• How to Control Stinkbugs in Your Home

    Updated: 2011-09-30 18:07:59
    The annual stink bug race is on and stopping them before they make it inside your home is the best chance a homeowner will have to limited their home invasion.

  • More West Nile Mosquitos!

    Updated: 2011-09-30 18:07:59
    Click the link to read more!

  • Triclosan Among Chemicals Detected in Narragansett Bay

    Updated: 2011-09-30 05:01:50
    (Beyond Pesticides, 9-30-11) Researchers from the University of Rhode Island (URI) have detected the antimicrobial triclosan and other toxic chemicals in the waters of Narragansett Bay off the coast of Rhode Island. The chemicals are a group of hazardous compounds that are common in industrial processes and personal care products but are not typically monitored [...]

  • Vector Ban Mosquito Control How to Video

    Updated: 2011-09-29 23:32:30
    The annual stink bug race is on and stopping them before they make it inside your home is the best chance a homeowner will have to limited their home invasion.

  • Another Maine Town Goes Pesticide-Free

    Updated: 2011-09-29 05:01:21
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 29, 2011) The town of Scarborough, Maine joins the ever-growing list of communities in Maine and around the country that have decided to ditch conventional, chemical-intensive landscape management practices on public properties in favor of a more sustainable approach. The town Council Members passed a Pest Management Policy last week which prohibits [...]

  • Ultracide Flea and Tick Control Aerosol Spray How To Video

    Updated: 2011-09-28 20:53:18
    Click the link to read more!

  • Experts Warn of Nano Resistance, Call for Oversight

    Updated: 2011-09-28 05:03:53
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 28, 2011) Overuse of antibacterial agents contributes to promoting the development of more powerful bacteria that are resistant to treatment. This, according to a new report released by Friends of the Earth in which leading microbiologists warn that the rapid rise in household antibacterial products containing nanosilver could put public health at [...]

  • Hairy Crazy Ants Moving into Louisiana

    Updated: 2011-09-27 16:36:11

  • Celebrate 30 Years with Beyond Pesticides: Reception and film screening

    Updated: 2011-09-27 05:01:28
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 27, 2011) Beyond Pesticides invites you to join the our board of directors and staff to celebrate 30 years of protecting public health and the environment through science, policy and grassroots action on Thursday, October 27, 2011 in Washington, DC. We will be hosting our 30th Anniversary reception with live music and [...]

  • Spider Proofing Your Home

    Updated: 2011-09-27 00:23:34
    Late summer and fall prove to be high traffic times for spiders to spread their wings and move indoors. Often times they are in search of a warmer environment, mates, or following their food sources. So this time of year is the prefect time to take preventative measures to limit the influx of spiders into your home.

  • FarmPolicy.com Summary- 2012 Farm Bill Ideas

    Updated: 2011-09-26 15:39:21
    FarmPolicy.com Summary- 2012 Farm Bill Ideas (Updated: 9.30.11- 4:15 a.m. Central) - National Cotton Council. “National Cotton Council 2012 Farm Policy Statement.” (8.26). Related Discussion. - National Corn Growers Assoc. “Managing Risk With a Consolidated Safety Net for Growers.” (9/9). Related Discussion. - National Farmers Union. “NFU Unveils Study to Present Policy Options to Reduce [...]

  • Centers for Disease Control Reports Illness and Death Linked to Bed Bug Pesticides

    Updated: 2011-09-26 05:01:15
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 26, 2011) On September 23, 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a study in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report linking pesticides sprayed in attempts to control bed bugs to poisoning incidents and death. Because bed bugs do not transmit disease and can be controlled without pesticides, this [...]

  • ABI Research Thrusts U.S. Ahead in Photovoltaic Installations

    Updated: 2011-09-25 12:03:45
    The United States is ready to push aside Italy, Germany and Japan as being the home of the largest market for photovoltaic (PV) installations. ABI Research‘s Global Photovoltaic Cells and Module Markets study predicts that in year 2013, the United […]

  • Happy Fall Equinox

    Updated: 2011-09-25 10:49:36
    Summer is on its way out and the Autumn equinox will fall upon us soon. Jot this down: the seasonal change will likely occur at 5:04am EDT on Friday, September 23, according to the NBC-2 weather blog. When the Roman […]

  • Mole Control

    Updated: 2011-09-24 00:37:52
    As sweet and cute as moles may seem in story books, they can be the bane to your existence when they make their presence know by ruining turf, crops and drainage systems. In this article we will learn a few interesting mole facts and the treatment measures that are available to control moles.

  • Bed Bug: Prevention and Detection

    Updated: 2011-09-22 21:18:16
    In this article we focus on the epidemic of bed bugs and how to prevent them from entering your home. And, to tell you the truth, I can hardly even write this article. The research alone is causing me to itch in places that I had forgotten could itch. I can no longer accurately assess [...]

  • FarmPolicy.com Interview: Senate Ag Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow- Farm Bill, Supercommittee and Ag Research

    Updated: 2011-09-22 20:28:24
    Today FarmPolicy.com spoke with Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) about the Farm Bill, the Supercommittee and Agricultural Research. A transcript of our conversation is available here. An audio replay of the discussion can be heard here (MP3- 9:39). Keith

  • Jinko Solar Jig

    Updated: 2011-09-22 16:32:44
    A solar panel maker which was targeted by violent protests over pollution from one of its factories in eastern China recently apologized and says that it will do what is necessary to clean it up. Jinko Solar Holding Co., which […]

  • White House Proposes Increased Pesticide Registration Fees

    Updated: 2011-09-22 05:45:17
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 22, 2011) As part of his $3 trillion deficit-reduction plan, President Obama has proposed to increase pesticide and chemical registration fees and reinstate tolerance assessment fees in order to cover the costs of evaluating the chemicals’ health and environmental effects data. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently collects fees from companies [...]

  • Proper Dusting Techniques

    Updated: 2011-09-22 05:08:01
    Proper Dusting Tips: When applying, the duster should be filled only halfway – no more than two-thirds full. This allows for adequate air space to create the desired air/dust mixture prior to application. If there is too much dust in the duster, clumps of dust on treated surfaces may result, leading to overapplication of the [...]

  • Deadly Diseases go to Hollywood

    Updated: 2011-09-22 01:21:15
    An article in the LA Times indicates that microscopic viruses are the biggest bad guys in Hollywood, multiplying with abandon in films such as “Contagion” and “Rise of the Planet of the Apes“, as well as factoring in AMC’s zombie-centric […]

  • Nuclear Energy Protest in Tokyo

    Updated: 2011-09-21 16:09:41
    Waving banners and chanting “Sayonara nuclear power”, tens of thousands of people marched in central Tokyo recently to call on the Japanese government to jettison all atomic energy in the wake of the Fukushima nuclear accident. The peaceful demonstration indicates […]

  • Distribution and Sale of Illegal Pesticides Busted

    Updated: 2011-09-21 05:01:26
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 21, 2011) An unregistered pesticide product, which was smuggled into the U.S. from overseas and contained an ingredient at a concentration of nearly 61 times greater than allowed by federal regulations, was one of 6,000 rat and cockroach poison products seized from shops and street vendors in and around New York’s Chinatown. [...]

  • A lysimeter study of nitrate leaching, optimum fertilisation rate and growth responses of corn Zea mays L. following soil amendment with water-saving super-absorbent polymer

    Updated: 2011-09-20 17:48:17
    , . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 11 A lysimeter study of nitrate leaching , optimum fertilisation rate and growth responses of corn Zea mays L . 41 following soil amendment with water-saving super-absorbent polymer Authors : Islam , M Robiul Mao , Sishuai Xue , Xuzhang Eneji , A Egrinya Zhao , Xingbao Hu , Yuegao : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 11, 30 August 2011 pp . 1990-1997(8 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for .

  • Regional distribution of nitrogen fertilizer use and N-saving potential for improvement of food production and nitrogen use efficiency in China

    Updated: 2011-09-20 17:48:15
    . Contact us Help Shopping cart Home About us Article title , keywords or abstract Article title Publication title Author Advanced search Subject Publisher Publication Browse : by Home Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 11 Regional distribution of nitrogen fertilizer use and N-saving potential for improvement of food production and nitrogen use efficiency in China Authors : Wang , Xiaobin Cai , Dianxiong Hoogmoed , Willem B . Oenema , Oene : Source Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Volume 91, Number 11, 30 August 2011 pp . 2013-2023(11 Publisher : John Wiley Sons , . Ltd view table of contents next article Buy download fulltext : article The full text article is not available for . purchase The publisher only permits individual articles to be

  • Eco Smart Green Pest Products

    Updated: 2011-09-20 17:48:00
    Product Review and Comparison Chart on Environmentally Friendly Pest Control. Click HERE!

  • Army-Funded Study Links Gulf War Illness to Pesticides and More

    Updated: 2011-09-20 05:01:23
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 20, 2011) A study supported by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command links pesticide exposure and other factors to Gulf War illness (also referred to as Gulf War Syndrome), an illness characterized by a wide range of acute and chronic symptoms experienced by veterans and civilians after the 1991 Gulf [...]

  • New Database Shows Spate of Congressional Attacks on the Environment

    Updated: 2011-09-19 05:23:40
    (Beyond Pesticides, September 19, 2011) Dubbing it the “most anti-environment House in history,” Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), ranking member on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, released a new searchable database last week listing a staggering 125 pieces of legislation that will reduce environmental protection. The bills, introduced and passed by the Republican-led U.S. House [...]

  • Al Gore Does It Again

    Updated: 2011-09-16 15:09:07
    The time has come for the world to face the impending realities of climate change. That is the message which was expressed by Al Gore’s Climate Reality Project, that recently launched called “24 Hours of Reality.” This event, beginning at […]

  • Durban Climate Conference

    Updated: 2011-09-16 10:01:37
    Later on in 2011, international climate change negotiators will meet in Africa to look back on the famine which is now sweeping the eastern parts of that continent, and make predictions that climate change will be largely injurious to Africa’s […]

  • China Cracking Down on Gutter Oil

    Updated: 2011-09-15 15:06:25
    Police in China have detained 32 people in a nationwide crackdown on “gutter oil“, or illegally recycled old kitchen oil. The campaign is part of an attempt to clean up China’s food safety record following several scandals, such as the […]

  • Meteor Shower Packed Earth With Gold

    Updated: 2011-09-15 13:24:14
    According to a new study published in the Nature Journal by researchers at the University of Bristol, roughly 3.9 billion years ago a gigantic meteor shower of glittering gold and platinum fell on earth. The ancient meteor shower serves as […]

  • Latest on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission

    Updated: 2011-09-12 14:02:33
    Last Friday, a divided Nuclear Regulatory Commission allowed the Obama administration to work on their plans for shutting down the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada. The commission was split, 2-2, on whether they should reject or uphold a […]

  • Resistance isn’t futile

    Updated: 2011-09-07 01:55:48
    The ‘super’ house-mouse and the malaria carrying mosquito have made the news recently. They are just two of a growing number of pest species that are becoming less and less effected by the chemicals we use to control them. In Europe, this is quite literally a growing problem; agricultural yields are threatened by pest resistance, [...]

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