• Car Emissions Cloud the Mind

    Updated: 2010-12-28 13:00:00
    Pollution from traffic was associated with worse cognitive function in a cohort of older men, researchers found.

  • Lab Notes: Impulse May Be Hard-Wired

    Updated: 2010-12-23 22:00:00
    A murine model may hold the key to unlocking the relationship between stress and PTSD, while that checkout "impulse buy" may be explained by genes rather than marketing, according to reports in this week's Lab Notes.

  • Recognizing Signs of Depression in Seniors and Taking Steps Toward Treatment

    Updated: 2010-12-23 20:06:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Recognizing Signs of Depression in Seniors and Taking Steps Toward Treatment by CHritz 24. December 2010 00:06 Depression is an illness that can affect people at nearly any age , but especially seniors . There are about 35 million adults over the age of 65 in the US . About 2 million have full-blown depression , with another 5 million dealing with less severe depression . This illness has a number of causes and can affect people in many different ways . At Interim HealthCare , our senior home care professionals pay special attention to how seniors are feeling , both mentally and physically . By watching out for the symptoms of depression in seniors and recommending treatment when necessary , there is hope for improvement . Causes If you

  • Enforcement of Home Health and Hospice Face-to-Face Requirement Delayed

    Updated: 2010-12-23 18:49:02
    The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)has agreed to delay enforcement of the home health and hospice face-to-face encounter requirement until April 1, 2011, though the January 1, 2011 implementation date remains in place. CMS recently issued a final rule implementing a provision in the Affordable Care Act that requires face-to-face encounters between home [...]

  • Kaiser Health News Article Discusses Long-Term Care, But Misses the Beauty of CLASS

    Updated: 2010-12-23 15:33:20
    I was so pleased to see Harold Pollack’s Kaiser Health News column today about long-term care. He made the point that we at AAHSA have been making for years: long-term care financing is a crisis and we cannot continue to ignore it.  Pollack rightly pointed out that private long-term care insurance is too expensive or [...]

  • Washington Update: 2010 in Review

    Updated: 2010-12-23 13:00:13
    This is the last Washington Update for this year. Congress, bless them, is still in session, but they have passed the continuing resolution that had to get done to keep the government in operation. So while we continue to lay the groundwork for advocacy in 2011, our legislative agenda for this year has been completed. [...]

  • DOJ Assures Timely Pain Medication to Nursing Home Residents

    Updated: 2010-12-22 22:07:35
    Earlier today, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder assured Sen. Herb Kohl (D-Wisc.), chairman of the Special Committee on Aging, that the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) will deliver draft legislation to Sen. Kohl in January outlining changes to the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) that would authorize certain nurses or other licensed health care professionals who [...]

  • U.S. House of Representatives Approves Section 202 Reform Bill

    Updated: 2010-12-21 17:01:32
    We are figuratively lighting up cigars and pouring champagne as the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously approved our signature Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Reform Act (S. 118). The U.S. Senate passed the bill yesterday, so it soon will be on its way to the White House to be signed into law. During [...]

  • Consumer Focus Column: Telling the Whole Aging-in-Place Story

    Updated: 2010-12-21 15:12:39
    Are we telling only half the story when we advocate for programs that help older people age in place? A November article in The Washington Post newspaper made me wonder.  Just before Thanksgiving, Post metro columnist Petula Dvorak wrote a poignant column about her next-door neighbor, Ruth Rappaport. A lifelong government librarian, Ruth was 87 [...]

  • U.S. Senate Approves Section 202 Housing Reform Legislation

    Updated: 2010-12-20 18:27:03
    On Dec. 18, 2010, the U.S. Senate passed the Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Act of 2009 (S. 118), a bill that would preserve Section 202 communities by making the following changes: Allow owners with the oldest segment of Section 202 properties, now over 40 years old, to refinance in order to modernize [...]

  • AAHSA Washington Update: Congress Pushes Toward the Finish Line

    Updated: 2010-12-19 13:54:16
    The Capitol caterers are getting ready to set out milk and cookies for Santa as both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate continue to have difficulty completing their must-do agenda before this Congress comes to a close. Last week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) threatened his troops with an unheard-of session [...]

  • Potential Home Health, Hospice Beneficiaries Should Not Need to See A Doctor First

    Updated: 2010-12-16 21:11:58
    Homebound and highly vulnerable elderly and disabled Medicare beneficiaries will be denied Medicare coverage for vital home health and hospice services unless they have a face to face physician visit within 30 days after the order for these services is written by the physician or 90 days before. Some telehealth options could be used. Now, [...]

  • Singing to people who have dementia

    Updated: 2010-12-16 08:23:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Thursday , December 16, 2010 Singing to people who have dementia This month’s American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Other Dementias offers us something unusual but highly relevant Chatterton , Baker and Morgan give a review of the literature on singing to people with dementia and they find that singing to people who have dementia improves quality of life for both the people with dementia and their . caregivers Singing to people who have dementia improves quality of life for both the people with dementia and their caregivers Their finding bears repeating . It particularly bears repeating because of information that cannot be included in their exhaustive review of the gerontology and music therapy literature . When we drop below the altitude of the lit review

  • CAM Resources

    Updated: 2010-12-16 01:19:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Wednesday , December 15, 2010 CAM Resources The subject of complementary and alternative medicines CAM has a plethora of articles in the lay literature , read intensively by our patients , but may be only superficially covered by their medical . practitioners Recently an article appeared in HemOnc today where David Rosenthal MD , of Harvard Medical School , discussed the relevance of CAM in oncology . He outlined the five primary domains of CAM 1 Mind-body medicine eg . meditation , yoga , . acupuncture 2 Biologically-based practices eg . dietary products herbal . supplementation 3 Manipulation body-based practices eg . spinal . manipulation 4 Energy medicine eg . Qi gong , magnetic or light . therapy 5 Whole medical systems eg . Ayurvedic Traditional Chinese

  • Stimulating Interest in a Career in Geriatrics - The Scholarship Award Summit

    Updated: 2010-12-15 06:53:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Tuesday , December 14, 2010 Stimulating Interest in a Career in Geriatrics The Scholarship Award Summit Photo by : DGies Flickr When the clock strikes midnight on January 1st , the very oldest of the baby boomers will turn 65 years of age . Every hour thereafter another the equivalent of a Boeing 747 airplane full of baby boomers will be turning 65. By 2030, the US will have effectively doubled the population who are older than 65 to an estimated 71 million individuals . It is imperative that we think about novel approaches to increase the numbers of practicing geriatricians given this dramatic change in our population demographics . The John A . Hartford Foundation has led the way in promoting models to increase recruitment in advanced fellowships by

  • Tips to Improve Memory Recall

    Updated: 2010-12-10 18:43:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Tips to Improve Memory Recall by CHritz 10. December 2010 22:43 As people grow older , their mental abilities decline . It becomes more and more difficult to recall things that have happened , names of people and where things are . While some people consider this memory loss , it is technically a diminished ability to retrieve memories , rather than losing the information itself . At Interim HealthCare , our home health care providers make a special effort to help stimulate memory and keep seniors sharp in their mental abilities . Studies have shown a host of ways to prevent age-related decline in memory . Our staff uses many of these techniques to help preserve and improve our clients' abilities to recall things , people and events .

  • Reglan (Metoclopramide) and Tardive Dyskinesia in Hospice Patients

    Updated: 2010-12-10 17:59:00
    Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 anorexia 2 appetite 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 2 constipation 2 COPD 2 Darvocet 1 Darvon 1 DEA 2 dementia 3 depression 1 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 2 dyspnea 1 Exalgo 1 FDA 6 FDA REMS 3 fentanyl 3 flu vaccine 1 hiccups 1 hospice 22 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 9 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 39 hospice medication 43 hospice

  • Older Adults and Quality of Life are New Topics in Healthy People 2020!

    Updated: 2010-12-09 22:58:00
    Pages Home About Videos Links Thursday , December 9, 2010 Older Adults and Quality of Life are New Topics in Healthy People 2020 Healthy People 2020 has been released , and there is good news for GeriPals . nbsp See Ken's post soliciting suggestions from GeriPal readers for Healthy People 2020 back in November 2009. New topics for 2020 include : nbsp Older Adults and Health-Related Quality of Life The objectives for care of older adults have been finalized and are searchable . nbsp Objectives for quality of life are still under development . nbsp This means they might still include the suggestion I submitted on behalf of GeriPal , suggesting greater training and access to palliative care services . nbsp Take a look at the new guidelines . nbsp Some of my favorites from the Older Adults

  • Drugging Dementia Patients Serious Problem, Panel Says

    Updated: 2010-12-09 19:44:15
    WASHINGTON -- As baby boomers age, the nation faces a crisis in care for an ever-expanding population of dementia patients and over-medication will be a big problem, panelists said at a Senate Aging Committee forum on Wednesday.

  • New Dementia Performance Measures: Opportunity for Public Comment

    Updated: 2010-12-05 05:53:00
    : Pages Home About Videos Links Saturday , December 4, 2010 New Dementia Performance Measures : Opportunity for Public Comment The AMA Physician Consortium For Performance Improvement has released a draft set of performance measures for persons with dementia . The draft is now open for public comments It is likely that these performance measures will be influential . For example , I would not be surprised to see the VA implement many of these measures . The measures would benefit from comments by the GeriPal community . The multidisciplinary perspectives many of you can offer are likely to have a positive impact on the care of patients with . dementia My initial overall impression of these performance measures is quite positive . They propose reasonable approaches that will improve the

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