• Printing Planes enables designs that were known to be more efficient but were too costly with conventional manufacturing

    Updated: 2011-07-31 18:45:16
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 31, 2011 Printing Planes enables designs that were known to be more efficient but were too costly with conventional manufacturing Engineers at the University of Southampton have designed and flown the world’s first printed’ aircraft , which could revolutionise the economics of aircraft . design The SULSA Southampton University Laser Sintered Aircraft plane is an unmanned air vehicle UAV whose entire structure has been printed , including wings , integral control surfaces and access . hatches This is a followup to a an article a few days ago No fasteners were used and all equipment was attached using snap fit’ techniques so that the entire aircraft can be put together without tools in . minutes The electric-powered

  • 3D printing UAVs from design to flight in days

    Updated: 2011-07-31 18:40:02
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 27, 2011 3D printing UAVs from design to flight in days New Scientist a team led by Andy Keane and Jim Scanlan of the University of Southampton , believes that 3D printing will soon allow uncrewed aircraft known as drones or UAVs to go from the drawing board to flight in a matter of . days No longer , they say , will one design of UAV be repeatedly manufactured on a production line . Instead , designers will be able to fine-tune a UAV for each specific application whether it be crop spraying , surveillance or infrared photography and then print a bespoke plane on . demand Keane's team set out to see how quickly they could design a 1.5-metre-wingspan , super-low-drag UAV , print it and get it airborne . A UK-based

  • Reversible arithmetic logic unit

    Updated: 2011-07-31 18:02:35
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 30, 2011 Reversible arithmetic logic unit The n-bit quantum adder Arxiv . Reversible Logic Arithmetic logic unit design proposal Quantum computer requires requires quantum arithmetic . The sophisticated design of a reversible arithmetic logic unit reversible ALU for quantum arithmetic has been investigated in this letter . We provide explicit construction of reversible ALU effecting basic arithmetic operations . By provided the corresponding control unit , the proposed reversible ALU can combine the classical arithmetic and logic operation in a reversible integrated system . This letter provides actual evidence to prove the possibility of the realization of reversible Programmable Logic Device RPLD using reversible . ALU

  • Aggressive New CAFE Standards; The IC Empire Strikes Back

    Updated: 2011-07-31 11:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News <p

  • The Economics of EV Battery Reuse

    Updated: 2011-07-31 10:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Daniel Hillis talk on Applied Proteomics

    Updated: 2011-07-31 08:23:11
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 31, 2011 Daniel Hillis talk on Applied Proteomics I was at the Singularity University on Friday giving a talk on the most recent developments and capabilities in nanotechnology . I will shortly have my presentation posted with an article . I saw a talk by Daniel Hillis while I was there The talk was very similar to a TED talk Danny gave at the end of 2010. cancer must be thought of as a verb instead of a noun . we are cancering all the time . It is only when the body's defences are being overrun with a revolution of cancer that it is a problem the categorization of cancer by location makes no sense . It is like ordering a library by the color of the books . It is a holdover from infectious disease where it is useful the

  • Graphene-FFET is promising as a future memory device

    Updated: 2011-07-31 08:20:26
    Researchers at the University of California at Los Angeles have developed a new memory device based on Graphene. This is a ferroelectric-field-effect-transistor (FFET) in which graphene is used to write and read the electric dipole moments of an underlying ferroelectric material.This graphene-FFET has a high fidelity and low operating voltage. Future work will focus on improving the speed of the device's performance.

  • New BMW i Concepts Debut (w/ gallery)

    Updated: 2011-07-31 03:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Sun-free photovoltaics: Materials engineered to give off precisely tuned wavelengths of light when heated

    Updated: 2011-07-31 00:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Two Ukrainian coal mine accidents have 27 deaths and 10 are still missing and the US has had 14 miner deaths in 2011

    Updated: 2011-07-30 18:41:49
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 30, 2011 Two Ukrainian coal mine accidents have 27 deaths and 10 are still missing and the US has had 14 miner deaths in 2011 1. Rescue workers have found seven more bodies at two Ukrainian coal mines where accidents occurred , raising the death toll to 27. The accidents in the eastern regions shocked the country and highlighted the dangers of the nation's mining industry . It is believed to be one of the world's most dangerous because of outdated equipment and disregard for safety . regulations The government said Saturday that Friday's pre-dawn blast at the Suhodilska-Eastern mine in the Luhansk region killed 20 workers , including one body found Saturday . Investigators suspect the accident was caused by an explosion

  • Carnival of Space 208

    Updated: 2011-07-30 18:09:54
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 30, 2011 Carnival of Space 208 Carnival of Space 208 is up at ZME Science Weird warp The farthest and largest Amount of water has been found in a quasar in the form of . vapour The quasar is one of the most powerful objects in the universe with energy output of 1000 trillion suns . The power of the quasar comes from matter that spirals into the centre where there is a supermassive black hole 20 billion times the mass of our . sun Discovery News Radio astronomers have longed for a telescope with a full square kilometer of collecting . area That's 247 acres Now , as it comes closer to reality , they are trying to decide where to put it . The Square Kilometer Array SKA project is an international collaboration with the

  • Countries with ‘TLC’ Climate Policies Gain Competitive Edge in Economic, Jobs Growth

    Updated: 2011-07-30 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Scientists build battery in a nanowire: Hybrid energy storage device is as small as it can possibly get

    Updated: 2011-07-30 05:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Blog - Magnets 'n' Mines

    Updated: 2011-07-30 05:00:00
    The best of the rest from the Physics arXiv The Decreasing Level Of Toshka Lakes Seen From Space</a

  • Solar cells get a boost from bouncing light

    Updated: 2011-07-30 03:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Nsolv has a solvent based approach to the oilsands that uses no water and 85% less energy

    Updated: 2011-07-30 01:23:33
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 29, 2011 Nsolv has a solvent based approach to the oilsands that uses no water and 85 less energy N-Solv Corporation holds patents for proprietary technology for in situ solvent extraction of bitumen from oil . sands The process uses no water and 85 less energy than Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage SAGD They have been awarded with 10.5 million by the Canadian . government The N-Solv process is also expected to have lower operating and capital costs than SAGD with fewer restrictions on the reservoir conditions under which it can . operate Other members of the consortium are oil sands producer Suncor Energy Inc . and Hatch . Ltd In making the award , SDTC noted that Canada has some 170 billion barrels of recoverable crude

  • Top 5 Energy Efficiency Stories of the Week

    Updated: 2011-07-30 01:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Korean Candu restarts after refurbishment

    Updated: 2011-07-30 00:28:29
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 29, 2011 Korean Candu restarts after refurbishment Unit 1 at the Wolsong nuclear power plant in South Korea has been restarted following the completion of a refurbishment of the pressurized heavy water reactor PHWR It marks the first time that a Candu-6 reactor has been successfully dismantled , retubed and restarted . The 679 MWe reactor to operate for a further 25 years . It took 839 days to refurbish started in 2009 At the Bruce A units in Canada which features earlier , larger 769 MWe Candu models AECL has completed the retubing of unit 2 and received regulatory approval on 30 June 2011 to start reloading fuel into the reactor . It is expected to be reconnected to the grid by the end of the year . Refurbishment work

  • Secret Cash Stash Discovered in Sewage Treatment Plants

    Updated: 2011-07-29 23:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • The Future of Flight

    Updated: 2011-07-29 21:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Verizon and NREL Partner to Reduce ICT Energy Consumption

    Updated: 2011-07-29 20:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Japan: TEPCO Using Realtime Feedback To Help Customers Reduce Energy Consumption

    Updated: 2011-07-29 19:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • EPA Seeks to Control Pollution from Facked Natural Gas Wells

    Updated: 2011-07-29 19:00:02
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Safe births, safe cooking and universal vaccination would save over 10 million lives per year

    Updated: 2011-07-29 17:14:44
    , skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 29, 2011 Safe births , safe cooking and universal vaccination would save over 10 million lives per year WHO estimates that better use of existing preventive measures could reduce the global burden of disease by as much as 70 Safe births , safe cooking and universal vaccination would save over 10 million lives per year . The means of delivering these three things are with very simple and cheap technology , processes and . education 1. Safe births can save 2.6 million lives per year . There are various non-profit , UN , Gates Foundation and other efforts targeted at this . goal Clean birth kits a razor blade to cut the umbilical cord and some other cheap supplies to prevent infection through the cord could save 950,000

  • The Market for US Cleantech Is Out There

    Updated: 2011-07-29 17:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News <a href="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/AlternativeEnergyTechnology?a=xZxlNAZFaNA:F4t4-51WO9M:bcOpcFrp8Mo"

  • Solar Powered Schools in California Will Save the State $1.5 Billion

    Updated: 2011-07-29 17:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News <img src="http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/AlternativeEnergyTechnology?d=bcOpcFrp8Mo" border="0"

  • Are the Declines in Solar and Wind Stocks Structural, or Cyclical?

    Updated: 2011-07-29 16:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • A LENR and Cold Fusion Update

    Updated: 2011-07-29 07:08:40
    A steady stream of email arrives asking for an update on Cold Fusion or more appropriately LENR (Low Energy Nuclear Reaction).  Lets start by noticing the relative silence from the academic community who has had a light dose of re-ignited enthusiasm on cold fusion work like a tide across the Internet.  One can easily see [...]

  • Biofuels Potential to Transform the Global Economy

    Updated: 2011-07-29 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • World's First Complete Electric Vehicle Charging Network Launched

    Updated: 2011-07-29 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • MPG Ratings for Buildings: The Next Wave of Energy Efficiency

    Updated: 2011-07-29 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News <a href="http://feedads.g.doubleclick.net/~a/_zOG-DY8sETunxlPEzHCI1LlRYM/0/da"

  • Wind Tech and Patent Trend Update

    Updated: 2011-07-29 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • Permit Process in PV Installations

    Updated: 2011-07-29 06:00:01
    Filed under: Energy News

  • The Next Mars Rover

    Updated: 2011-07-29 05:00:00
    Curiosity is the biggest and most advanced rover ever built, designed to help answer an age-old question: Is there life on Mars?  

  • Top Fusion Experiments

    Updated: 2011-07-29 05:00:00
    We review some of the attempts to contain ultrahot plasmas and create tiny stars on earth.

  • Data Show Weaknesses, Strengths in U.S. Manufacturing

    Updated: 2011-07-29 05:00:00
    , . Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 in India Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review July August 2011 Subscribe now The Measured Life Do you know how much REM sleep you got last night New types of devices that monitor activity , sleep , diet , and even mood could make us healthier and more . productive The Perfect Scam Stem-Cell Gamble Letters From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Briefing Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago in TR Blogs Video Business Data Show Weaknesses , Strengths in U.S . Manufacturing Jobs and exports are weak , but productivity may be on the rise . Friday , July 29, 2011 By David Rotman Audio As a driving force in the U.S .

  • Would an iPhone 'Assistant' Really Help?

    Updated: 2011-07-29 05:00:00
    Published by MIT English en Español auf Deutsch in Italiano 中文 in India Subscribe Login Search Home Computing Web Communications Energy Materials Biomedicine Business Magazine Technology Review July August 2011 Subscribe now The Measured Life Do you know how much REM sleep you got last night New types of devices that monitor activity , sleep , diet , and even mood could make us healthier and more . productive The Perfect Scam Stem-Cell Gamble Letters From the Editor Graphiti Notebooks Demo Hack To Market Q A Photo Essay Briefing Reviews From the Labs 51 Years Ago in TR Blogs Video Credit : Technology Review Communications Would an iPhone Assistant' Really Help Apple may be building the technology into iOS . But can it succeed where others have failed Friday , July 29, 2011 By David Zax

  • Development of WHDI Module capable of Wirelessly Transmitting Full-HD Video Signals without Compressing Data

    Updated: 2011-07-29 04:39:32
    Development of WHDI Module capable of Wirelessly Transmitting Full-HD Video Signals without Compressing Data

  • “World’s First” Bearing with Embedded IC Tag

    Updated: 2011-07-29 04:33:57
    "World’s First" Bearing with Embedded IC Tag

  • Yale finds cause of age related memory loss and finds it may be reversible

    Updated: 2011-07-29 02:04:23
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Yale finds cause of age related memory loss and finds it may be reversible A new study published July 27 in the journal Nature shows that the neural networks in the brains of the middle-aged and elderly have weaker connections and fire less robustly than in youthful ones . Intriguingly , note the scientists , the research suggests that this condition is . reversible As people age , they tend to forget things , are more easily distracted and have greater difficulty with executive functions . These age-related deficits have been known for years but the cellular basis for these common cognitive difficulties has not been understood . The new study examined for the first time age-related changes in the activity of

  • Education is a key determinant of population growth

    Updated: 2011-07-29 01:53:31
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Education is a key determinant of population growth Future trends in global population growth could be significantly affected by improvements in both the quality and quantity of education , particularly female . education Projections of future population trends that do not explicitly include education in their analysis may be flawed , according to research published in the journal . Science The research reinforces earlier findings that the level of formal education achieved by women is , in most cases , the single most important determinant of population growth . More educated women generally have fewer children , better general health , and higher infant survival rates . Education also appears to be a more

  • An Unexpected Clue to Thermopower Efficiency

    Updated: 2011-07-29 01:50:25
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 An Unexpected Clue to Thermopower Efficiency An n-type semiconductor on top of a p-type semiconductor creates a vertical electric field E , green arrow while diffusion creates a depletion layer near the junction orange where the electric field is strongest . Heating one end of the device creates a heat gradient at right angles to the electric field del T , red arrow Electrons and holes moving in these fields are forced into loops of current , and a magnetic field is generated sideways” B , blue arrow at right angles to both electric and thermal . fields Berkeley Lab scientists and their colleagues have discovered a new relation among electric and magnetic fields and differences in temperature , which may lead to

  • Besides saving energy a switch to LED lights can be used to enable gigabit per second Li-Fi that can be ten times cheaper than Wi-Fi

    Updated: 2011-07-28 22:20:23
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Besides saving energy a switch to LED lights can be used to enable gigabit per second Li-Fi that can be ten times cheaper than Wi-Fi Siemens researchers have improved on their own record for wireless data transfer using white LED light . back in 2010 In collaboration with the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin , they have achieved a data transfer rate of up to 500 megabits per second Mbit s significantly bettering the previous record of 200 Mbit s . Wireless data transport by means of light paves the way for new applications in the home as well as in industry and transportation . The researchers used an Ostar LED , one of the brightest LEDs on the market , which can be modulated at such a frequency that data

  • Trojan Asteroid Shares Earth Orbit around sun and Pluto has a fourth moon

    Updated: 2011-07-28 22:06:32
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Trojan Asteroid Shares Earth Orbit around sun and Pluto has a fourth moon 1. Astronomers studying observations taken by NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer WISE mission have discovered the first known Trojan asteroid orbiting the sun along with . Earth Trojans are asteroids that share an orbit with a planet near stable points in front of or behind the planet . Because they constantly lead or follow in the same orbit as the planet , they never can collide with it . In our solar system , Trojans also share orbits with Neptune , Mars and Jupiter . Two of Saturn's moons share orbits with Trojans . The asteroid is roughly 1,000 feet 300 meters in diameter . It has an unusual orbit that traces a complex motion

  • Eight Projects Funded for the Gates Foundation Reinvent the Toilet Challenge

    Updated: 2011-07-28 17:52:53
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Eight Projects Funded for the Gates Foundation Reinvent the Toilet Challenge The Water , Sanitation Hygiene program of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently challenged 22 universities to submit proposals for how to invent a waterless , hygienic toilet that is safe and affordable for people in the developing world and doesn’t have to be connected to a sewer . Eight universities were awarded grants to reinvent the toilet . 8221 Address the failures of the 18th-century toilet , which is not meeting the current needs of 2.6 billion people who lack access to sanitation To generate innovation among a wider research and development community Devote funding and attention to the need for a new toilet Generate

  • Solar Portopotty

    Updated: 2011-07-28 17:48:02
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Solar Portopotty A scientist from California Institute of Technology developed solar-powered portable toilets for a self-power wastewater treatment solution to some of the sanitation issues of some developing . countries Sunlight powers an electrochemical reaction with human waste in water that generates microbe-killing oxidants and releases hydrogen . gas Environmental scientist and engineer Michael Hoffmann believes that his Self-Contained , PV-Powered Domestic Toilet and Wastewater Treatment System” concept , will be beneficial for developing countries , especially in . Africa Mr . Hoffman received a 400,000 grant from the Bill Melinda Gates Foundation to build the project . The grant will be used to complete

  • A New Thermal Energy to Electricity Device

    Updated: 2011-07-28 14:18:06
    The Wiz Folks at MIT have a new design to take heat and make electricity.  Using a new nanofabrication technique, MIT’s researchers make plates of tungsten with billions of regularly spaced, uniform nanoscale holes on the surfaces. Using a further development of the thermophotovoltaic system, the new type of photonic crystal serves as a thermal [...]

  • Release of Higher Capacity and Higher Output “eneloop mobile boosters”

    Updated: 2011-07-28 11:00:32
    Release of Higher Capacity and Higher Output “eneloop mobile boosters”

  • More Efficient Sun-free photovoltaics

    Updated: 2011-07-28 10:05:25
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 More Efficient Sun-free photovoltaics Using new nanofabrication techniques , MIT researchers made these samples of tungsten with billions of regularly spaced , uniform nanoscale holes on their surfaces . In their TVP system , this type of photonic crystal serves as a thermal emitter , absorbing heat and then—because of its surface structure—radiating to the PV diode only those wavelengths that the diode can convert into electricity . The inset shows a digital photo of the full 1 cm-diameter sample , illuminated by white light . The color suggests the diffraction of white light into green as a result of the surface . pattern A new photovoltaic energy-conversion system developed at MIT can be powered solely by ,

  • Carnival of Space 207

    Updated: 2011-07-28 09:46:55
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Carnival of Space 207 1. ZME Science Beautiful exoplanet aurorae 1000 times brighter than on Earth 2. Docmadhattan Brian May , astrophysicist : a little review of research activity of Queen's . guitarist In 1972 and 1973 two papers signed by Mr.May are be published : MgI Emission in the Night-Sky Spectrum and An Investigation of the Motion of Zodiacal Dust Particles Part I written with Mr.Hicks and Mr.Reay . May and collegues are interestend in zodiacal light , in particular in MgI spectrum , near the 5183.62 Å wavelength . The importance of this kind of studies is that the MgI and MgII formation is one feature in the interaction between atmosphere and star radiations 3. Ian Musgrave the Astroblogger ruminations

  • Latest Release of V-Series Intelligent Power Modules with Industry’s Lowest Power Loss and Radiation Noise, Equipped with Industry’s First Alarm Light

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:24:54
    Latest Release of V-Series Intelligent Power Modules with Industry’s Lowest Power Loss and Radiation Noise, Equipped with Industry’s First Alarm Light

  • Insect Virus Holds the Key to Safer Stem Cell Therapy and could enable genetic engineering to help cancer patients

    Updated: 2011-07-28 08:08:22
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 28, 2011 Insect Virus Holds the Key to Safer Stem Cell Therapy and could enable genetic engineering to help cancer patients Genetically modified human embryonic stem cells hESCs and derived neurospheres . Using IBN’s BV-RMCE technique , a transgene EGFP was inserted into the AAVS1 locus on chromosome 19 in hESCs . Long-term expression of this gene was obtained in both hESCs and derived cell progenies . Cells derived from genetically modified hESCs can be used for transplantation in cell-based . therapy The future of regenerative medicine lies in harnessing the potential of the human body to renew and repair itself . Now , scientists at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology IBN the world’s first bioengineering

  • Antimagnets: Controlling magnetic fields with superconductor-metamaterial hybrids

    Updated: 2011-07-28 06:53:45
    : skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 27, 2011 Antimagnets : Controlling magnetic fields with superconductor-metamaterial hybrids Arxiv Antimagnets : Controlling magnetic fields with superconductor-metamaterial hybrids Magnetism is very important in science and technology , from magnetic recording to energy generation to trapping cold atoms . Physicists have managed to master magnetism to create and manipulate magnetic fields- almost at will . Surprisingly , there is at least one property which until now has been elusive : how to switch off' the magnetic interaction of a magnetic material with existing magnetic fields without modifying them . Here we introduce the antimagnet , a design to conceal the magnetic response of a given volume from its exterior ,

  • Metamaterials for emitted blackbody radiation with efficiency beyond natural limits

    Updated: 2011-07-28 01:47:25
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 27, 2011 Metamaterials for emitted blackbody radiation with efficiency beyond natural limits A designer metamaterial has shown it can engineer emitted blackbody radiation with an efficiency beyond the natural limits imposed by the material’s temperature , a team of researchers report in Physical Review Letters . Illustration shows design of the infrared metamaterial absorber . a Top view of a single band metamaterial absorber unit cell . b Schematic of a dual-band metamaterial absorber . c and d Perspective view for single and dual-band metamaterial absorbers . Credit : Physical Review Letters A designer metamaterial has shown it can engineer emitted blackbody radiation with an efficiency beyond the natural limits imposed

  • Piantelli Cold Fusion Work

    Updated: 2011-07-28 01:33:09
    skip to main skip to sidebar Pages Home Timeslide View Flipcard July 27, 2011 Piantelli Cold Fusion Work Cold Fusion Now has an english translation of new cold fusion research by . Piantelli The name of Piantelli’s company is . Nichenergy The italian coverage on Piantelli is here Older units worked continuously for months and produced 2× to 4× energy gain , but the actual energy balance was higher , as the cells reached self-sustaining . mode Several unnamed third parties have confirmed that the older units worked in self-sustaining mode for long periods of . time Several of these older units were recently reactivated . After some maintenance they turned on easily and produced 2× to 3× energy gain , but they haven’t yet been pushed to high excess energy . levels New units with new fuel

  • Achieving High-Speed Optical Communication based on New “Quantum Receiver” Technology

    Updated: 2011-07-27 09:18:18
    Achieving High-Speed Optical Communication based on New “Quantum Receiver” Technology

  • Diamond for Tillage

    Updated: 2011-07-27 08:42:18
    Scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials IWM in Freiburg and their partners in the RemBob project are working on coating plowshares with diamond-like carbon (DLC) to reduce friction.  When it comes to moving earth, a significant amount of energy is used in food production, fuel production and construction. Less friction equals less [...]

  • Development of High-Current Power MOSFETs for Motor Drive In Consumer Electronics

    Updated: 2011-07-27 08:27:47
    Development of High-Current Power MOSFETs for Motor Drive In Consumer Electronics

  • Development of new Bookshelf Interface for Centralized e-Book Management

    Updated: 2011-07-26 09:27:24
    Development of new Bookshelf Interface for Centralized e-Book Management

  • Ready For a New Fuel Mix in a Dual Fuel Engine?

    Updated: 2011-07-26 07:09:53
    An award-winning University of Wisconsin-Madison team led by professor Rolf Reitz will showcase at the Wisconsin State Fair a student hybrid vehicle for advanced fuel technology that harnesses the advantages of both diesel and gasoline.  The fuels are mixed in the combustion process. Now this is something serious to watch.  The UW-Madison Hybrid Vehicle Team [...]

  • Development of High-Voltage Inverter Equipped with Water-Cooling System for Industrial Applications

    Updated: 2011-07-26 03:41:13
    Development of High-Voltage Inverter Equipped with Water-Cooling System for Industrial Applications

  • Development of Large Flat Panel Sensors for Dental X-Ray Imaging by Hamamatsu

    Updated: 2011-07-25 07:25:43
    Development of Large Flat Panel Sensors for Dental X-Ray Imaging by Hamamatsu

  • Industry’s Most Compact Proximity Sensor for Mobile Devices by Sharp

    Updated: 2011-07-25 07:09:04
    Industry’s Most Compact Proximity Sensor for Mobile Devices by Sharp

  • 3-D Photonic Crystals Go Electric

    Updated: 2011-07-25 07:03:13
    Previous attempts at making 3-D photonic crystals have resulted in devices that are only optically active, which means they can direct light but are not electronically active, so they can’t turn electricity to light or vice versa.  It’s been a tantalizing problem.  Getting to electric crystals could offer new or extremely efficient energy devices. University [...]

  • Video - Transparent Batteries

    Updated: 2011-07-25 05:00:00
    Researchers at Stanford are making transparent battery electrodes that could power future gadgets.

  • Northern Graphite managed to produce grpahene on a test basis using large flake graphite

    Updated: 2011-07-22 17:17:24
    Northern Graphite Corporation announced that they managed to produce graphene on a test basis using large flake graphite from the Company's Bissett Creek project in Northern Ontario. The company says that their large flake graphite was evaluated as a source material for making graphene by an eminent professor in the field at the Chinese Academy of Sciences who is doing research making graphene sheets larger than 30cm2 in size using the graphene oxide methodology.The tests indicated that graphene made from Northern's jumbo flake is superior to Chinese powder and large flake graphite in terms of size, higher electrical conductivity, lower resistance and greater transparency.

  • Super Strong Metal Discovery

    Updated: 2011-07-22 08:38:59
    PhD student Tianbo Yu at Risø DTU in Denmark has discovered a new phenomenon that will make nanometals more useful in wider use while working at the Materials Research Division at Risø.  Yu has taken the research a step further in discovering the new phenomenon. The new discovery could speed up the practical application of [...]

  • Where the Future Oil Is At

    Updated: 2011-07-21 09:21:56
    The wide-ranging Al Fin hit upon a graph that will stun the peak oil believers.  You’ll want to save this.  The flip side is it comes from the International Energy Agency (IEA) – a point that many will use to cast justifiable suspicion.  Yet absolute accuracy isn’t needed, the blocks paint a picture of a [...]

  • Rooftop Solar Is Better Than Thought

    Updated: 2011-07-20 07:08:29
    The quiet underside of rooftop solar now has some story to tell with hard research numbers in hand. Jan Kleissl, a professor of environmental engineering at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering leading a team of researchers can show roof mounted solar panels aren’t just providing clean power; they are cooling your house, [...]

  • Debt Limit Insanity

    Updated: 2011-07-19 09:28:48
    Last week your humble writer was awoken by a dream of the Federal Debt Limit being increased and the dollar value crashing.  Dreams are inexact things that might portend the future – perhaps they are early warnings systems of the unconscious or subconscious.  Dreams are surely nothing to do with energy and fuel, and nothing [...]

  • Graphene used to harvest energy from water, to power microsensors

    Updated: 2011-07-19 08:48:32
    , Home Introduction Graphene used to harvest energy from water , to power microsensors Tweet Graphene applications Technical Research Researchers from the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute developed a new way to harvest energy from flowing water using graphene . This could lead the way towards self-powered microsensors used for oil exploration . The team demonstrated the harvesting of 85 nanowatts of power from a sheet of graphene measuring 03 millimeters by 015 . millimeters It is the first research paper to result from the 1 million grant awarded in 2010 by the Advanced Energy Consortium via Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Jul 19, 2011 Login register to post comments Tweet Similar entries Graphene can be used to to find underwater oil and gas Graphene water energy harvest photo

  • New research shows that hyrogen plays a crucial role in growing graphene grains

    Updated: 2011-07-19 08:10:15
    Home Introduction New research shows that hyrogen plays a crucial role in growing graphene grains Tweet Graphene production Technical Research Researchers from the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory that graphene grains shape and size are controlled by hydrogen and not only by carbon . The team developed a method to grow graphene grains that has perfect hexagonal . shapes Up until now hyrogen was thought to play a passive role in the process of making graphene but the new research shows that it has a crucial . role via PhysOrg Jul 19, 2011 Login register to post comments Tweet Similar entries Graphene grains controlled by hyrdrogen Crystal grains in a graphene array photo A Graphene-based structure can be used to hold hydrogen Lasers could produce band gaps in graphene

  • Hybrid Solar Panels Improve and a Solar Simulator is On Sale

    Updated: 2011-07-18 07:11:16
    TU Delft student of Sustainable Energy Technology Stefan Roest has developed a new type of hybrid solar collector with a higher efficiency and a longer lifespan than the hybrid panels on sale today. A hybrid solar panel combines a photovoltaic solar cell that converts sunlight into electricity with a thermal solar collector to harvest infrared [...]

  • Graphene can be used to make high-density lithium-sulfur car batteries

    Updated: 2011-07-14 08:51:48
    Home Introduction Graphene can be used to make high-density lithium-sulfur car batteries Tweet Graphene applications Researchers from Stanford developed a new cathode material for rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries by wrapping sulfur particles in graphene sheets . This new cathode enables batteries with a significantly higher energy density than is currently possible . Such batteries can be used to power electric . cars Current electric-car batteries weak spot' is the cathode materials that have low capacity about 150 mAh g for layer oxides and 170 mAh g for LiFe-PO4 A sulfur cathode has a theoretical specific capacity of 1672 mAh g but sulfur is a poor conductor , it expands during discharge , and the polysulfides dissolve in electrolyte . Using graphene to wrap the sulfur may overcome

  • Rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries get a boost from graphene

    Updated: 2011-07-13 13:31:47
    (PhysOrg.com) -- By wrapping tiny sulfur particles in graphene sheets, researchers from Stanford University have synthesized a promising cathode material for rechargeable lithium-sulfur batteries that could be used for powering electric vehicles on a large scale. When combined with silicon-based anodes, the new graphene-sulfur cathodes could lead to rechargeable batteries with a significantly higher energy density than is currently possible.

  • Andre Geim's Graphene introduction and research update lecture

    Updated: 2011-07-12 11:15:58
    Andre Geim from the University of Manchester UK (the 2010 Nobel prize in Physics winner) gives a great lecture on Graphene - starting with an introduction and then giving updates from their latest research:

  • Graphene-based speaker developed in Korea

    Updated: 2011-07-08 01:47:14
    Home Introduction Graphene-based speaker developed in Korea Tweet Graphene applications Graphene Oxide Researchers from Seoul's National University developed a transparent and lightweight speaker made from Graphene . This may enable speakers embedded in windows or displays . It may be especially suited to develop noise-cancelling . devices The graphene speaker was made by depositing graphene-oxide onto poly vinylidene fluoride or PVDF and then reducing it to create a graphene film this is actually a new method to develop graphene films So basically this speaker is made from PVDF sandwiched between two graphene electrodes . When an electrical current from the sound source is applied , the converse piezoelectric effect causes the PDVF film to distort and thus sound waves are . created The

  • Graphene based quantum dots may lead to cheap and efficient solar cells and OLED displays

    Updated: 2011-07-06 08:14:16
    Home Introduction Graphene based quantum dots may lead to cheap and efficient solar cells and OLED displays Tweet Graphene applications Technical Research Scientists from the National Physical Laboratory in New Delhi , India developed graphene based quantum dots GQDs blended with organic polymers that can be used in new photovoltaics solar cells . This may solve the problem of toxic metals cadmium and lead used in today's quantum dots , and the new material is also more stable then current organic . materials The GQDs are 9-nm in size have similar electronic properties to normal QDs , and actually perform better less current loss and improved efficiency because of graphene's high charge carrier mobility . This work could lead to light-weight , flexible and cheap panels used in large-area

  • Video and photos of NIU's dry ice graphene production method

    Updated: 2011-07-06 06:50:50
    WREX posted a nice videos and some photos about NIU's new dry-ice graphene production method. This method produces few-layer graphene and is simple, green and cost-effective. See more info and the photos over at WREX

  • Graphene quantum dots could lead to low-cost solar cells and OLEDs

    Updated: 2011-07-05 13:30:01
    (PhysOrg.com) -- Fabricating photovoltaic devices – those that convert sunlight into electricity – out of organic materials has several advantages over using non-organic materials, such as flexibility and good light absorption. However, the widespread commercialization of organic photovoltaic devices remains limited due to the high cost of the electron donor and acceptor materials used in these devices. In a new study, scientists have addressed this issue by fabricating luminescent graphene quantum dots (GQDs) blended with organic polymers for use as electron acceptors, which could offer better performance at lower cost than other polymer-based organic materials.

  • Keeping graphene wet can avoid restacking into graphite

    Updated: 2011-07-04 10:06:35
    Home Introduction Keeping graphene wet can avoid restacking into graphite Tweet Graphene applications Technical Research Ultracapacitors Stacking several separate layers of graphene is useful for several applications , such as supercapacitors . But stacked graphene forms a graphite-like mass , which makes it less useful . Researchers from Monash University in Australia discovered that keeping graphene wet can keep it from . stacking The team got their idea from examining Graphene Paper which is made by filter graphene suspended in water . The water acts as a spacer between the individual graphene . layers via NanoWerk Jul 04, 2011 Login register to post comments Tweet Similar entries Graphene paper a new strong and flexible material Graphene can be made to repel water very effectively

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