• “Payment issues, delays and defective materials”: Harland & Wolff abandons NNG wind work #SCT

    Updated: 2022-12-30 16:17:54
    Harland & Wolff has terminated its contract with Saipem for the supply of four wind turbine jackets for a major Scottish offshore wind project, claiming cost escalation and delays have made the work “sub-economic.” 10:20 am Harland & Wolff has terminated its contract with Saipem for the supply of four wind turbine jackets for a major Scottish offshore wind project, claiming cost escalation and delays have made the work “sub-economic.” The engineering group was due to deliver four huge wind . . .

  • U.S. wants thousands more wind farms, facing local opposition #IL #MI #OH #USA

    Updated: 2022-12-30 14:33:09
    Monticello, Ill. – Depressed property values. Flickering shadows. Falling ice. One by one, a real estate appraiser rattled off what he said were the deleterious effects of wind farms as a crowd in an agricultural community in central Illinois hung on his every word. It was the tenth night of hearings by the Piatt County zoning board, as a tiny town debated the merits of a proposed industrial wind farm that would see dozens of enormous turbines rise from the nearby . . .

  • US ignored own scientists’ warning in backing Atlantic wind farm #MA #NY #RI #USA

    Updated: 2022-12-29 22:48:15
    US government scientists warned federal regulators the South Fork offshore wind farm near the Rhode Island coast threatened the Southern New England Cod, a species so ingrained in regional lore that a wooden carving of it hangs in the Massachusetts state house. The Interior Department approved the project anyway. The warnings were delivered in unpublished correspondence weeks before Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management authorized the 12-turbine South Fork plan in November 2021. And they serve to underscore the potential . . .

  • Windrad wird zur Glitzer-Fackel #DEU

    Updated: 2022-12-29 15:19:33
    Losheim (Saarland) – Ja ist denn heut’ schon Silvester? Nach dem Brand eines Windrades im Bereich der Wahlener Platte tauchen immer mehr Fotos auf, die die Anlage als imposante Glitzer-Fackel zeigen. Mal schießen kleine rote Funken durch den Nachthimmel, mal scheinen sich ganze Lichtströme Richtung Erde zu ziehen. Die winterliche Landschaft gibt dem Ganzen zusätzlich einen mystischen Anstrich. Der Fall: Am späten Abend war in der Anlage auf dem Galgenberg Feuer ausgebrochen. Ein Polizeisprecher gegenüber BILD: „In der Gondel des . . .

  • Offshore wind farms could cause ‘cataclysmic destruction’ of ecosystems #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-28 17:16:12
    Wind energy, cheap electricity from the elements. Surely a great idea? But has it just become a cash cow for big industry and governments, with precious little benefit to citizens – and, ironically, all at the expense of the natural world? I’ve written many times over the years about the potential for ecological damage caused by badly planned wind farms, particularly large offshore developments, the detrimental effects of which have been vastly underestimated. Now, as the industry expands at an . . .

  • Researchers spot whales near California wind farm zones #CA #OR

    Updated: 2022-12-23 16:17:19
    “There are quite a lot of large whales out there, quite a number.”

  • Wind turbine falls to ground in Leelanau County #MI

    Updated: 2022-12-23 14:39:56
    (WPBN/WGTU) – The wind turbine that supplies energy to the Northport Leelanau Township Water Treatment plant is looking a little different now. According to Northport Trustee, Will Harper, high wind speeds on Wednesday, Dec. 14, caused the turbine to spin out of control and eventually fall to the ground. Harper also said the turbine has been out of commission for a while, and he’s unsure if it will be fixed.

  • Reindeer herders fear Arctic industry boom #SWE

    Updated: 2022-12-22 14:43:40
    Reindeer herder Elle Merete Omma says climate change is causing problems for her animals, but so are the carbon-cutting industries designed to fight it. “We are having a double burden actually at the moment,” says Ms Omma, “I’m worried about the future.” She belongs to a community of indigenous Sami reindeer herders near the city of Umeå in northern Sweden, who say they’ve been affected by the climate crisis. Thick fluffy snow usually falls from November onwards, but the start . . .

  • Falmouth Select Board denies Mayflower Wind access #MA

    Updated: 2022-12-21 20:50:22
    The Falmouth Select Board voted 4-1 on Monday, December 19, to deny Mayflower Wind Energy LLC access to town property to study landfall sites for electric cables connecting its proposed offshore windfarm to the electrical grid.  Mayflower Wind plans to construct the windfarm in federal waters 30 miles south of Martha’s Vineyard. To do so, the company needs to tunnel electric cables underground that would connect to two different substations. One of the proposed substation sites is in Falmouth; the other is . . .

  • Highland Council accused of ‘half-hearted’ response to Scottish Government over Meall Buidhe Wind Farm that councillors rejected #SCT

    Updated: 2022-12-21 15:06:54
    Residents campaigning against a major wind farm application in Sutherland have criticised the local council for a “half-hearted” response to the appeals process. Highland Council’s north area planning committee members initially rejected the controversial Meall Buidhe windfarm against planning officers’ recommendations – but developers immediately appealed to the Scottish Government in the hope of overturning the decision. As the host area and initial decision-maker, the local authority’s submission to ministers in Edinburgh is seen as a crucial part of the . . .

  • Wind turbine collapses in Northport #MI

    Updated: 2022-12-20 19:31:47
    Leelanau Community Energy’s wind turbine in Northport sits in a heap at the base of its tower after the upper section broke off. It happened some time between sundown Thursday and sunup Friday, said Douglas McInnis, a manager and investor for Leelanau Community Energy. The company, which owns the turbine, had it offline while awaiting maintenance. Those maintenance items pertained to electronics, motors and other components involved in the turbine’s operation, McInnis said. None should have caused the tower to . . .

  • Studie zu Offshore-Windparks: „Großflächige Auswirkungen“ #DEU

    Updated: 2022-12-19 13:40:29
    [Offshore wind farms are changing the ocean ecosystem. A study by oceananographer Ute Daewel shows that nutrient distribution is also affected.] Offshore-Windparks verändern das Ökosystem Meer. Eine Studie der Ozeoanografin Ute Daewel zeigt, dass auch die Nährstoffverteilung betroffen ist. Wer wissen will, was in den Weiten der See vor sich geht, kann sich per Schiff oder Flugzeug auf den Weg machen, kann Drohnen starten oder Messbojen absetzen. Oft entstehen meereskundliche Erkenntnisse jedoch auch an Land, mit Computerhilfe. Ute Daewel, Ozeanografin . . .

  • Despite recycling efforts, many older wind turbine blades still end up in landfills #MN

    Updated: 2022-12-19 13:19:56
    When a 2003-vintage wind farm in southwestern Minnesota became obsolete, its owner Allete Clean Energy tore it down and built anew. The new Northern Wind project came online last month with bigger turbines that produce 32% more electricity than the old facility. The new turbines scoop up so much more wind that Allete needed to erect only 37 of them. There’s only one snag: Most of the blades from those 65 old turbines were cut into chunks and are now . . .

  • Wind energy developer files to scrap power agreements #ME #MA

    Updated: 2022-12-17 18:09:08
    Declaring that the largest offshore wind farm in the state’s pipeline “cannot be financed and built” under existing contracts, Commonwealth Wind on Friday asked Massachusetts regulators to scrap the agreements the company reached with utilities and reopen a new round of bidding. Commonwealth Wind filed a motion with the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) seeking dismissal of the power purchase agreements it reached with utility companies in May, which would render them moot, and a reopening of the process of . . .

  • Une cinquantaine d’élus manifestent près de Melle contre deux nouveaux projets éoliens dans les Deux-Sèvres #FRA

    Updated: 2022-12-17 18:01:56
    [Around fifty mayors and other elected officials demonstrate near Melle against two new wind projects in Deux-Sèvres] Ce samedi 17 décembre, une cinquantaine de maires et autres élus locaux des Deux-Sèvres se sont rassemblés auprès des parcs éoliens de Paizay-le-Tort, près de Melle. Une manifestation qui intervient après l’autorisation par la préfecture de deux nouveaux projets éoliens dans le Mellois. “L’Energie oui ! Les paysages aussi !” Dans les Deux-Sèvres, une cinquantaine d’élus de plusieurs communes ont manifesté ce samedi 17 décembre après . . .

  • Wind power won’t save us #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-17 17:57:13
    The wind that wouldn’t blow Last Monday (12 December) the entire UK landmass was swathed in frost, courtesy of the “Troll from Trondheim”. So, we can’t blame the Russians, then, as we did when the “Beast from the East” arrived. On Sunday evening, wholesale electricity prices briefly surged to £2,585.50 per megawatt hour – that’s 50 times the price of one year ago – and settled at about £685 on Monday. Across the UK, temperatures barely edged above zero degrees . . .

  • Sumner residents request five-mile setbacks for wind turbines #NE

    Updated: 2022-12-16 16:24:19
    Sumner area residents asked for zoning setbacks of five miles or more in regards to a proposed wind farm during the Dawson County Planning Commission meeting Tuesday, Dec. 13. Landowners around the Sumner area have received a wind turbine and easement agreement from NextEra Energy Resources of Juno Beach, Florida, regarding a “Canaday Wind Energy Center” that would be located in the county. “We are in the initial stages of assessing whether this community is compatible for a renewable energy . . .

  • Regulators grant critical approval for Dominion wind farm #VA

    Updated: 2022-12-15 21:57:58
    “The magnitude of this project is so great that it will likely be the costliest project being undertaken by any regulated utility in the United States. And the electricity produced by this Project will be among the most expensive sources of power — on both a per kilowatt of firm capacity and a per megawatt-hour basis — in the entire United States,” the order said.

  • Wind tax demands could bankrupt schools #MI

    Updated: 2022-12-15 21:52:53
    A debate between Consumers Energy and Tuscola County could result in essential bankruptcy for county school districts and Unionville-Sebewaing Area School District. Since wind farms were constructed in the county in 2016 there has been an ongoing dispute between Consumers Energy and the county on the tax applied to the farms. There are currently 114 turbines that are being valued lower than what was originally agreed upon prior to construction. These turbines produce 231 megawatts of power for the county. . . .

  • In the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, a quiet reckoning over offshore wind #USA

    Updated: 2022-12-15 21:27:05
    Crippling European electricity prices, soaring Northeastern heating bills, looming diesel-fuel shortages, and OPEC+ drama have captured headlines for months. More quietly, offshore-wind energy developers are discovering their projects’ economic infeasibility, undermining states’ offshore-wind goal of generating 40,000 MW by 2040. The Biden administration must recognize this is a pipe dream, or it will cost Americans billions trying to salvage an industry doomed to fail. October brought the first sign of troubles, as Massachusetts’ Commonwealth Wind project claimed it was no longer . . .

  • Energy firm to fight notice over disputed wind turbine on site of Neolithic burial site at Knock Iveagh #IRL

    Updated: 2022-12-12 14:24:53
    A long-running dispute over the erection of a wind turbine at a historic site in Co Down has taken a new twist. The turbine was erected on the top of Knock Iveagh near Rathfriland in 2017. Heritage campaigners were furious planning permission had been granted for the turbine on a 5,000-year-old Neolithic burial site which was also used for the coronation of early medieval kings. It has now emerged the company which owns the turbine, Ayr Power Ltd, has been . . .

  • In Michigan’s Thumb, wind farm tax clawback would bankrupt schools #MI

    Updated: 2022-12-12 14:19:44
    Tuscola County, MI – The sword of Damocles hanging over Unionville-Sebewing Area Schools has Consumers Energy written all over it. The rural district of about 680 students in Tuscola County is facing down a financial abyss thanks to the state’s largest energy provider, which is attempting to claw back nearly $1.2 million in disputed tax revenues levied on wind power turbines. Officials say the case threatens to wipe out district fund balances and toss them into deficit status with the state. . . .

  • Upgrades planned to major Franklin County power line #VT

    Updated: 2022-12-12 14:09:00
    The company that operates Vermont’s electric transmission system plans to replace a key power line in Franklin County over the next several years, saying the project will increase the state’s capacity for ferrying renewable energy throughout New England.  Vermont Electric Power Co.’s “K-42” line runs from Highgate in the north to Georgia in the south, and it’s a major transmission path for energy from Quebec and wind and hydroelectric power that’s produced in Vermont, the Rutland-based company says. But officials . . .

  • Sliabh Bawn visitors warned of ice falling from wind turbines #IRL

    Updated: 2022-12-12 14:02:30
    Visitors to Sliabh Bawn are being warned of the risk of ice falling from the wind turbines on the mountain. The recent cold spell has resulted in ice forming on the turbines and as the sun prompts a thaw, there is an increased risk of ice falling from the turbines’ blades. The Sliabh Bawn Community Amenity Group has advised anyone visiting the mountain to take extreme care and caution over the course of the cold spell, especially around the turbines . . .

  • Future of Aroostook wind energy project may hinge on Massachusetts #ME #MA

    Updated: 2022-12-12 13:58:50
    Before a multibillion-dollar transmission line and wind farm are built in northern Maine, officials in Massachusetts must determine if the project will benefit that state’s residents. Clean energy from the north, to help New England states meet their climate goals. Lower electric rates for Maine customers, with Massachusetts picking up the tab. High-voltage wires strung through Maine forestland and utility corridors, requiring approval as a “high impact transmission line” from the Legislature. Sound familiar? No, it’s not the New England . . .

  • MPs in France say wind turbines must not add to ‘visual saturation’ #FRA

    Updated: 2022-12-11 14:12:59
    MPs in France have supported a legal bill stating that any wind farm or installation of wind turbines must take into account “visual saturation”, to avoid damage to landscape views. Renaissance MP and former Ecological Transition Minister Barbara Pompili admitted that the issue was a “contentious can of worms” and said she realised that it would open the door to all “the anti-wind turbine” campaigners. However, the bill does not ban wind turbines, and recognises the need to “diversify” energy . . .

  • The sinister truth about bird-killing wind ‘farms’ #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-10 14:50:54
    The Tory party’s move to fall back in love with wind energy, despite its manifest disadvantages of cost, unreliability and inefficient use of land, is a death wish. They will soon rediscover just how unpopular wind “farms” (who thought up that euphemism for these open-air power stations, incidentally?) are with voters in rural constituencies. Opinion polls now persuade them that years of pro-wind propaganda have changed the public’s mind. I would not bet on it: these things may be popular . . .

  • More cable failures at European and UK offshore wind farms #DNK #EUR #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-10 14:46:24
    Lower wind speeds and cable problems hit first-quarter earnings at Denmark’s Orsted, sending shares in the world’s biggest offshore wind farm developer lower on Thursday. The Danish offshore wind giant, Ørsted, has released its Interim Financial Report for the first quarter of 2021, and has revealed that up to ten of their European and UK wind farms are suffering from significant damage to connection cables. Repairs are currently estimated to cost in the region of 3 billion Danish Kroner (£350m) . . .

  • Opposition to NJ offshore wind projects dominate DEP hearing #NJ

    Updated: 2022-12-09 14:45:32
    An environmental group urged New Jersey to slow down on approving offshore wind projects this week and requested more studies of the impacts before developing the state’s coast. During a hearing held by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Clean Ocean Action’s campaign manager Kari Martin called for peer reviewed studies of offshore wind development and to slow down in the state’s permitting process. “The urgency to stop climate change is paramount,” but that addressing climate change through ocean . . .

  • Why Dunkelflaute means Britain is heading for an energy supply crunch this weekend #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-09 14:39:09
    Thick, heavy clouds and little to no wind are in the forecast for the UK this weekend. The Germans call this type of weather “Dunkelflaute”, which literally means dark wind stillness or lull. Meteorologists prefer the term anticyclonic gloom. Such weather conditions are hardly unusual this time of year, but they present a problem: the lack of wind means very little renewable energy will be generated from turbines, at the same time as winter ramps up demand for power as . . .

  • The wind industry’s three spectres …

    Updated: 2022-12-08 17:28:47
    It was about this time of year when Ebeneezer Scrooge was bothered by a trio of spectres … Driven by society’s need to tackle climate change, renewable energy-based power generation is growing exponentially worldwide and especially in Europe where wind power alone now accounts for around 16% of capacity. Today, wind and solar are often the cheapest forms of new generation [if taxpayer subsidies and costs to the rest of the grid aren’t counted —NWW]. Wind especially is among the most . . .

  • Robbins Island wind farm proposal approved on condition of 5-month annual shutdown due to orange-bellied parrots #AUS

    Updated: 2022-12-08 17:12:07
    Philippines-based multinational renewables company ACEN has sought approval to build a wind farm with up to 122 turbines on Robbins Island and a parcel of land called Jim’s Plain, north-west of Smithton. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has granted conditional approval for the project, which has been vehemently opposed by environmentalists and some Circular Head residents. The proposed site of the farm is a migration area for the critically endangered orange-bellied parrot. EPA director Wes Ford said the board thoroughly . . .

  • Hull considers fate of nonfunctioning wind turbine #MA

    Updated: 2022-12-06 22:04:48
    The wind turbine at the tip of the Hull peninsula hasn’t been working since April 2021, and officials are deciding whether to repair it or take it down. The 21-year-old machine named Hull Wind 1 “needs a complete overhaul of its generating components” at an estimated cost of $1.5 million, according to Town Manager Philip Lemnios. The unit is no longer being manufactured, so the only available parts are either “after-market” or rehabilitated from other turbines – with no guarantees on . . .

  • UK government to ease ban on onshore wind farms to head off revolt #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-06 22:02:17
    British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s government on Tuesday said it would ease restrictions on building onshore wind farms, heading off a revolt by his party’s lawmakers who had demanded they should be permitted with local support. Sunak had opposed relaxing the ban on onshore farms in his campaign to become British leader just a few months ago and has said he wanted to focus on offshore wind. But some in his Conservative Party have been demanding onshore turbines should be . . .

  • Renewables like wind need 10 times the material: Siemens CEO

    Updated: 2022-12-06 19:06:41
    The CEO of Siemens Energy on Wednesday argued that the energy transition would fail unless his industry addressed a number of issues currently facing the wind power sector. In an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box Europe,” Christian Bruch said his firm was “in the heart of the energy transition” but noted that there were “challenges in wind” especially when it came to supply chains. “Never forget, renewables like wind roughly, roughly, need 10 times the material [compared to] … what . . .

  • Power line placement for new wind farm near Biloela will impact cropping operations, farmers sa #AUS

    Updated: 2022-12-06 15:34:01
    When farmer Laurie Brosnan stands in his paddocks and looks up, instead of clear blue skies he sees a tapestry of powerlines laced through hulking steel transmission towers that is set to expand. On the outskirts of Biloela, south of Rockhampton in central Queensland, energy provider Powerlink is preparing to connect the region’s new wind farm to the grid. The preferred transmission tower corridor for the Banana Range Wind Farm project runs through Mr Bosnan’s prime cropping land. He and . . .

  • Marion County Commissioners approve Green Camp Township solar, wind restrictions #OH

    Updated: 2022-12-05 16:31:24
    Six townships in Marion County have now instituted restrictions on the development of solar and wind energy projects. On Thursday, the Marion County Board of Commissioners approved a resolution to restrict solar and wind farm development in Green Camp Township. The Green Camp Township Trustees’ resolution designates all unincorporated areas of the township as a “restricted area prohibiting the construction of an ‘economically significant wind farm,’ ‘a large wind farm,’ or a ‘large solar facility,’ as defined by the Ohio . . .

  • Northern long-eared bat reclassified as endangered under the Endangered Species Act #USA

    Updated: 2022-12-05 16:05:30
    The Service recognizes that the change to endangered status may prompt questions about establishing ESA compliance for forestry, wind energy, infrastructure and other projects in the range of the northern long-eared bat.

  • Supersized wind turbines could be built in England if onshore ban ends #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-04 18:08:34
    Supersize onshore wind turbines that reach twice the height of Big Ben could be built in England if the de facto ban is lifted.  Rishi Sunak is under pressure to relax strict planning restrictions introduced in 2015, since no major onshore wind projects have been developed in England.  The Prime Minister is seeking to find a compromise on the ban, after Simon Clarke, the former levelling up minister, introduced an amendment to ease onshore wind development.  He faces a backlash . . .

  • Lack of wind pushes Europe’s power prices higher, just as cold sets in #EUR #FRA #DEU #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-04 17:15:44
    Amid a sharp pivot from its reliance on Russian natural gas, Europe has built up large reserves of stored gas ahead of this year’s heating season. That has helped ease power and gas prices recently. A particularly mild spell of weather across the continent also helped by pushing back gas withdrawals and keeping stockpiles topped off. Now, though, colder weather in many places is kicking in at the same time wind speeds have fallen, bolstering demand for gas while reducing . . .

  • Britain’s onshore wind farms could start disappearing from 2023 #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-03 14:47:35
    As a Westminster battle rages over whether to allow new onshore wind farms, existing turbines could start disappearing from next year due to a planning quirk, i can reveal. The UK is in danger of losing power from onshore wind farms that currently provide energy for around 1.2 million homes within a decade, according to a leading energy campaign group. A planning rule means renewed permission must be sought from local authorities for every onshore wind farm, after an initial 25-year . . .

  • “Nej till ny vindkraft i Hultsfred ligger fast” #SWE (letter)

    Updated: 2022-12-02 21:41:36
    [The impact on the environment, people and animals is unclear, the power generation lacks the stability and security of supply we need for a safe electricity supply and a reasonable price, ownership is often short-term and the responsibility and the cost of restoration at the end of the service life risk ultimately falls on the municipality and its inhabitants.] Den inställning som från början främst grundade sig i de signaler vi fick från de berörda människor vi möter i olika . . .

  • “Pale eoliche a un chilometro e mezzo dal centro”: Casteldelci si ribella #ITA

    Updated: 2022-12-02 21:33:39
    [Casteldelci (Tuscany) rebels against invasion of giant wind turbines.] «Il parco eolico? A Casteldelci l’hanno impedito dieci anni fa e ora ci ritroveremo quello toscano a un chilometro e mezzo dal centro storico». È un fiume in piena il sindaco di Casteldelci Fabiano Tonielli quando rinvanga un passato che all’intera comunità «è andato giù di traverso». Spiega infatti che già nel 2001 una società spagnola, poi divenuta multinazionale, si interessò a Casteldelci, decisa a investire puntando sull’energia eolica. Ma il . . .

  • The Tories’ wind power delusion #GBR

    Updated: 2022-12-02 14:22:00
    A very strange parliamentary rebellion has been taking place with Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and dozens of other Tory MPs demanding an end to the ban on onshore wind farms. Wind power is cheap and getting cheaper, they argue. And surely, if we’re engaged in an energy war with Russia, we need all the power we can get? It’s an argument that is wrong several times over. There is no ban on wind farms – it is actually a bog-standard . . .

  • Deerfield black bear wind turbine study ongoing #VT

    Updated: 2022-12-02 13:56:16
    Vermont wildlife officials are sifting through a decade’s worth of data to learn more about the impacts of wind turbine development on black bears. The state commissioned a study on black bears and the Deerfield wind development built in 2017 in Readsboro and Searsburg. It looked at how the bears interacted with the different phases of the development from baseline studies through the construction of the 15 turbines there now. Jaclyn Comeau, the black bear project leader for Vermont Fish . . .

  • New study has some bad news for wind energy advocates #DEU

    Updated: 2022-12-01 15:04:04
    A new peer reviewed study from German scientists found that offshore wind farms – the sort of supposedly “green” alternative to existing energy sources with which President Biden and Democrats want to fill America’s coastal waters – are not as safe for marine ecosystems as their proponents may argue.  The researchers looked at one area and ecosystem in particular – the North Sea – where the world’s largest offshore wind farm (OWF) opened earlier in 2022. Relying on modeling and simulations in order to . . .

  • Endangered whales at risk from offshore wind, NOAA scientist warns #MA #USA

    Updated: 2022-11-30 16:28:47
    Planned wind projects off the New England coast threaten to harm the region’s dwindling population of endangered right whales, according to a US government marine scientist.  The warning from a top National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration official, obtained by Bloomberg under a Freedom of Information Act request, underscores the potential legal and environmental perils of offshore wind development along the coast. President Joe Biden has a goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore wind within the decade. Both initial construction . . .

  • Liquidators appointed to wind turbine services firm #IRL #SCT

    Updated: 2022-11-29 20:48:52
    The company was insolvent and unable to pay its debts as they fall due, the judge said. The High Court has appointed joint provisional liquidators to an Irish-based firm that is part of a group of companies that provides mechanical and electrical services to power generating wind turbines manufacturers. The appointments were made in respect of Windhoist Ireland Limited, which had been working on a windfarm project, currently under construction at Ardderroo, near Moycullen in Co Galway. The firm has . . .

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