• 2011 Green Year in Review

    Updated: 2011-12-29 08:50:15
    As we bring 2011 to a close, we look back on a year filled with green technology. Primarily brought on by President Barack Obama, the US has seen a rise in the amount of green technology and green investments. 2011 […]

  • Happy Holidays from Beyond Pesticides!

    Updated: 2011-12-23 04:01:21
    Beyond Pesticides wishes our members and friends a healthy, happy and organic New Year! Beyond Pesticides’ Daily News is taking a holiday break and will return on Monday, January 3, 2012 with restored energy and vision to continue charging ahead. After three decades, we are in deep gratitude to our members for their continued support, [...]

  • Go Organic with Upcoming Accreditation Courses in Organic Land Care

    Updated: 2011-12-22 04:01:19
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 22, 2011) For the tenth consecutive year, the Northeast Organic Farming Association’s Organic Land Care Program (NOFA OLC) is hosting an accreditation course in organic land care in three different locations around the New England area starting January 9, 2012. Attendees will learn the how to design and maintain ecological landscapes without [...]

  • MMMERRY CHRISTMAS From ePestSolutions!

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:56
    Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

  • Fly Control Solutions

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:55
    Flies can be very difficult to get control of. Please refer to the following recommendations to achieve desired level of fly control.

  • Rodent Control Products for Your Home

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:54
    When the cold weather hits we start feeling the need to stay indoors and try and stay warm, this is really the same for rodents, whether a mouse or rat fall is the time we start hearing the sounds in the attic. Having the right rodent control products for you home will make your rodent control procedures much more successful.

  • Rodent Control Products Just Like the Professionals

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:52
    Rodent Control Products Just Like the Professionals Looking for Rodent control solutions? Look not further than ePestSolutions the leader in the Do it yourself pest control industry. We offer the same professional rodent control products used by pest control technicians and a low price for everyone trying to do there on rodent control.

  • Big Animal Trouble? Trapping Recommendations….

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:51
    The following tips should be used when preparing to live catch your nuisance animal.

  • Chinch Bugs Bothering Your Lawn?

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:50
    Chinch bugs cause serious damage in the thick turf of lawns and golf courses. Dying or dead areas of a lawn can signal the presence of this pest. Dry seasons seem to favor its spread and make its damage more noticeable. Chinch bugs tend to be more of a problem in southern Maine.

  • PiGNX Bio-Repellent Products at ePestSolutions! No Harm, No Fowl!

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:49
    Bio-Repellents are a revolutionary new method of controlling pests that use New Technology Food-Grade ingredients along with old-world active ingredients to repel pests, rather than harming them.

  • Kill Flies in 60 Seconds or LESS!

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:48
    With Maxforce Fly Spot Bait, DIY pest conrollers can offer superior fly control in a variety of settings that previously could not be treated with fly baits, including commercial dining rooms, outside homes and around pet areas.

  • TALSTAR! What It Can Do For YOU!

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:47
    Talstar #1 Choice by Pro’s for Ant Control; #1 Choice by Pro’s for Broad-Spectrum Insect Control; #1 Pyrethroid for Termite Control Worldwide

  • Free Downloadable Bed Bug Guide

    Updated: 2011-12-22 01:17:46
    Click here for your downloadable copy!

  • Report Highlights Risk From Antibacterial Chemicals In Clothing

    Updated: 2011-12-21 05:39:28
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 21, 2011) The Swedish Chemicals Agency (Kemi) has published an analysis of the antibacterial chemicals triclosan, triclocarban and silver textile products that finds these antibacterial chemicals to significantly leach out of treated products after washing. In the case of triclosan and triclocarban, about half or more of the original content is washed [...]

  • Have A Paperless Holiday Season

    Updated: 2011-12-20 22:33:16
    The holidays are notorious for wasting paper. Wrapping paper for gifts have a way of finding themselves in dumpsters and trash cans across the world toward the end of the year. If you’re looking for a great way to cut […]

  • USDA Publishes Review Schedule for Materials Used in Organic Production and Handling

    Updated: 2011-12-20 04:01:04
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 19, 2011) The National Organic Program (NOP) of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has released a comprehensive list of the expiration dates for all materials currently allowed for use in organic production and handling. These materials, which are collectively referred to as the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances [...]

  • Save the Date: National Pesticide Forum, March 30-31, Yale University

    Updated: 2011-12-19 04:01:59
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 19, 2011) The 30th National Pesticide Forum, Healthy Communities: Green solutions for safe environments, will be held March 30-31, 2012 (Friday evening and all day Saturday) in partnership with Connecticut and New England groups at Yale University’s School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. The conference will focus on organic landcare, urban/ suburban [...]

  • ACT NOW: Senators Write Letter Seeking Consideration of Misguided Bill

    Updated: 2011-12-16 05:37:26
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 16, 2011) A group of U.S. Senators has drafted and sent a letter to the offices of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in an attempt to convince them to set aside time in the Senate schedule for consideration of the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act of [...]

  • Winterizing Your Home

    Updated: 2011-12-15 21:43:13
    Winterizing your home can be one of the best ways to cut down on your power consumption and save a little money in the process. Since the winter months are here, there are a few ways that you can easily […]

  • Insecticidal Nets May Be Source for Bed Bug Resistance

    Updated: 2011-12-15 06:29:00
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 15, 2011) New research suggests that the recent re-emergence of bed bug infestations may originate from insecticide use in the tropics. According to the results, which were presented at the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene’s 60th annual meeting, exposure to treated bed nets and linens caused populations of bed-bugs to [...]

  • Green Your Room to Help You Sleep Better

    Updated: 2011-12-14 21:42:45
    Greening your room is a proven way to help you sleep better. When your room is filled with junk it can create anxiety and keep you up at night. If you’re having trouble falling asleep at night, you should green […]

  • EPA Grants Conditional Registration to Nanosilver Product Before Reviewing Pertinent Data

    Updated: 2011-12-14 05:47:26
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 14, 2011) The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is conditionally registering a pesticide product containing nanosilver as a new active ingredient. The antimicrobial pesticide product, HeiQ AGS-20, a silver-based product for use as a preservative for textiles to help control odors, is being granted registration despite a long list of outstanding [...]

  • Lake Tahoe Pesticide “Ban” Overturned by Local Water Control Board

    Updated: 2011-12-13 04:01:39
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 13, 2011) Despite opposition from Lake Tahoe water providers and environmental groups, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (LRWQCB) voted last week to allow the use of pesticides to control invasive species like Asian clams and the underwater plants Eurasian watermilfoil and curly leaf pondweed. For years, the rules regulating pesticide [...]

  • Green Christmas and Artificial Trees

    Updated: 2011-12-12 18:21:30
    For most families, the Christmas tree is the centerpiece of their holiday spirit. If you’re trying to go green, you may have invested in an artificial Christmas tree. If you think about it, during your lifetime you probably waste around […]

  • Public Makes Voice Heard at National Organic Standards Board Meeting

    Updated: 2011-12-12 05:56:58
    (Beyond Pesticides, December 12, 2011) Continuing a long tradition of public participation in setting organic standards, more than one thousand people submitted comments leading up to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) meeting in Savannah, GA between November 30 and December 1. View webcast of 4-day meeting. The comments were in response to specific agenda [...]

  • Energy Efficient Christmas Lights

    Updated: 2011-12-10 18:21:00
    Christmas lights are one of the biggest features of the season. If you are the kind of person that loves draping your home with Christmas lights, you might want to consider an energy conscious alternative this season. With the advancement […]

  • New Yoga Prison Reform Initiative

    Updated: 2011-12-07 09:07:28
    According to an NGO in the criminal reform business, there may be a new way of using Yoga to reform prisoners and criminals. The claim is that blending together Yoga and Behavior Therapy can bring a change to criminal behavior […]

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