• Nursing Home Staff Get Honest with Grassley

    Updated: 2010-08-31 18:11:46
    When a legislator visits, it’s easy to get caught up in the celebration and forget to talk about both the challenges and opportunities that come with helping older adults. That didn’t happen at the Good Samaritan Society’s nursing home in Manson, Iowa.  Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) visited the organization last week and he got an [...]

  • Early Initiation of Palliative Care May Increase Survival in Lung Cancer Patients

    Updated: 2010-08-27 18:29:00
    Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 anorexia 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 2 constipation 2 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 3 depression 1 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 2 dyspnea 1 FDA 2 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 20 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 9 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 34 hospice medication 38 hospice medication review 2 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid

  • A New Push for Electronic Health Records

    Updated: 2010-08-26 20:45:20
    Several people have recently asked me about messages flying out over health newsletters about new incentive money for adoption of electronic health records. Sadly, that money (which is substantial) is only available right now for hospitals and doctors. We’re working hard to get this federal program expanded to include post acute/long-term care. But after years [...]

  • Length of Stay in Nursing Homes at the End of Life

    Updated: 2010-08-26 15:47:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Thursday , August 26, 2010 Length of Stay in Nursing Homes at the End of Life One out of every four of us will die while residing in a nursing home . For most of us , that stay in a nursing home will be brief , although this may depend upon social and demographic variables like our gender , net worth , and marital status . These are the conclusions of an important new study published in JAGS by Kelly and colleagues many of whom are geripal contributors , including Alex Smith and Ken Covinsky The study authors used data from the Health and Retirement Study HRS to describe the lengths of stay of older adults who resided in

  • Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: An Idea Not Ready for Prime Time

    Updated: 2010-08-25 11:01:00
    : skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Wednesday , August 25, 2010 Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease : An Idea Not Ready for Prime Time Generally , Alzheimer’s disease is diagnosed only after patients have progressed to major levels of cognitive impairment that results in substantial problems in daily functioning . But the brain changes that result in cognitive impairment start years , if not decades , before patients become symptomatic . So , wouldn’t it make sense to try to diagnose Alzheimer’s Disease in patients who have the brain changes , before they have clinical symptoms The answer would be yes if two conditions were met . First , there needs to

  • Journalism Students Chronicle A Graying Nation

    Updated: 2010-08-24 18:21:27
    Over the past couple of months, members of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism traveled across the U.S. compiling a series of reports focused on “a graying nation” for News21, a national initiative to promote innovation in journalism. For the project, A Brave Old World, some of the students recorded video portraits of older [...]

  • Geriatrics Cultural Navigator: Free App from AGS

    Updated: 2010-08-24 03:53:00
    : skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , August 23, 2010 Geriatrics Cultural Navigator : Free App from AGS Free i-pod i-pad i-phone App from the American Geriatrics Society is available now for . download This App is based on Doorway Thoughts : A three volume book series on the care of multi-cutural older adults , spear-headed by the AGS Ethnogeriatrics . Committee For App , click here Posted by VJ Periyakoil Share Labels : App culture ethnicity ethnogeriatrics iPad iPhone Related Posts with thumbnails for blogger blogger widgets 0 Comments : Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to : Post Comments Atom Search GeriPal Loading . Welcome To

  • Some Random Thoughts on Geriatrics in Scotland from a US perspective

    Updated: 2010-08-24 03:03:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , August 23, 2010 Some Random Thoughts on Geriatrics in Scotland from a US perspective by : Bree Johnston For the past two months started July 2010 I have been in Scotland working in various geriatrics and palliative care settings Most of my geriatrics as opposed to palliative care work has been at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh Liberton Hospital in Edinburgh , and Western General Hospital in Edinburgh . My many hosts here have been extremely lovely and generous with their time and tea and I can’t thank them . enough Here are some thoughts on geriatrics , presented in no particular order . Some of what I will say

  • Rheumatoid Arthritis Protein May Protect Against Alzheimer's

    Updated: 2010-08-23 22:44:04
    Scientists say a protein produced in people who have rheumatoid arthritis may help protect against the development of Alzheimer's disease.

  • Hebrew Home Celebrates a Century of Service

    Updated: 2010-08-23 15:25:40
    If you talk Washingtonians about long-term care in the area, their responses will likely include the “Hebrew Home in Rockville” (also known as the Hebrew Home of Greater Washington). Either they’ve regularly  passed the community’s 30-acre campus in Rockville, know a friend of loved one who’s lived there or read about it in the newspaper. [...]

  • Memantine Helps Lewy-Body Dementia Patients -- Slightly

    Updated: 2010-08-23 00:56:37
    The cognition-enhancing drug memantine (Namenda) slightly slowed declines in overall clinical status and behavioral symptoms in patients with Lewy-body dementia -- but the drug failed to help those with dementia from Parkinson's disease, researchers said.

  • The Rapping CNA

    Updated: 2010-08-20 18:02:27
    Most people have talents that they aren’t using on the job (think about the actor who moonlights as an actor), but some people are able to connect  their personal and professional passions in a mutually beneficial way. Enter Omar Cain. He’s a certified nursing assistant (CNA) at a Philadelphia nursing home. He’s also a rapper who draws [...]

  • High Sugar Consumption Causes Multiple Health Risks for Seniors

    Updated: 2010-08-20 15:41:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in Safe at Home Week High Sugar Consumption Causes Multiple Health Risks for Seniors by CHritz 20. August 2010 19:41 At Interim HealthCare , one of the issues family members tell us they are concerned about with senior family members living alone is whether they are getting the proper nutrition . Eating well is one key to staying healthy . One of the problems that frequently plagues senior citizens is the abundance of sugar in their diets . It can lead to a number of health problems , including diabetes , tooth and gum problems , and being overweight . Interim HealthCare has home caregivers that can assist with proper dietary . habits When seniors are living alone and have no one to help them with cooking , grocery shopping and food choices

  • Pet Pal Program

    Updated: 2010-08-19 20:56:00
    Filter by APML Home Archive Contact Subscribe Log in High Sugar Consumption Causes Multiple Health Risks for Seniors Pet Pal Program by CHritz 20. August 2010 00:56 You ever notice that when you pet a dog or cat while sitting on the sofa , you relax and your heart slows down just a little bit Pets in fact have proven to be an important form of social contact especially for seniors and a growing number of research now points to the boost in physical health that pets can provide . Studies show that pet ownership is linked to increased chances of heart attack survival and reduced blood pressure while others have shown that pets can sometimes help with . Alzheimer's At Interim HealthCare we know how important a pet can be in the lives of the seniors we care for . Pet Pals , our pet-friendly

  • Palliative Care Prolongs Life

    Updated: 2010-08-19 07:07:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Thursday , August 19, 2010 Palliative Care Prolongs Life Thanks to Wikimedia commons for , picture A puffer fish kissing the . glass No intentional relationship to the , post Just loved the . picture A study published today in the New England Journal of Medicine by Jennifer Temel and colleagues at the Massachusetts General Hospital MGH showed that patients with advanced lung cancer treated with early outpatient palliative care lived longer than patients randomized to usual care . nbsp What A randomized controlled trial of outpatient palliative care showed a survival . benefit Palliative care prolongs life Really REALLY

  • New Report Provides History and Perspectives on CLASS Act

    Updated: 2010-08-18 21:18:36
    The new issue of the journal Public Policy & Aging Report is focused on the Community Living Assistance Services and Support(CLASS) Act. The edition’s title is, “Bringing CLASS to Long-Term Care Through the Affordable Care Act,” and it includes articles from our own Barbara Manard, vice president of long-term health strategies, and from AAHSA board [...]

  • Alzheimer's Drug Failure Casts Doubts on Brain Plaque Theory

    Updated: 2010-08-18 19:13:03
    A clinical trial into the experimental Alzheimer's medication semagacestat ended this week when the drug was found to increase symptoms of memory loss, rather than decrease them.

  • Stress in Middle Age Can Double Alzheimer's Risk

    Updated: 2010-08-18 19:11:03
    Stress during middle age can increase a woman's risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, a new study suggests.

  • Congressman Celebrates Social Security Anniversary at AAHSA Member

    Updated: 2010-08-18 17:49:12
    Last week marked the 75th anniversary of the Social Security program, and Congressman Bill Foster (D-Ill.) celebrated with people the program’s helping today: residents at  Provena Fox Knoll, an AAHSA member in Aurora, Ill. Representatives from AARP, the Northeastern Illinois Area Agency on Aging, the Northwestern Illinois Area Agency on Aging and the local Social [...]

  • Debunking the “But I Already See Old People” Myth in Medical Education

    Updated: 2010-08-18 03:07:00
    skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Tuesday , August 17, 2010 Debunking the But I Already See Old People” Myth in Medical Education What happens when you randomly assign medical students to either a mandatory two week rotation in specialized geriatric training or to a traditional non-geriatric clerkship that sees a lot of old people Will there be any difference in the knowledge of geriatric conditions , the attitudes toward older adults , or geriatric clinical skills between the two groups Or does mere exposure to an aging patient population give students the training they need to care for older patients These are the questions asked by Laura Diachun and

  • Brain Injuries May Cause Conditions Mistaken for ALS

    Updated: 2010-08-17 23:01:32
    For the first time, researchers have found pathological evidence that repetitive head trauma -- such as that experienced by football players -- may result in a motor neuron disease similar to amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or "Lou Gehrig's disease."

  • Achieving Goals Empowers People With Dementia

    Updated: 2010-08-17 21:42:28
    (Source: Alzheimer’s Society – UK) “Achieving personal goals can help people in the early stages of dementia manage their condition, Alzheimer’s Society research has found. Researchers at Bangor University, Wales found that people who received cognitive rehabilitation felt their performance of daily activities improved. Carers of those receiving the treatment also noted an improvement [...]

  • Who Decides? – A Road Trip toward the New Consumer

    Updated: 2010-08-17 21:00:01
    Summertime is a time for travel, and if you’ve taken any road trips with friends or family, you know that personal preferences quickly come into play. Determining what music you will listen to, how high to blast the AC, where you will stop to eat and – actually – whether you stop at all, are [...]

  • NEED YOUR IDEAS: US Preventive Services Task Force Topic Nominations

    Updated: 2010-08-17 03:10:00
    : skip to main skip to sidebar GeriPal Geriatrics and Palliative Care Blog Your source for Geriatrics Palliative Care News and Collaboration Home About Links Tweets Videos Monday , August 16, 2010 NEED YOUR IDEAS : US Preventive Services Task Force Topic Nominations The US Preventive Services Task Force is soliciting nominations for clinical preventive health topics . nbsp Nominations can be submitted by individuals or organizations . nbsp I think it would be great to submit a GeriPal topic . nbsp Can you think of Geriatrics and Palliative care issues in preventive terms There are recommendations for cancer screening in the elderly mostly age based cutoffs hearing and visual loss , but nothing about screening for chronic pain in the elderly other than counseling for low back pain falls ,

  • Help Advocate for the Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act

    Updated: 2010-08-16 18:21:49
    At AAHSA, we’re making a big push to get the word out about the Home Health Care Planning Improvement Act (S.2814/H.R.4993). This bill was introduced by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), Rep. Allyson Schwartz (D-Pa.), and actually has bipartisan support. It currently has 95 co-sponsors, representing 30 states, the District of Columbia, and Guam, but we [...]

  • Happy 75th Birthday, Social Security!

    Updated: 2010-08-13 21:36:45
    Tis the season for milestone birthdays in the aging field.  So far this summer, we have already celebrated the 45th birthdays of both the Older Americans Act (OAA) and the Medicare and Medicaid programs, the 20th birthday of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). As of Saturday, we can add the 75th birthday of the [...]

  • Heart Health May Predict Brain Health

    Updated: 2010-08-11 05:50:05
    Scientists have found a link between the health of the heart and the size and health of the brain.

  • Hospice Medication Update: Oxycodone Oral Solution Availability

    Updated: 2010-08-09 17:11:00
    : Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 anorexia 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 2 constipation 2 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 3 depression 1 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 2 dyspnea 1 FDA 2 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 20 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 9 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 34 hospice medication 38 hospice medication review 2 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid

  • High-Dose Donepezil Approved for Moderate to Severe Alzheimer's Disease

    Updated: 2010-08-06 18:21:00
    Home About Us Overview of Services Clinical Services Education Services Pharmacy Search Pharmacy Mail Order Invoicing Why Choose Us Discount Rx Card Links Resources Hospice Blog Hospice News Feed Contact Us Member Login Subscribe by Email Your : email Free Whitepaper Outcome Resources on Facebook Browse by Tag alprazolam 1 Alzheimer's 2 anorexia 1 asthma 1 Baclofen 1 Buprenorphine 2 constipation 2 COPD 2 DEA 1 dementia 3 depression 1 drug disposal 1 drug shortages 1 dyspnea 1 FDA 2 FDA REMS 2 fentanyl 3 hiccups 1 hospice 20 Hospice Action Network 1 hospice advocacy 1 hospice clinical 9 hospice clinical support 9 hospice compliance 2 hospice Conditions of Participation 2 hospice cough 1 hospice drugs 33 hospice medication 37 hospice medication review 2 hospice methadone 3 hospice opioid

  • Target Diabetes to Lower Rates of Dementia

    Updated: 2010-08-06 16:58:31
    Designing public health interventions to prevent diabetes may be an effective way of reducing the burden of dementia in the absence of a cure for cognitive impairment, researchers found.

  • Here's a Free Way to Keep Mom Safe at Home

    Updated: 2010-08-05 20:03:00
    HOME RESOURCES NEWS SERVICES SENIOR CARE BLOG COMPANY CAREERS CONTACT LEARN MORE Popular Articles How to Pick 8 Types of Dementia Out of a Crowd 250 Senior Citizen Stimulus Checks are in the Mail Home Care Support VA Aid Attendance Pension 3 Big Mistakes When Talking to Your Parents About Elder Care Nintendo vs . Quilting in the Fight to Save Your Brain 10 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Home Care Provider Top 10 List Things to Bring to the Hospital for Dallas Elder Care Givers Simplifying Senior Care AARP's Doughnut Hole Tool Living Alone is Hazardous to Your Brain Health Senior Care Study 6 Ways Health Care Reform Will Impact Seniors Browse by Tag adult day care 1 advance directives for senior care 1 Aging 8 Aid Attendance Pension 2 Alzheimer's 14 Alzheimer's Care in Dallas 4

  • Failing Heart Linked to Failing Brain

    Updated: 2010-08-04 23:40:00
    Poor cardiac output, even at the low end of normal, may accelerate the brain volume losses that come with age, researchers said.

  • Alzheimer's Patients May Have Muted Emotions

    Updated: 2010-08-04 20:45:05
    Alzheimer's patients may have a decreased ability to experience emotional highs and lows--even if they're not depressed.

  • Caregivers' Outlook May Vary by Race, Ethnicity

    Updated: 2010-08-04 20:26:00
    Data on more than 600 caregivers found that those racial and ethnic differences remained true even after accounting for caregiver-patient relationships, caregiver health, and socioeconomic factors.

  • New Service Aims to Match Alzheimer's Patients, Clinical Trials

    Updated: 2010-08-04 19:04:00
    Experts say there are more than 100 clinical trials currently underway, and dozens of medications are nearing the point of testing, but many do not sign up for clinical trials.

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