• Nat’l Geographic: In Nigeria, the haphazard pace of renewable energy

    Updated: 2011-11-07 20:21:31
    : , Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Miller-McCune : Here’s climate adaptation in action . Wildlife refuge plans to fortify against or migrate with climate change . Wolves and . all Nat’l Geographic : In Nigeria , the haphazard pace of renewable energy National Geographic to be sure is , and always has been , a publication with global reach and a penchant for the most remote datelines possible . Nonetheless here’s a salute for reporting from Africa a topic not often seen in any sort of US press : alternative energy in developing . countries Freelance writer Bolanle Omisore datelines it Lagos , Nigeria but she spent most of her time reporting from just west of the city , out in Lagos . Lagoon She describes , from that microcosm , the way things are

  • Miller-McCune: Here’s climate adaptation in action. Wildlife refuge plans to fortify against or migrate with climate change. Wolves and all.

    Updated: 2011-11-07 19:46:28
    : . . . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Washington Post : Scientists appalled as US may renege on joint Mars sampling mission with . Europe Nat’l Geographic : In Nigeria , the haphazard pace of renewable energy Miller-McCune : Here’s climate adaptation in action . Wildlife refuge plans to fortify against or migrate with climate change . Wolves and . all The Miller-McCune magazine its about page has out today from writer Jim Morrison an enterprising long account from the Alligator River Wildlife Refuge in North Carolina . Some of us have read about this place before because of its program to save red wolves , and also because the low-lying area is vulnerable to erosion and to its main enabler , sea level rise . One learns here a further discouraging

  • Washington Post: Scientists appalled as US may renege on joint Mars sampling mission with Europe.

    Updated: 2011-11-07 19:17:06
    : . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Update w science AP , etc : Rare Oklahoma earthquake gets lots of ink . Not much science journalilsm to be found . Miller-McCune : Here’s climate adaptation in action . Wildlife refuge plans to fortify against or migrate with climate change . Wolves and . all Washington Post : Scientists appalled as US may renege on joint Mars sampling mission with . Europe The sour economy and forced budget cuts may mean a halt , and soon , to NASA’s decades-long habit of dispatching probes to Mars every two years or so . The Washington Post s Brian Vastag got an earful after sitting down with NASA bosses , researchers , and various academic Mars researchers The immediate news is that the US space agency is markedly reluctant to

  • (Update*, w/science!) AP, etc: Rare Oklahoma earthquake gets lots of ink. Not much science journalilsm to be found..

    Updated: 2011-11-07 18:31:24
    , : . . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Lots of Ink : An asteroid to slip past Earth right on schedule , radars will inspect it , no worries this time Washington Post : Scientists appalled as US may renege on joint Mars sampling mission with . Europe Update w science AP , etc : Rare Oklahoma earthquake gets lots of ink . Not much science journalilsm to be found . News outlets in US regional markets have long since retired most of the science writers they once had , if any . Thus other than from a few national or international agencies coverage of the weekend’s flurry of moderate to small earthquake’s in Oklahoma dealt mainly with broken dishes and chimneys . It is news mainly because the state is within the North American craton , a solid hunk of

  • Kids Still Getting Too Many Antibiotics

    Updated: 2011-11-07 04:01:00
    Half of antibiotics given to children are broad-spectrum drugs, often with inappropriate indications, a national ambulatory care study found.

  • How to Order the Best HCG Diet Drops

    Updated: 2011-11-05 14:21:27
    If you feel that your current diet program does not bring any satisfying results, you may be considering HCG diet. HCG is originally a hormone produced by pregnant women’s body which serves to nourish the fetus by burning stored fats into energy. The hormone nowadays has been widely used for a diet program to promote [...]

  • AP: Global warming our fault? We’re sure to see for sure, soon. CO2 emissions soaring.

    Updated: 2011-11-04 18:37:50
    : , . . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Wired , AP , Nat’l Geo etc : Sun grows its biggest spot in years , sprays particles this time , not at us The Tyee : Where’d the herring go It does matter , you . know AP : Global warming our fault We’re sure to see for sure , soon . CO2 emissions . soaring As if things weren’t frightening enough for those of us worried climate is going to pot and humanity’s collective intelligence is vastly ovverrated , now this . Word broke yesterday that the latest figures on atmospheric carbon dioxide have punched right past the worst case scenarios from scientists who probably thought global decision makers would have stood up by now and ordered industrialists to cut back on fossil fuels . already The story , nearly as I

  • Wired, AP, Nat’l Geo etc: Sun grows its biggest spot in years, sprays particles (this time, not at us)

    Updated: 2011-11-04 17:43:39
    , , : , , Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Phil . Inquirer : Krakengate included a lot of deplorable science writing . So say bright college science . students AP : Global warming our fault We’re sure to see for sure , soon . CO2 emissions . soaring Wired , AP , Nat’l Geo etc : Sun grows its biggest spot in years , sprays particles this time , not at us A solar storm with a large , roiling dark sunspot at its root got some attention in the news today after it rolled into view on the rotating sun that sparkly spot toward the upper left of the righthand pic At Wired Adam Mann calls it or his editor does a behemoth in the headline , at AP Seth Borenstein labels it a benevolent monster it kindly aimed its eruption column in another direction than

  • Phil. Inquirer: Krakengate included a lot of deplorable science writing. So say bright college science students.

    Updated: 2011-11-04 16:57:55
    . : . . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment AP , RocketScience , etc : A drab little wren and her beau sure sing a fancy duet Wired , AP , Nat’l Geo etc : Sun grows its biggest spot in years , sprays particles this time , not at us Phil . Inquirer : Krakengate included a lot of deplorable science writing . So say bright college science . students A few weeks ago a highly speculative spot of news circulated widely . It seems a researcher made public his notion that certain arrangements of fossilized vertebra from extinct marine reptiles in old ocean sediments imply that the seas once housed monster octopi or squid or something else resembling the mythical kraken . Evidence : the alignment of the vertebra looked sort of like sucker-lined tentacles , and

  • AP, RocketScience, etc: A drab little wren and her beau sure sing a fancy duet

    Updated: 2011-11-04 16:25:54
    , , : Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Linces a Inglaterra para evitar su extinción , fósiles en Argentina , plásticos a partir de CO2, y ciencia española demasiado funcionarial Phil . Inquirer : Krakengate included a lot of deplorable science writing . So say bright college science . students AP , RocketScience , etc : A drab little wren and her beau sure sing a fancy duet So l et’s hit the weekend with a song in our hearts but don’t try to mimic the plain-tailed wrens of South American woods . Their mating rituals start off with a duet , the female handling the tricky bits while the male , apparently in a test of fitness , doing a little voice bongo to fill the gaps in her staccato stanzas . In Science this week a Johns Hopkins researcher reports

  • Effective Advice to Get Dental Insurance

    Updated: 2011-10-31 01:53:03
    It is horrible. You could not sleep at all. Having toothache is really painful. You are almost passed out in the office. It is all because of the unbearable pain. In addition, you have to give your money to the dentist. The dental works are really costly. Definitely, you do not want to have such [...]

  • Uninsured Kids Unlikely to Get Asthma Diagnosis

    Updated: 2011-10-30 15:00:00
    Children with intermittent asthma symptoms are less likely to receive a formal diagnosis when they lack health insurance, but the same was not true for kids with persistent symptoms, researchers said.

  • Asthma Patients Feel Gloomy, Stay Sedentary

    Updated: 2011-10-27 05:00:00
    Depressive symptoms along with unhealthy behaviors are common among individuals with asthma, a telephone survey conducted in Israel found.

  • Asthma UK advocates take recommendations to the NHS Future Forum

    Updated: 2011-10-27 01:00:00
    On Monday, two of our brilliant patient advocates Lehanne Sergison and Russell Dabb, attended the NHS Future Forum Engagement event.

  • CHEST: Poor Quality of Life, Asthma Flares Linked

    Updated: 2011-10-26 18:02:15
    HONOLULU -- For patients with severe or difficult-to-treat asthma, as exacerbation severity increased, quality of life suffered, researchers found.

  • CHEST: Aerobic Exercise Good for Asthma Patients

    Updated: 2011-10-25 19:09:10
    HONOLULU -- Physical training programs involving aerobic exercise have a range of benefits for patients with asthma, an updated Cochrane review showed.

  • The Effects of Passive Smoking

    Updated: 2011-10-25 01:00:25
    Other benefits of quitting smoking - Overall health improvement: tiredness, low stress tolerance and headaches are clearly related to snuff. - Improve the senses of taste and smell. - The heart will be less tense and work more effectively. - Increase confidence in yourself, knowing who have overcome an old habit that shortens life expectancy [...]

  • Young people get it off their chests

    Updated: 2011-10-25 01:00:00
    Back in February, a group of young people with asthma got together in Manchester for our first residential weekend.

  • Kids at Increased Risk With Long Acting Beta Agonists

    Updated: 2011-10-24 14:01:00
    Children with asthma had a fivefold greater risk of adverse events with long acting beta agonists compared with the general population of asthma patients, FDA investigators concluded from a meta-analysis.

  • How Snuff Harms Children?

    Updated: 2011-10-22 01:00:20
    How snuff harms children? - Babies born to smoking mothers: - They are twice as likely to be born prematurely and with low birth weight (below 2.5 kg). - They have an average birth weight 200 gr. less than infants of nonsmoking mothers. - They have smaller bodies on average than babies born to nonsmokers. [...]

  • My day at the Conservative Party Conference with Asthma UK

    Updated: 2011-10-21 01:00:00
    Trish Martin was Asthma UK's advocate at the Conservative Party conference. Find out here how party members plan to support people with asthma.

  • At the Labour Party conference

    Updated: 2011-10-21 01:00:00
    Nichola Dunn, an Asthma UK advocate, attended the Labour Party conference. Here's what was said about supporting people with asthma

  • At the Liberal Democratic Party conference

    Updated: 2011-10-21 01:00:00
    Chris Rutherford was an Asthma UK advocate at the Liberal Democratic Party conference. Here's what was said about supporting people wiht Asthma.

  • Other Health Risks of Snuff

    Updated: 2011-10-18 01:00:17
    Other health risks caused by snuff - Nicotine and other substances in cigarettes are increasing the amount of cholesterol in blood, which can cause the arteries to occlude with a fatty tissue called atheroma (see section on major diseases, atherosclerosis, above). - High blood pressure, which is associated with heart attacks and strokes. - The [...]

  • Health Risks of Snuff: Cancer and Lung Disease

    Updated: 2011-10-15 01:00:45
    The cancer risk is usually greater for smokers than nonsmokers in a ratio of 2.24. This is particularly true of lung cancer, throat cancer and mouth cancer, which hardly ever affect non-smokers. If the snuff disappear occur at least 40% reduction in overall cancer incidence. Some types of cancer are particularly favored by snuff as [...]

  • Walk, jog or run: Your challenge, your way

    Updated: 2011-10-13 01:00:00
    Chris Rutherford was an Asthma UK advocate at the Liberal Democratic Party conference. Here's what was said about supporting people wiht Asthma.

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