• Protecting nature is more important than ‘quickly’ building renewables, most Americans say

    Updated: 2023-03-31 14:02:39
    Nearly 80% of U.S. adults believe conservation is more important than a speedy renewable energy rollout, our poll finds. That spells trouble for Biden’s climate agenda. In Virginia, environmentalists fought a utility-scale solar farm that would rank among the largest on the East Coast. In New Jersey, an ocean-conservation group is battling an offshore wind farm that could power half a million homes. In Utah, Nevada, and even the San Francisco Bay area, green groups are threatening renewable projects that . . .

  • Dozens protest against offshore wind farm along Jersey Shore

    Updated: 2023-03-31 13:11:33
    Dozens of people rallied outside the New Jersey State House Thursday morning to demand a pause on offshore wind farm development along the Jersey Shore. The protesters delivered a petition to the governor which they claimed contained more than half a million signatures. The petition called for an immediate moratorium on offshore wind developments after a recent spate of large whales and dolphins washing ashore on the Jersey Shore. Protesters blame pre-construction and survey activity related to the building of . . .

  • Dem senators from 4 states ask NOAA to address whale deaths

    Updated: 2023-03-30 22:07:16
    Democratic U.S. Senators from four states want federal environmental officials to address a spate of whale deaths on both coasts, urging “transparency and timeliness” in releasing information about whale deaths and their causes. The call late Tuesday by New Jersey Sens. Robert Menendez and Cory Booker; Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal, Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley, and Rhode Island Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse for action by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration marked the first large-scale request for action by Democratic federal lawmakers . . .

  • Albertans Say NO to wind project

    Updated: 2023-03-30 14:48:42
    HIGHLIGHTS Elk Point rural residents are fighting back against Vancouver-based Elemental Energy’s proposed industrial wind turbine project on the North Saskatchewan River Valley Citizens have organized themselves under the group “Wind Concerns” launching a website and mass information campaign Wind Concerns cites hundreds of studies and data that now show massive wind turbines are linked to serious animal and human health effects, and these have been recognized by courts of law Wind Concerns points out that the proposed project is . . .

  • Four lawsuits threaten Vineyard Wind

    Updated: 2023-03-29 22:43:14
    Four cases are challenging the federal environmental permit issued to Vineyard Wind, a 62-turbine facility being planned for construction in the waters off Martha’s Vineyard. A federal judge in Massachusetts heard arguments brought by landowners in two cases in recent weeks. The other two suits, brought by fishing groups, have been consolidated and will appear before the same judge for oral arguments in Boston on Monday. The cases against Vineyard Wind allege that the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management conducted . . .

  • Wind turbine near Greenwood NY catches fire

    Updated: 2023-03-29 00:50:14
    Fire crews watch as turbine burns 400 feet above West Union, Rexville NY. Fire crews are on site of a wind turbine fire just over the Allegany-Steuben County line in Greenwood. Debris is being extinguished as it falls from the tower but crews are helpless to put out the blaze which is well above the reach. We are assuming this is an electrical fire. Images will be updated if necessary.

  • New push to build wind farm in Lake Michigan off Chicago

    Updated: 2023-03-29 00:16:42
    There’s a new push to build a wind farm in Lake Michigan off Chicago. The bill has passed the Illinois House and now goes to the Senate. The wind farm, including 10 to 20 windmills, would be located several miles off South Shore. It would cost electric customers about $680 million in subsidies over the next two decades. One of the bill’s sponsors says those subsidies are marginal give the billions of dollars spent on electric bills every year in . . .

  • Wind farm campaign group calls for help from supporters over petition change

    Updated: 2023-03-28 13:52:11
    A pressure group that campaigns against large-scale wind farms is calling for help from the public following a change in the way petitions to the Scottish Parliament are managed. Scotland Against Spin (SAS) lodged a petition in March 2021 seeking stronger powers for communities to influence planning decisions relating to onshore wind. The group has voiced concern over wind farms in Caithness and Sutherland and other parts of the Highlands. The petition to the Scottish Parliament’s Citizen Participation and Public . . .

  • People living near wind farms are sacrificial lambs to greed

    Updated: 2023-03-28 13:31:58
    Lambs are frolicking as Easter approaches, though there are sacrificial lambs across this land in the form of those desperately unlucky folk who live close to wind farms and have to bear the brunt of the devastating downsides for the sake of their supposed benefits for the rest of us. They describe “nose bleeds” and other health issues that accompany the shadow flicker and noise of industrial scale turbines as a never-ending nightmare. For there is no escape, what with . . .

  • Buffalo County sets new distancing requirements for possible wind farms

    Updated: 2023-03-27 00:25:25
    The Buffalo County Commissioners voted unanimously last week to approve distancing rules that were recommended by the planning commission. The rules say a wind farm can’t be located or expanded within three miles of agriculture residential zoned property, three miles from any parcel owned by a non-applicant, three miles of a church, hospital, pool or park, five miles of any village or city, two miles of a burial site, the Platte River and South Loup River areas or five miles . . .

  • Aude : un nouveau projet éolien mobilise un vent de révolte à Névian

    Updated: 2023-03-25 17:33:59
    Validée par les deux conseils municipaux de Névian et Raissac-d’Aude, l’implantation de 6 éoliennes de part et d’autre de l’Orbieu ne fait pas l’unanimité comme en témoigne la mobilisation de riverains qui rencontreront les élus ce jeudi 30 mars pour faire entendre leur désaccord. Département à la pointe dans le développement de l’énergie éolienne, l’Aude devrait connaître ces prochains l’implantation de nouvelles turbines au sud-est. En effet, un projet porté la société Bayware prévoit l’installation de six pylônes de production . . .

  • Windrad-Flügel in Grevenbroich droht abzubrechen – Warnung für Bürger

    Updated: 2023-03-25 17:24:15
    [Wind turbine blade threatens to break off, Grevenbroich citizens warned] Ein Feuerwehr-Auto steht auf einem Weg vor einem stark beschädigtem Windrad in Grevenbroich . Der Windrad-Flügel in Grevenbroich ist bereits stark beschädigt, der Sturm könnte ihn ganz abbrechen. © Feuerwehr Grevenbroich Das aufziehende Unwetter in NRW wird zur Gefahr für ein Windrad in Grevenbroich. Wegen der Sturmböen droht ein Flügel abzubrechen. Bürger werden gewarnt. Grevenbroich – Seit Samstagmorgen (25. März) fegen Sturmböen über ganz NRW, sie stark sind, dass sogar . . .

  • Windmolenexploitanten en gemeenten gaan bromtonen samen onderzoeken

    Updated: 2023-03-25 17:20:27
    [Rejecting independent study finding nuisance from wind turbines, the company plans own study.] De exploitanten van het windpark langs de N33 bij Veendam gaan samen met de omliggende gemeenten de bromtonen onderzoeken. Dat hebben de exploitanten en de gemeenten Midden-Groningen, Veendam en Oldambt bekend gemaakt. Geluidsspecialist Jan van Muijlwijk deed twee jaar geleden onderzoek naar vermeende bromtonen afkomstig van het windpark. Hij deed dat onderzoek in opdracht van de omliggende gemeenten. De conclusie was dat het windpark bromtonen produceert, maar . . .

  • Anche Sgarbi contro l’eolico a Pietrelcina: «È assurdo»

    Updated: 2023-03-25 17:14:51
    [Vittorio Sgarbi, Undersecretary for Culture: «It is simply absurd to disfigure the territory with installations that do not bring any energy benefit to it. It is a massacre that is being carried out in all of southern Italy.»] Vittorio Sgarbi, Sottosegretario alla Cultura, interviene con durezza sullo scontro in atto circa la realizzazione di un nuovo campo eolico nel territorio di Pietrelcina. «In assenza di una coscienza civica e di una capacità di controffensiva dello Stato per la difesa del . . .

  • Save LBI offshore wind farm suit could get dumped, but here is why it has one more chance

    Updated: 2023-03-24 13:32:15
    Save Long Beach Island’s lawsuit to halt wind farms off the coast here is in jeopardy of being tossed from a federal district court in Washingtonn D.C. U.S. District Court Judge Dabney Friedrich granted the defendants’ motion to dismiss the case on March 9. However, she also allowed Save LBI’s request to submit an amended complaint. She gave the group 30 days to make the amendment or the case will be closed. The group has 2½ weeks left to do . . .

  • Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission forms subcommittee to tackle revisions to wind farm regulations

    Updated: 2023-03-24 13:25:46
    During its Monday, March 20, 2023 meeting, the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission formed a subcommittee to help tackle revisions to the county’s regulations for wind farms. It’s not yet clear what the next draft of Douglas County’s revised regulations for wind energy development will look like, but it is clear that the work to codify the updated rules is far from finished. At a meeting on Monday, the Lawrence-Douglas County Planning Commission discussed some of the changes it wanted to . . .

  • Planning refused for Clare wind farm due to hen harrier concerns

    Updated: 2023-03-24 13:19:50
    The planning appeals board has refused planning permission for a 10-turbine wind farm in west Clare due to concerns about the potential impact on the hen harrier, a protected bird species. This follows An Bord Pleanála refusing planning permission to the 557ft tall wind farm 8km from the west Clare coastline. As part of the proposal by MCRE Windfarm Ltd for the project at Cahermurphy near the west Clare village of Kilmihil, the removal 63ha of breeding and foraging area . . .

  • ‘Take’ authorizations prove NOAA is lying about whale deaths

    Updated: 2023-03-23 18:34:15
    The marine science community knows this much for certain: The high-resolution geophysical (HRG) surveys used to site offshore wind turbines and transmission cabling causes harm and mortality to marine mammals. They know the intense noise of pounding thousands of monopiles deep into the seabed, along with an exponential increase of vessel traffic during construction and for maintenance afterwards will do the same—disturb, injure, and kill marine life. Here’s the proof: As of mid-March 2023, NOAA Fisheries has handed out 15 . . .

  • The real price of wind and solar

    Updated: 2023-03-23 15:25:26
    First pay for renewables. Then pay again to pick up all the slack. A billion here, a billion there, and soon you’re talking about real costs from politicians’ headlong rush toward net zero carbon emissions. United Kingdom households received a reminder of this truth recently with the latest data on how renewables drive up their energy bills. The British electric-grid operator spent £4.2 billion in 2022 balancing supply and demand on the network, a record amount. This works out to . . .

  • Researchers warn of ‘urgent’ need to understand impact of windfarms on precious peatlands

    Updated: 2023-03-23 13:58:02
    Environmental scientists at Nottingham Trent University have for the first time mapped the extent of known windfarm infrastructures, such as wind turbines and vehicle tracks, on recognised blanket bogs in Europe. Blanket bogs – a rare type of peatland commonly found in areas with lots of rain and low temperatures – are typically found on hill summits where wind energy potential is higher, making them attractive sites for windfarm developments. They have a range of beneficial ecosystem services, improving water . . .

  • Congressman slams Biden, Murphy for ‘shoddy’ offshore wind farm strategy in New Jersey

    Updated: 2023-03-23 00:39:48
    U.S. Congressman Chris Smith attended a hearing on offshore windarms in New Jersey and slammed President Joe Biden and Governor Phil Murphy over what he called the harmful environmental impact 3,500 wind turbines could have on the coastal ecosystem. Smith said the President and governor’s rush to install nearly 3,500 wind turbines off the coast of New Jersey without sufficient study on their impact on the environment, marine mammals, the fishing industry, tourism and navigational safety was reckless. “The wind . . .

  • Petition response raises hopes of communities having more say on wind farms

    Updated: 2023-03-22 13:59:49
    Hopes that communities can have a greater say in major wind farm developments affecting their area have been lifted by a parliamentary committee’s response to a petition on the issue. It asks the Scottish Government to look at ways of ensuring that “demonstration of local support is a key material consideration in the decision-making process”. In March 2021, Scotland Against Spin lodged a petition seeking stronger powers for communities to influence planning decisions relating to onshore wind. The group has . . .

  • Tension over wind turbines fills Carroll County, Ark. meeting

    Updated: 2023-03-22 13:57:34
    Many citizens in Carroll County, Ark. are debating a potential project surrounding wind turbines. Both sides spoke their minds at quorum court at the Carroll County Courthouse Tuesday night. In Arkansas, quorum court is the legislative body of county government, much like county commissions here in Missouri. Dozens of people filled the room, even spilling out into the hallway. County Judge David Writer limited the crowd to five speakers on either side. One major concern among citizens like Richard Williams . . .

  • Washington lawmaker’s bill to limit Washington wind turbine lights goes too far, companies say

    Updated: 2023-03-21 14:06:54
    The 2,000 wind turbines already standing in Washington state should not be required to install systems that limit their blinking red lights at night, said supporters of renewable energy at a legislative hearing Friday. But they did not object to requiring new wind power projects, such as the one proposed just south of the Tri-Cities, to install systems that turn on lights only when aircraft flying at low elevations are near. House Bill 1173, sponsored by Rep. April Connors, R-Kennewick, . . .

  • Projet éolien à Saint-Bonnet-près-Bort : les opposants s’organisent

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:58:17
    « Avant, quand je sortais de la maison, j’avais vue sur les Monts du Cantal et du Puy-de-Dôme, se souvient Jean-Pierre Rebière. Maintenant, je ne vois plus que ce mât de mesure du vent… » Amer, l’agriculteur dont l’exploitation située au lieu-dit La Maison rouge, sur la commune de Saint-Bonnet-près-Bort et dont la ferme n’est qu’à quelques centaines de mètres à vol d’oiseau du mât, l’est. Mais il est aussi combatif. Et il le dit. Sur le plastique qui protège son fourrage . . .

  • Des opposants au projet éolien de Saint-Bonnet-près-Bort manifestent à la réunion cantonale

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:42:11
    Ce lundi en fin d’après-midi, quarante-sept opposants au projet de parc éolien à Saint-Bonnet-près-Bort et Thalamy ont exprimé leurs attentes, salle Jean-Moulin à Bort-les-Orgues, où se tenait la réunion cantonale Haute Dordogne entre les maires et le président du conseil départemental, Pascal Coste. “Les éoliennes défigurent le paysage” Le but de cette manifestation pacifique était d’interpeller les élus, leur expliquer leurs inquiétudes liées au projet. « Ce que nous dénonçons, c’est la prolifération des éoliennes industrielles dans les territoires ruraux. Nous . . .

  • Wind farm project in Carroll County stirs up opposition

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:38:02
    Berryville – An opponent to a wind farm in eastern Carroll County will speak at Tuesday night’s Quorum Court meeting even though there is little county government could do to stop the project, both opponents and a county government official said. Scout Clean Energy of Boulder, Colo., intends to erect wind turbines at various sites among 9,000 acres – about 14 square miles – south of Green Forest and west of Alpena, according to information posted by the company. The completed project would . . .

  • Public comments open on controversial Wentworth wind farm

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:20:39
    [Protect Wentworth Valley is urging the provincial government to declare the Wentworth Valley area of Cumberland and Colchester counties as a wilderness area to protect the Mainland moose and to stop proposed industrial wind farm development.] The proponents behind a large wind farm planned for the Wentworth area have registered their environmental assessment. The move kicks off an opportunity for public comment that runs until April 14, with a ministerial decision on whether to grant a conditional environmental approval by . . .

  • Nova Scotia wind farm gets environmental approval

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:11:52
    A proposed wind farm in Guysborough County got approval from Environment and Climate Change Minister Timothy Halman on Monday. The Port Hawkesbury Paper Wind Partnership applied for an environmental assessment of the project in January. Plans calls for the construction of 29 turbines, which would collectively produce 130.5 megawatts to diversify the energy mix that powers the Port Hawkesbury paper facility. The turbines will be up to 195 metres tall and individually produce up to 4.5 MW. The project centre is . . .

  • Schwarze Rauchschwaden über der A 20: Windrad brennt bei Satow

    Updated: 2023-03-21 13:06:12
    [A wind turbine in the Hohen Luckow wind farm caught fire on Wednesday afternoon. Two technicians discovered a defect and switched off the wind turbine, but with the extremely large amount of hydraulic and gear oil inside the system, they could not prevent a fire. Burning parts fell from 100 meters.] Am Mittwochmittag, 15. März, hat ein Windrad an der Autobahn 20 bei Satow gebrannt. Das Feuer war am Gondelraum des Windrades bei Wokrent ausgebrochen, das etwa 500 Meter südlich . . .

  • Windrad in Jacobsdorf gesprengt: Abriss wegen Mängeln

    Updated: 2023-03-21 00:51:13
    [In Jacobsdorf in the Oder-Spree district, the first of four wind turbines was blown up on Wednesday because the concrete towers were defective.] In Jacobsdorf im Kreis Oder-Spree ist am Mittwoch das erste von vier Windrädern gesprengt worden. Nach Angaben des Hamburger Anlagenherstellers Nordex ist der Abbau notwendig geworden, weil die Betontürme Mängel aufweisen. Den Angaben nach sollen alle vier Anlagen des Windparks sicher und vollständig rückgebaut werden, um an gleicher Stelle erneut Turbinen zu errichten. Etwa 50 Menschen beobachteten . . .

  • County Board votes no on wind farm

    Updated: 2023-03-18 14:20:47
    The Piatt County Board has declined a special use permit for a 300 MW wind farm that was proposed to be located in Goose Creek, Sangamon and Blue Ridge townships in northern Piatt County. “We were elected by the people in our various districts to do what is best for our constituents,” said District One Board Member Jerry Edwards, who voted against the project. “I have heard from a lot of residents of Piatt County and for the vast majority, this . . .

  • Coillte refused permission for Carlow wind turbines

    Updated: 2023-03-17 19:19:12
    An Bord Pleanála has refused planning permission to Coillte for the construction of a seven turbine 583 ft high wind farm for an upland site in Co Carlow. The appeals board ruling upholds a decision by Carlow County Council to refuse planning permission for the 38.5MW wind farm in March 2021 after receiving over 280 third party submissions. Coillte lodged a first party appeal against the refusal and the Irish Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (IHPA), Martina Kinsella, Patrick McLean, . . .

  • SouthCoast wind needs town permission, officials say

    Updated: 2023-03-17 14:12:39
    SouthCoast Wind must jump through various federal, state and local hoops before making a cable landfall in Falmouth Heights. At the town level, it must win support for an override of Article 97 of the state constitution, which protects public lands. For months residents have been speculating as to what degree the company can bypass local authorities and bylaws. Can the company get a “carte blanche waiver” from the state to proceed regardless of how the town feels? But there . . .

  • Even Democrats adopt opposition to Idaho wind farms

    Updated: 2023-03-16 21:50:13
    This week the Idaho House of Representatives voted unanimously in voicing opposition to southern Idaho’s proposed wind farms. Consider that means all the Democrats and all the Republicans voted on the same page! How often does that happen? I can’t remember anything in recent memory. This morning I was floored when the leader of the House Democrats gave me some credit. Last week I was talking with House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel about wind power. She explained her correspondence was . . .

  • Another big array of offshore turbines proposed for RI

    Updated: 2023-03-14 14:28:52
    The joint venture developing the first big offshore wind farm for Rhode Island is proposing to build a second, even larger project to supply power to the state. The partnership between Danish offshore wind developer Ørsted and New England utility Eversource has submitted a proposal for what they’re calling Revolution Wind 2, an 884-megawatt wind farm that would eclipse in size Revolution Wind, the 704-megawatt project they could soon start building in the vicinity of Rhode Island Sound. The companies . . .

  • Renewables: the more you have, the more you pay for backups

    Updated: 2023-03-13 13:12:51
    Intermittent supply from a variety of power generation adds to the challenge of balancing the grid. Cold, still weather in the UK this week triggered high demand for electricity at a time when wind turbines were idling. That forced National Grid to use a back-up coal(opens a new window)-generation plant for the first time this winter. Depending on Mother Nature for electricity means accepting her inconsistencies. Back-up is required, and keeping it available has a cost. In the US, electricity . . .

  • Anti–wind farm petition takes off, nearing 250k signatures

    Updated: 2023-03-13 00:56:27
    A petition drive that demands a halt on wind farm projects following whale deaths along the coast has collected more than 240,000 signatures so far. [As Monday morning, March 13, the petition had more than 318,000 signatures.] Ocean City wind farm opponent Suzanne Hornick, one of the founders of Protect Our Coast NJ, which began in 2019, said it is time to stop offshore wind acoustic testing. “Look at all of the people who care. We don’t believe what our . . .

  • Letter to Environment for the Americas

    Updated: 2023-03-11 14:13:51
    We are pleased to announce that the 2023 World Migratory Bird Day campaign will focus on the topic of water and its importance for migratory birds. Water is fundamental to life on our planet. The vast majority of migratory birds rely on aquatic ecosystems during their life cycles. Inland and coastal wetlands, rivers, lakes, streams, marshes, and ponds are all vital for feeding, drinking, or nesting, and also as places to rest and refuel during their long journeys. Unfortunately, aquatic . . .

  • Parliament passes less ambitious distancing rule for onshore wind farms

    Updated: 2023-03-10 14:10:05
    The Sejm, the lower house of Poland’s parliament, has restored its less ambitious distancing rule for onshore wind farms, keeping it at 700 metres [2,300 feet]. The country’s former distancing rule, introduced in 2016, required the distance between a wind turbine and the nearest houses to be at least ten times the maximum height of the device (the so-called 10H rule). This seriously curbed the development of wind turbines in Poland and spurred the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, . . .

  • Bank refuses mortgage for tree changers because of wind farm caveat

    Updated: 2023-03-09 14:47:34
    When Nicole Fagan and her husband found the perfect tree-change* home in Kununurra in January, they had no idea that the wind farm that will take in their rural NSW property was going to be a problem for their bank. “We needed to access a small amount of equity in our home (a mere 12 per cent) for a home in the Kimberley,” Nicole Fagan tells RenewEconomy. “Suncorp Bank, where I have done all of my banking for years, decided . . .

  • Costs of wind production tax credits to more than double

    Updated: 2023-03-09 14:40:02
    Last year’s Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was widely greeted as a landmark federal effort on clean energy and climate change. The Congressional Budget Office’s herculean task of scoring this massive piece of legislation that zoomed through Congress in an omnibus spending package was no small feat. But more recent data indicate the subsidies are going to cost more than what Congress was told before passing the legislation. The formulas to subsidize the production of electric vehicle battery cells and modules . . .

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