro is hosting an open house to present information and get public feedback about proposed speed and reliability improvements to Route 120. The improvements include stop consolidation and signal priority throughout the route, a northbound queue jump near Andover, a bus bulb on the Westwood Village deviation that will likely be approved [...]

  • May 6th: Bus Sightseeing and Steam Plant Tour

    Updated: 2012-04-24 19:10:31
    On Sunday, May 6th, transit enthusiast Heather McAuliffe, and Metro planner Ted Day, are hosting a bus tour of and the Georgetown Steam Plant. This event is designed to introduce new riders to transit, showing them that transit can be easy to use, and take them to interesting and fun places around the city. Everybody [...]

  • The danger of counterfeit hovercraft

    Updated: 2012-04-24 18:10:00
    : 24 April , 2012 The danger of counterfeit hovercraft The phrase counterfeit goods” usually brings to mind fake designer handbags and knockoffs of expensive wristwatches . In recent years , however , the trafficking of counterfeit goods has expanded to products that threaten consumer health and safety products such as medications , electrical components , aircraft and automobile parts and . hovercraft According to Brett Brenner , President of the U.S . Consumer Product Safety Commission , counterfeit products that appear to be exact copies of the genuine article are the scariest type of counterfeit because the danger is within , and there is nothing on the outside to alert you that there might be a problem . 8221 Hovercraft manufacturers are increasingly experiencing this type of

  • U-Pass Turns Twenty

    Updated: 2012-04-23 19:35:04
    Last Friday, the University of Washington threw a birthday party for its U-Pass program, which turns twenty this year.  In its inception in the early 90s, the U-Pass was one of the first university-wide transportation demand management programs of its kind, and has become a model for similar programs nationwide.  A few notable speakers attended [...]

  • Sunday Open Thread: Second Ave Subway

    Updated: 2012-04-22 15:13:52
    Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

  • Bellevue and ST East Link Open House

    Updated: 2012-04-20 16:00:39
    On Thursday April 26th from 4pm to 7pm at Bellevue City Hall, Bellevue and Sound Transit will be co-hosting an open house to get feedback on the latests design and cost saving ideas. Press release below: The City of Bellevue and Sound Transit will host a joint open house to share the latest design options [...]

  • $4 Gas Reinforces Trend Toward Lower U.S. Fuel Consumption

    Updated: 2012-04-19 15:40:08
    Are American motorists finally changing their gas-guzzling ways? As prices have neared and in some cases topped $4 a gallon, drivers have cut their consumption of gasoline to its lowest levels in a decade, driving less and buying cars that … Continue reading →

  • Spinland

    Updated: 2012-04-19 14:00:40
    A conversation over at the Utility vs. Fun post reminded me of an idea I had years ago.  Note that this post is for fun only, and we live in a world that’s far too serious to ever implement such a plan.  Spinland would be a completely constructed city, built on a body of water.  [...]

  • Carpooling Takes Off

    Updated: 2012-04-16 21:48:53
    No longer just for kids going to soccer practice, the carpool mentality has taken off. HOV lanes are appearing on more highways and parking spots for carpool vehicles and “park and rides” are being woven into our nation’s infrastructure. Carpooling … Continue reading →

  • Hovercraft at play

    Updated: 2012-04-14 16:46:00
    : 14 April , 2012 Hovercraft at play Whether you spend your leisure time on land , water , ice , snow or sand , a hovercraft is the only vehicle that will fly you across any terrain in any season . Neoteric customer Dave Reyburn cruises Florida's Suwannee River Here , a Neoteric Hovertrek glides over tall grass on a tidal estuary Neoteric customer Aki Kaisla flies across thin ice and water in his Hovertrek to explore the frozen Sea of Finland Check out a photo gallery of personal hovercraft owners worldwide using their craft for recreational activities ranging from shooting the rapids to ice fishing , fly fishing , beach cruising and . more Have a question about leisure hovercraft Just leave a comment 5JR483DXJUP3 Posted by Neoteric Hovercraft , . Inc Labels : All terrain vehicle Fly

  • Michigan first responders complete pilot training in their new rescue Hovertrek™

    Updated: 2012-04-09 22:06:00
    : 09 April , 2012 Michigan first responders complete pilot training in their new rescue Hovertrek™ The Norman Township Fire Department’s Assistant Chief Dennis Jolicoeur and Medical First Responder Larry Waligorski traveled to Neoteric’s headquarters on the day before Easter to take delivery of their new craft and complete their hands-on flight training and maintenance certification . The funding for the department’s rescue hovercraft was provided by a . grant From the left : Instructor Chris Fitzgerald , Medical First Responder Larry Waligorski , Assistant Chief Dennis Jolicoeur and Instructor Steve Stafford prepare to launch two craft on the Wabash River for the first training . session A volunteer on call department , the Norman Township Fire Department in Wellston , MI provides fire

  • Hovercraft save lives

    Updated: 2012-04-03 16:35:00
    : 03 April , 2012 Hovercraft save lives First responders worldwide recognize that the hovercraft is the only rescue vehicle able to perform fast , safe rescue operations on swift water , thin or broken ice , flood waters and snow . Because it safely hovers 9 inches above the terrain , a hovercraft keeps the rescue team above the danger not in it and gives rescuers access to areas boats and helicopters can't . reach Read comments from first responders who rely on hovercraft in their rescue operations Have a question about rescue hovercraft Just post it as a . comment Posted by Neoteric Hovercraft , . Inc Labels : Boats First responders helicopters Ice rescue Ice rescue operations Rescue hovercraft Rescue vehicles 0 comments : Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post

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