Huge June Precipitation Contrasts Across the Region
Updated: 2024-06-27 21:49:00
: Cliff Mass Weather Blog This blog discusses current weather , weather prediction , climate issues , and current events June 27, 2024 Huge June Precipitation Contrasts Across the Region If you think rainfall at your location is representative of the region . think . again This June there were huge precipitation . contrasts Consider the accumulated rainfall from June 1 to yesterday June 26 is shown below Wow . nbsp The windward western side of the Olympics received 5-7 inches so far in June . nbsp In contrast , nbsp only 1-1.5 inches fell over Puget Sound and under a half-inch dampened Sequim , northwest of the Olympics . nbsp Over TEN INCHES at some locations on the western slopes of the Cascades , declining to under a half inch along the eastern slopes of the Cascade and into the