• Gene Variant Has Large Effect on Blacks' Asthma Risk

    Updated: 2011-07-31 18:01:00
    A gene called PYHIN1 may account for a surprisingly large proportion of asthma risk in people of African descent, said researchers conducting a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies.

  • Wired, NYTimes: The new face of math, science, maybe everything-else education?

    Updated: 2011-07-29 18:59:08
    One of these pubs hits the steps every day and the other comes in the mail each month, so this reflects a pretty small and wretchedly passive sampling routine. But they brought two stories in the last few days that plucked the same cord of hope for future collective brain power. Wired – Clive Thompson: [...]

  • Tamoxifen Gives 15-Year Breast Cancer Protection

    Updated: 2011-07-29 08:00:00
    With or without chemotherapy, five-year tamoxifen treatment cuts a woman's 15-year risk of breast-cancer death by about a third, long-term data show.

  • New Dosing Labels for Extra Strength Tylenol

    Updated: 2011-07-29 08:00:00
    The maker of Extra-Strength Tylenol brand acetaminophen has reduced the maximum dose from eight pills (4,000 mg) to six pills (3,000 mg) a day.

  • Gout on the Rise in the U.S.

    Updated: 2011-07-29 08:00:00
    New research indicates that gout has become a more common medical issue in the United States in the past two decades, at least in part because of the nation's obesity crisis and a greater frequency of high blood pressure among the populace.

  • NYTimes: If you don’t like the aliens in sci fi, just make one of your own…

    Updated: 2011-07-28 20:18:25
    Gotta go for today but cannot miss mentioning the page one story in today’s NYTimes by Dennis Overbye, running under the hed It’s Alive! It’s Alive! Maybe Right Here on Earth. It’s an enterprising story, even if it has no big scoops. Overbye does a fine job surveying a little-appreciated wing of frontier science, one [...]

  • Nappy Changing Masterclass

    Updated: 2011-07-28 16:45:33
    If you were the oldest of several children, then you probably got your nappy change class growing up. Unfortunately, we can’t all be the oldest of several children, and it can be tough learning all of the skills you need to be a good parent all at once. The truth is that there’s no hand [...]

  • NIH Tips for Older Adults to Combat Heat-Related Illnesses

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Older people can face risks related to hot weather. As people age, their bodies lose some ability to adapt to heat. They may have medical conditions that are worsened by heat. And their medications could reduce their ability to respond to heat.

  • Listeria Forces Recalls of Ready-to-Eat Chicken, Meat

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Chicken, turkey, beef, and pork products sold at Starbucks and other retailers in Georgia and Alabama.

  • Fentora (Fentanyl Buccal Tablet) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Fentora (Fentanyl Buccal Tablet) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • Dostinex (Cabergoline) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Dostinex (Cabergoline) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • Chantix (Varenicline) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Chantix (Varenicline) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • CDC Statement on World Hepatitis Day 2011

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    The CDC joins the world in reflecting on the remarkable successes and enormous challenges in the global effort to prevent and control viral hepatitis.

  • Butrans (Buprenorphine Transdermal System) - updated on RxList

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:00:00
    Butrans (Buprenorphine Transdermal System) drug description - FDA approved labeling for prescription drugs and medications at RxList

  • Well, duh. Study finds calorie counters eat more healthfully

    Updated: 2011-07-27 16:55:23
    Three years ago New York City required chain fast-food restaurants to post calorie counts for items on their menu. Now a study by the city’s health department shows that only 15 percent New Yorkers actually read the calorie ratings. But the report says that those who do read the listings tend to favor lower-calorie dishes. [...]

  • NYTimes: A Connecticut cougar migrated from the Dakotas

    Updated: 2011-07-27 16:55:04
    Claimed sightings of cougars have come from several Midwestern and Eastern states in recent years, but often are dismissed as erroneous or implausible. Now there is irrefutable evidence that at least one of the wild American lions has been roaming leafy Connecticut towns from tony Greenwich eastward to Milford. Peter Applebome writes in today’s New [...]

  • No link seen between 9/11 building collapses and cancer

    Updated: 2011-07-27 16:54:46
    Nearly ten years after New York’s World Trade Center towers collapsed, sending billows of dust and smoke into the city and into the lungs of hundreds of survivors as well as fire, police and rescue workers, there is no good evidence that it caused any to get cancer. That’s the conclusion of a study by [...]

  • Space Station demise & a new space race developing?

    Updated: 2011-07-27 16:54:23
    The Russian space agency said Wednesday, according to AFP, that the International Space Station would be scrapped in 2020 and plunged into the ocean to avoid its becoming a source of orbital debris. So, after 12 years under construction and recent assurance from the American space agency that ISS was about to enter a period [...]

  • NYT’s Science Times: evolution, Alzheimer’s and leopards. But wait, there’s more!

    Updated: 2011-07-26 17:35:44
    Evolution, as many of us know, is happening all the time everywhere. Phenotypes are always being tested by changes in environment. But it’s nice to be reminded that it can happen in the midst of the country’s largest city, as Carl Zimmer writes in this week’s Science Times. Even the ivy-choked islands in the middle [...]

  • Does paint trigger your asthma?

    Updated: 2011-07-21 02:00:00
    Walking into a freshly painted room is uncomfortable for many people. But is it bad for your asthma?

  • Smoking During Pregnancy May Cause Birth Defects

    Updated: 2011-07-20 17:53:54

  • Department of Health publishes strategy for improving asthma care

    Updated: 2011-07-18 02:00:00
    It is the first major policy victory we have achieved thanks to our collective campaigning and it could mark the turning of the tide in attitudes towards asthma.

  • Brompton Campaign ? Hospital Granted Judicial Review

    Updated: 2011-07-15 02:00:00
    The paediatric asthma service at the Royal Brompton Hospital was given a potential lifeline today when the NHS Trust was granted permission for a judicial review of the consultation, which has left the service in jeopardy.

  • Placebo Effect Powerful in Asthma

    Updated: 2011-07-13 22:00:00
    Asthma inhalers have a real impact on airways, but the symptom relief isn't any greater than that achieved with placebos, researchers found.

  • Complications in Hip Replacement

    Updated: 2011-07-12 01:00:53
    What complications does hip replacement have? The infection of the prosthesis (in 100 operated one or two develop it) - When produced in the first days or weeks is usually caused by a germ that enters the wound from the air or the skin (it is impossible to completely sterilize them, despite the operating room [...]

  • Implanting a Hip Prosthesis

    Updated: 2011-07-09 01:00:34
    What to do if required to implement a hip and knee? First you must operate the hip. Having achieved the recovery of mobility and strength in the thigh, the knee replacement implant, which requires a rapid and specific rehabilitation, and for this reason, an useful hip. When not recommend implanting a hip prosthesis? The contraindication [...]

  • Type of Prosthesis Best for Patient

    Updated: 2011-07-05 01:00:25
    When shown the implantation of a hip prosthesis? When treatment with medication, physiotherapy or previous operations fails to improve a state of severe pain or disability, caused by lesions of the hip joint: - Coxarthrosis (osteoarthritis of the hip) - Rheumatoid arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis, etc.). - Femoral head necrosis (loss of vitality of the bone) [...]

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