• City Bird: Chiyoda’s Swan

    Updated: 2012-03-27 18:51:46
    Many countries have an official national bird. For example, the national bird of Israel is the Hoopoe, and the national bird of Mauritius is the Dodo. All U.S. states also have official birds. But did you know that there are even some cities that have their own official bird? The official city bird of Chiyoda, [...]

  • Which one doesn’t belong #4

    Updated: 2012-03-23 15:16:48
    The birds in the image below have a lot in common, but one of them doesn’t really belong. Can you pick out the species that doesn’t go with the others, and tell us what the others have in common? There can be more than one correct answer, so let us know what you think, and [...]

  • Baby Birdorable: Black Swan

    Updated: 2012-03-21 14:13:06
    If you think our Birdorable birds are cute as adults, what about when they are babies? Below are some baby photos (shared via Flickr / Creative Commons) of the Black Swan. Black Swans pair for life. During breeding, both adults care for the nest. The typical clutch size is between 4 and 8 eggs; incubation [...]

  • Evening Grosbeak: The ABA Bird of the Year 2012

    Updated: 2012-03-20 13:30:06
    Today marks the official introduction of the Evening Grosbeak as the American Birding Association’s Bird of the Year for 2012. It also marks the official introduction of our brand new Birdorable Evening Grosbeak! American Birding Association (ABA) President Jeffrey A. Gordon calls Evening Grosbeaks “avian firecrackers” for their conspicuous nature, their colorful appearance, and their [...]

  • A remarkable bill

    Updated: 2012-03-19 16:27:49
    With its massive orange-yellow bill, the Toco Toucan is one of the most recognized birds in the world. Here are some interesting facts about the Toco Toucan and its amazing bill. The Toco Toucan is the largest species of toucan in the world. There are about 40 species of toucan in total. The bill of [...]

  • Which one doesn’t belong #3

    Updated: 2012-03-09 17:16:45
    The birds in the image below have a lot in common, but one of them doesn’t really belong. Can you pick out the species of vulture that doesn’t go with the others, and tell us what the others have in common? There can be more than one correct answer, so let us know what you [...]

  • Baby European Rollers’ unique defense

    Updated: 2012-03-08 20:50:38
    Spanish researchers have discovered that baby European Rollers have an unconventional method of deterring potential predators. The young birds will “vomit a smelly orange liquid when scared by predators.” The act serves two purposes. First, the stinky puke may disgust predators from further harassing or attacking the nestlings. Second, the smell serves as a signal [...]

  • City Bird: Deltona’s Florida Scrub-Jay

    Updated: 2012-03-07 20:15:56
    Many countries have an official national bird. For example, the national bird of Belgium is the Common Kestrel, and the national bird of Honduras is the Scarlet Macaw. All U.S. states also have official birds. But did you know that there are even some cities that have their own official bird? The official city bird [...]

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