• FDA Okays Generic Venlafaxine

    Updated: 2010-06-30 14:00:18
    WASHINGTON -- The FDA has approved the first generic version of the antidepressant venlafaxine (Effexor XR).

  • Physical Activity Levels Linked to Cognitive Impairment

    Updated: 2010-06-30 05:01:00
    For women, being physically active throughout life appears to lower the risk of cognitive impairment in old age, a cross-sectional study showed.

  • Pediatric Palliative Care: Pain Management

    Updated: 2010-06-29 16:58:00
    : Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 1 constipation 1 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 2 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 1 FDA 1 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 19 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 8 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 28 hospice medication 32 hospice medication review 1 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid conversion 4 hospice opioids 16

  • At Last, A Trustworthy Way to Diagnose Alzheimer's Disease

    Updated: 2010-06-29 08:55:00
    , HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study 6 Ways Health Care Reform Will Impact Seniors Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 7 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 2

  • Washington Update: President Signs Temporary “Doc Fix” Bill

    Updated: 2010-06-28 16:10:14
    The good news from last week is that “Docs” have been “Fixed,” at least temporarily. As you may recall, on June 18 the U.S. Senate passed the Preservation of Access to Care for Medicare Beneficiaries and Pension Relief Act of 2010 (H.R. 3962), which extends in Section 101 Medicare’s Physician Sustainable Growth Rate (also known [...]

  • Fighting Age Related Memory Loss

    Updated: 2010-06-26 14:26:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Fighting Age Related Memory Loss by CHritz 26. June 2010 18:26 Forgetting where you left your keys , people's names or what was on your shopping list are all normal consequences of getting older . While annoying , those senior moments are just part of the natural aging process . However , just because you forgot to pick up some onions at the store doesn't mean your brain is turning to . mush In fact , some seniors are better than their younger peers at certain memory related tasks . Age-related memory loss does not have to get worse and seniors can even stop memory decline or reverse some of the loss by adopting some key lifestyle . changes Exercise Mom was right when she said a healthy body leads to a healthy mind . Aerobic training

  • Going Barefoot Increases Risk of Falls in the Elderly

    Updated: 2010-06-25 18:05:02
    Elderly people who wear slippers or go barefoot are at an increased risk of falls--and possibly fractures--researchers at Harvard say.

  • AAHSA Participates in Healthcare Call with Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW)

    Updated: 2010-06-24 22:23:28
    On Monday, AAHSA had the opportunity to present on the various home and community-based services provisions in health care reform on a Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW) state partner call. WOW had more than 10 of their state partners on the call.  One of WOW’s major initiatives is the Elder Economic Security Standard Index (Elder [...]

  • New Media for Aging Services: Social Media Helps Generates Leads

    Updated: 2010-06-24 18:08:14
    According to an article posted today on Mashable.com, a recent marketing survey from Unisfair found that social media outlets (74%) are now seen as the emerging channels for lead generation in 2010 and beyond.  The next closest channels were virtual  (39%), followed by mobile channels (34%). The study is yet another example of why members [...]

  • No Proof Lifestyle Changes Help Prevent Alzheimer's: Study

    Updated: 2010-06-23 14:22:01
    An analysis by an independent government panel has found that there is not enough research to back the claim that games, puzzles, or eating a Mediterranean-style diet is enough to prevent or treat Alzheimer's disease.

  • ADHD Drugs Have No Long-Term Effects on Growth

    Updated: 2010-06-23 14:08:00
    A ten-year study of 261 kids with and without ADHD has found that stimulant medications do not impact kids' growth long term.

  • Why We Heart Trina- Caregiver Of The Week!

    Updated: 2010-06-23 11:01:00
    HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study 6 Ways Health Care Reform Will Impact Seniors Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 7 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 2

  • Housing With Services: The Birmingham Green Model

    Updated: 2010-06-22 22:35:34
    On Friday, June 18, 2010, a few members of the AAHSA advocacy staff, myself included, were lucky enough to visit AAHSA member Birmingham Green. Birmingham Green has an assisted living unit, a nursing healthcare center, and independent living, a Section 202 and Section 811 (which includes personal care services, nursing and medical care, physical, occupational, and speech [...]

  • Older Drivers Do Not Cause More Accidents, Report Finds

    Updated: 2010-06-22 22:28:16
    Just a quick post today. It made me think of my grandfather, who was able to drive (and drive well) until he was 85 years old. According to a new Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) report, the number of car accidents caused by seniors is not on the rise. What’s more, when seniors are [...]

  • End Stage Dementia: What to do with treatment?

    Updated: 2010-06-21 22:58:00
    : skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , June 21, 2010 End Stage Dementia : What to do with treatment Hospice programs provide much needed care and support for patients , families and caregivers for people with end-stage dementias . Thanks to the evolution of medical therapeutics , some of theses patients have been managed with cholinesterase inhibitors or NMDA receptor antagonists prior to their ultimate decline and the advent of hospice care . Physicians , families and hospice programs are then faced with a dilemma : should these medications continue A recent Brief Report in the Journal of Palliative Medicine Shega , et al J Palliat Med 2009 provides

  • Washington Update: Tax Extender Bill Continues to Linger

    Updated: 2010-06-21 22:46:30
    This week the battle continues.  After several attempts failed at cloture on the American Workers, State, and Business Relief Act (H.R. 4213), or the Tax Extenders Bill, each time with a slightly revised and downsized bill, the U.S. Senate essentially gave up last week. However, it did gave in to the doctors and voted to [...]

  • NY Times Article on Delirium

    Updated: 2010-06-21 22:01:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , June 21, 2010 NY Times Article on Delirium There is an article in today's New York Times about delirium , a VERY common but poorly understood condition among hospitalized elders . Delirium is an acute confusional state usually caused by an acute illness or unfortunately the treatments we give acutely ill patients or surgery . While patients with delirium clearly have serious brain dysfunction , the inciting causes are almost always outside of the brain . Numerous studies suggest that delirium effects at least 1 4 of hospitalized persons over the age of 70. But it is properly diagnosed less than half the time . It

  • PTSD May Increase Dementia Risk in Older Veterans

    Updated: 2010-06-17 15:23:04
    California researchers have found that older veterans who have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are almost twice as likely to develop dementia as vets who do not have the anxiety disorder.

  • Caring for a Loved One with Alzheimer's Disease

    Updated: 2010-06-17 14:59:00
    HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study 6 Ways Health Care Reform Will Impact Seniors Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 7 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 2

  • Female Caregivers Face a Greater Burden: Study

    Updated: 2010-06-16 21:09:03
    Adult women of aging parents are more likely to suffer from depression and other caregiver stress than adult sons, a new study has found.

  • Apple Juice May Help Alzheimer's Sufferers

    Updated: 2010-06-16 21:07:01
    Experts say this study suggests that nutritional approaches to many Alzheimer's symptoms may have a positive impact on patients even at late stages of the disease.

  • Food for Thought: Arbor Acres Hosts Food Fair

    Updated: 2010-06-16 14:03:25
    On my recent trip to Winston-Salem, N.C., I visited Arbor Acres, a member continuing care retirement community (CCRC) dedicated to serving senior adults.  Imagine my delight when I discovered they were hosting a food fair in my honor!  OK, not exactly in my honor, more like a coincidence. As David Piner, Arbor Acres CEO, and [...]

  • Honoring World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

    Updated: 2010-06-15 21:05:46
    Today we honor the 5th Annual World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, dedicated to raising awareness about elder abuse, neglect, and exploitation. According to the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) , the day was created in support of the United Nations International Plan of Action which recognizes the significance of elder abuse [...]

  • It’s Never Too Late

    Updated: 2010-06-15 16:05:51
    ….to start something new. Last night, I came home after a particularly challenging yoga session to this article  that a grandson wrote about his 90-year-old grandmother’s first yoga class.  His grandmother has severe arthritis and macular degeneration. A walk down the street is a challenge for her, so it’s not surprising she was skeptical of yoga. That changed [...]

  • AoA Releases Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities

    Updated: 2010-06-14 14:48:10
    On Friday, the U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) released A Toolkit for Serving Diverse Communities, a resource that offers the aging services community with easy-to-use method for providing respectful, inclusive, and sensitive services for any diverse community. “It is hoped that the dissemination and use of this Toolkit will enhance Older Americans Act services.”  Kathy [...]

  • Best of the Web - Palliative Care Grand Rounds Coming Soon

    Updated: 2010-06-14 04:02:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Sunday , June 13, 2010 Best of the Web Palliative Care Grand Rounds Coming Soon We need your help . GeriPal will be hosting the July 2010 installment of Palliative Care Grand Rounds . For those of you who don’t know , Palliative Care Grand Rounds is a monthly blog series highlighting some of the best and most interesting blog posts related to palliative care , hospice and in our case geriatrics too If you find anything out there in the blogosphere that you think is worth passing on , please add it to the comment section below this post with the name of the website and the link add a description if you’d like , but that’s

  • Pain Management in Hospice Patients: Buprenorphine (Subutex, Suboxone)

    Updated: 2010-06-14 01:33:00
    : , Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Blog Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 1 constipation 1 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 2 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 1 FDA 1 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 19 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 8 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 28 hospice medication 32 hospice medication review 1 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid conversion 4 hospice opioids 15 hospice pain management 15

  • National Nursing Assistants Week - June 10-17, 2010

    Updated: 2010-06-11 14:23:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in National Nursing Assistants Week June 10-17, 2010 by CHritz 11. June 2010 18:23 Did you know that according to the National Network of Career Nursing Assistants more than 2.5 million caregivers provide daily hands-on care to our nation's elderly , frail , or chronically challenged in long term care settings As the Baby Boomer generation ages , more and more want to remain in their homes and enjoy an independent and active lifestyle . The AARP claims that nearly 7 out of 10 older Americans own their own residences and most have no plans of moving . However , many often have fewer resources available to help them with the daily tasks of . living Nursing assistants , which we celebrate this week , are on the frontline of in-home care and

  • Proton Pump Inhibitors and Hospice Patients

    Updated: 2010-06-08 16:12:00
    Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Blog Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 constipation 1 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 2 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 1 FDA 1 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 19 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 8 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 27 hospice medication 31 hospice medication review 1 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid conversion 4 hospice opioids 14 hospice pain management 14 hospice patient 6

  • Getting Older Makes People Happier - New Study Shows

    Updated: 2010-06-08 11:44:00
    HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study Swine Flu Home Care Preventative Measures Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 7 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 2 Alzheimer's

  • PTSD Linked to Dementia

    Updated: 2010-06-07 21:00:00
    Older U.S. veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder appear to have an increased risk of developing dementia, a retrospective study showed.

  • New FDA Approvals of Pain Medications for Hospice Patients

    Updated: 2010-06-07 14:02:00
    Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Blog Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 constipation 1 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 2 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 1 FDA 1 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 19 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 8 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 26 hospice medication 30 hospice medication review 1 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid conversion 4 hospice opioids 14 hospice pain management 14 hospice patient 6

  • John Wooden's Feelings on Death

    Updated: 2010-06-07 07:04:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , June 7, 2010 John Wooden's Feelings on Death Much has been said about John Wooden's inspiring approach to life , but what can we learn about his attitude towards death His family and former player Keith Erickson reflect that he hated being in the hospital , and wasn't happy for the last two years of his life . At the same time , the inner peace that Wooden expresses in this video evokes a powerful image of a good death . How can his story be used to bring attention to the role and importance of palliative care Watch this incredible one minute video on John Wooden's feelings about death interview with Rick Reilly

  • What is Our Responsibility?

    Updated: 2010-06-06 04:04:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Saturday , June 5, 2010 What is Our Responsibility Is advocating for equal access to opioid medication around the world part of our professional responsibility What about reducing racial disparities in access to high quality long term care Are these obligations or worthy aspirations Several of us in the UCSF Division of Geriatrics have been talking recently about where clinician obligations ends and aspiration begins . nbsp This discussion raises important questions about the limits of professionalism . The image is a conceptual model of this issue from a terrific paper by Gruen , Pearson , and . Brennan Caring directly

  • $20,000,000,000,000 Is the Cost of Alzheimer's Disease

    Updated: 2010-06-03 11:09:00
    HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study Swine Flu Home Care Preventative Measures Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 6 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 2 Alzheimer's

  • Health Status Does Not Equal Quality of LIfe

    Updated: 2010-06-03 03:20:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Wednesday , June 2, 2010 Health Status Does Not Equal Quality of LIfe If you asked clinical researchers to describe the most important advances in research methodology over the past generation , many would cite advances in the ability to measure health-related quality of life HRQOL Health-related quality of life refers to domains of health that are important to patient's quality of life . By way of example , in a patient with COPD , this could include an instrument to measure dyspnea , or the extent to which COPD symptoms interfere with day to day function . There are many health related quality of life tools that are used

  • Milk From Grass-Fed Cows Is More Heart Healthy

    Updated: 2010-06-03 00:58:04
    Milk from cows who graze on grass appears to be more heart healthy than milk from cows fed on grain feedlots, a new study has found.

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