Updated: 2012-08-31 19:00:02
    : join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Equity Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding 150+ BALTIMORE CITIZENS AND ENVIRONMENTAL GROUPS TELL THE MARYLND PSC : THE PROPOSED WASTE-TO-ENERGY INCINERATOR'S AIR POLLUTION PERMIT DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THE FEDERAL CLEAN AIR ACT Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Subscribe to Investor Ideas Green Newswire

  • Green Stock News: RVPlus (OTCQB: RVPL) Gains Speed in the Markets and Broadens Business Networks While Planning Initial Product Shipments for African Government Contact

    Updated: 2012-08-31 17:00:02
    : : join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Equity Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding Green Stock News : RVPlus OTCQB : RVPL Gains Speed in the Markets and Broadens Business Networks While Planning Initial Product Shipments for African Government Contact Category : Investment , Green , Renewable Energy Subscribe to Investor Ideas Newswire

  • Ultra-Low-Power Wireless Networks Developed

    Updated: 2012-08-31 17:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Massachusetts’ Clean Energy Economy Grows 11.2%, Creates 71K+ Jobs

    Updated: 2012-08-31 16:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • India Approves $4.1 Billion Investment in Electric Vehicles over Next 8 Years

    Updated: 2012-08-31 16:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Experts Assess Future of Renewable Energy in Central America

    Updated: 2012-08-31 15:00:03
    join login services submit news Membership Stock Alerts Featured Stocks Newsletter Equity Research News Video Green Investor Stock Directories Funding Experts Assess Future of Renewable Energy in Central America The Worldwatch Institute and the INCAE Business School host high-level workshop on energy access and renewable energy potential in Central America Category : Investment , Renewable Energy Subscribe to Investor Ideas Green Newswire

  • Time-Scale Map of Boston’s Subway System Done in Synchronicity by Peter Dunn

    Updated: 2012-08-31 15:00:03
    Filed under: Energy News

  • World’s Largest EV Charging Network Surpasses 100,000 Users (+ Top 10 EV-Ready US Cities)

    Updated: 2012-08-31 14:00:05
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Japan’s First Floating Wind Farm Gets Going

    Updated: 2012-08-31 14:00:05
    Filed under: Energy News

  • ‘Nano Machine Shop’ Made that Can Shape Nanowires and Ultrathin Films

    Updated: 2012-08-31 14:00:05
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Antenna Developed that Makes Wi-Fi 200 Times Faster

    Updated: 2012-08-31 14:00:05
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Earth Based Space Elevator Economics not that compelling and many hurdles beyond material we don't have

    Updated: 2012-08-31 08:23:24
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home August 28, 2012 Earth Based Space Elevator Economics not that compelling and many hurdles beyond material we don't have Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Wikipedia For a space elevator , the cost varies according to the . design Bradley C . Edwards received funding from NIAC from 2001 to 2003 to write a paper describing a space elevator design . In it he stated that : The first space elevator would reduce lift costs immediately to 100 per pound 220 kg However , as with the initial claims for the space shuttle , this is only the marginal cost , consisting of the electricity required to lift the elevator payload , but not operating overhead and maintenance whereas the fixed costs would be US$6 to 12 billion , for construction

  • New technique could mean super thin, strong graphene-based circuits

    Updated: 2012-08-29 21:48:29
    , skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home August 29, 2012 New technique could mean super thin , strong graphene-based circuits Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet Integrated circuits , which are in everything from coffeemakers to computers and are patterned from perfectly crystalline silicon , are quite thin but Cornell researchers think they can push thin-film boundaries to the single-atom . level Their materials of choice are graphene , single atom-thick sheets of repeating carbon atoms , and hexagonal boron nitride , similarly thin sheets of repeating boron and nitrogen atoms . Researchers led by Jiwoong Park , assistant professor of chemistry and chemical biology , have invented a way to pattern single atom films of graphene and boron nitride , an insulator ,

  • Sony developed a new R2R method to make graphene, produced a 100-meter long sheet!

    Updated: 2012-08-29 11:15:39
    , Home Introduction Graphene Investing Sony developed a new R2R method to make graphene , produced a 100-meter long sheet Tweet Conductors Graphene production Technical Research Transparency Sony has developed a new graphene producing process that use a roll-to-roll method . They have built a machine that can produce graphene sheets up to 100 meters in length 23 cm width and the resulting sheet is the largest area graphene sheet in the world by far the previous record was Samsung's 40 sheet from back in 2011 Sony's new process integrates CVD and roll-to-roll , at a temperature of 1,000°C . The idea is to directly apply a current to a copper Cu foil that is the catalyst of graphene and a substrate for the CVD method so that only the Cu foil is heated . As a result , the thermal load on the

  • Robotic Vehicles and Highway Capacity

    Updated: 2012-08-29 07:48:10
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home August 28, 2012 Robotic Vehicles and Highway Capacity Email This BlogThis Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Tweet An IEEE paper assessed the increase in highway . capacity The increase in highway capacity when using sensors alone is about 43 The increase in highway capacity when using both sensors and vehicle to vehicle communication is about 273 Current maximum throughput is 2200 vehicles per hour per lane of . highway Highway capacity increases was also analyzed by the California PATH . program Automation will allow shorter vehicle gaps and narrower spacing from more precise . turning Platooning cars could get to 400 increase in highway capacity with 25 margin for merging . Longer platoons with smaller gaps enable higher capacity . The most

  • Cutting Photovoltaic Solar Cell Cost By 75%

    Updated: 2012-08-29 06:56:26
    A new solar technology developed at RTI International (Research Triangle Institute) could make solar energy more affordable. RTI researchers have developed a new solar technology that could make solar energy more affordable by as much as 75% and thus speed-up its market adoption. RTI’s solar cells are formed from solutions of semiconductor particles, known as [...]

  • Laser can be used to produce graphene

    Updated: 2012-08-29 01:10:02
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing Laser can be used to produce graphene Tweet Graphene production Technical Research Researchers from Iran have devised a process to produce graphene by using laser ablation in cold liquid media . They say this process enable a simple and effective control of the resulting graphene . sheet The researchers say that this process is suited for mass production . They are using a pulsed nanosecond Nd:YAG laser Nd:Y 3 Al 5 O 12 in liquid nitrogen . The nitrogen has fast flow . circulation source : Industrial-Lasers Aug 29, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Laser ablation of graphite photo Lasers could produce band gaps in graphene Graphene illuminated by laser image Graphene could be used to make ultra-fast laser Researchers create flexible

  • Green Crude Demonstration From Sapphire Energy Begins

    Updated: 2012-08-28 07:04:38
    Sapphire Energy, Inc., one of the world leaders in algae-based green crude oil production, today announced the first phase of its Green Crude Farm, the world’s first commercial demonstration algae-to-energy facility, is now operational.  The algae farm will grow to 300 acres, about a mile by ½ mile using 56 metric tons of CO2 a [...]

  • New Hope For Photovoltaic Solar Cells

    Updated: 2012-08-27 06:57:35
    The photovoltaic solar cell business is closing in on dire economic straights.  The economics for producing power are still far too expensive to compete with – almost all other forms of power generation. When news of a way to cut costs arrives – it matters. Over the long term solar will have a role in [...]

  • Development of Dysprosium-Free AC Servo Motor by SANYO DENKI

    Updated: 2012-08-24 16:06:49
    Development of Dysprosium-Free AC Servo Motor by SANYO DENKI

  • New Cobalt Catalyst Splits Hydrogen From Water

    Updated: 2012-08-24 08:02:34
    Researchers at the University of Cambridge have produced hydrogen from water using a newly designed and inexpensive cobalt catalyst.  It’s noteworthy because the cobalt catalyst will work in conditions useful to industry.  The catalyst uses simple fresh water, tolerates oxygen in the atmosphere and runs at room temperature. These attributes set up respectable “Faradaic efficiencies” [...]

  • Blow Up the Battery Materials Before You Build It

    Updated: 2012-08-23 07:02:48
    Take a paper like sheet of the world’s thinnest material, graphene, and blast it with a laser or a camera flash to blemish it with countless cracks, pores, and other imperfections and create an easy-to-make, quick-charging lithium-ion battery with high power density. As a practical matter the graphene anode material can be charged or discharged [...]

  • Mechanical Energy to a Battery in One Step

    Updated: 2012-08-22 07:02:22
    Zhong Lin Wang, a Regents professor in the School of Materials Science and Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology leads a team that has developed a self-charging power cell that directly converts mechanical energy to chemical energy, storing the power until it is released as electrical current. The technology eliminates the need to convert [...]

  • Development of Chip Inductors featuring World’s Highest Inductance Value

    Updated: 2012-08-21 16:54:33
    Development of Chip Inductors featuring World’s Highest Inductance Value

  • Defects in Graphene used to make a fast battery anode, ready for commercialization

    Updated: 2012-08-21 15:58:58
    , Home Introduction Graphene Investing Defects in Graphene used to make a fast battery anode , ready for commercialization Tweet Batteries Graphene applications Graphene Oxide Technical Research Researchers from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have developed a new graphene based anode that can be charged or discharged 10 times faster than conventional graphite anodes currently used in today’s lithium-ion batteries . To create the new anode material , the researchers took a sheet of graphene-oxide paper and then introduced defects using a laser or a camera flash on the . material The graphene paper , after being damaged , has expanded five-fold in thickness , which means that there were large voids between the graphene sheets . The lithium ions can use the cracks in the paper to

  • Biomass to Biofuel Breakthrough Goes Commercial

    Updated: 2012-08-21 07:12:13
    Martin Linck, Ph.D. a scientist at the Gas Technology Institute (GTI) reported to the 244th National Meeting & Exposition of the American Chemical Society (ACS) a new process for converting municipal waste, algae, corn stalks and similar material direct to gasoline, diesel and jet fuel.  It’s a report not to be taken lightly, the GTI [...]

  • Development High Iron Concentration Samarium-Cobalt Magnet by TOSHIBA

    Updated: 2012-08-20 15:23:15
    Development High Iron Concentration Samarium-Cobalt Magnet by TOSHIBA

  • A New Engine Is Coming

    Updated: 2012-08-20 08:09:29
    Dr. Norbert Mueller, an associate professor at Michigan State University’s (MSU) college of engineering, plans to have a new engine generating power through a 25-kilowatt battery out later this year.  The new engine connected to a generator and buffered by a battery and likely some capacitor storage would be powerful enough to run a full [...]

  • Nokia patents a graphene-based photo detector

    Updated: 2012-08-18 12:47:40
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing Nokia patents a graphene-based photo detector Tweet Nanoribbons Photonics Technical Research Nokia filed a new patent for a graphene-based photo detector . The new detector uses graphene as a photo-collecting layer , and also uses a graphene nanoribbon that acts as a field effect transistor to amplify the current and transfer it to the control electronics . Stacking several such detectors on top of each other with color filters can be done to detect . colors The big advantage of this graphene-based photo detector is graphene's transparency . The graphene sheet itself absorbs only 2.3 of the light and does it very evenly across the whole light spectrum and so should perform much better than CMOS in low light conditions . The graphene sensor will also be

  • Graphene-based square-law millimeter detectors sport the highest dynamic range ever

    Updated: 2012-08-16 14:24:54
    Researchers from the HRL labs in California have developed the world’s first graphene-based square-law millimeter detectors. These new detectors sport the highest linear dynamic range (over 60 dB) ever measured in a semiconductor detector. They say that this could lead to better high-bandwidth communications, imaging and radar systems.The researchers say that their new graphene-based FET detectors out perform the best CMOS or SiGe bipolar detectors by more than 30 dB (linear dynamic range). <a href="http://www.graphene-info.com/graphene-based-square-law-millimeter-detectors-sport-highest-dynamic-range-ever" target="_blank"read more

  • Graphene's basic properties change by the choice of substrate material

    Updated: 2012-08-15 01:11:52
    Researcher from MIT discovered that graphene's basic properties (chemical reactivity, electrical conductivity and others) can vary dramatically based on the substrate material it is placed on. When placed on silicon dioxide, graphene becomes functionalized when exposed to certain chemicals, but when the substrate is boron nitride, the graphene is inert to the same chemicals.The research, funded by the US Office of Naval Research, means that you can control the graphene ability to create chemical bonds - using different underlying materials. read more

  • Graphene sponge can be used to absorb oil spills

    Updated: 2012-08-14 12:58:09
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing Graphene sponge can be used to absorb oil spills Tweet Graphene applications Technical Research Researchers developed a new sponge-like structure from graphene that has very good absorbance properties especially useful to remove petroleum products including kerosene , pump oil , fats , and organic solvents from seawater . The sponge absorbed up to 86 times its weight which is higher than all common . absorbents Using simple heating causes the absorbed hydrocarbons to be recovered with a 99 yield which means that you can reuse the sponge up to 10 . times The graphene sponge was fabricated by reducing graphene oxide and then applying a hydrothermal molding procedure in order to achieve a morphology with a high surface . area Source : NanoTechNow Aug 14,

  • Excell partners invests in Graphene Devices

    Updated: 2012-08-14 01:55:34
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing Excell partners invests in Graphene Devices Tweet Financial Graphene applications Graphene production Venture Capital fund Excell Partners announced it invested in Graphene Devices The amount was not disclosed . Graphene Devices has been previously awarded with over 600,000 in several projects in 2010 by the US federal and state . authorities Graphene Devices , founded in 2009, explores novel uses for Graphene and ways to optimize its production . The company is using a process developed at the University of . Buffalo Aug 14, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Graphene Devices raised more than 600,000 in state and federal funding Vorbcek Materials announced a 2.785 million finance round MIT opens a center for graphene devices and

  • Spin characteristics of electrons in graphene studied

    Updated: 2012-08-14 01:43:59
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing Spin characteristics of electrons in graphene studied Tweet Spintronics Technical Research Researchers from Georgia State University GSU and the Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Tech developed a new technique to study the spin characteristics of electrons in graphene , which could move us closed to graphene-based Spintronics devices The research team detected spin-resonance using electrical resistance , by illuminating the device by microwaves which causes the spin-splitting energy to equalize The device’s resistance is altered when the microwave energy is absorbed by the device . This effect is small and difficult to measure normally , but by using Graphene , enabled them to actually witness this . effect Source : AZoM Aug 14, 2012 Login

  • New optical techniques help understand graphene structures

    Updated: 2012-08-14 01:06:42
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing New optical techniques help understand graphene structures Tweet Technical Research Researchers from NIST have been using combined optical techniques internal photoemission or IPE and spectroscopic ellipsometry , or SE to determine graphene's work function and the band alignment of a graphene-insulator-semiconductor . structure IPE is used to measure the energy of electrons emitted from materials in order to determine binding energies , while in SE , broadband light sources are shone upon a material , and optical properties are ascertained from the . reflectivity The researchers studied a structure that consisted of a graphene film grown by chemical vapor deposition CVD a degenerately doped p-type silicon substrate , and a 10 nm thick thermal SiO2 layer

  • A guide to investing in Graphene

    Updated: 2012-08-05 19:07:04
    Home Introduction Graphene Investing A guide to investing in Graphene Tweet Financial Graphene applications Graphene-Info Graphene has so many interesting potential applications , it may become a very lucrative market soon . A lot of people have asked for a guide on investing in graphene related companies and we're proud to deliver . It's not easy to invest in graphene as virtually all pure-play companies are small startups , but there are some interesting options for people who believe in graphene's future and want to invest in . it Read on here for our new guide to graphene investments Aug 05, 2012 Login register to post comments Similar entries Graphene Dollar image Graphene Investing Introduction What is Graphene Dr . Elena Polyakova from Graphene Labs discusses business and graphene

  • Dr. Elena Polyakova from Graphene Labs discusses business and graphene

    Updated: 2012-08-05 07:44:59
    . Home Introduction Graphene Investing Dr . Elena Polyakova from Graphene Labs discusses business and graphene Tweet Graphene applications Graphene Labs Technical Research AzoNano posted an interesting interview with Graphene Lab s Dr . Elena Polyakova . Elena discusses Graphene and its applications , and the business of Graphene Labs and Graphene Supermarket their online graphene product store Elena says that their most popular product is 3D graphene foam . Graphene foams have a high surface area and porosity , making them ideal for energy-related applications . They also sell a lot of graphene on dielectric substrates , which are ideal for photovoltaic applications and graphene . transistors Disclosure : Graphene Supermarket owned and operated by Graphene Labs is a Graphene-Info sponsor

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