Bay Area Skeptics Page 44 The San Francisco Bay Area's skeptical organization since 1982
Updated: 2023-12-25 13:08:58
Bay Area Skeptics The San Francisco Bay Area's skeptical organization since 1982 Toggle navigation About SkepTalks HangOuts SkeptiSphere BASBlog Links Feedback Previous SkepTalks Submitted by admin Mon , 07-05-2018 02:27 WHAT : nbsp Skepticismâ s Time Warp . Are we winning or losing In my Skeptical Inquirer column , The Time Warp , I review early SI issues to examine skepticism with the knowledge provided by the passage of time . From one perspective , all skepticism does is win , win , win . From another perspective , all skepticism does is lose , lose , lose . How can todayâ s skeptics use this understanding to shape the future towards the winning side WHO : Dr . Craig Foster is the Director of Research and Evaluation for Northshore School District in Bothell , Washington . In that