• Orlando Sentinel, nut much else: NASA’s shriveling work schedule

    Updated: 2011-08-30 20:23:13
    , : Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Unsurprised Ink : Great . No shuttle to space station . Now taxi service also down for safety check Orlando Sentinel , nut much else : NASA’s shriveling work schedule From NASA Watch The Orlando Sentinel today has a story by Mark K . Matthews that few general interest media are following closely  the ongoing implosion of NASA’s space science plans . In short , this story and other reports say , the soaring budget for the James Webb Space Telescope the Hubble’s repeatedly delayed successor , lingering costs of the shuttle , efforts to build a deep-space astronaut-carrier to asteroids or other places , and general slashing of federal budgets are leaving many casualties among long-planned science . missions Too bad

  • Pierogi [Aardvarchaeology]

    Updated: 2011-08-30 19:17:17
    Now on ScienceBlogs : This blog is not moving anywhere . But Last 24 Hrs Life Science Physical Science Environment Humanities Education Politics Medicine Brain Behavior Technology Information Science Jobs Aardvarchaeology Pierogi Latest Posts Archives About RSS Contact Profile Dr . Martin Rundkvist is a Swedish archaeologist , journal editor , public speaker , chairman of the Swedish Skeptics Society , atheist , lefty liberal , bookworm , and father of . two Search Recent Posts Pierogi On My Mind , Sunday Three Days Digging in a Cave A Lot On My Plate Joe's Aard T-shirt Design Fixing the Shed's Door Swedes Confused About Slugs Ship Spotting Stacy's Aard T-shirt Design Current Archaeology's August Issue Recent Comments Birger Johansson on Pierogi Martin R on Pierogi Surgoshan on Pierogi Mu

  • AP, Telegraph, Wash.Post etc: Outrage over US doctors’ 1940s tests on Guatemala human guinea pigs

    Updated: 2011-08-30 18:14:23
    , , : Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Indignación en Guatemala por las 83 muertes en los experimentos del Dr John Cutler Unsurprised Ink : Great . No shuttle to space station . Now taxi service also down for safety check AP , Telegraph , Wash.Post etc : Outrage over US doctors’ 1940s tests on Guatemala human guinea pigs A federal panel investigating medical experimentation by US government physicians on prisoners and others in Guatemala generated headlines yesterday and today stories in which the word shocking’ is prominent . No wonder . As the AP s Mike Stobbe reports , it had already been recognized as among the darker episodes in the history of medical research Test subjects were often  unaware they were even in an experiment . Many died .

  • Lots of Ink: Michael Mann didn’t do it. NSF says so. Climategate or no climategate. Virginia AG be danged too..

    Updated: 2011-08-26 20:42:02
    : . . . . Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Canada media : The sockeye’s woes in BC get a national airing Bombas a científicos en México , los científicos también se exceden de optimistas , debates más o menos frívolos sobre evolución , y a la espera de programa de TV en América Latina Lots of Ink : Michael Mann didn’t do it . NSF says so . Climategate or no climategate . Virginia AG be danged too . Slap shot hat trick trifecta for Hockey Stick Man The tentacles of the climate change fraud , the current poster boy in the department of socialist stalking horses , are long . Even the National Science Foundation declares that Mr . Hockey Stick , Penn State’s Michael Mann , has violated no standards of scientific conduct none while publishing papers that

  • Science News: Are there end-runs around China’s grip on rare earths?

    Updated: 2011-08-26 17:36:35
    : Home Suggest Stories About Us Staff Contact Us Log In Register to Comment Oceans , frozen ova , salmon die-off , etc : Tips We got suggest stories . TIPS Canada media : The sockeye’s woes in BC get a national airing Science News : Are there end-runs around China’s grip on rare earths Rare earth metals , their industrial importance and China’s near-monopoly on several of them , are in the news a lot . Usually it is in business pages , trade journals , and technical , bloggy sites . This week’s Science News magazine , the biweekly that the Society for Science and the Public puts out from Washington DC , gives to the curious a full explanation in plain English how they work and why it matters . More important , writer Devin Powell touches base with some of the world’s foremost researchers

  • Cayenne Nasal Spray May Reduce Rhinitis Symptoms

    Updated: 2011-08-26 15:00:52

  • Obesity Complicates Asthma Diagnosis

    Updated: 2011-08-19 14:30:00
    More than a third of obese asthmatic patients had no evidence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, suggesting frequent misdiagnosis of breathlessness, British investigators reported.

  • Incontinence Supplies are Worldwide Popular

    Updated: 2011-08-16 19:22:01
    The company incontinence is one of the most prominent companies that use to possess extensive experience in the Home Health care market. The company not only possesses huge experience in this relevant field but also use to have their partnership with the largest manufacturer of the briefs and underwear’s in the industry for the purpose [...]

  • Study Finds Benefits in Selective Use of Drug-Coated Stents

    Updated: 2011-08-16 08:00:00
    According to a study published today in the journal Circulation, cardiologists can save the health care system hundreds of millions of dollars annually without increasing patients' risk of heart attack or death by using drug-eluting stents selectively.

  • Genes Play Role in How Alcohol Affects Men and Women

    Updated: 2011-08-16 08:00:00
    Gender differences in alcoholism may now be explained through research.

  • 'Electronic Tattoo' May Help Monitor Patients

    Updated: 2011-08-16 08:00:00
    Ultra-thin electronics could pave the way for patient monitoring systems that would avoid the need for bulky equipment. The thin devices can be placed on the skin as easily as a temporary tattoo.

  • What Face Transplants Can, Can't Do

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    In the battle against antibiotic resistance, a rapid blood test that distinguishes between viral and bacterial infection in less than two hours could prove to be a useful weapon.

  • WebMD and FDA Newsroom Article Index

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    According to a study published today in the journal Circulation, cardiologists can save the health care system hundreds of millions of dollars annually without increasing patients' risk of heart attack or death by using drug-eluting stents selectively.

  • Study: Paper Money Contains Traces of BPA

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    A study shows that paper money may contain trace levels of bisphenol A (BPA), a chemical found in some plastics and other consumer products.

  • Rapid Blood Test Identifies Infection Type

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    In the battle against antibiotic resistance, a rapid blood test that distinguishes between viral and bacterial infection in less than two hours could prove to be a useful weapon.

  • Kenalog Spray (Triamcinolone Acetonide Topical Aerosol) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    Kenalog Spray (Triamcinolone Acetonide Topical Aerosol) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • Gralise (Gabapentin Tablets) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-08-15 08:00:00
    Gralise (Gabapentin Tablets) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • Critics Slam Asthma Risk, Magnetic Fields Link

    Updated: 2011-08-08 15:00:00
    Some epidemiologists and risk assessment researchers have attacked a recent study linking children's asthma risk to their mothers' exposure to magnetic fields during pregnancy, calling it short on credibility.

  • Pharmacy Job; Competition in Getting the Right Job

    Updated: 2011-08-04 01:54:17
    The high demand of health care encourages many stakeholders to make a new business in health care provider. They build hospital or pharmacy that will give them many profits as the return of their service. They build the health care with a complete facility that should be paid by a number of money by those. [...]

  • IL-13 Blocker Helps Asthma Control

    Updated: 2011-08-03 22:00:00
    Asthma patients with poorly controlled symptoms on inhaled steroids had significant improvement in lung function during 12 weeks of treatment with an investigational interleukin-13 inhibitor, investigators reported.

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