skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard September 28, 2011 BullDog Robot In early 2010, Sander Olson of Nextbigfuture interviewed Marc Raibert of Boston Dynamics . Marc discussed a new contract for the LS3 robot which would be a larger version of the Big Dog robot BigDog carries 340 pounds on flat terrain , and climbs difficult terrain carrying 100-125 pounds . It has a maximum range of about 12 miles , but not while carrying maximum payload . By contrast , the LS3 is designed to carry 400 pounds for 20 miles over rough terrain . The LS3 will weigh about 1000 pounds , including the weight of the robot , fuel and 400-pound payload . It will also be able to walk , trot , run , and wade through water . It will be able to operate at night , though probably with less