• Ruby 3.3.2 Released

    Updated: 2024-05-30 03:50:00
    Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend Home Downloads Documentation Libraries Community News Security About Ruby Menu Ruby 3.3.2 Released Posted by k0kubun on 30 May 2024 Ruby 3.3.2 has been . released This release includes many bug-fixes . See the GitHub releases for further . details Download https : cache.ruby-lang.org pub ruby 3.3 ruby-3.3.2.tar.gz SIZE : 22095824 SHA1 : b49719ef383c581008c1fd3b68690f874f78557b SHA256 : 3be1d100ebf2a0ce60c2cd8d22cd9db4d64b3e04a1943be2c4ff7b520f2bcb5b SHA512 : a15ba8d6c2830fcd1f2b36f671acf9028c303ec78608fd268da0585db8e95ddd971666e8029bcfa2584da2184a6534e1f2f2da07fa7ca4494e8d842eed206f00 https : cache.ruby-lang.org pub ruby 3.3 ruby-3.3.2.tar.xz SIZE : 16349500 SHA1 : 5c9f7d5cf55d9e45b24c613014cbe2b605de009d SHA256 :

  • Datadog provides OSS community support for ruby-lang.org

    Updated: 2024-05-30 00:00:00
    Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend Home Downloads Documentation Libraries Community News Security About Ruby Menu Datadog provides OSS community support for ruby-lang.org Posted by hsbt on 30 May 2024 We are excited to announce that Ruby†s official website , ruby-lang.org , has adopted Datadog for monitoring by Datadog OSS community support This allows us to effectively monitor the performance and availability of the site in real time for Ruby users . This key benefits of using Datadog include the . following CDN Visibility cache.ruby-lang.org provided by Fastly is most important infrastructure of Ruby ecosystem . Datadog enables monitoring of Content Delivery Network CDN performance . It tracks cache coverage , error rate , enhancing user . experiences Unified Data Visualization We have

  • Ruby 3.1.6 Released

    Updated: 2024-05-29 09:00:00
    Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend Home Downloads Documentation Libraries Community News Security About Ruby Menu Ruby 3.1.6 Released Posted by hsbt on 29 May 2024 Ruby 3.1.6 has been . released Ruby 3.1 series is now in the security maintenance phase . In general , we will fix only security issues in this phase . But we have several build failure issues after the release of Ruby 3.1.5. We decided to release Ruby 3.1.6 to fix these . issues Please check the topics below for . details Bug 20151 : Can†t build Ruby 3.1 on FreeBSD 14.0 Bug 20451 : Bad Ruby 3.1.5 backport causes fiddle to fail to build Bug 20431 : Ruby 3.3.0 build fail with make : io_buffer.o Error 1 See the GitHub releases for further . details Download https : cache.ruby-lang.org pub ruby 3.1 ruby-3.1.6.tar.gz SIZE : 20887803

  • CVE-2024-35176: DoS in REXML

    Updated: 2024-05-16 05:00:00
    : Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend Home Downloads Documentation Libraries Community News Security About Ruby Menu CVE-2024-35176 : DoS in REXML Posted by kou on 16 May 2024 There is a DoS vulnerability in REXML gem . This vulnerability has been assigned the CVE identifier CVE-2024-35176 We strongly recommend upgrading the REXML . gem Details When parsing an XML document that has many in an attribute value , REXML gem may take long . time Please update REXML gem to version 3.2.7 or . later Affected versions REXML gem 3.2.6 or prior Credits Thanks to mprogrammer for discovering this . issue History Originally published at 2024-05-16 05:00:00 UTC Recent News Ruby 3.3.2 Released Datadog provides OSS community support for ruby-lang.org Ruby 3.1.6 Released CVE-2024-35176 : DoS in REXML Ruby 3.4.0

  • Ruby 3.4.0 preview1 Released

    Updated: 2024-05-16 00:00:00
    Ruby A Programmer's Best Friend Home Downloads Documentation Libraries Community News Security About Ruby Menu Ruby 3.4.0 preview1 Released Posted by naruse on 16 May 2024 We are pleased to announce the release of Ruby 3.4.0-preview1. Language changes String literals in files without a frozen_string_literal comment now behave as if they were frozen . If they are mutated a deprecation warning is emitted . These warnings can be enabled with W:deprecated or by setting Warning[:deprecated true To disable this change , you can run Ruby with the disable-frozen-string-literal command line argument . Feature 20205 it is added to reference a block parameter . Feature 18980 Keyword splatting nil when calling methods is now supported . nil is treated similarly to passing no keywords , and not calling

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