First class json(b) handling in Rails Event Store
Updated: 2023-01-27 17:54:42
Hi , weʼre arkency ð Articles Topics All Articles Domain-Driven Design Testing Ruby on Rails React JS Async Remote Szymon Fiedler January 27, 2023 improve this article rails event store json First class json(b handling in Rails Event Store and check why 5600+ Rails engineers read also this First class json(b handling in Rails Event Store Recently , in Rails Event Store v2.8.0 PreserveTypes transformation has been introduced . v2.9.0 release brought RailsEventStore : JSONClient It's a set of great improvements for RES users who plan to or already use PostgreSQL with jsonb data type for keeping events' data and metadata Back to the primitive According to RFC 4627 JSON can represent four primitive : types strings numbers booleans null and two structured : types objects arrays When data is