• The Peak Oil Post

    Updated: 2012-03-31 14:00:56
    Considering how important peak oil is to our society and our future, I’m constantly amazed at how few people have heard of it, much less understand it.  I’m no expert on the subject, and most of the information in this piece comes from the Internet – I won’t even bother to reference much, you can [...]

  • Link North Corridor Stations

    Updated: 2012-03-30 15:10:29
    by MIKE ORR Sound Transit is deciding where to put light rail stations between Northgate and Lynnwood and held a series of open houses on the subject this month. Although many here were upset that ST chose I-5 rather than Aurora for the line, we need to make sure it’s the best I-5 line possible, and each [...]

  • Action Alert: Transit Funding in the Senate

    Updated: 2012-03-29 22:00:05
    [List of Senators deleted upon request of Futurewise] Over a week ago almost 100 organizations, including this one, signed a letter to Governor Gregoire urging her to sign the bill that given voters the option to preserve or restore the level of transit service in their communities. Before that, though, the final (House) version of [...]

  • News Roundup: Two of Three

    Updated: 2012-03-29 19:00:28
    Pitchforks come out at hearing on minor, sensible land use changes. I didn’t realize narrow storefronts, which are pro-pedestrian and pro-small-business, could actually be unpopular. Why OneBusAway makes mistakes. I-90 HOV lane project completes phase two of three; official opening today.  It improves bus flow and fills legal requirements to build light rail. New Northgate [...]

  • Parking is Hard to Find when Parking is Free

    Updated: 2012-03-29 14:00:10
    On Tuesday, I was correctly admonished for not providing data in an opinion piece where I criticized another opinion piece for not having data.  Sorry about that.  As penance, here’s some data about the neighborhoods that have recently increased paid parking hours from 6pm to 8pm. SDOT published a very detailed report (34MB PDF) from [...]

  • DSTT Should Use a Proof-Of-Payment Fare System

    Updated: 2012-03-27 19:30:51
    As Bruce wrote yesterday Metro will be holding its first public meeting related to elimination of the Ride Free Area (RFA) this Thursday from 4:00 -6:30 at Union Station. Operational Problems of the DSTT We have written fairly extensively on this operational impacts of this change. A study done by Metro shows that the operations [...]

  • Ride Free Area Elimination Open House

    Updated: 2012-03-26 19:30:47
    King County Metro, Sound Transit, Community Transit and the City of Seattle are hosting an open house on Thursday, 4:00-6:30 PM, at Union Station, to discuss their plans for the elimination of the Ride Free Area and obtain feedback from the community. Done right, RFA elimination could boost Metro’s revenue, reduce casual fare evasion, and [...]

  • Improve your mileage, save the planet

    Updated: 2012-03-26 15:48:21
    We are all aware that driving cars powered by diesel or petrol is not good for the environment. Not only are we running down supplies of a finite amount of fossil fuel, we are also creating emissions that are harmful … Continue reading →

  • More Slides and Video about Northgate

    Updated: 2012-03-26 01:50:41
    As a followup to last week’s post with the presentation from the North Link Open House, click the image above to see the slides from the presentation that Sound Transit staff gave to the ST Capital Committee earlier this month, covering similar information but in more detail; tomorrow, I’ll have a post discussing the parking [...]

  • A Shallower Bellevue Station

    Updated: 2012-03-24 14:54:53
    Mike Lindblom has a good scoop about a new design option for Link in Downtown Bellevue. It’s about saving some money. The boldest new concept would abandon the 2011 proposal to excavate a huge underground station downtown, perhaps 70 feet deep with a mezzanine, beneath the intersection of Northeast Fourth Street and 110th Avenue Northeast. Instead, Sound [...]

  • Inslee’s Statement on McKenna’s East Link Opposition

    Updated: 2012-03-23 22:20:30
    This afternoon gubernatorial candidate Jay Inslee,  King County Executive Dow Constantine, and Bellevue City Council member Claudia Balducci held a press conference to respond to WA Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Rob McKenna’s comments reiterating his opposition to both the East Link project and to the existence of Sound Transit. Inslee’s remarks are embedded above.  Balducci’s [...]

  • Fishing “Tech Tip” Using Zap-A-Gap

    Updated: 2012-03-14 00:08:15
    [Video Credit:  Catch Multimedia:  GillznFinz Television]

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